Master Your Life with Jacquie Verbeek

Master Your Life with Jacquie Verbeek

A Course in Miracles & spiritual development/metaphysics teacher based in southern England. Simply spreading LOVE in a non-judgmental, fun and loving way.

Personal experience of nervous breakdown & healing my Mind Body & Spirit. Master Your LIfe courses & workshops in spiritual, & personal development techniques. I aim to help people with their spiritual development through life, using wisdom teachings, meditation, Reiki and discussion. I live in Cornwall, England, and am doing some volunteering jobs with Tibetans and people with dementia and on the

Photos from Master Your Life with Jacquie Verbeek's post 14/03/2021

Happy Mothering Sunday to mothers everywhere. 🌷🌷

These are a few pics of Cornwall’s daffodils 🌼 that I’m enjoying. The recent hail storms had broken these stems.

A student of mine is currently separated from her young daughter, so I spoke to her about invisible energetic ties being stronger than physical ties, which helped her to understand that separation is never really true.

However, my thoughts go out to those who can’t be with their mums today, for whatever reason. I miss my Mum 🌷who passed six years ago, but I know she’s always with me.

❤️ @ Falmouth, Cornwall

Photos from Master Your Life with Jacquie Verbeek's post 08/03/2021

On International Women’s Day & Commonwealth Day, let’s celebrate 🎊 ourselves, as well as ALL the amazing women in our lives!

Pat yourself on the back! You are you, and you’ve survived thus far, probably bravely and with inner strength. Well done!

Acknowledge YOU today! 🎉

If you’re going through a difficult time now, know that you can and will get through it. If you need support, I’ll happily support you & provide spiritual guidance - please feel free to send me a message.

I’ve been through nervous breakdowns, deep, dark depression and severe anxiety - I survived and you will too.

***de -
thoughts are normal by-the-way.

Volunteering to help others is great for our good . Check out a Soroptimist International Club in your area.

I’m also a member of the Unitarian faith community, and I’m A Course in Miracles teacher - I’m starting groups for both in Cornwall - for all genders.

Congratulations!!! YOU ARE AMAZING - and if you’re a man 👨🏻, YOU ARE AMAZING TOO!

I love ❤️ you 😍

@ Falmouth, Cornwall

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek 11/08/2020

G'day Possums! - my days in Australia are a long way off now but still close to my heart. (Not that I ever used that expression when I was there! It has a touch of the Barry Humphrey's about it!)

That's the trouble with living somewhere else - there's always a bit of your heart longing for that place! Sierra Leone, Poole, Perth, Manly .....

But, it ALSO provides me with a Forgiveness healing opportunity - to release any emotional ties to that place. I've written a blog about Forgiveness. Well, to be precise, I've TYPED UP a piece called "What is Forgiveness?" from A Course in Miracles and posted it as a blog on my website. (I could do this for every future blog - What is Ego, What is Spirit, What is Christ, etc....)

Here's the link if you'd like to read it - and if you have any questions after you've read it ... do ask away!

Have a great summer - I love this heatwave! Or if you're Down Under - enjoy your winter!

Jacquie x

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek 21/07/2020

Read my latest blog on how we self-sabotage our own spiritual progress, or even our daily lives! And how to become aware of why we do it.

aaaagh! We all do it!

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek 30/06/2020

I've spent the last 30 years learning about spiritual matters and it all began with wanting to know what happens when we die. Actually, even further back, in the 70s I bought a book documenting lots of people's experiences of NDEs - near-death experiences.

My latest blog, just posted on my website, is a short piece about what happens when we die - well, when we think we die! Because we don't actually die at all - our souls simply leave our bodies - the only part of us that "dies".

This is a link to the blog:

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek

Jacquie Verbeek – Spiritual development 08/06/2020

Are you experiencing Empty Nest Syndrome? I did once. It's basically another form of loss and I write about my experience and what I recommend to others when they know their children are going to be leaving home in my new blog post.

I think my advice would be the same for anyone to prepare for loss - which we all will in our lives - so I hope you find it useful and interesting.

Jacquie Verbeek – Spiritual development

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek 01/06/2020

Welcome to June! According to the Met Office, we're experiencing "an unprecedented" hot spell - which ties in nicely with this unprecedented pandemic, in our lifetimes anyway!

