Anglais lycée agricole chaumont

Anglais lycée agricole chaumont

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No 3 Vocabulary and recap on global warming

Global warming is the general rise in overall temperatures on planet Earth. The main cause is our growing consumption of energy which mainly originates from rising population .The effects of our growing need for energy inevitably translates into more burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas especially in newly-developed countries that have no time or not enough money to explore alternative sources of energy.. By burning those carbon-based resources, we inevitably release gases that contain carbon in the atmosphere.
Those gases such as Carbon dioxide and methane are very common.They are called greenhouse gases because they trap heat in the atmosphere.

Those emissions are responsible for what is called the greenhouse effect.
In a normal greenhouse, the heat from the sun warms the air inside but the heat does not escape because of the glass panels that act like walls. By analogy, the greenhouse gases are described to act just like the glass panels of a greenhouse.

There are many consequences to global warming such as the melting of the the polar ice caps,the rising of sea level and more generally extreme weather patterns. Extreme weather translates into longer periods of droughts in the summer but also more stormy weather conditions ( violent downpours, hurricanes etc) creating long-lasting floods especially in coastal regions.
Consequences on agriculture are important. On the whole, weather unpredictability means that farmers need to adapt to a trickier situation.
Hotter climate also brings parasites such as insects and weeds and new diseases appear. Food is less nutritious because of faster crop growth owing to the fact that summer comes early in the year.

Finally, poor countries that already experience hot weather conditions will be further affected, In Africa for example, famines, food shortages, inflationay prices will be very common.
Governments and individuals should act fast in order to adress and revert the problem. Time is for action.

Unfortunately, not everyone cares about the environment. Even though actions are needed and decisions need to be made now, our current leaders all too often lack the determination to address global issues and therefore let the problems worsen with time.
