Fierce Feminine Rising: Messages for Humanity

Fierce Feminine Rising: Messages for Humanity

Anaiya Sophia hosts a series of splendorous conversations with whom she considers to be the most inc


For Lent, I am bringing together two giant passions of mine, Sacred Body Wisdom and Incubation. Sacred Body Wisdom is a newly developed somatic artistry used to explore the hidden depths and Incubation, a religious practice of sleeping in a sacred area with the intention of experiencing a divinely inspired dream or cure.

February comes from the Latin word Februa, which means purification rites, as Februus is the Roman god of purification. It was believed that purification made way for fertility and creativity, known today as spring cleaning.

In the Christian tradition, Lent is a time of fasting, self-restraint, prayer, and repentance that takes place over the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Easter feast. It's 40 days when Jesus (and Mary Magdalene) fasted in the desert, resisting temptations from Satan and preparing for a life of public ministry.

Incubation was practised by many ancient cultures. In perhaps the most well-known instance among the Hebrews, found in 1 Kings 3, Solomon went to Gibeon "because that was the most renowned high place to offer sacrifices." There "the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night," and Solomon asked God for the gift of an understanding heart. Among the members of the cult of Asclepius, votive offerings found at ritual centres at Epidaurus, Pergamum, and Rome detail the perceived effectiveness of the method. Incubation was adopted by certain Christian sects and is still used in a few Greek monasteries. Modern practices for influencing dream content through dream incubation use more research-driven techniques, but sometimes they incorporate elements reflecting ancient beliefs.

A form of incubation was also used by the Iatromantes of the ancient Greeks. According to Peter Kingsley, Iatromantis figures belonged to a wider Greek and Asian shamanic tradition with origins in Central Asia. A main ecstatic, meditative practice of these healer-prophets was incubation. More than just a medical technique, incubation reportedly allowed a human being to experience a fourth state of consciousness different from sleeping, dreaming, or ordinary waking: a state that Kingsley describes as “consciousness itself” and likens to the turiya or samādhi of the Indian yogic traditions.

My all-time greatest passion and ever-deepening discovery is movement as medicine; for over two and a half decades, I have been exploring and mapping the body's ability to release mind patterning and traumatic memory by using movement to restore our psychological processes and emotional well-being. The wisdom within the body is fathomless in its ability to transform, transmute and heal.

By engaging with this pure feminine approach (left-brain), Sacred Body Wisdom will light the path to:

Trauma and Nervous System Health
Somatic Psychology
Shadow Work
Somatic Dance Therapy
Female body Intelligence
Embodied non-duality
Embodied Eldership
The Deep Feminine Mysteries
Body Sovereignty
Menstrual Cycle Wisdom
Menopause Wisdom
Accompanying us will be the most exquisite music, drenched with depth and deep feeling.

These classes will be an hour long and are for all ages, all genders and all levels of fitness.

Live and Recorded. Join me every day for 40 days for one hour, both Live and Replay.


Hello folks
I will be heading up to Montsegur on this day to fall into alignment with Anne and Ton van der Kroon. So if you are in the Pyrenees, you might want to join me?
Sign Up here if you are interested in coming along with me


April 6, 2022 by Cherie Burton
Dearest Friends, some on over and listen to Cherie and our Gnostic Conversation about Cathars, Mary Magdalene and of course, The Dark Night. PLUS - she is staying with us this very moment!

Mystics venture into paradox; into the UNKNOWN. I love Anaiya Sophia’s fierce & tender teachings. She’s an author, teacher of Sacred Body Wisdom & retreat facilitator. As this airs, I’m at her B & B at the base of Montsegur in the Cathar region of southern France! Heaven. Mary Magdalene’s connection to the Cathars is SO interesting!