I've just posted a new blog on my website entitled "Are you feeling overwhelmed or depressed?" with some background to my experiences of mental health and some guidance. Do get in touch if you think I can help you in any way with your mental health challenges. Here's the link:

Blog – Jacquie Verbeek Mental health, Spiritual Development Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you depressed? 30th May 2020 by Jacquie Verbeek I expect, wherever you’re reading this in the world, you’ve experienced self-isolation and social distancing during Lockdown. Vocabulary that wasn’t in use prior to the 2020 corona...

“Master Your Life” - Inspired by Maitreya! 01/03/2020

Wow, the 1st March already and signs of Spring are definitely all around. Daffodils, forsythia and flowering currant bushes in the garden; magnificent male pheasants displaying to their plainer but equally beautiful females - also in our garden because we feed them!

And the March newsletter of in which I have my first blog with them published. See below. If you have any questions, do ask away! Oh, and "pinch punch first of the month"!

“Master Your Life” - Inspired by Maitreya! “Master Your Life” - Inspired by Maitreya! Hello, this is my first Blog (21st century essay!) for I’ve been invited to share my “inspiration, vision, insights and the experience of my life journey”, so here goes! I expect you know Maitreya as the World Teacher,


The Guest House by Rumi invites us to welcome whatever we are feeling this morning. I hope you can read the attached because the font's a bit small.

Don't fight your feelings, simply acknowledge them and observe them. Be the observer of your own emotions. This time of year can be a mixture of excitement, joy, laughter, memories, anticipation, regret, fear, anxiety, loneliness, and severe depression for some. There can be a feeling of emptiness when all around us seem to be having a wonderful time. I've previously spent time over the Christmas season on a forum for people with anxiety - and even THEY seemed to be enjoying themselves. No-one, not one person, knew how I was feeling. And we can never know how someone else is really feeling.

Recently I've been working too hard and playing too hard and need to chill. I am feeling physically tired this morning, having spent four hours, mostly on my feet preparing and serving Teas last night at my chapel's beautiful candlelit Carol Service - in my Elf apron and antlers, of course - and today I'm happily looking forward to having my kids and son-in-law (who's now one of my kids!) home for Christmas. After over a decade in the desert, so to speak, it's hard not to feel this will be a special Christmas but I'm trying hard not to have big expectations which could be dashed. This is what can happen on the Earth plane, but I've checked in with Spirit and I feel all's going to be well. I pray it is with you.


Hi All,

Today, my new teaching/coaching website goes live.

I am more than excited, and I hope you find it interesting.

Please do get in touch via the Contact Page, even if just to tell me there's a typo! I proofread it myself so I hope there isn't!

Please join my email list - and Grab your Freebie today! Ten Spiritual Laws.

With love and gratitude to my beautiful website designer, Frances Verbeek, and love to you as ever and always,


Jacquie 🦋 (@JV2210) on Twitter 06/11/2019

Watch out for my new website, launching very soon! Maybe by the weekend! My seminar on 21/9/19'went very well and i look forward to my new business taking off!

Jacquie 🦋 (@JV2210) on Twitter The latest Tweets from Jacquie 🦋 (). Metaphysics Teacher; Mental Health Advocate/Survivor; Promoter of all things Spiritual/Personal development; Writer; Proud Mum; ACIM; Unitarian; Soroptimist. Southern England, UK

Maitreya Quote on We Are Mirrors for Each Other 14/09/2019

I completed three metaphysics courses with Margaret McElroy who channelled Maitreya, back in the early 00s/naughties. Since then I've been teaching his course, but had a break from 2008. I'll be back at it very soon with the addition of Jesus's teachings in A Course in Miracles, and will be launching my new website in October.

Do you remember my previous Master Your Life website?! It's off-grid now! This time it's going to be called:


Maitreya Quote on We Are Mirrors for Each Other “You are all mirrors for each other. What you see in another that you do not like or which annoys you, is what you need to look at within yourself.” ~ Maitreya For more quotes and guidance from Maitreya, visit our


Well, it starts today! Writing the content for my new website for my daughter to design next week! I'm going to be teaching spiritual development again, and I'm going to train as a Yoga Teacher - ever too late I keep telling others, and it's something I've often thought about doing, so I'm practising with more discipline than before.

