

Association Française pour l'encouragement de la pratique du Dragonboat Un DRAGON BOAT mesure 12 mètres de long sur 1m20 de large.

Son poids est de l’ordre de 300 kg. L’embarcation comprend de 14 à 20 pagayeurs répartis sur deux rangées côte à côte, un barreur à l’arrière et un tambour à l’avant qui donne le rythme. Les DRAGON BOAT ont l’originalité d’avoir à la proue une tête de dragon et à la poupe une queue de cette bête mythique. L’ensemble est peint de motifs représentant les écailles. Le Dragon Boat est un sport nautiqu



📣Change of Race Venue – 16th IDBF World Dragon Boat Racing Championships. 📣
The race venue for the 16th IDBF World Dragon Boat Championships (WDBRC2023) will now revert to the original location, the Royal Thai Navy Rowing and Canoeing Training Centre in Rayong, Pattaya.

The IDBF has received updated information from the Organising Committee, the Rowing & Canoeing Association of Thailand (RCAT), that with the recent rainfall in Pattaya, the water levels at the Training Centre have increased and now meets the water depth requirements as per IDBF’s Competition Regulations – CR6.10.

As the original preferred site for WDBRC2023, the purpose-built facilities will have better and more accessible areas for athletes and supporters. With the possibility of inclement weather during the Championships, the safety and wellbeing of athletes and supporters also played a part in the decision-making process.

The IDBF and RCAT understands that the change in venue will impact team logistics. RCAT will be working with hotels to ensure breakfast will be served earlier to accommodate for any extra travel time required to get to the race venue. There will be no additional transportation costs from the hotels as well.

The IDBF is absolutely confident that the advantages of changing venue outweigh any disadvantages. Rest assured, the decision was not taken lightly but was taken in the best interests of the sport.

Times and locations for scheduled meetings and events remains the same.

Further details regarding the race venue will be covered in the Technical Bulletin 4 and will be published over the next few days.

The IDBF would like to thank RCAT for their commitment and dedication in delivering a world-class Championship and all teams for their patience and understanding.

President IDBF
Mike Thomas



Une belle édition se prépare le 30 septembre et le 1er octobre pour le 17ème Festival de Dragon Boat d'Annecy autour du thème ANNÉES 80.🤩

Emile & Images, Jean-Pierre Mader, Sabrina, Patrick Hernandez, Vivien Savage, Zouk Machine, Phil Barney, Partenaire Particulier : entre déguisements qui piquent les yeux et tubes à tue-tête, ça va swinguer en quadrichromie sur la base nautique des Marquisats.👏

Au programme du week-end :
- courses longues
- sprints
- finales
- battle de chorégraphies 80's
- concert live le samedi soir
- tartiflette géante
- buvette toute la journée
- ambiance musicale, déguisements 80's et bonne humeur
- podiums et remises des prix

INSCRIPTIONS sur : https://annecy-dragonboatfestival.fr/

Ville d'Annecy Annecy Ville Lac Annecy Tourisme Kayak Club d'Annecy Dragon Boat Attitude Drôles de Rames


25 juin 2023