Dj Panik

- Toxic waste / Hypnoteak touch - Trollybus Circus 04 - Tekita prod.

Quite Unique Sound , But I Will Let You Judge By Yourself .

- The Truth (With Dj Yox) - Tiger Class records Vol.2 Compilation
- Sir Wilson - Lose Control (Dj Panik remix) - Meltin' pot records
- F*cking Electro / Bounce for me - True Box records
- Gangster(with Dijeyow) - Dubnest records
- Wheel up (with Dijeyow) - Dubnest records
- Vini Selecta , U stone & Fu-step

🎫 Bad Joke Kru - Drum&Bass Flavour (Veille de Jour Férié) 15/05/2023

C'est Mercredi 🙂
c'est veille de jour ferié , donc aucune excuse pour ne pas se revoir après quelques années 😁

🎫 Bad Joke Kru - Drum&Bass Flavour (Veille de Jour Férié) ▬▬▬▬ LINE UP ▬▬▬▬ TBA ▬▬▬▬ INFOS PRATIQUES ▬▬▬▬ 23H30 – 06h30 Billetterie : > Pré-vente: 15€ > Sur place: TBA€ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Le Spot Club 43C Boulev…


According to the number of PMs I get, I have to redo something like "mad cow" 😁
I got it , but I have to create a "poll" sorry
What would you prefer ? Get a 2023 remix ? Or get a brand new one, sounding like mad cow but with a modern twist ?

Once it gets serious, I'll start it, I'm up to both guys 😁

Photos from Dj Panik's post 15/01/2023

I missed mixing :)
and then decided to rebuild a simple set up, no more SL1200s , even if i kept them :)
that's a pleasure to rediscover mixing skills, i am mainly mixing Techno at the moment, i'm bored of DnB to be honest ...
i bought this set up mainly to A/B my tunes with the current sounding style, but felt in love mixing one more time :)
it is way simpler than before, i may invest in a 3rd deck to get things interesting !

PS : my second new tune is nearly finished :) it's not DnB tho ;)


New music updates :)
i am currently testing new styles, mostly around the 140-150 Bpm area.
i wanted to change a bit and do something else than DnB for a few tunes, some surprises are coming soon 👍
it is still bass-heavy, but definitely different, i have fun doing them at the moment.
clips coming soon 🤪

DJ PANIK - Reborn (2022) 02/10/2022

English + Français are below


The wait is finally over !
I didn’t post it before as it’s really not a summer vibed tune 😉
I left it for a few monthes and worked on some other bits in the meantime, getting again on it made me realize that some parts could be improved, it’s now done 😊
I spent quite some time on it, as i had to switch from Cubase to Live, re-learning quite everything, also the music standard really changed, that was really interesting, the next tunes should really take way less time to produce

Here is « Reborn » , my brand new tune, after 5 years of literally leaving music
I really hope that you’ll like it, do not hesitate to like, comment and share it , you know it’s important for me, if i went in the right path, or not 😊

Special thanks will go to M-rode for the tune structure, Syndikate for the GFX, it’s been a while we didn’t work together, and getting back to the root is always a good thing 😊 also to Chris Hi-Skor who took the time to listen to every edit i did , up to the final version, great advises have been provided !


Ca y est c’est *ENFIN* la fin !

J’ai décidé de ne pas poster ce morceau avant la fin de l’été, la vibe n’étant pas très estivale 😊
Je l’ai laissé en l’état pendant quelques mois et je suis parti avancer sur d’autres projets, qui arriveront bientôt 😊
en le réouvrant, je me suis rendu compte qu’il y avait moyen d’optimiser pas mal de passages, c’est maintenant fait.

Il m’aura pris pas mal de temps, le switch de Cubase à Live m’aura pris un peu de temps, mais le plus gros du travail a été de se mettre a jour, les standards ont beaucoup évolués.
Tant sur la compo, le mixage, que le mastering.