April 6, 2022 by Cherie Burton
Mystics venture into paradox; into the UNKNOWN. I love Anaiya Sophia’s fierce & tender teachings. She’s an author, teacher of Sacred Body Wisdom & retreat facilitator. As this airs, I’m at her B & B at the base of Montsegur in the Cathar region of southern France! Heaven. Mary Magdalene’s connection to the Cathars is SO interesting!

*. 700 year-old Cathar prophecy, fulfilled in 2021
*. Finding sanctuary in The Black Madonna
*. Dark Night of the Soul as initiation to the Sacred Feminine

Listen HERE Friends!


We Begin Tonight Dearest Friends,
This magnum opus will touch upon our next steps and awaken the guts that are so needed at this time.
It is as if Pandora's box has been opened and what seems like a plague has been unleashed upon the earth.

Because dearest friends in many respects it has. And there is much comfort and honesty to be had if we view it this way. By taking the 'mind' out of our crisis, and viewing through the wider lens of the soul, we will be comforted. No Molly-coddles, but comforted in a sober and mystical way.

This seven-week online journey will be live and recorded. It is strongly advisable to treat this time as a Pilgrimage at home, as this high-level material will have an energetic effect upon the body, as a lasting illumination.
By knowing what Mary knew, and living with eyes and ears wide open - we too, shall not fear death.

It is time to step forward and Minister. To not hold back one ounce of our being.

These seven Oral Teachings will have many depths to them.
It is time, beloved friends, to take this next step. To ramp up the Light within our minds as we open to true illumination.
I am profoundly at your service as we journey together into this exceptional material and medicine.

Details: Meeting on Zoom once a week between 7 - 8 pm Paris Time. Replays will be sent and the recordings are yours to keep.

Read More and Register HERE


My Dearest Friends,
Grace Amidst the Chaos is a series of transmissions spoken for this time. As the world and its people continue to be shaken to their core by the many challenges of the current pandemic and world events, individual stress levels are accelerating at alarming rates with negative impacts on social relationships and society as a whole. These spoken-word prayers, blessings, anointments of comfort and encouragement are intended to beautifully heal the cracks in our energy field, particularly the emotional and mental bodies that experience the onslaught of doubt, lostness, apathy, indifference, defeat, etc.
There are seven transmissions in this series and they are all FREE to you.
May these transmissions bless you through this time, bringing you strength, guidance and peace. Receive Yours HERE

In Times of Apathy
In Times of Barren Land
In Times of Doubt
In Times of Lostness
In Times of Outrage
In Times of Sadness
In Times of Tortured Children
Rest in the Light

Cradle Your Body, Unleash Your Fire with Ellie Paskell & Anaiya Sophia 24/11/2020

Dearest Friends, into Embodiment, Somatic Healing, Touch, Unknowable (yet reachable) Bodily Wisdom .... look no further than this delicious and gorgeous video geniusly dreamed up by Ellie Parsell. My goodness, this young woman is truly onto something!
Enjoy xx

Cradle Your Body, Unleash Your Fire with Ellie Paskell & Anaiya Sophia - Embodiment Retreat was produced by Ellie Paskell. I know that while life is as unpredictable as a lobster on your table, right now, following joy can seem ...

Sacred Divine Union Bond Episode #5 with Anaiya & Pete 23/11/2020

Dearest Friends,
This was a delicious and genuine coming together! Welcoming Beloved Anaiya Anaiya Pistis Sophia and Pete Wilson to our Monday's Sacred Divine Union Bond Raw & Real Interview Series.😍❤️💝🔥🐉 We are so GRATEFUL for their TIME, ENERGY and PRESENCE in giving us a view into their SACRED DIVINE UNION BOND.

It is always a JOY to meet others who have UNITED in this Incarnation and going through the journey together. Be sure to visit them in the South of France when everything opens up: Occitania Bed and Breakfast. We hold the HIGHEST VISION OF LIGHT for their new adventure.

