Nicol Blackmore - Health & Skincare

Nicol Blackmore - Health & Skincare

Arbonne pure, safe and beneficial skincare, make up and nutrition.


Top Tip Tuesday.

Ever found your self lacking energy ?
Do you get really tired mid afternoon?

I always struggle with a little energy slump around 3pm, like I could literally fall asleep.

Previously I would reach for a chocolate bar or a fizzy drink which would help for a little while but then I would be knackered again. It was like a never ending circle by doing that.

Now I have found other ways to help that little slump and thought I would share them with you....

💖 Top Tip 1 - Get yourself some Fizz Sticks.
These have been the single best investment I have ever made. They are a caffeine from Green Tea and give you a natural energy boost without a come down half hour later. Game changer !!

💖 Top Tip 2 - Stay away from sugary based snacks.
They are great for a quick fix but soon after you will be right back where you were in a slump feeling exhausted again.

💖 Top Tip 3 - Move your body.
If you can get up and move around, even better go out and get some fresh air. Or have a little dance around. It will wake you up and boost your energy.

I hope that these help you boost your energy 💖


Yay it’s Tuesday again....

So as I sit here at the side of the football pitch I was wondering what to post for Top Tip Tuesday and I thought what better than tips for some Self Care.

I’m not sure about you but it has taken me a long time to allow myself some time to do what I would l like to do. So here are a few tips for you to hopefully give yourself a little bit of time and care.

❤️ Top Tip 1 - Make sure you are getting enough sleep.
I know sometimes this is raiser said than done but sleep is so important to our health and our bodies. It had a huge effect on how we feel both physically and mentally. If you struggle getting to sleep try a little bit of calming music or a meditation.

❤️ Top Tip 2 - Do something you love.
This can be anything from sitting and reading a book or jumping round your lounge to your favourite song or laying still with a face mask on. Whatever it is that makes you happy and calm make time for it.

❤️ Top Tip 3 - Reflection & Gratitude.
Each day I start my morning with Gratitude and it’s a great practice to get into. Every morning I am grateful that I have been given another day. So each night it’s also great to reflect on that day, think about or write down the 3 best things that happened during your day. This will put you in a state of appreciation and gratitude right before you sleep.


This week as the gyms in the UK are now back open I thought it might be worth covering Muscle Recovery. If like me you got all excited and did a lot at the gym yesterday then I hope these help.
💙 Top Tip 1: Hydrate.
It’s really important to drink plenty of water after working out. You lose a lot of fluid during exercise and ideally, you should be replacing it during exercise, but filling up after exercise is an easy way to boost your recovery.

💙Top Tip 2: Use a supplement
After any exercise that I do I will always have an Afterworkout within half an hour. This contains amino-acids which helps alleviate muscle soreness and support recovery. Plus I get at least 600ml of water in me with this drink. Hydrating straight away.

💙Top Tip 3: Cool Down and Stretch
Now this is something I am really not good at. I know I need to do it as I can feel the tightness in my muscles sometimes when exercising.
Taking 5-10 minutes to jog slowly or walk on the treadmill can help your body to cool down, especially if you’ve just completed a tough workout. Once your heart rate has slowed, static stretching (where you hold a stretch position) can help to improve your range of motion.

Happy exercising people 😃


So in light of tonight’s announcement I thought I would try and spread some cheer by doing a 🌟🌟Giveaway🌟🌟

Today I started my Healthy living reset (going to be a bit harder to stick to now) so over the next 30 days I am going to give my body a break of all the rubbish I have been eating for the last 4 weeks, oh alright 6 weeks and try for back in my jeans 🤣

I wanted to share the love and offer out a Nutrition Pack for you to try. Included in your pack are all the essentials: Pomegranate, Strawberry and Citrus Fizz Sticks, Complete Hydration, Mind Health my fave Skin Elixir, Lemon Protein Bars, Chocolate & Vanilla protein plus the amazing RE9 Skin Revitalizing Face Sheet.

All you need to do is:
⭐️ Like this post
⭐️Comment below ‘Me Please’
⭐️Screenshot and Share to your story and tag me in.

