New South

New South

New South is an international architecture, urban design, and research studio based in Paris, France.

Photos from New South's post 13/06/2024

Meriem Chabani has been selected as a resident of the Villa Albertine for 2025.

In partnership with Ateliers Médicis and Blue Tin Production , she will explore Chicago's underbellies of production, with a focus on the South Side.

The residencies include an exciting panel of creators, intellectuals, and cultural actors, representing 10 different nationalities, set to traverse a total of 28 American cities. We're happy to witness the diversity displayed in the selection.

Congratulations to all residents, in particular fellow architects Sylvia Amar , L'Atelier Senzu ( Wandrille Marchais Dottelonde David) , Coldefy (Thomas Coldefy, Isabel Van Haute, Zoltán Neville)


Ministère de la Culture INSTITUT FRANÇAIS Fondation Bettencourt Schueller Société Générale ENGIE Foundation

The GSD Announces Finalists for the 2024 Wheelwright Prize 12/06/2024

We're proud to announce that Meriem Chabani is a finalist of Harvard Graduate School of Design's Wheelwright Prize.

She becomes the first Algerian or French individual shortlisted for the award.

Her proposal examines ways in which sacred spacial practices and rituals can provide a new sustainable approach to architecture in her proposal
“On Sacred Grounds: Sanctuaries in the Secularocene”.

Congratulations to all finalists Nathan Friedman, Thandi Loewenson, and Ryan Roark!


The GSD Announces Finalists for the 2024 Wheelwright Prize Meriem Chabani, Nathan Friedman, Thandi Loewenson, and Ryan Roark have been shortlisted for the $100,000 prize for early-career architects.

Photos from New South's post 02/05/2024

Meriem Chabani serves as guest critic at Harvard Graduate School of Design's "Magna Parens Materia" studio.

Led by Hanif Kara OBE and Amin Taha, the studio is set in London's Earl's Court, and explores how stone can be used for mid-rise buildings, pushing innovative uses and technical solutions.

Critic pannel includes Jennifer Bonner, Brandon Clifford, Lucio Frigo, Eric Höweler, FAIA, Caroline Johns, Christopher Lee, Rahul Mehotra and Mohsen Mostafavi.

Invisibles mosquées de France - AOC media 14/12/2023

Dans le cadre de nos recherches sur le sacré, Meriem Chabani interroge le statut des mosquées en France dans un article pour AOC.

"Les mosquées françaises subissent aujourd’hui un déni d’architecture. Un déni de leur capacité d’invention, de leur visibilité, de leur existence. Sans subvention, sans capital et confrontées à une quasi-interdiction de constructions à la fois nouvelles et ambitieuses, la communauté musulmane française doit se battre pour préserver ses espaces de l’atrophie.

Pourtant l'architecture est une opportunité. Par la cristallisation des usages, des flux, des exigences techniques et réglementaires, des désirs et des climats, c’est une discipline de l’équilibre, du dialogue, du consensus. Le sacré offre un medium extraordinaire d’expansion au-delà d’une expression matérielle, pour porter l’invisible, pour faire communauté. Son appauvrissement est une perte pour nos villes. Face au rendez-vous manqué du vivre-ensemble, on ne peut que s’interroger : la première mosquée française, c’est pour quand ?"

Invisibles mosquées de France - AOC media Dans un contexte où l’Islam, pourtant deuxième religion du pays, est présenté par certains comme antithétique de la « civilisation française », les manifestations de la foi islamique apparaissent comme les indicateurs d'une menace sécuritaire généralisée. Les mosquées en sont le point...


Meriem Chabani is named one of the leading young female architects in France by AMC Archi.

Find the portrait of the 20 featured talents here (in French) :,92916/20-femmes-architectes-a-suivr.1?fbclid=IwAR2F2hPZXQGDgnJHNKuu3v4bHxTSmsI9xgHpW-IZD9j_6fUqx67F-DIxtw


Jury E17, suppléante — Meriem Chabani est architecte, urbaniste et fondatrice de New South. A la croisée de la maîtrise d’œuvre et de la recherche, elle questionne les dynamiques sociales, politiques et économiques qui s’exercent sur les territoires et forment les architectures. Active à l’international, elle est experte auprès de la délégation française pour le Forum Urbain Mondial depuis 2019. Elle enseigne actuellement à l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris Malaquais (FR), au Royal College of Arts de Londres (GB) et à la Haute École d’Art de de Design de Genève (CH). Son travail est exposé à la Biennale de Venise, la Biennale de Lagos, la Biennale d’Istanbul, le musée du MAXXI et la Triennale d'Oslo (2023).