THANK YOU again, everyone, for joining and sharing your comments.
Highest Light of Divine Love, ⭐️🥰💎😇🙏🏼🤩🌹😍❤️💝🔥🐉
Honi Borden & Michael Abrahamson

Sacred Divine Union Bond Episode #5 with Anaiya & Pete 🎥: Divine Perfection & post Anniversary Excitement plus the flow of Magic 🤩💝🤩🎁🙏🏼🎉 🔔: Like, Subscribe & Turn on Notifications Please 🚩: Download Brave Browser...

Feminine Freedom: How To Source Your True Power with Rose Metcalf & Anaiya Sophia 01/11/2020

Join me and over 20 Top Transformational Teachers for a Virtual Wellness Retreat hosted by Rose Metcalf as we give you real ways to create abundance in every area of your life and allow that little voice to speak up and how to use the challenges of this year to fulfil your destiny.

Feminine Freedom: How To Source Your True Power with Rose Metcalf & Anaiya Sophia Join me and over 20 Top Transformational Teachers for a Virtual Wellness Retreat hosted by Rose Metcalf as we give you real ways to create abundance in every...

Spiritually Inspired with Anaiya Sophia, mystic, storyteller, and author. 29/09/2020

Anaiya Sophia is a Mystic, Storyteller and Author of Revelatory Wisdom. She teaches workshops throughout the world and is best known for the creation of Sacred Body Awakening, a practise where women and men heal together in grace. She uses her voice as medicine, to create an incandescent temple, where indescribable beauty and generations of transformation take place. Known for showing up as a trailblazing resource of unapologetic truth and transparent courage, her heart is both fierce and tender.
Some of Anaiya’s books are Womb Wisdom, Sacred Relationships, and her latest, Fierce Feminine Rising: reveals a map, a template that she was given as she wrote the book. It is the map of our absolute awakening, our return to the heart.
Anaiya has also designed her own clothing range, which she calls Anaiya's Wardrobe. She has also created her own range of anointing oils, called SOPHIA Temple Oils.
Anaiya lives in the Occitan region of Southern France with her beloved husband Pete Wilson. Their homeland is a place shrouded in the myths and legends of such groundbreaking visionaries such as Mary Magdalene and the mystical legacy of the Cathars.
They run a B & B in the beautiful village of Puivert, called Occitania Bed and Breakfast where individuals and small groups can come and stay.

Email: [email protected]

Subscribe for more videos!

Spiritually Inspired with Anaiya Sophia, mystic, storyteller, and author. Anaiya Sophia is a Mystic, Storyteller and Author of Revelatory Wisdom. She teaches workshops throughout the world and is best known for the creation of Sacr...

Stepping Into Sovereignty 25/09/2020

There comes a time...
when you just have to say...ENOUGH! You know what I mean...that energy deep inside your core begins to bubble up...all the things that you have learned to tolerate begin to accumulate...until there is just no more room for any more bu****it. You just can't keep looking the other way. You can't keep avoiding the won't let you. When you look around at the state of the world and what we have learned to accommodate, avoid, accept, or allow out of ignorance, your body, your heart, your soul just won't allow it any longer.

Join presenter Kathy Forest with Anaiya Sophia and other speakers for a teaching series that's all about how to step into our Sovereign power and activating The Fierce Love of the Sacred Mother.

You feel the surge of energy rising and you energetically begin to scream:

I will not allow this any longer on this planet.


And there it is! The truth behind all of the chaos that we see right now. There have been so many things that THE DIVINE SHE just will not allow any longer. The Sacred Feminine is making her appearance felt in a very loud way. There are so many, many things that have been allowed to take place on this planet that are no longer sustainable. We cannot expect to live here unless these things are addressed. We cannot hope to survive as a viable species on this planet unless we address them.

Racial Inequality, Global Hunger, The Harming of our Children, Environmental Demise, The Global Health Crisis, Civil and Global Unrest, and of course...Pandemics...

