MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training

Personal trainer based around Bucks, Aylesbury Personal Trainer Located in Buckinghamhire, Aylesbury. Message for serious Enquiries


Heading for first timers in July with 2022!

In the back end of this phase now pushing food above 3000 on both training days and rest days and body composition is holding nicely ⚡️

We will look in the new year to start to reduce food to a maintenance phase as we assess bio feedback in more detail to help eradicate some systemic fatigue and tiredness that’s been built during this time.

This will be some look come July 2022 that’s for sure and I couldn’t be prouder. As a first timer it’s imperative that you have these three things on stage;

Muscle 📌
Condition 📌
Stage presence 📌

We will have all three.

Let’s keep working 🎯


What is possible within a year? 📅

A LOT if you ask me.

When clients or perspective clients ask what can they achieve within 12 weeks, 6 months , a year etc I never bullsh*t them however the reply I give is simple “ how hard are you truly prepared to work?”

It really is that simple 🤷🏼‍♂️

So if you’re waiting for January or another time to start focusing on yourself I’d suggest next year in 2022 to not making the same mistake of “waiting for x y or Z again”.

The fact is that there is never a good time to start but the sooner you do the further ahead you are for positioning yourself where you truly want to be.

And before you think to yourself “ Coaching or PT is expensive” both are VERY affordable when you consider the impact it’ll bring to your life 🎯

Start now don’t wait..

2022 is upon us and I get to achieve that look again but with a much more complete package not just in one show but from show to show.
That’ll be fun 👀


Photos from MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training's post 26/12/2021

Christmas 2021 🎄❤️



Christmas Present to all of you 💜💛

This Boxing Day, this Free ebook will give you all the tools you need to set yourself up for a successful growing phase to build your ideal men’s physique. A little something to give back this Christmas 🎄

In this ebook we will look at..

What Creates the men’s physique taper ⚡️
Training Splits ⚡️
Training intensity ⚡️
Training frequency & Volume ⚡️

Will be available through my link in my bio!

Merry Christmas 🎅



A dirty tan and a training update, aren’t you guys lucky 🤣

As mentioned in yesterday’s post a pec injury is forcing me to reduce volume in my upper chest. This will help for recovery purposes mainly but also allow for some more volume to be placed upon other areas ⬆️

S O H E R E W E G O 🚀

Mon - Arms and Delts
Tues - Back And Arms
Weds - Rest
Thurs - Chest and Back
Fri- Delts and Arms
Sat - Rest
Sun - legs



Let’s Talk S E T B A C K S 🤦‍♂️

During your journey no matter what it is you will encounter setbacks in maybe the form of finances, work stress, relationships, life in general or in my case as of right now ..

I N J U R I E S ‼️

A very good run in my training up until this point has led to disruption with what I believe is pec tendinitis. Training chest x3 per week in particular my upper area has led to a slight strain now when pressing however this doesn’t mean we stop.

What Will I Do?
We will reduce training output around my chest to let it start to recover at a quicker rate. So compared to my 3 sessions it will now be one focused chest session per week whilst I have work done from and to help reduce the pain and hopefully eradicate it.

Other areas can start to be brought up a little bit more so a new split will be put in place tonight ready to go ahead tomorrow. With prep around the corner, recovery will take a larger priority then anything else.

We Continue to move forward and work smart.

Not backwards.



Here are two variations of a front shot. One on the left is a shot I see far too often that ends up taking away from that overall package. It looks nervous and actually takes away from your package.

On the right is a front shot that displays a strong , relaxed and composed shot. Your hips should be forward with your leading leg being almost if not straight. this will help add to creating that shape as it’ll make the waist look smaller.

Your other leg should place emphasis on making that waist look as small as possible whilst still standing front on! By placing your toes outward and away like in the picture this will keep the hips aligned and forward making the waist again look smaller.

P R E S E N C E ⚡️
Another thing to note. These two photos are taken exactly the same space apart. Now Translate this to stage environment. Your presence is everything on stage, a taller, more relaxed and complete package will present better on stage and that’s a fact.

R E S E T T I N G ⏰
Lastly the look on the right will give you the ability to reset very easily and again keep relaxed on stage. The photo on the left when resetting will start to cause your legs to shake which looks like you haven’t prepared and starts you to 2nd guess yourself on stage as you lose composure.

I will go more into resetting in a separate post.

If you want to work with me I’m looking for men’s physique competitors. Dm me with the letters “MPD” and il get you all the details.


2022 is calling ⏰

I’m looking for two Men’s Physique Athletes to prep for 2022 shows as either first timers or seasoned Athletes.

After mentoring with some of the top coaches in the UK this is the next step for me.

This is something I don’t take lightly and after a lot of consideration I can assure you the upmost care and attention to detail will be given throughout your prep to ensure you bring your best possible package to the stage.

I pride myself in what we do here and as someone who’s extremely passionate about the MP division trust me when I say you’ll get the results you want.

