Danysz Gallery

Danysz Gallery

Contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Paris since 1991, in Shanghai and London.

Photos from Danysz Gallery's post 02/12/2023

Intrigué par le sujet de l'art & l'intelligence artificielle ? Amateur de Street Art ? Découvrez la dernière collaboration entre le trio à succès Obvious connu pour ses travaux sur l'IA et la star du graffiti Niels 'Shoe' Meulman. Une édition limitée à seulement 50 exemplaires disponible pour Noël ici : https://danyszgallery.com/fr/store/artworks/

Photos from Danysz Gallery's post 02/12/2023

Vernissage ce samedi 2 décembre à la galerie de 16h à 19h avec petit cocktail pour se réchauffer
Avec l'artiste Sud Africaine Faith XLVII
et en prime une seconde exposition avec une grande sélection pour Noël
78 rue Amelot - Paris I Marais
M° Saint Sébastien Froissart

danysz gallery's latest exhibition spotlights 'modern descendants' of optical effects 15/03/2023

Danysz Paris' upcoming show on designboom

"From Tomislav Topic’s colorful installations to Sebastien Preschoux’s perfect lines or the subtle play of movement generated by Zsuzsanna Korodi, the participating artists of ‘Abstract Experience’ at Danysz have in common the will to create an intense experience by inviting spectators to observe, analyze, and even move around their works."

A must-read by Léa Zeitoun!

danysz gallery's latest exhibition spotlights 'modern descendants' of optical effects  ‘abstract experience’ on show at danysz gallery  More than 60 years after MoMA’s historic exhibition, ‘The Responsive Eye’, questioning how our vision responds to experiences with foundational art elements like color, pattern, and light, Danysz Gallery has gathered three new artist...

Magda Danysz : un prix pour soutenir la création au féminin - Le Quotidien de l'Art 10/03/2023

Le Prix Danysz pour la Création Contemporaine sur Le Quotidien de l'Art . Un article par Armelle Malvoisin à ne pas manquer!

"D’aucuns y verront une édition genrée, critiquable à tort. Car si la thématique retenue cette année rend hommage au deuxième sexe, les artistes majeurs de tous genres, de toutes origines, créant via n’importe quel médium, sont invités à s’exprimer. « Ce n’est pas un prix destiné aux femmes et j’espère bien avoir aussi des candidat.e.s non genré.e.s !», soutient la galeriste." - Armelle Malvoisin

Magda Danysz : un prix pour soutenir la création au féminin - Le Quotidien de l'Art La galeriste parisienne poursuit son engagement depuis plus de 30 ans envers les artistes en créant le prix annuel Danysz pour l’art contemporain qui se veut « une opportunité pour les artistes de présenter leurs œuvres, de faire connaître leur travail et de bénéficier d’une visibilité...


Quelle place les femmes occupent-elles dans l'art contemporain ?

A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des Droits des Femmes, la galerie Danysz lance la première édition de son prix d’art contemporain avec le thème de « La Création au Féminin ». Il est aujourd’hui plus que temps de passer aux actes et de lutter ensemble contre l’invisibilisation des femmes dans l'art contemporain, un secteur où la création artistique doit primer avant tout.

Consciente de la nécessité de soutenir la scène émergente et les artistes, depuis sa création en 1991 Danysz est persuadée que la promotion et l'encouragement des artistes est une composante essentielle de notre société.

Le Prix Danysz pour la création contemporaine a pour principale mission d’épauler la nouvelle scène artistique en promouvant la création, la diffusion et la rencontre entre les publics et ces jeunes talents qui influenceront l’art contemporain de demain.

👉Plusieurs artistes seront sélectionné.e.s par un jury de professionnels et auront l'opportunité de présenter leurs œuvres lors d'une exposition dans un lieu d'art renommé
👉Un.e lauréat.e sera déterminé.e par un jury et recevra une dotation financière de 8,000 euros contre l’acquisition de son œuvre.
👉Vous êtes artiste et vous souhaitez participer ? Inscrivez-vous sur notre site: bit.ly/PrixDanysz
👉Vous pensez à un.e artiste ? Mentionnez le/la en commentaire et/ou partagez cette publication!

Capitale(s), 60 ans d'art urbain avec Magda Danysz 21/02/2023

Avec plus de 100 000 visiteurs, l’exposition événement « CAPITALE(S), 60 ans d’art urbain à Paris » est prolongée à l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris. Pour parler des créations exposées de plus de 70 artistes emblématiques français et internationaux Magda Danysz , commissaire de l’exposition était l'invitée du 13/14 présenté parr Bruno Duvic sur France Inter .