Draw will be done Wednesday 6th January 2021.

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

It’s Top Tip Tuesday again 🙌🏻

This weeks is about how to boost your energy. Generally in life we should not be feeling tired all the time. Here are my tips to help your energy.
💜 Top Tip 1 - Exercise. I know you may not feel like it but it really does make you feel better and It almost guarantees that you'll sleep more soundly. It also gives your cells more energy to burn and circulates oxygen. It also helps to brighten your mood.

💜Top Tip 2 - Supplements. I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it. I don’t need caffeinated coffee or tea in my life as I use Fizz Sticks. They are by far the best way to boost my energy when I need it and never leave home without them. These are a natural boost containing Guarana which supports energy, Ginseng Root which helps support performance and Chromium which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.

💜Top Tip 3 - Try to control stress. Easier said than done sometimes I know. Stress induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy. Try relaxation therapies like meditation, yoga or Tai Chi or just simply talking it out with a friend or what I find often helps write a list of all that is on your mind.

I hope that helps someone. Life can often get busy and distract us from taking care of ourselves so don’t forget to take some time for you.

Timeline photos 17/11/2020

Top Tip Tuesday.

How To Boost Your Collagen.

Collagen is the main structural protein found in the skin and other connective tissues.
Collagen helps provide the skin with elasticity so that it appears youthful and healthy.
As collagen production declines, fine lines, loose skin, and dryness can occur.

As we age, our natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid slows down, causing our skin to lose its natural moisture and begin to show some signs of ageing.

Supporting our skin’s ability to produce collagen can help to improve the appearance of healthy looking skin.

💚 Top Tip 1 - Include foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is critical for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body, but it decreases as we age. Eating foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids can increase the levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body as both are important for skin. Foods such as oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and strawberries are all rich in vitamin C.

💚 Top Tip 2 - Ginseng
Ginseng is absorbed into the skin without causing the adverse reactions that many chemical pharmaceuticals cause, and helps skin keep its original shape. It has also been found to promote the growth of collagen.
The antioxidants that are released into your bloodstream when you take a ginseng supplement or drink tea that contains ginseng can protect healthy cells and contribute to glowing skin.

💚Top Tip 3 - Take a supplement. I take a collagen supplement everyday along with Ginseng. I use the Arbonne Skin Elixir which also contains Hyaluronic Acid, Sea Buckthorn fruit extract and Vitamin C. I also add to this a Ginseng Energy Fizz Stick which helps the skin and energy levels.

If you would like anymore information on anything mentioned then please let me know.

Timeline photos 13/10/2020

Top Tip Tuesday again...

How To Help Dry Skin ....

Now this is a subject I am experienced in.

Having suffered with Eczema my entire life dry skin is something I know about. The cracking of the skin, the soreness, redness, getting out the shower and it feels like sandpaper.

Yep I have been there.

Not only does it hurt you feel really self conscious and your confidence gets knocked. What works for one person doesn’t work for another either so all I can share with you is what helped me.

💜 Tip 1 - Use a good quality moisturiser.
When I was younger I didn’t really use any moisturiser as I had prescribed stuff if I needed it. As I got older I would use the usual high street brands which worked for a short time but later in the day my skin would feel dry again. Not I use a premium brand from top to toe and it has totally changed my world. I no longer HAVE to moisturise every time I shower 🙌🏻

💜 Tip 2 - A good bedtime skincare routine.
This I believe is key and before a few months ago I was really flaky with this. Sometimes I would do it sometimes I wouldn’t. Now I do this every night and can see and feel the difference. This doesn’t need to take ages, remove make up, cleanse face, night cream on. Done.

💜 Tip 3 - Watch your diet.
I am lucky enough to now know which foods don’t serve me and irritate my skin. This was awesome when I discovered it. If you have an unhealthy gut it can have a big impact on your overall health but also the appearance of our skin. So be aware of what you are putting into your bodies.

I have lots of other tips so if you would like to know more or are interested in the products that I use then drop me a message as I love to chat skin and skincare.


How to fill your cup and take time for you. ❤️

Timeline photos 10/10/2020

I’m always around for a chat for anyone struggling. Give me a shout if you need someone to listen. Check in with friends and family. Reach out. It’s ok not to be ok.