I study this division on a daily basis, I know what it takes as I’ve also walked the walk.

DM me with the word “2022” and I will get you the details 🚀


Photos from MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training's post 30/11/2021


This morning weight | 236.5 lbs
Stage weight | 168 lbs


Guess you could say I ate myself 👀

Over 68 lbs of weight added in that time frame. The door on this progressive season with is coming to a close as we start to prep for our 2022 debut competitive season. There will be multiple shows and il be standing on the biggest stage possible so no hiding under the lights ⚡️

Blood work will be assessed as we start our cruise and again after to make sure everything is in check before we start our prep!

As we’ve drawn to this close I have no doubt we’ve made significant improvements. My shape and structure will be my biggest asset next year as I was truly built for men’s physique 🩳


Photos from MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training's post 28/11/2021

Happy birthday to this little pocket rocket 🚀 ♥️

Truly blessed to have you in my life and I’m so excited for everything you and I have got planned over this next upcoming year.

Have an amazing birthday , I love you ❤️


Shape and structure 🏆

The biggest thing I’ve learnt this off season is size isn’t everything in this game. Don’t get me wrong it is important however so is shape, proportions, structure etc. They all place an emphasis in what placing you get on the day of your show.

Adding good quality tissue does take time and Placing good tissue in the right areas can really massively change your shape and give you new ways to display your physique.

Scale weight yes is a good indicator however it’s not everything and with time in a surplus , progressive changes in the gym will result in new tissue and that’s why it’s also important to structure your training to suit your division.

It’s likely if I’m being honest il be outsized at some of my shows next year which is where your shape and structure can play a huge role in making sure you beat that person who is out sizing you.

Not long til we dance 🕺



A full 7 days off and feel very much raring to go!
Into our final phase now before prep starting in feb/March.. which will see us use this phase to get everything in check blood work wise before a lengthy prep.

Probably the first time this week I’m actually happy with the progress we’ve made this first structured improvement season.

Training split ⚡️
Push Incline Focus
Back and Arms
Chest and Back
Delts and Arms

Not long to go. Time to work 🎯

To take your physique to that next level Fill out the application in my bio or DM me to get started 🏆


A lot of people show the transformation from the end of an off-season into their prep. I thought I’d show you the other way round.

Off-seasons/improvement seasons are literally that. You’re not off if anything it’s arguably harder than a prep with the constant eating/pushing weight up and not being lean. However if you’re reading this and you’re either thinking about your first show or in an off season I promise you this is where the hard work rewards come the morning of your show. Don’t neglect it embrace it.

If you’re looking to transform your physique drop me a DM or fill out the application in my bio. Investing in yourself is critical.


New spaces have opened up to be part of the team.

Here are just a few transformations we’ve had on the team! If you’re looking to transform your mind and physique then look no further.

Want to feel more confident?
Want to feel good naked?
Want to feel fulfilled and happy?
Want to produce muscle you’ve never had?
Sick of cookie cutter programming that leaves you unmotivated after seeing no results?

If any of these are you..

DM me “TEAM” to work with me on a one to one basis.


First timer for a competitive bodybuilding show?

What I learned from my first ever show…

Work with a coach before you start the process. This will allow you to truly understand if you’re ready, understand your body and bring up weaker areas of your physique before starting to diet.

Truly invest yourself into the process 📈Understand you’re going to be hungry, tired at times , unmotivated and probably a lot to the time hating your physique.. this is all part of the process that’s required to get to stage.

A coach is imperative in my opinion. Someone that can truly take that emotional connection out of the physique being built. A good coach will have your best interests at heart and be honest with you.

Routine 🦾
Become a robot in a lot of ways. A regular routine and habit preparing will mitigate a lot of stress going forward which will benefit your physique in a lot of ways to do with your look especially your sleep 💤

Stage presence ⚡️
Practise your posing throughout. Giving yourself enough time will allow you to find poses that suit your shape and structure. You’ve spent 20+ weeks dieting the last thing you want to do is look like a nervous wreck on stage so Act like you’re born to be on that stage and with a huge smile 🤩

Time ⏰
Your body most likely wouldn’t have never of got to single digit body fat before. This means there may be some obstacles a long the way that are thrown at you and with enough time you can rectify them.

Leading on from enough time.. come in correct. You can see above I’m very flat on stage and definitely needed a lot more fullness and this look could of been achieved had I run a mock peak for example for data collection. With enough time you can perfect your look.

For coaching please DM me or fill out the application in my bio 💻

Photos from MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training's post 05/11/2021

8 week Online transformation Program

Wanting to head through Christmas and into the new year mentally and physically on another level. Then this is the programme for you. For less than the cost of a takeaway each week this really is great value for money.

8 weeks will see you cement the foundations ready to take your fitness journey to whole new heights with endless capabilities going forward.

