École de guerre, Paris Videos

Videos by École de guerre in Paris. L’École de guerre est un lieu d’étude et de réflexion où se forment les chefs militaires de demain.

[Focus en uniforme - un mémoire de l’École de guerre en 3 minutes"

Développer les forces morales chez les jeunes générations par l'esprit de défense.

Préparer la nouvelle génération aux risques de demain : vaste programme ! Dans ce nouvel épisode de la série Focus en Uniforme, le capitaine de corvette Sébastien répond à cette problématique d'actualité au vu de la multiplication des risques : environnementaux, sociétaux, sécuritaires. Comment faire infuser les valeurs des armées comme le courage, la ténacité, l'esprit d'équipe chez les plus jeunes afin de faire émerger le sens du collectif par l'esprit de défense ? Un travail de recherche qui nous appelle, nous militaires, à prendre notre part dans la construction d'une nation apte à faire face aux défis de demain.

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[Focus en uniforme - un mémoire de l’École de guerre en 3 minutes" Développer les forces morales chez les jeunes générations par l'esprit de défense. Préparer la nouvelle génération aux risques de demain : vaste programme ! Dans ce nouvel épisode de la série Focus en Uniforme, le capitaine de corvette Sébastien répond à cette problématique d'actualité au vu de la multiplication des risques : environnementaux, sociétaux, sécuritaires. Comment faire infuser les valeurs des armées comme le courage, la ténacité, l'esprit d'équipe chez les plus jeunes afin de faire émerger le sens du collectif par l'esprit de défense ? Un travail de recherche qui nous appelle, nous militaires, à prendre notre part dans la construction d'une nation apte à faire face aux défis de demain.

[Focus en uniforme - un mémoire de l’École de guerre en 3 minutes" Faire la guerre et protéger l'environnement : quelle résilience pour Gaïa face à Arès ? Dans ce nouvel épisode de la série Focus en Uniforme, la commissaire principale Aspasie s'interroge sur la place de la protection de l'environnement en temps de guerre. A travers une présentation dynamique et très illustrée, elle nous montre que l'environnement peut à la fois être une arme de guerre et une victime de guerre. Car, si on imagine mal le général de Gaulle mis en examen pour crime contre l'environnement, penser la guerre en ayant à l'esprit les enjeux environnementaux à court, moyen et long terme est aujourd'hui devenu une nécessité. Cet épisode met ainsi en lumière la triple responsabilité sociétale, environnementale et juridique des armées dans ce domaine.

[Focus en uniforme - un mémoire de l’École de guerre en 3 minutes] L'influence française sur les forces armées brésiliennes : un siècle d'histoire. Quel partenariat stratégique entre la France et son lointain voisin brésilien ? Dans ce nouvel épisode de la série Focus en Uniforme, le lieutenant-colonel de l'armée brésilienne Rafael, prix du comité Cicéron, nous entraîne à travers l'histoire dans les méandres d'un centenaire de relations entre son pays et la défense française. Entre lien étroit et infidélités avec l'Allemagne ou les États-Unis, il montre le parallèle entre cette relation et le développement capacitaire de l'armée brésilienne. Au cœur des coalitions, la connaissance fine des relations avec ses alliés est un outil indispensable du chef.

[Focus en uniforme - un mémoire de l’École de guerre en 3 minutes] La stratégie de communication et d'influence dans l'art opératif Que faire, pour les forces de sécurité, face à la diffusion de plus en plus régulière de "Fake news" visant à atteindre l'autorité de l’État ? Dans ce premier épisode de la série Focus en Uniforme, la lieutenant-colonel Nassima démontre la nécessité, pour les chefs militaires, d'anticiper et de prendre en compte dans leur manoeuvre les attaques de "Fake news" facilement propagées dans le milieu cyber et le champ informationnel. Pour établir que les "Fake news" ont vocation à déstabiliser les institutions, par le "buzz" qu'elles peuvent provoquer, l'autrice appuie son argumentation sur des exemples récents.