Timeline photos 08/10/2020

Focus... Believe...Achieve ❤️

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

Love a little midweek gym class 😁

Every Wednesday I take an hour for myself to go to the gym and do my Body Attack class.

I love the energy of the class and I always, always leave a sweaty hot mess and feeling like I have worked hard. Always helps having a fab instructor .perkins07 .

It’s always nice to take some time out and do something that is just for you.

What do you do just for you ? Or what do you wish you could do just for you ?

Timeline photos 06/10/2020

Mindset can be a tricky thing.....⁣⁣
Life throws all sorts of curve balls at us, at all different times and sometimes it’s hard to be positive about it all.⁣⁣
So what does it mean to have a positive mindset ? ⁣⁣
Positive thinking or a positive mindset is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.⁣⁣
So how do you change your thinking ? It will take time and conscious effort but here are my tips on how I changed my mindset. ⁣⁣
💙 Tip 1 - Practice Gratitude. ⁣⁣
Start each day with what you are grateful for. This only takes 5-10 minutes a day. You can say them out loud or write them in a journal but before you do anything else, when you get up think about ‘What are the good things in your life ?’ Could be something as simple as a sunny day.⁣⁣
💙 Tip 2 - Spend time with positive people.⁣⁣
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” - Jim Rohn⁣⁣
Surround yourself with fun, happy, positive people and before long it will rub off on you. ⁣⁣
💙 Tip 3 - Affirmations.⁣⁣
Again write these down or say them for all to hear. Be confident, be positive, see a vision. So these could be as simple as ⁣
‘I am Successful’ or ‘I am worthy’, ‘I am enough’. ⁣
Always start with the ‘I am’ so that if you say them enough you will believe them.⁣⁣
I could talk or write for hours about mindset as it is one of my great passions, and has totally changed how I react to things now. ⁣
I used to be a bit of a Debbie Downer previously but now I practice a positive mindset along with Meditation, Gratitude and Affirmations every morning and I feel so much better.⁣⁣
What are you grateful for ? ⁣⁣
Share your most powerful affirmation ?⁣⁣

Timeline photos 02/10/2020

Happy Friday everyone.

I am grateful for snuggled evening on the sofa tonight with my boys.

What are you grateful for ?


Hello October....

Wow how have we got to October already, this year has flown by. It’ll soon be time to put my tree up 🤣

I love October with the sun shining (well today it did) and the crisp fresh mornings. Plus I get to start wearing my hat which is always a win. Means I don’t have to do my hair before school run 🤣

The first of the month I always look back at last month and reflect and then set goals for the month ahead. October is going to be so exciting and I am looking forward to helping more people start their new healthy living, or a new skincare routine or start a new business to help them live out their dreams.
I am so excited for these next few months.

I truly love my life and what I do and am grateful everyday for all that I have and all of those around me cheering me on to greatness.

What are your October goals ? What does October hold for you ?


Surround yourself with people who love you for you. ❤️


Every Tuesday I am going to offer my top tips on things that I have struggled with in the hope to help some of you out there.

So next on my list is tired, puffy looking eyes.

After trying lots of different things here are my 3 top tips....⁣

🧡 Tip 1 - Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated
🧡 Tip 2 - Place cucumber slices over the eyes
🧡 Tip 3 - Use eye masks 👀

I use the Arbonne Gel Eye Masks which are amazing especially straight from the fridge. They soothe and cool on contact transforming my puffy looking eyes into wide awake ‘I’m a morning person’ eyes 👀

If you want to know more about it then drop me a message. 😁.


Tonight my post goes to this man ....

This man is my husband who I am grateful for everyday.

He is my rock, my biggest supporter, my biggest encourager (not sure if that’s a word). Even when things are rough for us both he will be that person making sure I am ok.

He often believes in me more than I believe in myself.

He makes me laugh EVERYDAY and I will always be thankful that I have had the last 25 and a half years with him and I get the rest of my life too.