My website's going to be called, and my workshops and courses will be called Master Your Life, as they were when I started out in 2004. I'm still in touch with lots of lovely people who came to study with me and have gone on to do wonderful things in their lives. Stephanie became a Pilates teacher and now studies A Course in Miracles. Mark trained as a spiritual healer and started a new organisation for spiritual healers. Louise gave up her job as a lawyer and took the plunge to train as an astrologist. Antonia went on to become a soul midwife. And my most ardent student Sharon has been the bravest in stepping into her own authenticity and is living the life she wants.

I'm not saying they only did these wonderful things because they studied with me, but I am pleased to have been able to share my knowledge and love with them. That's all it is, the word 'teacher' simply means sharing our knowledge and wisdom, and it's there for all of us to do. I love it!

Watch This Space!!

Photos from Master Your Life with Jacquie Verbeek's post 11/08/2019

I've made a commitment to be generally kinder to others. Have you made any personal development commitments recently?


Hi, it's been nearly six months since I posted here, on my Master Your Life page, and a helluva lot's happened in that time! Two major things are that I moved from my flat in Guildford to a rented house in Godalming, which felt like 'home' as soon as I moved in; and I went on a two-week charity sponsored camping trip in the Kalahari Desert in Namibia, with a group of people living with brain injuries last October, 2018. It was an amazing trip but not easy, nor was it a holiday, but it was fascinating and a worthwhile experience for all involved.

We lived nearby a San Tribe village (the former nomadic Bushmen people) and worked to improve their primary school buildings, including laying a pipe for fresh water and a standing tap - the first in 30 years! - and we helped to fence in their village garden. They are the poorest of the poor, and have slowly being made to integrate into the 21st Century since they were forced to live in villages 30 years' ago. So the young people speak very good English and have a good education, and they are trying to keep their Tribe's ancient traditions going, and make a little money from the few foreign tourists that reach the very remote place that they live, in the very north-east Namibia near the Botswana border where, incidentally, they used to be able to wander freely to hunt, but alas no more.

The lifestyle in the smaller country town of Godalming is very different to central Guildford, despite it only being a 15 minute drive away! Country pathways instead of pavements. More dogs and cats and garden birds galore! In 3 months I've had a pheasant, a greater spotted woodpecker and a greycap, as well as the usual blackbirds, bluetits, pigeons and starlings! And it's so peaceful here, I'm sleeping better and having a more relaxed lifestyle. I'm just about to start Borrowing Someone's Dog from - so that'll be fun - he's a large yellow Lab called Digby! He's going to enable me to go for country walks with him as my Protector! This is prior to be getting my own dog - a trial run as it were, to see if I'd like to own my own.

All the while I've been practising Forgiveness, as taught by Arten & Pursah in Gary Renard's book The Disappearance of the Universe, and I'm continuing to repeatedly do the Workbook Lessons in A Course in Miracles, because I'm a lazy student and think I try harder each time I repeat them! But also, they have definitely changed my perception of this illusion we call the world, and the more I practise, the happier and lighter spirited I have become! Today I'm saying "Brother (or you could say Sister), I share my Joy and Peace (& Love and Happiness) with you, because it's our birthright" - or something like that! See?! I told you I wasn't a good student! But I get the gist and definitely the intention to be happy and that's what counts! J doesn't mind!

I hosted our Home Study Group's meeting at my house last week, which was really nice to have 6 like-minded guests in my house for a few hours (had trouble turfing them out to go home!) One even stayed over! And I've started another weekly Group with a friend who has Multiple Sclerosis and is wheelchair-bound, and another mutual friend, which we really enjoy. My female friend's mother had been a Buddhist, so she was brought up with monks dropping by and meditation a part of her life, and she has taken well to the concepts in A Course in Miracles.

If you've read this far - Congratulations! Love to you, Jacquie x


Hello all, having recovered this year ftrom 12 years of 'Dark Night of the Soul' healing crises (criseees?!) I am now fighting fit and ready to take on the world. I feel as if I know everything there is to know about mental health, but of course I don't! Only yesterday I met a young man who was telling me about his ADHD. I told him that I thought only young kids had ADHD and I'd been blaming sugary drinks and poor diet, and possibly poor parenting (oooh contentious!) But he's in his 30s and was explaining about his diagnosis. I introduced the idea of the Mind to him and he said the brain IS the mind - ooooh! That sent me right off on one! The mind - tangible?! I think not!!

Answers on a postcard please! What do you think?