« Fermez le ban » pour la 31ème promotion. Après un an d’une scolarité aussi exigeante que passionnante, alors que les derniers stagiaires de la 31ème promotion de l’École de guerre s’apprêtent à quitter les murs de l’École militaire, le directeur, le général de division Philippe POTTIER dresse, dans la vidéo jointe, le bilan de cette scolarité. Tout au long de cette année, les chefs militaires de demain se sont formés au commandement d’opérations militaires complexes, mais ont également approfondi leurs connaissances de la défense et des institutions de la République. Ils se sont également enrichis des échanges qu’il ont eu entre eux, militaires français et internationaux des différentes armées et services, et avec les auditeurs libres issus du monde civils. Ils ont ainsi tissé des liens qui seront essentiels dans l’exercice de leurs responsabilités futures. L’École de guerre souhaite, selon une formule consacrée dans la Marine, « bon vent et bonne mer » à aux stagiaires de la 31ème promotion et se prépare pour accueillir comme il se doit ceux de la 32ème promotion.

[Debating] Facing geopolitical restructuring, ever-accelerating innovation and new disruptive technologies, the military’s need to anticipate the future of its operations has never been more crucial yet complex. To tackle these vital subjects, the officers of École de Guerre’s Debate Program made a bicoastal trip to the United States to engage in discussions and debates on future trends with esteemed partner institutions to which we extend our sincere gratitude for their warm welcome. The officers approached this topic from five angles – five trends. First trend – Talent for Future Warfare tackled the growing difficulties to meet enlistment goals and acquire talent. By mentoring students from across the US at Loyola Marymount University and ROTC cadets at Yale University, the officers seized on the next generation’s expectations for recruitment and their needs for retention. Second trend – Foresight on Future Technologies enabled the officers to appreciate the process of military innovation. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, they discussed how disruptive new technologies change the strategic equation. Third trend – The Use of Power in International Politics was approached from a theoretical lens with the officers holding lengthy discussion with Harvard professor Joseph Nye, pioneer of the concept of soft power. Fourth trend – Partnerships and Alliances addressed the need to appreciate and reinforce alliances in an evolving environment. By aptly articulating open source statements about France’s position in current and future conflicts at the Harvard Kennedy School , the officers showcased their public speaking skills. Fifth trend – The Future of UN Peacekeeping enabled the officers to expand their reflection from the academic and military level to that of international organizations through a visit to the United Nations in New York. The quick succession of topics ha

[Debating] École de guerre met with HEC Paris MBA to explore the compatibilities of corporate and military leadership methods, with a special focus on the theme of #Nimble Leadership. This term, coined by MIT researchers in the early 2000s, describes a structure where cross-functional, adaptable leaders empower their teams in rapidly changing environments. Paired into blended teams, the debaters joined forces to further improve their arguments. The first motion underscored the growing significance of the leader’s associate’s role as well as enhancing leadership attributes. The teams challenged the expected stereotypes of leaders during the second motion. Finally, the officers navigated the thin line between firm and assertive authority, and authoritarian leadership, throughout the third and final round. Through these debates, they honed their debating skills while remaining spontaneous. Looking to the future, the intersection between the officers and HEC Paris MBA members highlighted the importance of building strong corporate networks and partnerships. Thank you to HEC Paris MBA for engaging in a powerful dialogue shaping our future leaders. #HECMBA #NimbleLeadership #StrongerTogether #Collaboration #Dialogue

[Journée internationale des droits des femmes] Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'École de guerre vous propose chaque jour durant une semaine le portrait d’un officier stagiaire féminin de la 31e promotion. Dernier portrait proposé, celui de l'IC2 Perrine. #ArméesPourLaMixité #EcoleDeGuerre Service d’infrastructure de la Défense

[Journée internationale des droits des femmes] Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'École de guerre vous propose chaque jour durant une semaine le portrait d’un officier stagiaire féminin de la 31e promotion. Cinquième portrait proposé, celui de la MC Marie-Theres. #ArméesPourLaMixité #EcoleDeGuerre Bundeswehr