And this is just the shortlist...When we see it, it is so overwhelming...and dealing with just our small portion, our small little piece of it seems to take up all of our time! How are we ever going to survive? How can any of us hope to make even a drop of difference?

Check Out More HERE
Created and Produced by Kathy Forest

Your life is not an accident. You came here with a plan. You were born with a divine mission… a sacred purpose. And, you know it!

Stepping Into Sovereignty There comes a time... when you just have to say...ENOUGH! You know what I mean...that energy deep inside your core begins to bubble up...all the things that ...


Infusions of Light Podcast brings "The Light of the World" with Author, Mystic, and Storyteller Anaiya Sophia and host Dr. Melissa Sophia Joy.

Join us in this potent conversation where we discuss:
-How the chaos in the world is forcing us into an enlightening process and what this process actually looks like.
-How acknowledging our agreement to be here, as well as aligning to what is ours to do; helps us feel stability, joy, and harmony.
-Connect to the power of Sophia Holy Spirit, and feel how her energy offers divine safety which supports us through these challenging times.
-How the Cathars offer us potent wisdom in helping us navigate what’s happening in the world today. And, how this sect has a powerful prophecy for our time.

Here is the link to the Podcast:
*Note: This link connects you to an audio player on my website. The podcast is also on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Stitcher, and Goggle Play


Next Week Is Bringing In Some Changes:
My Dearest Friends,
I am currently watching "The Answer" by David Icke, and this shall be the last thing I watch concerning this Pandemic and possible New World Order. And this will be hard to commit to. There is a part of me that is afraid to not be fully informed and aware. But there is also another part of me, that is willing to go it alone and unplug from the online world.

For 21-days I'm going on a Toxic Social Media Cleanse. No watching the news, no checking the headlines, no 'truth' documentaries - absolutely no engagement at all concerning everything that's happening in the world. Because I just want to see what happens when all our attention is local. Beginning on the Autumn Equinox there will be a daily check-in, with yoga, prayer and spinal centring. Our days will begin with Breath, Stretch, Clarity and Connection. Our invitation is to write, craft, garden and make. Let's use our hands, for something more other than typing, texting, scrolling and selecting.

For more info on the NO MORE YOGA Quest (£55) Live and Recorded and yours to keep

Later, on this same day, I will be taking us on a journey, with the Rainbow Serpent, earth's primary energy channel, across and throughout every single chakra, vortex, portal and sacred site. There is an Aboriginal prediction that the Rainbow Serpent is changing and that our Earth's subtle anatomy is destined for something new!

For more info on the Rainbow Serpent Walkers Transmission (£11) Live and Recorded and yours to keep

Finally, on Thursday 24th September, I will be starting a 14-day Oracles, Sybils and Prophetic Women Nighttime Tales series. Because I am unwavering in my certainty that our voice and its multitude of unknown abilities must be grasped within our lifetime. These tales will inspire, ignite and encourage our journey, as we listen to their journey, how they claimed their voice, and not just any old voice, but a voice connected to other dimensions, vaster intelligence and shattering presence.

For more info on the Oracles, Sybils and Prophetic Women (£55) Live and Recorded and all yours to keep

I cannot help but feel this will be my last body of work for 2020. October 22nd, we are moving to a new house and it really is an 'all hands on deck' moment! Plus - The Grail King is ready for completion. But even more important than that - is this deep desire to be with the land and the spirit of the place, consciously seeing the year dissolve into the perfect mulch for 2021.

The Aboriginal people see the Winter Solstice 2020, as an important turning point for Uluru and the world's energy current. Astrologically, January 6th 2021, is a turning point in the skies - where change could come. And, of course, the Cathar Prophecy, 21st August 2021...see's the Return of the Children of Light.

From this moment onwards, I pray only that these last days and genuinely lead us closer to that.

May God Be With You and Peace Be Upon You.

