The Yorkshire IBCLC

Infant feeding support to help you reach your personal feeding goals.

Breast/chest feeding, breast milk feeding, formula feeding, induced lactation, re-lactation and antenatal infant feeding inquiries.

Photos from The Yorkshire IBCLC's post 08/03/2024

How did I miss this the other day!? Happy belated to my fellow IBCLCs and aspiring IBCLCs!

3rd year going now and still proud to be supporting families in the community all around Yorkshire 🧡 alongside doing a midwifery degree!

Photos from The Yorkshire IBCLC's post 27/01/2024

Happy to you pumping people out there, giving your everything to your little people 🖤🤍


I was listening to a Podcast lately (link in comments) which stated if you're faced with a decision or an intervention at all, this could be with ANYTHING not just breastfeeding but with labour and birth too, think BRAIN! 🧠

Ask your healthcare provider of the BENEFITS of this intervention? What are the RISKS of this intervention? What are the ALTERNATIVES? What does your INTUITION tell you, and what happens if you just wait and do NOTHING...?

If your HCP cannot answer these then I would like to think they have the humility to say "actually I'm not sure, but I'm more than happy to get a second opinion for you/find out for you/refer you to someone who can help".

What point am I trying to get across? Birth interventions can negatively impact infant feeding, particularly breastfeeding, in many ways. If you are empowered, in control, have your autonomy respected and are in the right head space then this minimises the risks of birth intervention, then the snowball effects of this intervention leading to MORE intervention.

Faced with a decision or suggestion that goes against your plan? Think BRAIN! 🧠

The Midwives Cauldron Podcast



Just small drops of colostrum at birth is mighty enough to...

💧Prime your baby's gut for a healthier gut function. Living cells called 'macrophages' engulf pathogens that may get absorbed in baby's gut.

💧Protect your baby from illnesses and infectious diseases.

💧Offer maternal antibodies protecting from infection. It's your baby's first immunisation!

💧Stimulate baby's growth cells, helping expand the gut surface area to help accommodate future nutrition.

💧Give your baby all the nutrients they need in the first 24 hours (frequent drops).

💧Help move those first bowel movements as it's easier to digest than formula.

💧Help protect against jaundice due to it's ability to help flush out meconium.

💧Boost newborn blood sugars.

💧Encourage baby to breastfeed.

And so much more. Colostrum is LITERALLY liquid gold and even a tiny drop is super valuable and protective, no matter how much you're able to provide. Whether it's that very first feed on the breast or from a syringe, to 24 hours worth of drops, your baby will reap up the benefits! It doesn't matter what your feeding choice may be, you can do this if you chose to combination feed or formula feed, the benefits are the same 💛


Bedsharing... when you expand your sleeping space by sidecar cot to get more room to bedshare comfortably and the baby just takes it ALL!


Introducing the "toddler position": a standing position where they come help themselves while you're laid on the sofa.

Often comes with the "toddler latch" which is a latch that's like they're spaghetti sucking that nip in there too!

If you're struggling with position, I promise you it won't always be that way, it will eventually just CLICK and they'll help themselves. This was my 11 month old helping herself and me not being arsed to get up from the sofa!


So I've been a little quiet lately, and this is why 🤓

Since September I have delved into a whole new(ish) world of Midwifery! And it has BLOWN.MY.MIND! It is all consuming and wonderful and tying up loose ends of gaps in my knowledge and solidifying what I do know but with more science behind it 🤰🧬🩺

This will for CERTAIN make me a more knowledgeable IBCLC and I cannot wait to be able to support you in this new capacity.

Unfortunately, my availability (and brain capacity it seems) has drastically decreased BUT I am still seeing some clients so please do reach out and I will try to support you. If I cannot see you I will certainly refer you on to your other closest IBCLC for specialist support if needed 🩷 and signpost to other places for breastfeeding support.


💥 What the Flipple?! 💥

The "flipple" technique (flip the ni**le) aka exaggerated latch is a great way to get more breast tissue into your baby's mouth to improve their latch if you're experiencing ni**le pain, latch problems and milk transfer problems.

Start with an optimal position using the CHIN acronym (Close, Head-free, Inline, Nose-to-ni**le), tummy to mummy, bottom tucked in and chin leading.

Position or sandwich your breast with ni**le pointing towards baby's nose and their bottom lip WELL away from your ni**le, wait for a wide open mouth and roll or "flip" your ni**le (flipple) into their mouth. Or you can use your thumb or finger to pull back the skin on your breast so your ni**le tips up towards the baby's nose and breast under the chin is bulging out, roll the ni**le into a wide open mouth shooting up toward their soft palate.