Capitale(s), 60 ans d'art urbain avec Magda Danysz A l'Hôtel de Ville à Paris se tient en ce moment une exposition sur l'art urbain car oui les tags, les Invaders, les collages, dessins, slogans ont déjà une histoire longue et dense. Pour en parler la galeriste Magda Danysz, l'une des commissaires de l'exposition est l'invitée du 13/14.



À l'occasion de la parution, aux Éditions Alternatives, du livre "Anthologie du street art" de Magda Danysz, nous vous proposons d'en remporter un exemplaire en participant à notre jeu-concours !


Pour jouer, il vous suffit de :
1️⃣ Suivre la page des Éditions Gallimard ainsi que celle de Danysz Gallery
2️⃣ Nous dire en commentaire lequel ou lesquels de vos amis aimeraient découvrir cet ouvrage !

🗳 Le tirage au sort des 5 gagnant·es aura lieu le 24/02.
🍀 Bonne chance à tous !

📖 Quelques mots sur "Anthologie du street art" de Magda Danysz :
Sept ans après la parution de l’ouvrage de référence sur l’art urbain, « Anthologie du street art », Magda Danysz nous présente une nouvelle édition augmentée de contenus inédits, réalisations artistiques et photographies. Un panorama actualisé de ce mouvement artistique initié il y a près de soixante ans, et voué à marquer durablement l’histoire de l’art.

🔎 L'art urbain vous intéresse ? L'exposition « Capitale(s) : 60 ans d’art urbain » est prolongée jusqu’au 25 mars 2023 à l’Hôtel de Ville de Paris. Entrée gratuite sur réservation. Son catalogue a également été publié sous la direction de Magda Danysz et est disponible aux Éditions Alternatives.

Toutes les infos 👉 https://www.gallimard.fr/Catalogue/GALLIMARD/Alternatives/Arts-urbains-Alternatives/Anthologie-du-street-art2

Photos from Journal du Design's post 17/02/2023
Nos plus belles sorties du moment en galeries 10/02/2023

"Tumultes" à la galerie Danysz Paris | Marais parmi "les plus belles expositions du moment en galeries"
Merci Beaux Arts magazine et Malika Bauwens

Tumultes | Icy and Sot, Liu Bolin, Robert Montgomery, Charles Pétillon, Rero et Saype
Exposition à découvrir jusqu'au 25 février chez Danysz

Nos plus belles sorties du moment en galeries Que voir en février dans les galeries parisiennes ? Nos recommandations pour tous les goûts.


"Anthologie du Street Art" by Magda Danysz is available now!
-> bit.ly/anthologiedustreetart

Seven years after the publication of the major book on urban art, "Anthology of Street Art", Magda Danysz presents a new edition enhanced with new content, artistic creations and photographs.

Available in bookstores and our E-Shop this edition offers an updated panorama of this artistic movement initiated nearly sixty years ago, and destined to leave a lasting mark on the history of art, as evidenced by its increasing institutionalization.

A deep dive into the heart of one of the major movements of contemporary art by a renowned specialist of this artistic discipline.

Magda Danysz, 2023
Edition in French
280 pages in quadri | Paperback with flaps
Published by Gallimard , Éditions Alternatives



TUMULTES | Group Show
🗓Opening on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023
More info: bit.ly/TumultesDanysz
📍Danysz Paris | Marais

Icy and Sot, Liu Bolin, Robert Montgomery, Charles Pétillon, Rero and Saype invite us to a deep reflection on the place of human beings in the world we live in, sharing the idea of a contemporary art that raises questions and conveys poignant emotions and messages.

“Dialogue with nature remains a condition for the artist sine qua non. The artist is man; he himself is nature, a piece of nature in the natural area.” - Paul Klee



Join us at Danysz Paris - Marais, on Thursday, Sept. 8 at 6pm for a cocktail party with Wang Ruohan, the most active Chinese designer and visual artist in Germany at the moment, on the occasion of her current solo show “Walk on Neon Arc!”

“I want to bring the audience to a world of surreal perception. It’s not only about the color of neon, but how humans drive the universe of perception, self-search and self expression.” - Wang Ruohan

After the success of her previous solo exhibition presented by Danysz in Shanghai, the rising contemporary artist, now on the forefront of a new generation of talents, takes over the Parisian space of the gallery, from September 2 to 24 2022, offering us a chance to get our fill of roaring colors with a series of bold and assertive paintings.