I am one lucky lady that I found my true love and my best friend ❤️




Ever wondered how to reduce that afternoon tiredness ?⁣

I always used to struggle around 3pm with a huge overwhelming tiredness. So much that I think I could have closed my eyes and laid my head on my desk and fall asleep 🤣⁣

I would always reach for a chocolate bar or fizzy drink to give me that lift but then only an hour or so later I was feeling tired again. It was like a vicious circle.⁣

After trying lots of different things here are my 3 top tips....⁣

💚 Tip 1 - Stay away from sugar based snacks⁣
💚 Tip 2 - If you can get up and move around. Take a short walk round the office or pop outside for a bit of fresh air.⁣
💚 Tip 3 - Use a supplement that has a caffeine from Green Tea. ⁣
I use the Arbonne Energy Fizz stick, I use it daily I think it’s amazing. Game changer to my afternoon’s.⁣

If you want to know more about it then drop me a message. 😁.


I heard this quote earlier today on my Miracle morning and it resonated with me so much I wanted to share. ⁣

It might be something you need to hear right now. ⁣

Nothing comes easy we all know that, you have to work at it. No matter if it’s business, work, fitness, weight, being a parent, studying whatever it is.⁣

If it’s hard it’s worth it. Keep going, don’t give up because on the other side of that hard work is a life that is easy.

Photos from Nicol Blackmore - Health & Skincare's post 13/09/2020

Oh what a night....

Not often recently that I have had the chance to get dressed up. Normally trackies and a hoodies to be honest so I embraced it last night totally.

Lovely new dress, hair still looking good from my new cut, heels (they can do one my feet were in agony) and even make up 🤣

We had a fab day of online training yesterday then got together last night (all safe) for a celebration of everyone’s success. We laughed and danced and took lots of photos. It felt so nice to be dolled up again.

Who else out there loves the opportunity to get dressed up and celebrate ? 💫


New product Teaser.

Launching tonight at 10pm.

Photos from Nicol Blackmore - Health & Skincare's post 07/09/2020

I have to say I am so pleased with my skin at the moment. I am feeling very happy with where I am at.⁣

I have changed up my morning skincare routine by using different products for a couple of weeks and have also introduced a better night time routine and it’s made such a difference.⁣. Products that I thought I wouldn’t be able to use have actually been a game changer.

Also by eating better, that always helps my skin feel and look healthier as well as feel better in myself. ⁣More energy, better sleep, healthy gut.

Both of these pics have no filter, no additional lighting and are first thing in the morning. I love that I can feel so much more confident with who I am now. Proud that I am no longer embarrassed about how my skin looks. It’s a journey that I know will have ups and downs but at the moment I am loving the up. ⁣

If you want to know what my routine is to help you with your skincare routine let me know as I love to chat all things skin.⁣ ❤️


Photos from Nicol Blackmore - Health & Skincare's post 02/09/2020

I wanted to give a little shout out to this little tube of brilliance.

This is the Bio-Hydria eye gel and having used it now for a couple of weeks I can honestly say my eyes feel amazing.

The eye gel features our proprietary Edulis Cellular Water, Aloe Vera and key botanicals which flood the skin with nonstop moisture

It has really helped hydrate the skin around my eyes and is so smooth and refreshing. I feel like my eyes sparkle again.

I have paired this along with the rest of the Bio-Hydria range of Gel Cleanser, Liquid Serum and the Gel Cream all of which has left my skin glowing.

All of this range is so light and delicate and is for any skin type.

I find myself walking past the mirror wondering who that is with the wonderful glow 🤣🤣

I love it when my skin feels like this especially after it being so sore and dry.

Do get in touch if you would like to know more and how to get hold of this gem. 💙 ⁣



Right, everyone listen up!!! I freaking LOVE & LIVE off these things and just need to share this!

📢 I’m ordering water bottles with fizzies🎉

If you haven't tried these yet have you been hiding under a rock?! especially if your a mum, student or overworked in a corporate job, how are you still coping with life 😝

The water bottle is HUGE and holds a litre and you can put it in the dishwasher!!

These are my get things done sticks! And there is a huge discount for today only!

