Divine Spiral Art

Intuitive Abstract Mandala Artist, based in Bedford, UK

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 15/08/2023

I am proud to have been a part of the Drawing Bedford Together project with and my mentor .abbott

It was my first commission work and so exciting to be working among local artists.

Grab your copy of the zine in Bedford on the 19th of August in Harpur Square from 11-3pm.

This project has been made possible through the Bedford High Street Heritage Action Zone programme thanks to funding from Historic England, Bedford Borough Council, SEMLEP and Bedford BID.


Divine Spiral in Wales!
Stunning views, very strong winds.

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 01/07/2023

Quick top-up today
Brought some new prints :)


Life update: I officially became a Certified HYPNOTHERAPIST! 🥹✨️

I'm hoping to connect my art and mandala making with therapeutic approaches. I am yet to discover how but I am on my way there ;)

If you need support, I am more than happy to help through hypnotherapy sessions, art therapy and custom mandalas.

Thank you for your wisdom and a chance to develop myself personally, spirituality and professionally.

Hypnotherapy is an amazing technique that allows individuals to tap into the power of their subconscious minds, unlocking hidden potential, overcoming challenges, and creating positive change. By guiding clients into a deeply relaxed state, I can help them explore their inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, ultimately leading to transformative results.

Whether you're struggling with anxiety, phobias, stress, self-confidence issues, or simply seeking personal growth, I am here to offer my assistance. Hypnotherapy is a versatile and effective tool that can address a wide range of concerns, including breaking bad habits, managing pain, improving performance, and fostering overall well-being.

My goal as a hypnotherapist is to provide a safe, non-judgmental space where you can feel comfortable exploring your inner world. Together, we will work collaboratively to identify your goals, uncover any underlying factors that may be holding you back, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

I am truly passionate about helping others achieve their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. Witnessing the positive transformations that hypnotherapy can bring about is a deeply rewarding experience, and I am eager to share this gift with anyone in need.

If you or someone you know could benefit from hypnotherapy, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your privacy and well-being are my utmost priorities, and I assure you that all sessions will be conducted with the highest level of professionalism, compassion, and confidentiality. Sessions can happen online or in person.

DM me if you have any questions ✨️

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 09/06/2023

My first art stand !
Thank you for a chance to show my art to the world :)

Come and get your mandala print or a tote bag ✨ or contact me for a custom made design.

With all the love,


'Granddad' 2023


Yesterday I visited to get inspiration and see young artist's work.

All pieces were unique and different, some were beautiful in their simplicity, some more complex with more thought provoking message. Glad I wondered upstairs to discover more are and these stunning windows.

If you are around Cambridge, stop by Gallerie V and soak in some gorgeous art.


"Flying Wish" is my latest mandala masterpiece and I have to say, it's Tate Modern-worthy (or at least a Tate Modern postcard-worthy). I can already picture my art hanging in their esteemed halls... or maybe just in their gift shop 😉
In all seriousness though, creating these intricate designs has been such a labor of love and I can't wait to share them with the world. Who knows, maybe the will come knocking one day!
"Flying Wish" is a digital mandala art, available for purchase. Contact me if you wish to own one!

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 08/04/2023

I could not be more excited to wear a tote bag with my own design on it! Love it!

This mandala is called 'Wild Wonder' and it brings joy, childlike playfulness, humour and curiosity. It vibrates fun and connection with your internal child. This mandala can bring lighthearted feelings and increase in novel thinking.

Would you like to own one and use its superpowers? Contact me x

Have a great Easter!


Doodle quote


It is often said that children are born artists, and there is truth to this statement. Young children are naturally curious, imaginative, and creative. They explore the world around them with a sense of wonder and awe, and their uninhibited approach to self-expression often yields unique and inspiring results.

One reason why children are such natural artists is that they have not yet learned to be self-conscious or critical of their work. They do not worry about whether their art is "good" or "bad," and they are not concerned with what others might think of their creations. Instead, they create for the pure joy of it, and this unbridled enthusiasm often leads to beautiful, spontaneous, and deeply personal works of art.