Ckiara Nation - Join Author Anaiya Sophia and Tina Heals with Ckiara Rose 15/09/2020

The original w***e was a priestess, the conduit to the divine, through whose body one entered the sacred arena and was restored. Warriors, soldiers, soiled by combat within the world of men, came to the Holy Pr******te, the Quedishtu, literally meaning the undefiled one, in order to be cleansed and reunited with the gods. The sexual act was where this re-union could take place with pleasure and prayer as the essential attributes that appeased the gods. Originally, these women, the holy pr******tes were known as being a doorway to God.
What was the impact of the suppression of the Holy Pr******te?
Many of the practices that honoured the 'way of the woman' ceased. The Eleusinian mysteries, which had provided immortality, were suppressed; procreation was infused with anxiety and guilt while joyful fertility festivals which had provided a link between earth and spirit were condemned.
When the priests separated the body from the gods, they separated God from nature and thereby created the mind/body split. The world was secularised. We can only speculate as to the consequences, though we must assume there were consequences when men returned from war without the ability to clean the blood from their hands when the physical, quotidian community between the gods and the people was not reconvened.
It was not only the sacred pr******tes that were exiled but also the gods. Perhaps the world as we have come to know it, impersonal, abstract, detached, brutish, was engendered in that division. In a sacred universe, the pr******te is a holy woman, a woman whose love, kindness and sensuality restores, redeems and rebirths.

Check Out more of Ckiara Rose HERE

Ckiara Nation - Join Author Anaiya Sophia and Tina Heals with Ckiara Rose The original w***e was a priestess, the conduit to the divine, through whose body one entered the sacred arena and was restored. Warriors, soldiers, soiled b...


I am more than proud to say I have been invited to be part of this gathering.

There comes a time...
when you just have to say...ENOUGH! You know what I mean...that energy deep inside your core begins to bubble up...all the things that you have learned to tolerate begin to accumulate...until there is just no more room for any more bu****it. You just can't keep looking the other way. You can't keep avoiding the won't let you. When you look around at the state of the world and what we have learned to accommodate, avoid, accept, or allow out of ignorance, your body, your heart, your soul just won't allow it any longer.

​You feel the surge of energy rising and you energetically begin to scream:

​I will not allow this any longer on this planet.


​And there it is! The truth behind all of the chaos that we see right now. There have been so many things that THE DIVINE SHE just will not allow any longer. The Sacred Feminine is making her appearance felt in a very loud way. There are so many, many things that have been allowed to take place on this planet that are no longer sustainable. We cannot expect to live here unless these things are addressed. We cannot hope to survive as a viable species on this planet unless we address them.

Racial Inequality, Global Hunger, The Harming of our Children, Environmental Demise, The Global Health Crisis, Civil and Global Unrest, and of course...Pandemics...

And this is just the shortlist...When we see it, it is so overwhelming...and dealing with just our small portion, our small little piece of it seems to take up all of our time! How are we ever going to survive? How can any of us hope to make even a drop of difference?

What if I told you it was possible?!!!

What if I told you that there are tiny little shift that you can make, that all of us can make. And when enough of us begin to make these shifts, we can shift the balance of what we see?

What if I suggested that all the chaos that we are living in right now is necessary and a good thing? What if I said that all of these systems need to break down, so that we can create new more functional systems that are going to serve us long into the future?

What if I told you that there are ways that you can walk through the chaos to the other side of it with ease and grace...and you can help your friends and loved ones do this too?

Step Into this Furnace Beloved Friends and RECEIVE HERE

The Cathar Prophecy: Hosted by 11:11 16/08/2020

Fascinated by Mary Magdalene, and wondering who the Cathars are? Join
Inês Cerqueira and Anaiya Sophia and be inspired by Mary Magdalene and see her represented as a woman of many epithets.

For centuries, she was considered “the woman with the alabaster jar”, a reformed pr******te, despite the absence of biblical reference to her as such. This Magdalene has few advocates today.