Bespoke 1-1 online programming alongside my constant support throughout the process, Improved behaviour around food and exercise, a new found confidence, a happier version of you, unlocking your true potential within yourself and showing you exactly what can happen with a little consistency to achieving a goal.

Limited spaces available.

To book your space or for more information
then don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected] /drop me a text at 07833734169 or lastly dm me on Instagram -


Should you be training your abs?

Now this is something I never used to do directly and I do believe this showed in my physique on show day 2020.

After some conversations post show with some people I trust in the men’s physique game such as he hilighted my shape and structure was there but the abs were weak and since signing on with he also said they need to be “bubbly” so we’ve got to work on them.

Especially in men’s physique more so than anything else it’s about aesthetics, conditioning and proportions and by not treating them like any other body part they were a lagging body part. This off season I’ve been training them x2 per week directly with an increase in volume and frequency during this mesocycle now sitting at x3 per week.

Now what gets misconstrued is that training your abs with substantial more body fat on you will make you visually see them which just isn’t the case in majority. We all hold fat differently as part of our genetic make up. The only way to see your abs is to lower your body fat percentage enough for them to appear. For some people this can be 15% , 12% or in most cases single digit body fat percentage.

So yes you should be training your abs specially in bodybuilding purposes.

If you’re interested in coaching don’t hesitate to drop me a DM


2022 can’t come soon enough.

So excited to see what me and have created.

A much improved package.

Home stretch now ⚡️

In my element 🔥


Same body weight at 230 lbs

Rinsing and repeating an improvement phase can be daunting time to say the least. Unsure you’re making progress, covered in more body fat compared to when you’re lean therefore questioning yourself however it’s imperative for your growth as an individual physically.

This is just before my first mini cut at 230lbs compared to now at 230 + I’d say fairly comfortably not out of breath, feel healthy and still an ability to eat whilst maintaining “okay” condition. Too many people are fixed on what you should look like in an off season. Yes getting fat and out of shape isn’t the goal but disappearing lines in most cases isn’t a sign of regression. Having a coach during this time is vital for growth and improvement.


Incredible work from my client Sandra .. over 2ST lost and a remarkable new lease of life.

Sandra came to me wanting to lose weight after lockdown with health and well-being being the priority and she’s absolutely smashed it whilst maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

No restrictive diet or endless amounts of cardio just a drive to work hard and be consistent.

Needless I say more as the transformation does the talking.

For all Coaching Enquiries hit the link in my bio 💻

Photos from MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training's post 25/10/2021

The pursuit of progression 🦍

There’s just over a year between these two photos. Under a watchful eye from for the most part apart from where I got ridiculously ill for about 8 weeks 🤣 we’ve done an incredibly good job of pushing food and pulling back when needed.

It isn’t “pretty” to look at however it gets the job done. I’m the strongest I’ve ever been and at my heaviest I’ve ever been and it definitely shows. Me and Tom will be setting a plan in motion to go and execute come 2022.

If you want to stay lean and are too focused on a look rather than performance I’d say you need to reassess. Bodybuilding is about being relentless and constantly striving to improve and when it comes to stepping on stage that’ll be rewarded.

Here’s to 2022 | it’s nearly go time 🚀


Looking at 2022 shows like 💭

We continue to work


Photos from MaccamorriceFitness - MACX Fitness Personal Training's post 17/10/2021

This mornings check in compared to two weeks post show.

Seeing all the shows over this past year me and don’t think we are far away from being competitive in the MPD.

Density to the rear has been a massive focus of mine since I stepped off stage at 168 lbs now holding 230+ lbs at my peak I’m very excited for 2022.

Hopefully with a small waist this will look serious come show day from the back.

Until then we continue to work. A few more months to tick off first as of yet.


A throwback to a couple of days post show where carbs were seeping through the system.. it’s safe to say we didn’t hit the stage how we wanted for my first show but that won’t be a mistake the next time I step on stage.

Seeing the standard at the weekend at the for me so fired up for my next prep 🔥

However the next prep will not be this year.. although I’ve made a lot of improvements since I stepped off stage which is evident I still am not happy with where I am.

I also want to stabilise myself a little with uni heading into my second year, finances , savings etc as preps can be expensive let’s not get it twisted 😂

This photo with at least 14+ lbs of added tissue and 2022 remains the goal the way it always has been 🗡

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Videos (show all)

A lot of people show the transformation from the end of an off-season into their prep. I thought I’d show you the other ...
2020 lockdown transformation 🏆 42lbs in total.
2022. That’s it.Fairly happy for a first ever showing however we have to be better.  Density needed everywhere.
8 days out YouTube Vlog going live very soon.We are currently 4 days out from show day. Time to enjoy this peak week wit...
A little promotional Video with my client @osgood.nick focusing on our push day 👊🏼 Nick came to me two months ago with a...
PB has been set 📈 —————————————————130KG for Two Clean Reps 🔥 —————————————————My bench used to be such a weak point in ...



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