Watch The Med - Alarm Phone Videos

Videos by Watch The Med - Alarm Phone. If you, or someone you know, are in a distress situation at sea, you can reach us on +33 4 86 51 71 61. We support the struggle for Freedom of Movement.

Le guide en ligne Welcome to Europe a été mis à jour !

#W2EU fournit des contacts de structures de solidarité et des informations utiles pour les personnes en déplacement. Aidez-nous à le diffuser largement !

No border no nation- diffusez l'information!

Other Watch The Med - Alarm Phone videos

Le guide en ligne Welcome to Europe a été mis à jour ! #W2EU fournit des contacts de structures de solidarité et des informations utiles pour les personnes en déplacement. Aidez-nous à le diffuser largement ! No border no nation- diffusez l'information!

Check it out: the Welcome to Europe webguide has been updated! #W2EU provides contacts of solidarity structures & useful information for people on the move. Please help spread it widely! No border no nation - spread information!

📃“The people on board tell us that several people have already drowned. The boat is very overcrowded and the people are panicking. They are calling urgently for help. ❗Please send rescue immediately❗” (email excerpt - 21 June, 00:37) This was already the fourth email we sent. Shortly after, we were informed that the Moroccan Navy was responsible for rescuing. But Moroccan authorities didn’t reply to our calls or Emails until the morning. The morning, when only 24 of the 61 people were found alive 💔. Another shipwreck that could have been avoided! Only a week after hundreds of people were left to drown near Pylos, Greece. Another 34 lives that wouldn’t have been lost in the Atlantic, if there were no borders arbitrarily crossing the seas! ◾We are in deep grief and anger! ◾We will bring our anger to the place, where the killing is orchestrated! ◾Join us from Wednesday to Friday at European Parliament

En hommage de toutes les victimes du massacre de Tarajal / Ceuta le 06.02.14 et de tou.te.s celleux qui ont perdu la vie aux frontières dans le monde! Chaque année, des militant.e.s se réunissent dans de nombreuses villes pour commémorer & lutter pour la liberté de circulation! #CommemorAction

CommemorAction 2023
In memory of all victims of the massacre in Ceuta/Tarajal on the 6th of February 2014 & all who lost their lives at borders around the world. Every year, activists from around the world come together in many different cities to commemorate those who lost their lives due to deadly border regimes and to fight for freedom of movement for all! #SayTheirNames #CommemorAction

“To more bridges & fewer walls!” Father Zerai, who responded to countless distress calls from the Mediterranean Sea, inspired Alarm Phone. When we asked him if we should start the distress hotline he said: “Start today, not tomorrow.” Thank you, Father Abba Mussie Zerai for your wishes to our 8-year anniversary!

Very often, after a pushback from Greece to Turkey you might be detained in a detention center. You have rights in detention! This short video informs you on your rights & how to access them ⬇️ You can find the video on youtube as well:

The trial against the Samos2 starts in one months from today! Hasan is charged with smuggling and faces a sentence of 230 years plus life in prison. He is on trial together with N., as the first asylum seeker ever, charged with the death of his child after suffering a shipwreck. Demand justice for Hasan & N.:

Countless Refugeesinlibya are trapped in a cruel cycle of violence. Over the past months, thousands have courageously protested in front of the office of the UNHCR in Libya. Their protests were violently suppressed by Libyan authorities - all the more important that we listen!

#8M Against Sexism and Patriarchy - In anti-racist initiatives and everywhere else, every day! Feminism is a team sport! And it is a global challenge and a collective struggle. Global solidarity requires an anti-racist and intersectional approach. Eight initiatives working against the racist and brutal effects of the European border regime are speaking out for solidarity among women and queers through this video, today on the 8th of March and every single day, all around the world. This also means that it is often about listening instead of talking over each other, that it is not about rescue, but about partnership, about a common fight against patriarchy, on eye level. #8thMarch #InternationalWomensDay #antiracism #feminism