After the success of his solo show "Les Trois Châteaux" at Danysz Paris in 2021, Rakajoo is presenting for the first time a solo exhibition in China at Danysz Shanghai.

“This series is setting the scene in the historic district Montmartre, well known for being a very active artistic stage in the early 20th century in Paris. Although daily reality is changing there, this place remains a source of inspiration with a powerful legacy.”– Rakajoo

Inspired by the image of the City of Lights drawn up before him by the masters of modern art such as Picasso and Toulouse-Lautrec, to whom he pays a penetrating tribute, the Parisian artists presents an intimate portrait of his city with “City of Lights”.
The exhibition postulates that Rakajoo, named by Télérama « The Toulouse-Lautrec of Château Rouge [A Parisian District near Montmartre] » in 2021, is indeed part of an artistic filiation with these major artists of modernity.

The self-taught artist invites us to dive into the heart of the French capital and unveils new works representing an ode to the City of Lights, which sparkles with a thousand colors of light, echoing the views of Pudong from the famous Bund.

Rakajoo I City of Lights
🗓 Until 18 September, 2022
📍Danysz Shanghai – The Bund

Dernière semaine pour la saison Urbain.es à la Condition Publique - ROUBAIXXL 20/07/2022


“Interrogeant les liens entre la femme et l’espace public à travers le travail de 27 artistes, cette exposition [Commissariat Magda Danysz] questionne à la fois la façon dont des femmes artistes s’emparent des espaces communs pour y intervenir artistiquement ; mais aussi la façon dont les artistes, quel que soit leur genre, introduisent la figure de la femme dans leur travail de rue."

Plus d’info sur l’exposition Urbain.es à La Condition Publique de la Ville de Roubaix -> https://bit.ly/3zfUJMB

Dernière semaine pour la saison Urbain.es à la Condition Publique - ROUBAIXXL Depuis avril à Roubaix, la Condition Publique questionne le genre et l'espace public avec Urbain.es, une saison de spectacles, concerts, visites, festivals, ateliers... Pour cette dernière semaine d'ouverture, les deux expositions Urbain·es et Des futurs désirables deviennent gratuites.

Photos from Danysz Gallery's post 19/07/2022

🌈 Happy Danysz Shanghai Team!
Nike x Wang Ruohan ... What an amazing present!
Thank you so much Wang Ruohan ❤️

As you may already know, the acclaimed artist slash designer slash illustrator Wang Ruohan works across a variety of mediums including painting, clothing, prints, illustrations and large-scale murals.

The "Ruohan Wang x Nike Blazer Mid Flyleather" features a white leather upper that is covered in multi-colored illustrations by the Beijing-born, Berlin-based artist, who brings a real touch of originality to this historic model using bold primary and neon colors to create her own whimsical world.

From earthy drawings to abstract characters and scribbled inscriptions, the pair perfectly represents the universe of Wang Ruohan, which is also currently presented in "Life is a Colorful Journey" her solo exhibition at Danysz Shanghai - The Bund.

Borrowing elements from daily life and exploring what she calls “the surreal world of images in the deep level of human consciousness,” Wang Ruohan immerses the gallery visitors in a fantasy world full of bold visual ideas and tongue-in-cheek representations of human nature.


Reservations are finally open for this Saturday, July 2nd!
Vincent Dubourg I Density
🗓 Saturday, July 2nd, from 1pm to 7pm
📍Danysz Paris - Marais

On the occasion of Vincent Dubourg's first exhibition at Danysz Paris-Marais, the whole team invites you to discover the artist's universe through private guided tour of the show 'Density'.
To book your private exhibition tour with Danysz Team, select your time slot: bit.ly/DanyszGuidedTour

"Density" brings together sculptures made of aluminum, paintings of burned wood, and ceramic pieces that constitute an alphabet of forms that are articulated together to invite us into the artist's universe.

Danysz Paris - Marais is open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 7pm.

Wang Ruohan 16/06/2022

MUST READ ON Widewalls

"Wang Ruohan Has Her First Solo at Danysz and Its a Quirky, Colorful Journey

Leading the wave of young, talented, assertive contemporary artists across the wide world, Wang’s paintings are a celebration of the everyday through manipulation of lively, playful, quirky, if at times outlandish figuration..."