Régulièrement primée, son agence est lauréate du concours Europan 14 sur le site de Guebwiller (FR). En 2020, elle est lauréate du prix Europe 40 Under 40, décerné par le Centre Européen d’Architecture et le Chicago Athenaeum.

Meriem Chabani - New South: An ethics of piracy and sacred ecologies 14/06/2023

Conference_ Meriem Chabani's inaugural conference for Superonda - Mercury Rising at Archizoom EPFL is now online.

Curated by Charlotte Malterre Barthes, the cycle engages with the various ways we can navigate construction with a socially engaged and sustainable approach.

Many thanks to her, Kathlyn Kao and Summer Islam, director at Material Cultures.

Meriem Chabani - New South: An ethics of piracy and sacred ecologies Meriem Chabani (New South) in discussion with Summer Islam (Material Culture/RIOT)Lecture at EPFL Archizoom on Monday 6 March 2023.Part of the Superonda lect...


PRESSE_"Aux côtés des stars internationales David Adjaye et Diebedo Francis Kéré, lauréat du prix Pritzker, une seule équipe française : celle formée par Meriem Chabani - l'une des 20 femmes architectes à suivre identifiées par AMC en 2023 - et John Edom, dont les sujets d'inclusivité sont au centre de la pratique."

Merci AMC Archi

Link :,90691

The Royal College of Art announces 19 members of its community will participate in the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2023 04/05/2023

The Royal College of Art pays tribute to its community taking part in La Biennale di Venezia. Meriem Chabani will be exhibiting as part of the "Guests from the Future".

We're happy to see the commitment of the RCA to fostering diverse voices and practices from the Global South.

The Royal College of Art announces 19 members of its community will participate in the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2023 For the best experience, we recommend you update your browser. Visit our accessibility page for a list of supported browsers. Alternatively, you can continue using your current browser by closing this message.


FOCUS_Meriem Chabani is selected by AMC Architecture as one of the outstanding female architect voices in France.

Women are here to stay, and here to grow.

Link :,89599


IT'S A WIN_ Our proposal for the site of Goutte de Lait (Pantin, FR) wins the last stage of the Reinvent the Greater Paris metropolis competition.

Formerly aimed at breastfeeding mothers, Goutte de Lait is becoming a new offer of sustainable catering, training and professional reintegration, for and by women. Our project promotes the economic independence of mothers in precarious situations, particularly immigrant mothers.

The project combines ecology, health, economy and social commitment to offer a place of influence on the scale of Pantin and the Greater Paris Metropolis.

This project is managed by Meet My Mama, who sets up a restaurant, a training and professional reintegration centre, a podcast recording studio, as well as its new headquarters within the Greater Paris area.

Synergies have been set up with neighbourhood associations and the neighbouring youth centre: training workshops and use of the premises' kitchens, occupation of outdoor spaces, recording of podcasts.

This programme is expressed through a sober architectural project that enhances the existing building and fits discreetly into the existing art deco building. Our approach is supported by multiple sustainable construction labels.

Our fantastic team :
Client - LSRE & DE WATOU
Operator - Meet My Mama
Architect and programming - New South
Associate architect and structural engineering - CARRIERE DIDIER GAZEAU
Landscape designer - ETABLISSEMENT paysage
Engineering - BERIM
Sustainability strategy - AGI2D
Bureau de contrôle - BTP Consultants


As fellows of the LINA European Platform, we're thankful for the opportunity to engage in multiple collaborations with the LINA Network : Tirana architecture triennale, Oslo architecture triennale, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Sarajevo architecture festival, Architectuul.

● More on our research project "Sacred Grounds" :

Photos from New South's post 09/02/2023

TEACHING_Like every year, we are proud of our first year students at ENSA Paris-Malaquais. Studio lead by Meriem Chabani and Bastien Ung.

Also happy to see Pavel Cleuziou and Victor Goupy work on the iconic Etoiles d'Ivry, in an hommage to Renée Gailhoustet and Jean Renaudie.

Students :
DAVID Charlotte
GOUPY Victor
SURIC Malicya


COMPETITION_Our team has been awarded the transformation of Square Jacques Franck, a dysfunctional public space next to two social housing blocks, at the center of Brussels (BE).

Working with neighbours, local schools and businesses, we look forward to shaping a more inclusive space for all.


Happy holidays ! As we head towards the end of 2022, a look at the frictions between human and non-human ecologies.