[Journée internationale des droits des femmes] Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'École de guerre vous propose chaque jour durant une semaine le portrait d’un officier stagiaire féminin de la 31e promotion. Quatrième portrait proposé, celui de la LCL Bénédicte. #ArméesPourLaMixité #EcoleDeGuerre Gendarmerie nationale

[Journée internationale des droits des femmes] Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'École de guerre vous propose chaque jour durant une semaine le portrait d’un officier stagiaire féminin de la 31e promotion. Troisième portrait proposé, celui de la CDT Claire. #ArméesPourLaMixité #EcoleDeGuerre Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace

[Journée internationale des droits des femmes] Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'École de guerre vous propose chaque jour durant une semaine le portrait d’un officier stagiaire féminin de la 31e promotion. Second portrait proposé, celui de la LCL Audrey. #ArméesPourLaMixité #EcoleDeGuerre Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace

[Journée internationale des droits des femmes] Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l'École de guerre vous propose chaque jour durant une semaine le portrait d’un officier stagiaire féminin de la 31e promotion. Aujourd’hui, le premier d’entre eux, celui de la CC Pauline. #ArméesPourLaMixité #EcoleDeGuerre #MarineNationale Marine nationale

The officers of the Ecole de Guerre Debate Programme went on an immersive study tour to London. The visit included key institutions like the Ministry of Defence, the UK House of Commons, and the @Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. They attended lectures and discussions with experts, deepening their understanding of British defence stakes, honing their #Networking and #InternationalCommunication skills and contributing to strengthen the #Franco-BritishRelationship. Participants put to practice their #Debating and #PublicSpeaking skills through debates with RUSI - Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies fellows and the Debate London club. An experience further enriched by invaluable feedback and workshops facilitated by subject matter experts. Immersive learning experiences broaden the officers’ international outreach and also play a pivotal role in their leadership development while increasing their level of #interoperability. #Debating #LeadershipDevelopment #StrongerWithAllies

Delighted to further the collaboration between the TotalEnergies High Potential Programme and Ecole de Guerre Debating Programme for a fourth year to delve into crucial energy discussions. The debating tournament warms up with two initial rounds, each lasting an hour and addressing thought-provoking motions. Officers and TotalEnergies executives, paired into blended teams, brought a spectrum of perspectives to the table, engaging in dynamic debates discussing whether #Deglobalisation would pose more harm than benefit for #Humanity and if #GenerativeAI should be a key part of efforts to build an environmentally #SustainableEnergySector. Following the judges’ deliberation, the victorious pairs from these rounds emerged; ready to face off in a final debate on whether #EnergySecurity should be prioritised over #CarbonNeutrality. Grateful for the collaboration with the TotalEnergies HP Programme in engaging in a pivotal dialogue shaping the future of our energy landscape. #TotalEnergies #EnergyDebates #SustainableFuture #StrongerTogether

École de guerre welcomed a delegation from RUSI - Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies that provided the officers with invaluable insights and advice within the framework of the Networking and UK Academic Writing Programmes. This pivotal collaboration enables the officers to engage with some of the world's foremost specialists on diverse topics such as the #WarForTalent, the #WarIndustry, and the role of #MiddlePowers in today's global landscape. Under the Networking Programme, officers had the opportunity to discuss their presentations for the #ParisDefenceAndStrategyForum in March. The responsibilities entrusted to them sparked vibrant discussions with RUSI's experts, setting the stage for a promising event. Meanwhile, officers from the UK Academic Writing Programme presented their dissertation projects to RUSI's specialists, fostering meaningful exchanges on their respective topics and exploring avenues for improvement. A sincere thank you to RUSI for this fruitful collaboration! #ÉcoleDeGuerre #RUSI #GlobalInsights #AcademicCollaboration #StrongerWithAllies