Voici enfin « Reborn », le premier morceau que j’ai écrit depuis 5 an
J’espère vraiment qu’il vous plaira, un petit like, commentaire ou partage me ferait plaisir 😊
C’est toujours important pour moi de savoir si je suis le bon chemin, ou pas 😊

les mentions spéciales iront pour M-rode qui a su trouver la bonne structure du morceau, Wlad Syndikate pour ce petit design si sympa, nous avons tellement travaillé ensemble dans le passé qu’un retour aux sources était une évidence 😊
et enfin a Kris Hi-Skor, qui a su prendre le temps d’écouter chaque update du morceau, du début jusqu’à la fin, avec de précieux conseils, jusqu’au mastering, au top !

un grand merci a tous !!

DJ PANIK - Reborn (2022) Here is « Reborn » , my brand new tune, after 5 years of literally leaving music I really hope that you’ll like it, do not hesitate to like, comment and share it , you know it’s important for me, if


"Reborn" is finished and approved by my close friends and producers, that is a huge win for me :) coming back isn't a easy thing you know ;)
i'll give it a proper mixdown and master, so it should pop in 2 weeks max :)
finally the end of the beggining will shine
i know it's been a long time, but you all know i can't come back with an half tune ;)
other projects have already popped, so you can imagine i'm excited as f*ck ;)


My new tune called "Reborn" is 90% finished :) can't wait to share it with you guys !

Photos from Dj Panik's post 10/05/2022

English + Français below 🙂

Do you experience Latency with Ableton ? (Live 11).
i mean not because of the Buffer size when playing notes on the Keyboard, but with the audio engine.
the notes played don't match with the display on Ableton.
did you ever experienced this matter?
if you have the solution, i'm quite interested !

est-ce que vous avez des problemes de latence avec Ableton ? (Live 11)
je ne parle pas de la taille du buffer pour jouer les notes au clavier midi, mais bien du moteur audio de Live.
les notes se jouent pas en meme temps que l'affichage de ces notes, il y a un (bon) décalage.
si vous avez la solution, je suis preneur !

i just Bought another 1Tb SSD, an Nvme one, as i get Latency problems with Ableton as stated above ... it happens when adding a lot of audio stuff.

the first one was dedicated to my VSTs, and Big kontakt banks (i use them quite a lot)

the new one is dedicated to sample Banks.
(I have more than 800 Gb of samples, they deffo need a clean up)

j'ai rajouté sur mon PC de zik encore un autre SSD d'1To, un Nvme pour etre précis.

le premier étant dédié a mes VSTs, et surtout aux banques Kontakt très volumiseuses, que j'utilise beaucoup.

j'ai des problèmes de latence avec Ableton, a force de mettre beaucoup de samples dans le projet.
il se peut que ca soit du a cause de mes vieux disques mecaniques, qui ne sont pas tout jeunes.

ce nouveau disque sera dedié aux banques de samples
(ca fait plus de 800 Go de samples, il est temps de faire un peu de ménage^^)

Photos from Dj Panik's post 03/05/2022


English + Français below :)


the ADAM speakers just been received:)
i went through a mid-long studio session tonight, around 3 hours testing them

i am already in love with the pair, they sound so precise (especially in the highs) that i couldn't imagine it possible with a pair of speakers around that price range to be honest.
of course the dynaudios were too big for my room , the adam ones are way smaller, but WOW, the first impressions are beyond my expectations :D

a thing that i was afraid of was the placement of the sub "output", which is behind the speaker, the dynaudios had it in front.
for the moment they just sound perfect, the tune i'm on atm had way too much low end, a thing that i *may* didn't notice with a bigger pair of speakers as the dynaudios


la paire d'ADAM vient d'arriver a la maison :)
je suis déja conquis par la précision de ces enceintes, en particulier dans les aigus, je n'aurai pas pensé avoir un tel rendu dans cette gamme de prix pour etre honnete.
les Dynaudio BM15A sont des enceintes certainement beaucoup trop grosses pour ma pièce (17-18 m2 et elles étaient placées a à peine 1m de mon assise)

les premières impressions sur les ADAM sont bleuffantes, j'avais peur de ne pas avoir assez de rendu du Sub vu que l'event est a l'arrière, mais c'est juste parfait pour le moment

j'ai pu voir que le morceau sur lequel j'étais en ce moment avait beaucoup trop de bas, pas sur de l'avoir capté sur les Dynaudio pour le coup
ça parait logique, les BM15 étant plutot des enceintes pour "vrais" studios, beaucoup plus grands que ma pièce actuelle.