⭐1 lonely water bottle £8
⭐10 fizz sticks & a water bottle £18
⭐20 fizz sticks & a water bottle £28
⭐30 fizz sticks & a water bottle £38

4 flavours to choose from Pomegranate, Strawberry, Citrus and LIMITED TIME ONLY - WATERMELON 🍉

Drop me a message to grab some of these with this amazing discount!!!!! These are cheaper than buying a bottle of water/pop in the shop! + they’re healthy for you! I seriously couldn’t live without them🤪👌

Photos from Nicol Blackmore - Health & Skincare's post 29/07/2020

So yesterday I used this for the first time.⁣The Arbonne Baby Care Sunscreen. ❤️Loved it❤️

I know it says Baby Care on it but I use kids sun cream anyway so thought I would give this a try.⁣

The usual sun cream I use I find sticky and it often causes me to sweat which when brings up my eczema. ⁣

The Arbonne Sunscreen wasn’t like this at all. It was very thick and you didn’t need to use too much of it. There was no stickyness to it. I felt like it glides on and actually sank into my skin rather than just sitting on top.⁣

I put it on a couple of times throughout the day and I didn’t burn at all. I loved it. I will definitely be using it again and will be putting it on the whole family. ⁣

It is a non chemical mineral sunscreen, non greasy, formulated without Gluten and is also paediatrician and dermatologist tested.⁣

I am so impressed by this I can’t wait to use it again. ⁣

If you would like to know more just let me know. ⁣



Timeline photos 24/07/2020

Happy Friday everyone.

So this week I pushed myself a little more and hosted our Miracle Morning every day.

If you are not sure what this is, we all get together at 7am online and Meditate, write down what we are grateful for and list our Affirmations then watch a motivational video.

This is all to help our mindset and growth each day. You take time to reset and focus on what it is you would like from that day, week, month or year. You take time for you. You take time to stop all the hustle and bustle of life.

If you are not growing you are staying still.
If you don’t change anything nothing changes.

I am very proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and leading these sessions for the last week. I have enjoyed every minute of it and will most certainly do it again. I have learned so much from watching those who have done it before me and I will always be grateful for having the opportunity and the belief of those people that I could do it.

If you would like to know more about this or how to get started do get in touch as it’s one topic I love to talk about as it’s made a huge difference to my life and outlook.

Timeline photos 22/07/2020

This is one of my most favourite pictures. ⁣

I remember it like it was yesterday we had gone for a walk to the park and they just played so nicely. Walking home off they went hand in hand and conversation. ❤️⁣⁣
It fills my heart with so much love, joy and gratitude.⁣⁣
I am so grateful that I get to be their mum.⁣⁣
I am so grateful they have each other.⁣⁣
I am so grateful for the relationship they hold. ⁣⁣
(Don’t get me wrong it’s not all sweetness and light but they always look after each other.)⁣⁣
Most of all I am grateful that they are happy, healthy boys. ⁣⁣
I am one lucky mummy. ❤️⁣⁣

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

What a fabulous day we had today. Cousins surfing altogether and all loving it. What an amazing fun time with an awesome instructor. Making special memories together.

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

Found this earlier today and it really stayed with me all day.

I start and end my day with Gratitude which really helps keep me in a good mindset.

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to exercise. First spin back in 4 months it was awesome.

What happened that you can be thankful for today ?

Videos (show all)

How to fill your cup and take time for you. ❤️
New product launched
Arbonne Bio-Hydria
🎉🎉Gorgeous Giveaway🎉🎉💫Beauty prize worth £200💫How to enter: 🌟Watch the video 🌟Like my Business page 👆👆🌟Tag 3 friends and...
A little video for my new website. This is for anyone looking to earn an extra income, while working from home. It’s all...
I am so excited for you all to see this.    #healthyliving #vegan #crueltyfree #glutenfree #earnextraincome #workfromhom...
Did this little video earlier. 😁#stayhappystaayhealthy
Why Arbonne ?
My 30 days to healthy living update. Day 5 changes so far. 😁
Feels like Christmas. 😁. All of the new products launched just last week now in my hands.  I can’t wait to try these. #r...
Let’s talk food. 🍪🎂🍿🍰🙊