

Agrovelocity édition 2024 est une association qui a pour but de parcourir les Pays du Sud de l'Europe

Une association à but non lucratif créée en 2014 par des étudiants ingénieurs agronomesUn but : Etudier les formes et enjeux de l’agriculture urbaine de part le monde et LES FAIRE CONNAITRE ! Aux travers de vidéos, photos et conférences pour toucher un public aussi large que possibleDe nombreux projets réalisés et à venir !Pour des dons défiscalisés, voir le site suivant: https://www.agrovelocity

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 28/07/2024

🎬 Clap de fin de notre expédition ! En attendant notre rapport qui paraîtra à l’automne prochain, nous vous communiquons notre expédition 2024 en quelques chiffres clés !

🙌 Très belles vacances à vous tous.tes!

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 17/07/2024

Athènes - Grèce 🇬🇷

Treizième et dernier stop de notre expédition. Rencontre de deux structures très inspirantes : un grand merci à Yorgos d’Organization Earth, et à Petros de Trofy Lab pour leur temps et leur accueil chaleureux !

Athènes - Greece 🇬🇷

Thirteenth and final stop on our expedition. We met two very inspiring organisations: a big thank you to Yorgos from Organization Earth and Petros from Trofy Lab for their time and warm welcome!

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 07/07/2024

Corinthe - Grèce 🇬🇷

Douzième stop de notre expédition, et… pas d’agricultures urbaines trouvées à Corinthe ! On vous explique nos hypothèses dans ce post. N’hésitez pas à partager en commentaire vos idées pour expliquer cette absence d’agricultures urbaines ici !

P.S.: n’oubliez pas d’aller voter aujourd’hui !

Corinth - Greece 🇬🇷

Twelfth stop on our expedition, and... no urban agriculture found in Corinth! We explain our hypotheses in this post. Don’t hesitate to share your ideas about why there are no urban farms here!

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 06/07/2024

Patras - Grèce 🇬🇷

Onzième stop de notre expédition. Visite de GoFarm, ferme de plantes aromatiques de Georgia et Karmiris : un grand merci à eux pour leur accueil chaleureux, leur générosité, et leur bienveillance ! Avec la visite de la ferme, nous avons également préparé ensemble de l’huile végétale de Millepertuis et des huiles d’olive aromatique. Nous avons aussi fabriqué de la crème de cire d’abeille et du savon à base d’huile de Millepertuis.

Patras - Greece 🇬🇷

Eleventh stop on our expedition. Visit to GoFarm, Georgia and Karmiris’s aromatic plant farm: many thanks to them for their warm welcome, generosity and kindness! As well as visiting the farm, we made St John’s Wort vegetable oil and aromatic olive oils together. We also made beeswax cream and soap from St John’s wort oil.

Πάτρα - Ελλάδα 🇬🇷

Ενδέκατη στάση στην αποστολή μας. Επίσκεψη στο αγρόκτημα αρωματικών φυτών GoFarm της Γεωργίας και του Καρμίρη: τους ευχαριστούμε πολύ για τη θερμή υποδοχή, τη γενναιοδωρία και την καλοσύνη τους! Εκτός από την επίσκεψη στο αγρόκτημα, φτιάξαμε μαζί φυτικό έλαιο από βαλσαμόχορτο και αρωματικά ελαιόλαδα. Φτιάξαμε επίσης κρέμα από κερί μέλισσας και σαπούνι από έλαιο βαλσαμόχορτου.

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 02/07/2024

Bari - Italie 🇮🇹

Dixième stop de notre expédition. Visite de 2 projets inspirants : un grand merci à Flora, Maria et Ygor de l’association Orto Domingo ainsi qu’à Giusy, Francesca et Lorenzo de l’institut CIHEAM !

Bari - Italy 🇮🇹

Ten stop on our expedition. Visit of two inspiring projects : many thanks to Flora, Maria and Ygor from the Orto Domingo, and to Giusy, Francesca and Lorenzo for the amazing discussions !

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 01/05/2024

Montpellier - France 🇫🇷

Troisième stop de notre expédition. Visites de 2 initiatives inspirantes. Un grand merci aux organisations qui nous ont accueillies, et surtout à Martina de l’INRAe, Pauline de la ferme collective de la Condamine, Valentine de l’Oasis Cotadine, et Estelle et Virginie de la MSA Languedoc !

Montpellier - France 🇫🇷

Third stop on our expedition. Visits to 2 inspiring initiatives. Many thanks to the organisations that welcomed us, especially to Martina from INRAe, Pauline from la ferme collective de la Condamine, Valentine from l’Oasis Cotadine, and Estelle and Virginie from the MSA Languedoc !