Another reason why children are such talented artists is that they have not yet been conditioned to think in rigid or narrow ways. They are open-minded and adaptable, and they approach new challenges with a sense of curiosity and playfulness. This allows them to experiment freely with different materials, techniques, and styles, and to discover new and unexpected ways of expressing themselves.

Sadly, as children grow older, they often lose some of this natural artistic ability. They become more self-conscious and critical of their work, and they may start to worry about whether their art is "good enough." They may also start to feel pressure to conform to certain standards or expectations, and they may lose their sense of curiosity and playfulness.

Fortunately, it is never too late to tap back into our inner child and rediscover our artistic side. By embracing our creativity, experimenting with new materials and techniques, and letting go of our fears and insecurities, we can unleash our inner artist and create works of art that are truly meaningful and inspiring.

So, if you ever find yourself feeling uninspired or stuck in a creative rut, take a cue from the children around you and let your imagination run wild. You may be surprised at what you are capable of creating.

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 23/03/2023

"Meditating on Love"

Introducing my newest creation, 'Meditating on Love' mandala! 💛🖤 This beautiful piece features heart shapes, a monk meditating, and other classic mandala shapes. The combination of black and gold yellow colors gives it a unique and elegant look. I created this mandala to inspire meditation and reflection on the power of love. May it bring peace and love into your life 🙏

Which stage of creation do you like best? Simply black & white or gold & black?

Przedstawiam moje najnowsze dzieło, mandalę „Medytowanie nad miłością"! 💛🖤 Ten piękny obraz ma kształty serca, pogodnego medytującego mnicha i inne klasyczne kształty mandali. Połączenie czerni i złotożółtych kolorów nadaje mu wyjątkowy i elegancki wygląd. Stworzyłam tę mandalę, aby inspirować do medytacji i refleksji nad mocą miłości. Niech wniesie pokój i miłość do Twojego życia 🙏

Który etap tworzenia lubisz najbardziej? Po prostu czarno-biały czy złoto-czarny?


I'm excited to finally show my face and introduce myself! My name is Dominika and I'm a lover of all things creative. I have a passion for mandalas and drawing, and I'm excited to pursue it further.

For a long time, I was hesitant to share my art with you. But I've come to realize that self-expression is a beautiful thing, and I want to inspire others to embrace their passions and talents too.

Drawing mandalas has been a meditative practice for me. It's amazing how something as simple as putting pen to paper can be so therapeutic!

I'm looking forward to sharing more of my artwork with you all, and I hope to inspire others to find their own creative outlets. Whether it's drawing, painting, writing, or anything else, I believe that everyone has a unique talent that's worth sharing.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can't wait to see where it takes us! Follow for more mandalas!
Nie mogę się doczekać, aby w końcu pokazać się i przedstawić! Mam na imię Dominika i jestem miłośniczką wszystkiego co kreatywne. Pasjonuję się mandalami i rysowaniem i cieszę się, że mogę dalej to rozwijać.

Długo wahałam się, czy podzielić się z Wami moją twórczością. Ale zdałam sobie sprawę, że wyrażanie siebie to piękna rzecz i chcę inspirować innych, by również realizowali swoje pasje i talenty. Rysowanie mandali było dla mnie praktyką medytacyjną. To niesamowite, jak coś tak prostego jak przyłożenie długopisu do papieru może być tak terapeutyczne.

Nie mogę się doczekać, aby podzielić się z wami moimi pracami i mam nadzieję, że zainspiruję innych do znalezienia własnych kreatywnych talentów. Niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o rysowanie, malowanie, pisanie, czy cokolwiek innego, wierzę, że każdy ma wyjątkowy talent, którym warto się dzielić.

Dziękuję za dołączenie do mnie w tej podróży i nie mogę się doczekać, aby zobaczyć, dokąd nas zaprowadzi!

Photo at The Higgins Bedford


This wall art features a beautiful diamond-square mandala piece that is both intricate and captivating. The square mandala design is centered, with each corner featuring a unique and elaborate pattern that radiates outwards towards the edges of the piece.

The mandala is composed of a variety of shapes, such as circles, triangles, and nature inspired shapes, that interlock and overlap to create a visually stunning and harmonious whole.