I hope you're all well on this day, Wednesday, 22 August 2018. I'm doing my first creative writing workshop today on Memoirs... watch this space ha ha! You might appear in it!


This was a fun thing to do, sitting in the sun on Thursday afternoon when I actually had a quiet hour to myself....

Re-arrange this list of adjectives in A-Z format. Complimentary adjectives about YOU, that we don't usually pat ourselves on the back for.

I couldn't find a few letters, e.g. Z, so made them up!!

Take ten minutes for you and play this short Mindfulness game... now!


....Look at those cakes ...... when you've given up refined sugar and your daughter asks if you can go out for High or Afternoon Tea! Well, your baby isn't 35 every day! We're currently celebrating her second Birthday Weekend.

I've recently, and quite suddenly, comparatively, recovered from over twelve years of mental health problems. I suffered with terrible grief when Frances left for Australia on 4th October 2005, but I didn't know it. All I knew was that I couldn't go into her bedroom or look at her photo for months, and I didn't throw away the block of Cheddar cheese that she'd left in the fridge, for over six months....

In fact, it wasn't until the following year, almost a year later and after a six-week trip to Sydney to visit her and Russell, who also went to stay in Oz for a year, that I started to have signs of depression and anxiety.

In my experience the was much worse than the . I could always get out of bed in the morning, because of a raging hunger, but getting in the shower and getting dressed was like climbing a steep hill some days. Well, most days back in 2006 & 07. My symptoms varied over the decade +, and that's partly why depression and anxiety are very hard to explain to people who haven't experienced it, or known anyone suffering. I wouldn't wish it on my favourite enemy.

Indeed, prior to "having it" myself, I hadn't knowingly known anyone with depression, so I really didn't know WHAT was "happening to me"! I was the right sort of age at the time (50), to be going through the menopause, and that was definitely a contributing factor over the years, but it was never properly diagnosed by a GP, so I don't know. I've always been anti-drugs, so medication of any kind falls into that category, so HRT was a definite "No-No" for me.

Anyway, to cut a looong story, twelve years' worth of Dark Night of the Soul with four nervous breakdowns long, I finally gave up , and approximately four months' prior to when I quite suddenly felt the anxiety fade away.

I've been studying A Course in , , since 2007, although at my worst all I read was romantic fiction and auto-biographies, no spiritual or self-help books although they were always lying around and very much part of my daily environment. is the main teaching in ACIM, and I practised it intermittently throughout the years, but a lot more consistently in the last year. Now I can't put the book down, and I have an ACIM App which pings me reminders to do my daily Lesson throughout the day. I attend a home-study group and just Love❤️ it.

Daily were the other thing that I tried to do, even if just to some fresh air. My levels got so bad that I couldn't walk twenty minutes without needing to sit down. I lost a lot of weight and felt the cold terribly, so actually hated going out without layers of warm woollies on!

I've been going to the church in , , since 2010 at least, and although I obviously didn't go when I spent a year in Oz five years ago, I've also missed the last four years pretty much. But the lovely and two other wonderful people have always kept in touch with me, which I really appreciated. People with depression themselves and to receive a loving card, or a friendly text message, kept me feeling a bit human and definitely loved, when everything else about me was disintegrating and falling apart.

The group, that meets in the Unitarian Chapel every Thursday afternoon between 1 & 3, open for the public to go and receive hands-on healing and prayers, told me, when I returned to church mid-March this year, that they'd had me listed in their Healing Book for the last three years. I believe in the power of prayer, and I am very to them.

So, in brief, those last few paragraphs covered the main things that helped in my . My Minister, who supported me through visits and awful meetings with the and staff, has said my recovery "is a ", as she's seen me at my worst, even less than six months ago. Well, after studying ACIM, I know miracles are possible, even small everyday miracles, so I think she may well be right.

Thank you also to Russell, my main and over these last four years. He put his on hold to be with me. He constantly encouraged me to forgive and remember that I Am , Whole and Innocent and All is Forgiven and Released.

Read that last sentence for yourself, or say it to your nearest and dearest, and those people you're not so keen on .... we've all got some of those! Try it, it may well your forever too. And it makes you , and that's the part of all this... 😘 😘 😘happy......

/Spirit/ / / / / (call It what the he'll you want!) "It" wants nothing more than for us to be happy!! Yes! You!!

Profile pictures 24/03/2018