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 08/10/2023

Après 3000 km pédalés, plus d'une vingtaine d'initiatives d'agriculture urbaine découvertes en Europe (et deux mois de vacances+ une rentrée scolaire), notre rapport d'expédition est enfin en ligne !

Vous pouvez le retrouver sur notre site internet ici :

Encore un grand merci à toutes les personnes rencontrées sur notre route, à tous nos donateurs et partenaires, et tout particulièrement à la pour son accompagnement !

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 09/09/2023

🙌Il est grand temps de vous présenter la team AgroVeloCity 2024 !

🎓🌿Nous sommes Mathilde, Mélissa et Alexandre (aka la dream team), 3 étudiant.e.s d'AgroParisTech en césure, réunis par les enjeux du développement durable.

👉Découvrez nos profils en visuel !

📲Pour plus d'informations :

🤝Pour nous soutenir :


🙌It's time to introduce you to the AgroVeloCity 2024 team!

🎓🌿We are Mathilde, Mélissa and Alexandre (aka the dream team), 3 students from AgroParisTech in a gap year, brought together by the issues of sustainable development.

👉 Discover our profiles!

📲For more information:

🤝To support us :

Classement des Associations

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 09/09/2023

🎯 Découvrez notre itinéraire !

🌍 Cette année, nous partons explorer l'agriculture urbaine dans 4 pays en Europe du Sud : Espagne, France, Italie et Grèce.

🏙 Nous mènerons principalement notre étude dans les métropoles, où l'agriculture urbaine et périurbaine est souvent plus développée mais nous ferons aussi halte dans de moins grandes villes car celle-ci peut y prendre d'autres formes, tout aussi intéressantes.

🚵‍♀️ Au total, c'est 13 villes que nous allons découvrir et plus de 3000 km que nous allons parcourir à vélo, en trois mois.

📆 Le départ est prévu le 1er avril !

📲 Rejoignez l'aventure AgroVéloCity en nous suivant sur nos réseaux : .

🤝 Vous pouvez soutenir notre projet en faisant un don défiscalisé sur la plateforme déployée par la fondation AgroParisTech : (lien cliquable en bio).

Classement des Associations

🎯 Discover our itinerary!

🌍 This year, we are going to explore urban agriculture in four countries in South Europe: Spain, France, Italy and Greece.

🏙 We will mainly carry out our study in metropolises, where urban and peri-urban agriculture is often more developed, but we will also stop off in smaller cities because it can take other, equally interesting forms.

🚵‍♀️ In total, we will discover about 13 cities and travel more than 3,000 km by bike in three months.

📆 The departure is planned for the first of April!

📲 Join the AgroVéloCity adventure by following us on our networks: .

🤝 You can support our project by making a tax-free donation on the platform deployed by the AgroParisTech foundation: (clickable link in bio).

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 09/09/2023

AgroVeloCity reprend du service !

En 2024, nous souhaitons étudier le lien entre agriculture urbaine et adaptation au dérèglement climatique en climat méditerranéen à travers un voyage à vélo de 3 mois à faible impact carbone.

Il nous faut un maximum de voix au Classement des Associations !!! C’est un concours qui délivre des fonds aux meilleures associations étudiantes de France.

Pour en savoir plus et voter, suivez ce lien - -
Cliquez sur “votez pour l’association” (encadré orange en haut à droite), entrez votre email et allez CONFIRMER votre vote en vous connectant à votre boîte mail. Et c’est fait !

Merci d’avance pour votre soutien et à très vite,
Mathilde, Mélissa et Alexandre !

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 25/07/2023


🌿 Nuremberg supports a wide range of greening and urban agriculture projects. In particular, it has set up a tree sponsorship scheme to green the city, with the aim of making citizens pro-active in their neighbourhoods.
This is what gave Katie Snow and other Nuremberg residents the idea of creating small edible gardens ("essbare stadt") in the heart of the city.

➡ 17/06/23, Garten des Südens : Located in the middle of a residential street, the Garten des Südens was created in April 2022 with the help of the city's community of urban farmers. This community is federated by BluePingu, an NGO based in Nuremberg that facilitates communication between gardens, the pooling of equipment and the sharing of knowledge, particularly about fundings.

🍅 In this garden, anyone can come and harvest their own vegetables, berries, herbs and flowers for personal consumption. The garden is self-managed by a small group of volunteers, and although it is not mandatory, harvesters are invited to help with the gardening work.