In early Christian communities, she was seen as a woman of courage and wisdom. Called “Apostle to the Apostles” for bravely bearing witness of Jesus’ resurrection, she was also known among Gnostics as “the embodiment of Sophia”.

Since the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), she has been officially affirmed as “Apostle to the Apostles”, both in the new Catholic missal of 1969 and by Pope John Paul II in his 1988 encyclical Dignitatum Mulieris.

In medieval Europe, particularly among the Cathars and some aristocratic families, it was widely believed that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ lawful bride, a sister to Martha and Lazarus of Bethany, mother to a “holy bloodline”.

Some contemporary authors, such as Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett in The Templar Revelation, even assert Mary Magdalene was probably a priestess of the Egyptian goddess Isis and a member of a still-existing sect known as the Mandeans, now located in Iraq, who believe John the Baptist to be the true Messiah.

The Magdalene in France, Rennes-le-Chateau is the nexus of that conspiracy theory, made famous by the internationally best-selling book Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, published more than 20 years ago.

Located in the heart of the Languedoc, where the Albigensian Crusade pitted Roman Catholic Christians against Cathar Christians in the first half of the 13th century, it is not surprising that Rennes-le-Chateau’s very old chapel should be dedicated to the Magdalene.

She is the national saint of France, popularly believed to have landed near the town of Saintes-Maries de la Mer in company with Martha and Lazarus and to have been that country’s first evangelizer. (This article first appeared in National Catholic Reporter, July 15, 2005)

Come and be mesmerised. 11:11 Let the journey begin, in a few minutes, 11:11 SAST. Light a candle, some rosemary, pick some flowers, rise in your Divine Feminine and breath the words, the memories and the wisdom.

Click HERE for more 11:11 Episodes

The Cathar Prophecy: Hosted by 11:11 Fascinated by Mary Magdalene, and wondering who the Cathars are? Join Inês Cerqueira and Anaiya Sophia and be inspired by Mary Magdalene and see her represen...


Fierce Feminine Rising Live Webinar FREE
Saturday, August 15, 2020
11:00am to 12:15pm Vancouver (8 pm Paris, 7 pm UK)
I am sure we can now recognize that after millennia of suppression, the Fierce Feminine, or Dark Mother, is making a dramatic resurgence to express our universal outrage. She is rising collectively now, and many women—and men—are feeling a welling up of Sacred Rage inside, a calling to set things right in our own lives and seek justice for those who can't defend themselves.�

Offering much-needed perspective, advice, and tools for channelling the righteous energy and Sacred Rage of the Divine Feminine, Anaiya Sophia explains how to distinguish the Fierce Feminine from personal anger and reveals how it is not a feminist movement set to publically condemn all that is masculine, but a collective spiritual uprising for the greater good of humanity.

Anaiya offers passionate step-by-step guidance to comfort your spiritual anguish and dispel the helplessness of not knowing what to do, encouraging those who feel the call of the Fierce Feminine to embrace their sacred mission and allow it to rebalance the powers that govern the planet, as well as harmonize our minds. When we allow the justice of the Fierce Feminine to flow within us, we each become an active participant in the embodiment of change.

Register FREE HERE

Fierce Feminine Rising by Anaiya Sophia. Advance reviews have spread the word that this is the must-read book for 2020! What People Are Saying: ANDREW HARVEY, AUTHOR OF THE HOPE: A GUIDE TO SACRED ACTIVISM AND TURN ME TO GOLD: 108 TRANSLATIONS OF KABIR The ‘real’ Fierce Feminine lives life ablaze with shattering discrimination, deep passion, and heartfelt openness. Like a fiery phoenix, She is rising all around us. Anaiya Sophia's latest book captures a slither of this fire...

See you all tomorrow!

