Air Bleu
ATR de ligne et JET privé
Looking at just the numbers, the most dangerous plane is the Boeing 737 with 149 accidents and 4,360 fatalities. Additionally, the Boeing 747 has been involved in 49 accidents and 3,713 fatalities, and the Airbus A300 has been involved in 33 accidents with 1,416 fatalities.
What Airline Has Had the Most Crashes? (US, Worldwide, Europe) | EXECUTIVE FLYERS Whether you're planning your next flight or are just curious what airline has the most crashes, the answer might surprise you. The USA and Europe feature highly on lists of airlines that have had the…
Il avait soif.
Hélicoptère et Avion : MV-22
Pas toujours facile...
cliquer sur le U en haut à droite pour voir les engins militaires
ADS-B Exchange - tracking thousands of aircraft ADS-B Exchange - tracking aircraft using tar1090
Beaucoup de victimes de ce crash partaient en croisière, comme celles du Concorde.
Tenerife le crash du siècle -1977 - Documentaire Complet - HD - GPN Le 27 Mars 1977, un épais brouillard envahit soudain l'aéroport de Los Rodeos à Tenerife. Le commandant de bord d'un Boeing 747 hollandais décide cependant d...
Hydravion à réaction