More info about Wang Ruohan's solo show at Danysz Shanghai: "Life is a Colorful Journey" -> bit.ly/3mZp3E9

Wang Ruohan Beijing-born, Berlin-based artist Wang Ruohan is making a stop in Shanghai to present her buoyant work at Danysz Gallery. This is the first time that the acclaimed young artist slash designer slash illustrator is having a gallery solo show in China, after a successful museum presentation last year a...



Tumultes I Group Show
📍 Collégiale Saint-Pierre-le-Puellier, Orléans
Icy and Sot, Liu Bolin, Robert Montgomery, Rero, Saype, Superpoze et Zevs
📅On view from June 25 to August 31

It's full steam ahead for a new chapter in the collaboration between the intercommunal structure, Orléans Metropole (centered in the city of Orléans) and Danysz Gallery. After welcoming the artists Yseult YZ Digan in 2019, Charles Pétillon in 2020, Felipe Pantone, Jan Kalab and 1010 in 2021, for this year seven talented artists invest the Collegiate Church of Saint-Pierre-le-Puellier becomes the framework of the exhibition "Tumultes" from June 25 to August 31, 2022.

During this summer meeting in Orleans, which was awarded in 2019 the label "Cities and Countries of Art and History" by the Ministry of Culture, the artists gathered in this collective exhibition show how their works shed light on the ecological issue and seek to provoke reflection on the place of human beings in the world we live in. From rich and various universes and using very different techniques, all the artists question each in their own way the relationship to Human and Nature and to the Living, as well as the defense of the Environment, a major stake of our contemporary time.



Known for his design creations that he has exhibited around the world for more than 15 years, Vincent Dubourg presents for the very first time a new facet of his artistic work through his sculptures, burned wood paintings and wall installations, as part of his solo exhibition "Density", from June 11 to August 27, 2022 at Danysz Paris - Marais.

"Density" brings together sculptures made of aluminum, paintings of burned wood, and ceramic pieces that constitute an alphabet of forms that are articulated together to invite us into the artist's universe.

An explorer and a self-taught artist, Vincent Dubourg is known for his bold design furniture as well as his sculptures. The French artist always claimed that art should be part of everyday life. Art, he decided early on in his career, should be desacralized in order for its presence to be with us, to be felt intimately and make us more mindful of the great scheme of things.

Vincent Dubourg I Density
🗓 From June 11 to August 27, 2022
📍Danysz Paris - Marais
On view until July 24, 2022



This is the last week to join us and (re)discover Charles Pétillon’s latest works presented in his solo show "Modulations Domestiques" at Danysz Paris - Marais.

While his previous exhibitions at Danysz gallery allowed us to get acquainted with a poetic universe involving enigmatic white balloons in environments often devoid of human presence, with this new artistic proposition spanning original photographs and light sculptures, the artist brings about a yet unexplored “point of view,” to paraphrase the title of a work.

Building on the same minimalistic motif of the white sphere, Charles Pétillon enlarges his scope of intervention, moving from photographic set ups to physical, lasting installations with delicate shapes designed to be part of an interior. These new domestic-sized works are in line with many in situ projects set in cities like Beijing, Macau, Bordeaux, and more recently at Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport with a monumental creation now hanging in one of the terminals.


Danysz London - South Kensington is coming to you, wherever you are!

Entering into a new season signifies a moment to look into arts that reflect on our immediate environment. Danysz gallery is pleased to present an online exhibition that aims to examine the work of six artists and their artistic engagement with lifeforms – either through text, painting, or photography.

“When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself.”
—Ernest Hemingway, 'A Moveable Feast'

Artists included in the exhibition are driven by curiosity for the urban and natural world and the intricate ways we are connected to it. Don't miss this online exhibition!

Spring Affair
📍Online group show
André Saraiva, Castelbajac, Eko Nugroho, Robert Montgomery, Erwin Olaf & FAILE
📅On view from May 27 to August 31


📣 Announcing Representation
Vincent Dubourg joins Danysz Gallery

Magda Danysz and all the gallery team are delighted to announce that Vincent Dubourg is now represented by Danysz gallery. A solo exhibition of the artist will take place at Danysz Paris - Marais in the coming weeks.