03/08/2020 extremely powerful transmission.
13 Stars of Sophia
Full Moon, August 3rd, 9pm (your location) - £11
During this transmission, we will journey into the 12 Stars of Sophia’s Corona and their corresponding Earth Gates on the earth, and our own Star Centres in our womanly body. As we do this the 13th Star Gate appears – the full presence of Sophia that we can possibly conceive at this time, as our own body mirrors hers physically, celestially and palpably, as is gracefully possible.

This kind of gnostic experience we give us a 'go-to' in order to abide in her, as her grace. The more and often we can rest as her presence, the more we midwife her full emergence upon the earth.

This level of transmission (I sense) will bridge the Ain Soph (Endless One) to the Gaia Sophia (Spirit of Earth) in a neo-human. Could this journey be 'the' process that births a new humanity? Knowing the teeniest bit about Sophia, I suspect the answer is ...YES!

Register HERE

On the day of the transmission, you will receive a Zoom link to receive the transmission LIVE – as well as a spoken audio file and PDF which are yours to keep and use whenever you feel to.

Esclarmonde: The Triple Goddess of the Cathar Faith with Richard Stanley 31/07/2020

What a Fantastic Episode (even if I say so myself!)
Welcome to another episode of the Fierce Feminine Rising Vodcast, where we learn about the Threefold Goddess at work in the Cathar faith. We are once again joined with Richard Stanley who is a South African film director and screenwriter, who lives in the Cathar region of Southern France. His recent movie, Color Out of Space (starring Nick Cage) has restored his 'Hollywood' title, and rightly so, for this man, has many a tale to tell.

In this episode, Richard is speaking about "The Three Esclarmonde's" of the Cathar faith. In the guise of an innocent child, a fierce young warrioress, and a mystical High Priestess Crone, the Tripple Goddess makes her timeless appearance unmissable.

Many of us researching the Cathar History could overlook this piece because to really get it, you have to zoom in real close - and this usually, means - living and breathing here.

Both Richard and I have been drawn to this region, and have spent many days together exploring, climbing and crawling our way around what is affectionally named 'The Zone'. There is no other who could tell this tale, quite in the way that Richard does...

The purpose of these dialogues is to bring together the clearest and most genuine way-showers of our time to hear and heed their message. Their words and the spirit in which they deliver them could lead us toward a trail of breadcrumbs that inevitably guides our way home.

Check Out More of Richard HERE with the trailer to his latest movie Color Out Of Space

Check Out More of Anaiya HERE

Check Out More of The Golden Age Vodcast HERE

Esclarmonde: The Triple Goddess of the Cathar Faith with Richard Stanley Welcome to another episode of the Fierce Feminine Rising Vodcast, where we learn about the Threefold Goddess at work in the Cathar faith. We are once again j...


Normal never was. Our pre-Corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate, and lack. We should not long to return, my friends. We are being given an opportunity to stitch a new garment: one that includes ALL of humanity and NATURE.

~Brene Brown

If you are ready to learn practical tools to harness your own personal power and use it to create global change, I want to invite you to a very special Global Transformation Event that you're going to love:

Birthing New Earth (link to:, airing online from June 22 - 26, has been designed to practical tools to help you step into your power, release the old programming of the past and provide inspiration for ways that all of us can begin building the new world right now!

You’ll hear from over 25 thought leaders, shamans, teachers, healers, wisdom-keepers, and scientists, including Dr. Gina Sager, Michael Neeley, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, Jocelyn Mercado, Dr. Rima Bonario, Astara Jane Ashley, Cayelin Castell, Sara Estelle Turner, Jules Wingfield, Star Wolf, Alexandria Pope, Sjanie Wurlitzer, Bonnie Salamon, Judy Keating, Anaiya Sophia, Aurora Farber, Laura Wolf, Lisa Love and so many others!

This transformational event is FREE to all registered attendees!

Simply click here to register today:

Messages for Humanity

Anaiya Sophia hosts a series of splendorous conversations with whom she considers to be the most incandescent people of our time. At a time when all appears dark and foreboding, there are those who bring messages of Light.