Soon to be available in my Etsy Shop.
Ta grafika ścienna zawiera piękną diamentową mandalę, która jest zarówno skomplikowana, jak i urzekająca. Kwadratowy projekt mandali jest wyśrodkowany, a każdy róg ma unikalny i wyszukany wzór, który promieniuje na zewnątrz w kierunku krawędzi elementu.

Mandala składa się z różnych kształtów, takich jak koła, trójkąty i kształty inspirowane naturą, które przeplatają się i nakładają, tworząc oszałamiającą wizualnie i harmonijną całość.

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 14/03/2023

Hello art lovers,
I'm excited to share my latest collection of abstract art with you, which features a series of intuitive mandalas. Each piece in this collection is a unique expression, texture, and movement, created through a process of spontaneous mark-making.

As an artist, I strive to create art that evokes a sense of wonder and curiosity in the viewer, inviting you to explore your own inner landscape. I believe that art is a conversation between the artist and the viewer, and I'm curious to know what you see in my mandalas.

Do you see patterns and shapes that remind you of nature, or perhaps of a dream world? Do you sense movement and energy within the composition? Maybe you feel a sense of peace and tranquility, or a burst of joy and excitement. Whatever you see, I invite you to share your thoughts with me in the comments below.

Let's start a conversation about the power of abstract art to evoke emotion and spark the imagination. Thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey with me!
Witam miłośników sztuki,
Jestem podekscytowana, że mogę podzielić się z Tobą moimi najnowszymi mandalami. Każdy element z tej kolekcji jest unikalnym wyrazem faktury i ruchu, powstałym w procesie spontanicznego tworzenia znaków.

Jako artysta staram się tworzyć sztukę, która wywołuje w widzu poczucie zdumienia i ciekawości, zapraszając do odkrywania własnego wewnętrznego krajobrazu. Wierzę, że sztuka to rozmowa między artystą a odbiorcą i jestem ciekawa, co widzisz w moich mandalach.

Czy widzisz wzory i kształty, które przypominają Ci naturę, a może świat ze snu? Czy wyczuwasz ruch i energię w kompozycji? Być może odczuwasz spokój i ciszę, a może przypływ radości i podniecenia. Cokolwiek zobaczysz, zapraszam do podzielenia się ze mną swoimi przemyśleniami w komentarzach poniżej.

Rozpocznijmy rozmowę o sile sztuki abstrakcyjnej w wywoływaniu emocji i pobudzaniu wyobraźni. Dziękuję Ci za wsparcie i bycie częścią tej podróży ze mną!


Let's talk about Mandalas!
Mandalas are intricate circular designs that have their origins in Indian and Tibetan religions and cultures. The word "mandala" comes from Sanskrit, meaning "circle" or "center."

In Hinduism and Buddhism, mandalas are used as a tool for meditation and spiritual practice. They represent the universe and are used as a visual aid for focusing the mind and attaining a state of inner calm and awareness. Mandalas are often used in rituals, as offerings, or as a way of invoking spiritual energies.

In Tibetan Buddhism, mandalas are particularly important and are often created using colored sand. Monks spend days or weeks creating a mandala, which is then destroyed as a symbol of impermanence.

In recent years, mandalas have become popular as a form of art therapy, with coloring books and other materials marketed for stress relief and relaxation.

Overall, mandalas have a rich history and cultural significance, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the quest for spiritual and .
Mandale to skomplikowane okrągłe wzory, które mają swoje korzenie w religiach i kulturach Indii i Tybetu. Słowo „mandala” pochodzi z sanskrytu i oznacza „koło” lub „środek”.

W hinduizmie i buddyzmie mandale są używane jako narzędzie do medytacji i praktyki duchowej. Reprezentują wszechświat i są używane jako wizualna pomoc w skupieniu umysłu i osiągnięciu stanu wewnętrznego spokoju i świadomości. Mandale są często używane w rytuałach, jako ofiary lub jako sposób przywoływania duchowych energii.

W buddyzmie tybetańskim mandale są szczególnie ważne i często są tworzone przy użyciu kolorowego piasku. Mnisi spędzają dni lub tygodnie na tworzeniu mandali, która jest następnie niszczona jako symbol nietrwałości.