Look for a wide gape, lips fl**ged, ar**la above their top lip, cheeks full and double chin. It might also help to support your breast for a few moments longer to ensure it doesn't slip back out again.


Did you know around 80% of new parents stop breastfeeding before they reach their goals.

If you're struggling with breastfeeding or providing breast milk to your baby please reach out for support 🧡

My availability has opened up this week now it's back to school! 👌🏼


Breastfeeding... when the extra calories go to someone else! 😍🤤

Photos from Lucy Webber Feeding Support - IBCLC's post 05/07/2023

Great explanation and visuals on breast pump fl**ge sizing!


🗣 Feedback Friday 📢

Can you believe I've been doing feedback posts for the last 12 weeks!? 😱

I'm going to need some more at this rate, would any of my wonderful clients like to send me any feedback on the service you had from me? If so send it via the link below please.


🗣 Feedback Friday 📢

Some may think that 1.5 to 2 hours is a bloody long time, but that session can absolutely FLY!

And when a baby has JUST fed before my arrival it can make it even more tricky to get what you need from a full session.

I wish SO MUCH that I had a magic wand to make all issues disappear. But I don't. I listen, I observe and assess, I advise, we work together to come up with a sustainable plan, I follow up. But its YOU that has to put all the work in afterwards, it's you that has to implement the plan.

Sometimes it takes a hell of a lot of hard work and effort to reach those goals, and I'm here with you supporting you with any queries along the way either virtually or a follow up home visit is sometimes needed.


💥 Feedback Friday! 💥

This week from a twin mama who I supported last year who's boys are absolutely thriving and are the happiest chaps I've ever seen!

Breastfeeding twins is HARD but absolutely CAN be done!

Please reach out!!!

There is so much support out there for you to access to be able to reach your nursing goals. Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets UK Public Page and group is an excellent place to start for both virtual support and signposting to accessible face to face support. Use it!


🗨 Feedback Friday! 🗯

Saturday exclusive 😆

Having a whole lactation package in the comfort of your own home and being listened to, valued and respected can make the difference between a successful breastfeeding journey and a journey cut too short.

Very rarely are my home visits under the 90 minute marker I mention in my services, this is because we are not rushed. We take time to cover a careful history and baby/feeding assessment and take time to work on a plan moving forward to overcome your concerns.


I breastfed on a boat!

Where's the most "unusual" "outrageous" "wonderful" "strange" place you've breastfed/ pumped!?

If you're anxious about feeding out and about you can try breastfeeding in front of a mirror, you'll be surprised how little Barbara across the cafe can see!

Or wear a vest under your clothes to do "one up one down" for more skin coverage if you want to be more discreet.

In warm weather you could cut the bottom half off a cheap vest to make a crop top type thing and wear that underneath (like me in the photo) with a shirt or a zip down/button down top.

You could take a Muslin cloth and tuck one corner under your bra strap of the side you're nursing off and drape that down.

So many ways to be discreet when feeding out and about, but remember you DO NOT HAVE TO cover up at all! It is your legal right to breastfeed your baby wherever and whenever you like!!!


🗨 Feedback Friday! 🗯

Such lovely feedback from a virtual session I had with this client. Not having enough milk supply is a huge worry for many parents. Most of the time this is a problem that can be rectified with lots of support and knowledge, and effort from the parent.

An hour on a video call is sometimes all it takes to point you into the right direction towards meeting your breastfeeding goals.


Do you sling your baby? Does your partner, friends or family members get involved in babywearing? Do you have any experiences or photos you'd like to share with me? What do you like best about babywearing?

The photos below are some of myself, my partner and my two daughters during our babywearing journey. I couldn't get enough of sniffing and kissing my babies while I had them on my body. And seeing them look up at me with their big brown eyes.

Also check out the fabulous piece in the link below on feeding your baby while they are in the sling



I think this one speaks for itself. Such lovely feedback from a wonderful client.


❗️No Breastfeeding group tomorrow❗️

We're having renovations at our venue so the breastfeeding drop-in will ge postponed for now. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please reach out if you need any support.


🗨 Feedback Friday 🗯

Thanks again for taking time to leave feedback, keep them coming 🤩


⛔️ A huge barrier for some families to be able to access specialist private support is the cost involved ⛔️

I don't want this to be a barrier when you're struggling with breastfeeding your baby but cannot afford specialist support. I want to be accessible, available and affordable.

Based on your individual needs I can now provide ANY of my services with staggered payments, for example half on booking and half at another time.