♻ As part of an eco-responsible approach, the garden has been created by recovering and recycling a wide variety of waste materials from the city and donations from citizens: compost from the zoo, pallets from market gardeners, bamboo tutors and seeds from citizens, a toolbox, a metal structure, dry stone from building sites, etc.

🌻 Thank you very much to Katie for the presentation and tour of the Garten des Südens and this overview of urban agriculture initiatives in Nuremberg.

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 01/07/2023

👩‍🌾 Munich is home to many forms of urban gardening !

➡ 13/06/23, Kleingärten: These small gardens emerged during the industrial era. Initially linked to the working class, they were important in providing food for German citizens during the Second World War. Today, they remain very popular in Germany. In all towns and cities, people can rent one of these small gardens to grow their own vegetables or simply to relax on weekends.

➡ 12/06/23, StadtAcker Garten : Located in the residential district of Ackermannbogen, which was built in the 2000s on a former military zone, the StadtAcker garden was created in 2017 following a request from a neighbourhood association and thanks to financial support from the city. StadtAcker is a community garden open to all, where people work together as a collective on a single plot of 1000 m2. The garden is organised into thematic groups (flowers, herbs, vegetables, compost, beehives) and everyone can learn from each other while gardening and attending workshops.

➡ 13/06/23, ÖBZ: this institute works every day to educate young and old about today's ecological challenges. In the park next to the institute building, the ÖBZ has a community garden, where residents can come and garden cooperatively - and not just! Some parts of the garden are used by other associations, to help vulnerable women for example, or by schools - a highschool cultivates dye plants with students for chemistry lessons for example.

➡ 13/06/23, Grünspitz: It is located on a square in the heart of Munich. Greencity, an NGO dedicated to making the city greener and more sustainable, has set up a community bar and a small community garden. Here, citizens can meet up, attend various events or even yoga classes, and grow their own vegetables and herbs by renting a highbed for €50 a year.

🙏 Many thanks to George, Heidrun, Konrad, Sebastian and Svenja for their time and the really interesting visits we had together.

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 26/06/2023


🌷Several initiatives of urban gardening are flourishing in Praha !

➡ 08/06/23 : Metro Farm 🐤 : Located on an island 4 km from Prague's historic city centre, the farm includes 900 m2 of collective market gardening fields, where all members help and learn from the most experienced to cultivate according to the principles of permaculture. More than 150 individual plots also enable many local people to come, garden and grow their own vegetables, in this beautiful environment that gives the impression of being far from the city. It's also a place where schoolchildren learn while having fun, looking after animals and gardening. In this way, Metro Farm is raising awareness among young and old of the importance of more sustainable production. Unfortunately, this initiative, which is widely supported by the local municipality, is destined to disappear in a few years due to development plans for the island.

➡ 08/06/23 : Prazelenina 🥂 : Created in 2012 by two friends and then developed thanks to the interest of residents, Prazelenina is now one of the oldest community gardens in the capital. The café-garden has moved four times since its creation because of building projects, but the citizens' association that runs the garden has not changed. Around thirty volunteer members look after the upkeep of the site and serve refreshment at the bar. This way, around a hundred amateur gardeners can rent 1 to 2 m2 of land to grow fruit, vegetables, flowers, or herbs. Numerous festive and educational events are also organised to bring residents together and share convivial moments in this green space, well integrated into the urban area of Prague 7. ; Week-end à Prague - Échappées belles - YouTube 1:13:30 – 1:13:56

🙏 Many thanks to Stepan, the main coordinator of Metro Farm, and Veronika, a member of the Prazelenina association for many years, for their kindness and the time they gave us.

Photos from Agrovelocity's post 18/06/2023


➡ 01/06/2023 : Sophiengarten : Initiated in 2015 by a few young people, part of the place is intended to be an open space for everyone to enjoy. The other part is a 140 m2 garden with a dozen of highbeds, which the members cultivate collectively, for a very affordable price.

🌿💪Vienna is the cradle of many urban agriculture initiatives! Neighbourhood gardens, associations aiming to promote sustainable agriculture in the city, allotment gardens offered by the municipality to citizens, research projects, but also private companies initiatives: many people are involved in creating a sustainable city and a great place to live.

🙏 Many thanks to Kristof for having showed us around Sophiengarten and to Geraldine who welcomed us and helped us in our search for urban agriculture initiatives in Vienna.

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Découvrez notre projet pour l’expédition AgroVéloCity 2024, en seulement 3min top chrono !!! 🌻🚴‍♀️ Réalisée pour le @cla...


AgroParisTech, 22 Place De L'agronomie

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