CAST Cern Axion Solar Telescope

CAST Cern Axion Solar Telescope

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A blend of the images from the sun filming of 22.03.2018 where we check the accuracy of the Sun tracking.
At the end of the video, when the Vertical encoder is at maximum, one can see the Sun escape our tracking capabilities.

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Enjoy the spectacle!

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Fresh from the morning tracking 22.06.2017

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Getting ready for data taking

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NEW VIDEO! New gravitational wave discovery!!

Alla ricerca degli assioni perduti 24/05/2017

Our collaboration's latest paper in Nature Physics has been highlighted by the latest video from INAF (Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica)! (in Italian)

You can access the paper "New CAST limit on the axion–photon interaction" from the following link:

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CERN CASTs new limits on dark matter | CERN

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Timeline photos 13/07/2016

Before closing the magnet with two external CAST collaborators, Fritz and Michael - CAPP

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Solar eclipse 2016 by Yokoyama Kasuak

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Timeline photos 21/03/2016

Did you guess it?

This photo shows a new vacuum chamber in CAST (CERN Axion Solar Telescope) that will soon house a super sensitive force sensor to be used for the first time in an astroparticle physics experiment searching for solar chameleons. Its position is downstream at the focal plane of the CAST X-ray telescope, which tracks the sun during sunrise.

CAST is an experiment that searches for hypothetical particles called “axions” and “chameleons”, as they could explain the mysterious dark matter and dark energy in the Universe.

Find out more about CAST and the search for axions and chameleons:

Congratulations to Michael Schrank, the first to get the correct answer to Friday’s post.

Image credit ©CERN – for terms of use see

Guess what this is?

Image © CERN - for terms of use see

(Answer will be posted on Monday)

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Photos from CAST Cern Axion Solar Telescope's post 29/02/2016

CAST people

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CAST morning tracking - 14.09.2015
Shifters: Sofia, Madalin
30 fps @ 10 s/frame

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Sun filming - 22.03.2018
CAST morning tracking - 14.09.2015
CAST morning tracking - 12.09.2015
CAST evening tracking - 04.09.2015
CAST evening tracking - 06.09.2015
Morning shift of 15.08.2015 - Solar tracking for Axion searches.Point of view from the Sunset platform.Shifters: Madalin...
CAST morning solar tracking
CAST morning tracking
CAST morning tracking
CAST Evening tracking 24-10-2013 - CERN



Chemin De Bois Candide

Autres Science, technologie et génie civil à Ferney-Voltaire (voir toutes)
LHCb Experiment at CERN LHCb Experiment at CERN
Chemin De Bois Candide
Ferney-Voltaire, 01210

LHCb is an experiment set up to explore what happened after the Big Bang that allowed matter to survive and build the Universe we inhabit today