The École de guerre officers were fortunate to engage in three enlightening networking sessions with their counterparts from the Australian War College, as an integral part of the English component of their training. These sessions provided a unique opportunity for the officers to gain a deeper insight into the operational intricacies of both the Australian and French military systems, their respective roles, strategies, and future priorities, while also highlighting their shared objectives and distinguishing features. The participants delved into a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from #partnership in the #Indo-Pacific region, strategies for #nationalresilience, and the vital aspect of #deterrence in military operations, to the ongoing challenges related to #recruitment and its associated imperatives. Additionally, the discourse extended to encompass pressing global concerns, such as the pivotal role of the military in responding to #environmentaldisasters and tackling #humanitarianchallenges as components of military strategy and future priorities. These exchanges not only fostered a deeper understanding of international military dynamics but also served as a testament to the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in addressing the complex issues of our time. École de guerre wishes to warmly thank the Australian War College for this defence engagement where officers could practice their #networking, #publicspeaking and #effectivecommunication skills. #StrongerWithAllies

Servicemen studying French full-time at the Australian Defence Force School of Languages joined École de guerre for a networking session in French. The Australian attendees are preparing for assignments in French-speaking countries or to join the French Language Capacity in Australia. École de guerre welcomed them as part of an immersion trip that began with a week at the RICM - officiel Cavalry Regiment in Poitiers and ended with a few days in Paris. They discovered the school's history and were able to engage with a group of French officers from different services who began their curriculum this year. They shared their knowledge and experience and discussed #Strategy, #Military Superiority, #Decisionmaking and #CrisisManagement through the lens of French military doctrine and culture. By engaging officers at this level, they could complete a formative assessment while also testing their development in critical leadership skills in French, such as effective communication.

[UK Academic Writing] Beginning of June, the officers from École de guerre UK Academic Program went to London to attend an event at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) hosted by Paul O'Neill, Director of Military Sciences. The Military Sciences research group provides and supports research on a wide range of #military and #defence matters. Throughout the year, the officers wrote their research papers in collaboration with RUSI experts: Dr Sidharth Kaushal, Nick Reynolds, Juliana Suess, Emma Butcher and Sarah Ashbridge. During this event, they presented their findings to their mentors, as well as to other British experts and political representatives. The UK Academic Writing Programme aims to prepare the officers to the vital strategic roles that await them. This meeting was the opportunity for the officers to hone their English #publicspeaking skills and to sharpen their #analytical and #argumentative skills, which will be essential to them for their future positions as leaders. Furthermore, the insightful discussions raised during this event highlighted the importance of exchanges between military and political circles when tackling contemporary and/or strategic issues such as #space, net zero transition, the use of neuroscience as a psychological tool, moral strength, resilience, active reserve... Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and École de guerre have collaborated over the past seven years, aiming to answer the most critical questions facing militaries today.

[Debating] End of April, the officers participated in the The United States Army War College annual #Strategy Competition organized by Celestino Perez, Jr., Ph.D. and Joel P. Gleason. They put into practice the #argumentative and #publicspeaking skills they have developed throughout the year in this program, and combine them with their own military experience and their French outlook. In Washington D.C, the officers benefited from a series of insightful meetings aimed at raising their #cultural awareness and furthering their understanding of the American #judicial, #defense and #security apparatus. Two experts from the Guantanamo Council Military commissions, Alka Pradhan and James Connell, shared their expertise on #human rights and the prosecution of terrorism. At the Pentagon, the officers were briefed on future challenges and integration. The two staff directors of the House Armed Services Committee, Brian Garrett and Chris Vieson discussed budget construction. Experts from the US Department of Homeland Security briefed on #domestic terrorism with further insights from the FBI. Hosted at the National Defence University, Mats Berdal shared his academic perspective on #political economies generated by civil wars in certain areas. Celina Realuyo shared her expert insights on Transnational organized crimes. At the Atlantic Council, Charles Lichfield and Niels Graham delivered a geoeconomics perspective on Great Power Competition. The officers had the opportunity to meet the National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications in the White House to discuss the importance of Public Affairs. A meeting was held with two chief judges at the United States Court of Federal Claims, a unique American institution without any equivalent in France. In between meetings, the officers engaged in formal debates, including the second session of the Transatlantic Dialogues hosted by Paul Hayes.