Known for his design furniture as well as his purely artistic creations, French artist Vincent Dubourg always claimed that art is meant to be a part of everyday life. From his studio deep in the countryside, which in itself is like a monumental piece of art, the artist creates works imbued with a strong connection with nature. Sculptural works made of bronze, terracotta, aluminium, steel, wood, and more, playing on fundamental oppositions like empty and full, earthly and celestial, masculine and feminine, wild and tame.

Vincent Dubourg was born in Paris in 1977. His studied at École de Design de Nantes. His work has been shown in major institutions such as the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature in Paris, the MAD | Museum of Arts and Design in New York, or the V&A-Museum in London.


Danysz gallery is pleased to invite you to the exhibition "Modulations Domestiques," presenting from April 16 to June 4, 2022 at Danysz Paris - Marais, the evolution of Charles Pétillon's work in recent years, as a growing emphasis was placed on sculpture.

Building on the same minimalistic motif of the white sphere, Charles Pétillon enlarges his scope of intervention, moving from photographic set ups to physical, lasting installations with delicate shapes designed to be part of an interior.

“Modulations Domestiques” marks a major shift in the artist’s œuvre, with renewed underlying ideas.



Danysz Gallery - Shanghai is pleased to present for the first time a solo exhibition of the most active Chinese designer and visual artist in Germany at the moment: Wang Ruohan

A chance to get your fill of roaring colors with a series of bold, assertive paintings by a rising contemporary talent.

Capturing and recording everyday life with a unique style, Wang Ruohan has been noticed worldwide through important collaborations with famous brands including Nike, UGG, Moleskine, Off-White c/o Virgil Abloh, FARFETCH, The New York Times, The New Yorker and Goethe-Institut to name a few. These collaborations brought the illustrator, painter and visual artist international notoriety, putting her now on the forefront of a new generation of creators.

"I think reality can be recorded best by a camera, whereas surreality can only come from artworks. It seems like our duty to bring people from reality to surreality through art. It’s kind of like going to the sea... If you swim deep down into the water, you can see creatures down there that are beautiful."
- Wang Ruohan

Wang Ruohan
Life is a colourful journey
🗓 On view from March 19 to April 17, 2022
📍 Danysz gallery - Shanghai



Upcoming show at Danysz - Paris: Icy And Sot I Familiar/Stranger
⏳ Opening: Saturday, Feb. 12, 2022

The Iranian artists Icy And Sot are back in Paris with an exhibition that shows the depth of their evolution in recent years. Still very politically-minded, their work unfolds in an array of mediums that keeps expanding.

The two brothers recently took off on another self-initiated mission, inspired by climate activist Greta Thunberg’s work and the worldwide environmental movement she has started.

Using the vast Californian desert landscape as a dramatic backdrop for their work and activist’s impactful speech as an alarming wake-up call, Saman and Sasan Oskouei created a riveting video titled “Our House is on Fire” that opens their new exhibition in Danysz Paris "Familiar/Stranger".

The exhibition includes a set of video with an installation, as well as their more recent works ranging from sculpture to paintings all centered around the artists’ engagement for a more conscious world. A real must-see ;)

Videos (show all)

Quelle place les femmes occupent-elles dans l'art contemporain ?A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des Droits des...
GOOD NEWS "Anthologie du Street Art" by Magda Danysz is available now! -> bit.ly/anthologiedustreetartSeven years after ...
📣 FORTHCOMINGTUMULTES | Group Show 🗓Opening on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2023More info: bit.ly/TumultesDanysz📍Danysz Paris | Ma...
PRIVATE GUIDED TOUR 🚩Reservations are finally open for this Saturday, July 2nd! Vincent Dubourg I Density🗓 Saturday, Jul...
You are an Agent of Free Sunlight
JAN KALÁB I SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION LAUNCHCelebrating the New Year 2022 as well as the upcoming tiger Year, Danysz galle...
🤝Time to meet Jan Kaláb and spend some precious time with him around his works. 🤝This Saturday, Dec. 11 at 10AM (GMT +1)...
From December 4 to January 15, Robert Montgomery artist presents the vitality and richness of his work at Danysz Paris.H...
😍 For Heritage Days Journées européennes du patrimoine, Charles Pétillon plays with the French architecture. Discover th...
Dive into Vhils’ universe! On the occasion of his latest solo show “Latency” at Danysz gallery in Shanghai, here is a ni...
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PARIS I EXHIBITION After the success of his last solo exhibition presented by Danysz in Shanghai, Li Hongbo takes over t...


Opening Hours

Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday 11:00 - 19:00