Photography by John Edom New South
Georgia, 2016


As we head towards the end of 2022, a look at the frictions between human and non-human ecologies.

Photography by John Edom New South
Georgia, 2016


Présentation de l'avancement de notre étude "Manuel des Petits Chemins" sur la place des enfants dans la ville au Pavillon de l'Arsenal.
Penser des villes pour toutes et tous, c'est d'abord les penser pour les plus vulnérables.
Merci aux élèves et aux équipes des écoles Bretonneau, Saussure et Choisy.

Photos from New South's post 02/10/2022

New South joins LINA_

We are happy to be selected as one of the 25 LINA Fellows.

First stop : Conference in Ljubljana on the 21 - 22nd of October - Architecture and the future of the planet

We will present our work on Muqarnas and sacred grounds, alongside selected projects from all over the European Union tackling architectural solutions for changes in mobility practices or awareness-raising.


Projet team :
Architecture : New South
Engineering : Radhi ben Hadid
Production : Gorbon Ceramics


Photos from New South's post 09/09/2022

Le Printemps de l'Hiver_Comment bien vieillir en ville ?

Portée par la Maison de l'architecture Île-de-France Maison de l'architecture Ile-de-France , cette étude s'interroge sur le parcours résidentiel des séniors en ville.
A l'échelle du territoire, à l'échelle de l'îlot, à l'échelle du domicile, nous examinons les imbrications, contraintes et opportunités. Cette étude part de la parole des premièr.e.s concerné.e.s, et tisse des liens avec les regards des experts, élus et professionnels du secteur.

Equipe : Meriem Chabani (New South), Guillaume Sicard (Raw architecture) Alexandre SFINTESCO (SAFE Architecture et urbanisme) et Aurélie Barbey (Atelier Barbey)
Regard associé : Michele Leloup


Photos des séniors : Olivier Leclerq
Conception graphique : Travaux pratiques
Illustrations : Arthur Bonifay
Impressions : imprimerie.frazier
à retrouver chez Librairie Volume

Remerciements particuliers aux seniors, experts et élus ayant pris le temps de répondre à nos questions, ainsi qu'à la MA IDF pour son soutien, Lea Mosconi , iudo Petit Melissa-asli Benjamin Aubry


[email protected]

Photos from New South's post 31/08/2022

CITY OF LOST CHILDREN_An article for Arkitekten

Paris is losing its children. We take a look at its efforts towards retaining families, how they shape the city, and what we might learn from it.
Le chemin des écoliers - ‘the schoolchildren’s path’ - is a French expression dating from the 16th century that evokes the propensity of students to take a detour, or to become absorbed by something that takes their interest, on their way to class. Another expression, faire l’école buissonnière - do school in the bushes - dates from the reformation, when outlawed Lutheran pastors would teach children in wooded areas in order to avoid detection. While these expressions today refer to taking the longest possible road to school or skipping it altogether, they capture some essential aspects of childhood development that might not be met by school alone: discovering one’s own path rather than taking the most direct route, experimenting through play and interacting closely with nature.

A focus on children’s mobility within the city is thus a means to make the city better for all by reducing dangerous and polluting traffic, and reintroducing diverse natural elements within the urban landscape. More broadly, it points toward the importance of providing affordances that increase the inclusivity of the city for its most vulnerable inhabitants. Hopefully, it will allow the children of Paris to rediscover, and take ownership, of their place in the city.


Written by Meriem Chabani and John Edom
Many thanks to for the invitation.

her(e) : Bordeaux 21/08/2022

EVENT_You can now find the video of the SAAY/YAAS Collective event at arc en rêve centre d'architecture.
It included a decolonial tour of the city, and an open triangular table to share both our thoughts and food steeped in that history.

her(e) : Bordeaux Invitées à l'occasion de l'ouverture de l'exposition commun, le collectif de commissaires saay/yass – Patti Anahory, Anna Abengowe, Tuliza Sindi et Mawena Ye...



New South est heureux d’accompagner la Ville de Saint-Denis dans la mutation de son diffus, aux côtés de iudo, Clier Florent, Atelier Ergon et Biodiversita.

Notre démarche propose une approche intégrée entre faisabilité architecturale, programmation, paysage, structure, écologie et plusieurs modèles économiques de portage.

Félicitations aux deux autres équipes lauréates, fcml architectes et Silhouettes urbaines.



EVENT_Many thanks to the SAAY/YAAS Collective and arc en rêve centre d'architecture for this invitation to engage with the remnants of the slave trade and the colonial history of Bordeaux.