Studio update #1

it's been a long time guys !
some good, but also some bad news incoming :( long story is below.

let's start with the bad ones ...
my favorite speakers of all time, my Dynaudio BM15A's have decided to go wrong all the way :(
i own them for i'd say around 15 years, and they never let me down, until now.

it's a well known problem tho, the tweeter stopped working on the left one, then on the right one, it's apparently a relay problem.
fact is it's nearly impossible to repair, as Dynaudio aren't that great providing post-sale customer service.
they need to be sent to a roughly unknown location, but we are talking about 3.000 € a pair of speakers here, shame :(
i dunno what will be the outcome on them, reflecting on the matter atm.

and for the good news :)
i've made a lot of stuff recently, i mean presets, projects started, samples, a lot of time spent, but a lot of time earned for the future.
i spent as much time to watch and recreate tutorials to be up to date, as really composing music.

regarding the speakers, i decided to buy some ADAM T8V ones, in the meantime the dynaudios gets repaired.
i've always been fascinated by their "magic" tweeter ribbon, definitelly not the same range of product, but i think it's a good choice, regarding the price they cost.
i need speakers to finish my current tunes, so no other choice.
i really hope that mixdowns won't be a pain the a$$, as i almost did all mine on the dynaudios..

tune-wise, i'll share with you the next tune teaser within the next 2 weeks, i'll make a lil video for it ;)
i decided to start slowly, making an old Panik style, but *i hope* moderned :)
you'll find, as always before, some techy vibes mixed with jump up ones, i had pleasure doing it, as a new learning curve, switching to Ableton Live 11.
i've added some hip hop vocals in the intro, but i want them to fit a bit more ;)
i think i redid the drop 15 times, but that's the game in the end :D

thank you for reading this long story !



i quite get a few "reminders" regarding new stuff :) i am quite often on the studio, nearly everyday , spending hours now and then.
i won't have the same output as before, as it isn't a job anymore ;)
i take my time, to provide you tunes that i like and also you, hopefully :D
it will come soon ;) we're not in a rush ;)


On Holidays for 2 F*cking weeks !😍
it's time to hit the studio BIIG TIIME 😝
Intro is already done, but i'm struggling with the drop 😂

Photos from Dj Panik's post 10/02/2022

The New Studio 2.0 is up & Running 😍

Photos from Dj Panik's post 26/01/2022

Some new components arrived today 😍

Most of the keys my old MIDI Keyboard weren't working anymore, i then replaced it by a Native instruments Komplete Kontrol 49 😁

also, the old power supply wasn't powerful enough for the new motherboard, i replaced it by a semi-modular Corsair CX 450M, making the PC inside really cleaner and emptier, as only a few wires have been used

Time ton Install the bloody Plug ins and Instruments now ! 🤪

Photos from Dj Panik's post 18/01/2022

Nearly all the components just arrived to build the new Studio Computer 😍

- CPU Intel Core I7 - 11700K - LGA 1200
- Motherboard - MSI B560M Pro
- The First SSD Drive - 1To Crucial - NVMe M.2
- 32 Go RAM - Corsair Vengeance LPX
- Fan - Cooler Master Hyper TX3 EVO
+ a new Box - Fractal Define C (really simple & slick , love it)
+ Windows 10


The Studio return seems way more complex than ever expected !
My computer is still under Windows 7 😂, it's at least 6,7 years old 😕
Everybody's running Live as of now to produce music , is cubase dead ?
Has been to the max ! all needs to be redone from scratch ...
I then bought a lot of Hardware components to build another Massive computer 😜 picked up the latest Intel Core I7, 32Gb of RAM (still hesitating to put 64Gb , to be OK for a few years)
All disks in SSD, and of course everything that will suit the power of it 😂
Needless to say that i'll be more than busy for the next forthcoming monthes !

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