Safety at Sea in the Aegean
Our video on safety at sea in the Aegean and how to react to illegal pushbacks is now available in Arabic, English Farsi, French and Turkish. The video clip is for people who are considering to cross from Turkey to Greece, either via the Aegean Sea or the land border at Evros / Meriç river. In this video we share information on what precautions to take when crossing the border and how to react when you fear an illegal pushback to Turkey. Keep in mind: Check the weather at before departure. Always wear a life jacket. Bring enough fuel, food, water and warm clothes. Learn how to send an GPS-position from your phone via WhatsApp. In case of emergency, call 112 and the Alarm Phone: 0033 486 51 71 61. Be prepared to send a list with names, birth dates and nationalities to Alarm Phone. Please help us spread these vital information to people on the move: Our intention is not to deter people from attempting to cross, nor to encourage them to do so. Rather, we want to provide information for more safety at sea. We as Alarm Phone continue to fight for the right to Freedom of Movement and Safe Passage!

The following video clip is for people who are considering to cross from Turkey to Greece, either via the Aegaen Sea or the land border at Evros / Meriç river. In this video we share information on what precautions to take when crossing the border and how to react when you fear an illegal pushback to Turkey. Keep in mind: Check the weather at before departure. Always wear a life jacket. Bring enough fuel, food, water and warm clothes. Learn how to send an GPS-position from your phone via WhatsApp. In case of emergency, call 112 and the Alarm Phone. Be prepared to send a list with names, birth dates and nationalities to Alarm Phone. Our intention is not to deter people from attempting to cross, nor to encourage them to do so. Rather, we want to provide information for more safety at sea. We as Alarm Phone continue to fight for the right to Freedom of Movement and Safe Passage! Please help us circulate the video so the information reach those who need them!

Alarm Phone Donation Call
🔸Alarm Phone Donation Call! 14 activists from 14 cities on both sides of the Mediterranean present our daily struggle and the goals of our transnational network. Since 2014, we have supported 4000 boats on all routes of the Med. Please donate if you can!

Emergency demonstration tomorrow @ 14:00 Crowne Plaza Hotel Stockley Road, West Drayton UB7 9NA England Bukhariri Afifi Ahmad, a young Sudanese asylum seeker, was found dead in his hotel room late last night. The reasons for his death are still unclear. He was last seen alive on Friday evening. When other residents raised concerns about Bukhariri's welfare, hotel management initially refused to open his door and check on him. This morning the residents organised a demonstration to protest the poor conditions and neglect they live in at the hotel which they say lead to Bukhariri's death. They have called another demonstration for TOMORROW @ 2PM in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in West Drayton and are asking for support! More people have died in Home Office accommodation than crossing the Channel in the last years. After making such long and dangerous journeys, why are so many dying under the government's duty of care? Do not let Bukhariri be forgotten!

✊🏽Solidarity with the ongoing protests of the Sudanese community in Libya: “We are still in a sit-in in front of the UNHCR headquarters in Sarraj, and it continues to sit-in until the demands of our stolen rights are fulfilled. We, as Sudanese refugees, have been dark towards the UNHCR for years, but we will not remain silent anymore. We will continue to demand the most basic rights that we deserve.”

Nine Syrian refugees in distress illegally pushed back to Turkey!
Nine Syrian refugees in distress illegally pushed back to Turkey! Last Thursday, the Alarm Phone was alerted by nine Syrian refugees in distress in the snow in Northern Greece, 30km away from Ariana. The refugees informed 112 several times and we alerted different border guard stations and the UNHCR about their situation. A few hours later, they were collected by Greek border guards and taken to an unknown police station. Afterwards, we could not reach them for more than 24 hours. Only two days later, the group contacted us again from a hospital in Istanbul! Despite the UNHCR, the Greek authorities and the public being informed, Greek authorities beat them up and illegally pushed them back to Turkey in a mass pushback! The survivors of the pushback told us: "They sent us back to Turkey, and there were also people in the prison, the total was 52 people."

#saytheirnames​ CommemorAction 6 February 2020

Rescued but not safe! Europe plays games with 52 lives!