The event included a decolonial tour of the city, and an open triangular table to share both our thoughts and food steeped in that history.

With Patti Anahory, Anna Abengowe, Mawena Yehouessi, Tuliza Sindi, Khensani de Klerk and Meriem Chabani.

This is an initiative of Her(e) Otherwise, a platform dedicated to promoting African/diaspora women in architecture.

Thanks to Fabrizio Gallanti and the whole Arc en Rêve team for supporting this work beyond the Africa 2020 season where it originated.


EXPO I What can we learn from the South ?
Join us on the 14th of June at CIVA Brussels, 6pm, for the opening of our Muqarnas pavilion, featuring a talk with Anissa Touati and music by Tarek Alsayed Yahya.

This pavilion was designed and executed in collaboration with the fantastic Radhi Ben Hadid and Gorbon Ceramics.

Many thanks to Nikolaus Hirsch, Silvia Franceschini and Cédric Libert for commissioning and supporting this project.

Our deepest gratitutde to Orhan Refik Gorbon and his team at Gorbon Ceramics for allowing this project to come to life.


AFRICAN ARTS AND DESIGN I The curation of MAISON CHÂTEAU ROUGE and Les Oiseaux Migrateurs shed light on contemporary African creation, exploring production processes, economic and cultural paradigms, up to the finished objects.

We were happy to engage in a collaboration with shared values, providing a zero waste scenography with borrowed or reused elements.

The exhibition « Bonne Arrivée » took place in early September 2021, at the Musée des arts décoratifs de Paris Mad Paris

Exposition dans le cadre de la Saison Africa2020
Partenaires :
AFD - Agence Française de Développement
ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative

Archipelago: Architectures for the Multiverse, May 6-8, Geneva 06/09/2021

RE-SACRALISER I Il est temps de considérer les bâtiments et l'espace public comme des entités mouvantes, évolutives et vivantes, nécessitant des soins humains adéquats. La restauration d'une alliance sacrée entre les personnes et le lieu établit un cadre pour la création de valeur non pécunière, favorisant des villes véritablement durables.

Could the notion of the ‘un-defileable’ hold a vital significance in the age of climate emergency?


An article written for Archipelago : Architectures for the Multiverse, Haute école d'art et de design - Genève and Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Genève - HEPIA in collaboration with Virgile Goyet

Thanks to Vera Vilardebo Sacchetti for her invitation.

Archipelago: Architectures for the Multiverse, May 6-8, Geneva In secular societies, the sacred has all but disappeared from the urban realm. The buildings that embody sacredness — churches, mosques, and other places of worship — are increasingly removed from the city’s landscape, and stand, for the most part, empty. Elsewhere, monuments offer a rigid app...


New South est heureux•se de collaborer avec MAISON CHÂTEAU ROUGE pour la scénographie de l’exposition « Bonne Arrivée » au Musée des arts décoratifs de Paris Mad Paris !

DESIGN CONTEMPORAIN » du 31 août au 5 septembre 2021 - ENTRÉE GRATUITE

« Bonne arrivée ! », c’est ainsi que l’on se souhaite la bienvenue en Afrique de l’Ouest.

Dans le cadre de cette exposition- événement, l’association Les Oiseaux Migrateurs et Maison Château Rouge interrogent les enjeux de notre monde en convoquant la parole des créateur•rice•s et de leurs objets.

Des matières premières aux techniques de fabrications traditionnelles et contemporaines jusqu’aux objets finis, le parcours de l’exposition témoigne non seulement des processus de création,
des moyens économiques et culturels permettant de maintenir des activités créatrices, mais aussi des idées et des systèmes de valeurs issues du continent africain capables de raisonner le monde.

🖊 Superbe affiche de l’exposition Akakir Studio ©️

Exposition dans le cadre de la Saison Africa2020

Partenaires :
AFD - Agence Française de Développement
ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative

Photos from New South's post 09/08/2021

FENÊTRES SUR COUR_Concours pour la création de 24 logements à Paris 12.

Les logements se tournent vers le jardin vertical en cœur d'îlot.

Maîtrise d'ouvrage : Nexity
Maîtrise d'oeuvre : New South

Photos from New South's post 02/08/2021

FENÊTRE SUR COUR_Concours pour la création de 24 logements à Paris 12.

Le projet développe des façons singulières d'habiter le socle, le corps et les toits.

Maîtrise d'ouvrage : Nexity
Maîtrise d'œuvre : New South

Videos (show all)

EVENT _ Organized by Haute école d'art et de design - Genève and HEPIA Genève, our own Meriem Chabani was invited to mod...