If you let me know on booking you would like to pay in increments we can work something out affordable to you 🩷



I want to say a huge THANK YOU 🙏🏼 to the families sending me feedback. I appreciate you taking time out to do this. It is super valuable to me to maintain an excellent service AND gives families reassurance that they're booking with someone who has these positive testimonials and that I will try my hardest to work with you as a team to solve any breastfeeding issues 🩵

So if you follow my page and have utilised my services PLEASE consider taking 5 minutes of your time to leave some feedback.



Apologies for the late notice, there will be no breastfeeding drop in service tomorrow. The next one will be in 2 weeks time on Mon 15th April 9am - 10am.


🗨 Feedback Friday 🗯

Some constructive feedback this week!

Each breastfeeding parent has their own individual needs, wants, wishes and goals.

This feedback was from a client I had in my early months as an IBCLC.

I do have a more "hands-off" approach most times, and I do like to give the parent the skills they need to confidently handle their baby BUT since I had this very helpful feedback from a wonderful client I've been able change my practice somewhat and try to remember to ask clients how hands-on they'd like me to be. And 100% of the time ask consent before I touch them.

I now send a check-in text to all clients a few days after my visit which is always appreciated

And I now involve parents when I carry out infant oral assessments and show them what I'm looking for, what is "normal" and what could be symptoms of ankyloglossia (tongue tie) 👅

Thank you for some constructive feedback to enable me to better my practice and create a more positive, taylored experience for my clients ❤️


🗨 Feedback Friday! 💭
(Don't the Fridays come around quickly!?)

Most birthing parents should be able to produce a full milk supply for their babies 💦

It seems like a minority may have what professionals call a "true low milk supply". This is deemed a true low supply issue if all other supply increasing tips have been exhausted and supply is still too low to fulfill baby's nutritional needs. And baby has been checked for any oral/anatomy issues.

The reasons for this include (but not limited to) issues with the parent's anatomy; for example insufficient glandular tissue, past breast surgery or damage to the breasts, hormonal or endocrine disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, pregnancy, some medications taken while lactating, age, alcohol intake and smoking.

Speaking to a lactation professional can help increase your chances of being able to breastfeed, with whatever supply you have, or give any breast milk to your baby. A lactation profession will help you to understand reasons for your true low supply and council you appropriately on this. A lactation professional can help you achieve a beautiful breastfeeding relationship with your baby, even if you produce very little milk at all. Because breastfeeding isn't just about food, it's a whole lot more 🩵


🎬 Behind the scenes 🎬

After every single consultation or session I do with you I spend time typing up a list of notes specifically taylored to your session, and drink coffee from my b***y cup! ☕️

The notes are of what we covered in the session which highlight the current issues faced and my assessments on you and your baby. This is with links to the evidence behind my suggestions on our plan going forward.

This is then emailed over to you 99% of the time the same day, for you to take with you on your breastfeeding journey. 📑


It doesn't have to be "breastfeed" or "don't breastfeed". There are MANY in-betweens.

Research has shown that the benefits of breastfeeding are generally dose-related: the more breastmilk, the greater the benefit. But even 50 ml of breastmilk per day (or less) may help to keep your baby healthier than if he received none at all. In fact, the immunities in mum’s milk have been shown to increase in concentration as the quantity of milk decreases.

We need to remember that ANY breastmilk that you can give to your baby has value and benefit. It isn't all or nothing 🤎


⭐️Back tomorrow morning⭐️ bright and early after the Easter hols.

Come join myself and Eleanor for a wind down and a chat about any issues you may be facing with your breastfeeding baby.



There are so many symptoms of baby having ankyloglossia aka tongue tie, both for mum and baby. Some include pain and pinched ni**les for mum, trauma to the ni**les, recurrent mastitis, blocked ducts, insufficient milk transfer, poor weight gain in baby, excess air intake, gassy baby or reflux type symptoms, green frothy poo, fussiness at the breast, unable to maintain or achieve a deep latch...

Please get baby assessed by a tongue tie practitioner or at least someone that is trained in assessing for one, who can then refer you on. Unless someone has put on gloves and had a rummage in your baby's mouth and scored them on a chart then they have NOT checked for a tongue tie.

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Videos (show all)

💥 What the Flipple?! 💥The "flipple" technique (flip the nipple) aka exaggerated latch is a great way to get more breast ...
A great visual of an asymmetric or "off centre" latch. If you're experiencing nipple pain and damage, lipstick shaped/pi...
What the Flipple?! The "flipple" technique is a great way to get more breast tissue into your baby's mouth to improve th...





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