W ostatnich latach mandale stały się popularne jako forma arteterapii, a kolorowanki i inne materiały sprzedawane są w celu odprężenia i relaksu.

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, mandale mają bogatą historię i znaczenie kulturowe, reprezentując wzajemne powiązania wszystkich rzeczy oraz dążenie do duchowego zrozumienia i oświecenia.


is key to a fulfilling life, but it's important to remember that we can't be happy all the time. We will experience darker days, and that's okay. It's a natural part of the ups and downs of life. The important thing is to recognize when those darker days are starting to take over, and seek help when needed.

I'm only learning now how important is to listen to your body, take breaks and have some alone time. I'm getting overwhelmed by constant phone notifications, feeling of missing out on social media and thoughts that I have to be on top of everything.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your mental health, know that you're not alone. There is no shame in seeking support from a medical professional or mental health practitioner. They can help you develop strategies to cope with life's challenges and help you get back to feeling like your best self.

Remember, it's okay to not be okay sometimes. But never hesitate to reach out for help when you need it.

Równowaga jest kluczem do satysfakcjonującego życia, ale ważne jest, aby pamiętać, że nie możemy być szczęśliwi przez cały czas. Doświadczymy ciemniejszych dni i to jest w porządku. To naturalna część wzlotów i upadków życia. Ważne jest, aby rozpoznać, kiedy te ciemniejsze dni zaczynają przejmować kontrolę i szukać pomocy w razie potrzeby.

Dopiero teraz uczę się, jak ważne jest słuchanie swojego organizmu, robienie przerw i znaleźlienie czasu dla siebie. Przytłaczają mnie ciągłe powiadomienia z telefonu, poczucie, że mnie coś omija w necie, i myśli, że muszę być na bieżąco.

Jeśli czujesz się przytłoczony lub zmagasz się ze swoim zdrowiem psychicznym, wiedz, że nie jesteś sam. Nie ma wstydu w szukaniu wsparcia u lekarza lub psychologa. Mogą pomóc ci opracować strategie radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami życiowymi i pomóc ci wrócić do życia w zdrowiu i szczęściu.

Nigdy nie wahaj się sięgnąć po pomoc, kiedy jej potrzebujesz. Lub po prostu weź kilka dni wolnego, aby naładować baterie i nic nie robić. Niech pranie się spiętrzy, po prostu odpocznij.

Divine Spiral Art by Dominika on Instagram: "Did you know that doodling might be a form of art therapy? #artist #creative #doodling #doodlingart #doodlings #doodlingartwork #life #mentalhealth #artwork #arttherapy #girlwhodraws #polishgirl... 12/03/2023

Did you know that doodling might be a form of art therapy?

Divine Spiral Art by Dominika on Instagram: "Did you know that doodling might be a form of art therapy? #artist #creative #doodling #doodlingart #doodlings #doodlingartwork #life #mentalhealth #artwork #arttherapy #girlwhodraws #polishgirl... 11 Likes, 0 Comments - Divine Spiral Art by Dominika () on Instagram: "Did you know that doodling might be a form of art therapy? ..."

Photos from Divine Spiral Art's post 12/03/2023

Studies have shown that when we draw or paint, our brain actually enters a state of "flow", which is a term used to describe a state of deep focus and immersion in an activity. During this state, our brainwaves slow down and we enter a meditative-like state, which can be incredibly calming and relaxing.

Additionally, when we engage in creative activities, we activate different parts of our brain, such as the frontal lobe, which is responsible for problem-solving and decision-making, and the amygdala, which is associated with emotional processing.

So not only is creating art a fun and rewarding experience, it's also incredibly beneficial for our mental health and wellbeing. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, I encourage you to keep exploring your creative side and see where it takes you.
Who knows what masterpieces you might create! ✨️
Badania wykazały, że kiedy rysujemy lub malujemy, nasz mózg wchodzi w stan „przepływu”, (FLOW), który jest terminem używanym do opisania stanu głębokiego skupienia i zanurzenia w czynności. Podczas tego stanu nasze fale mózgowe zwalniają i wchodzimy w stan podobny do medytacji, który może być niezwykle uspokajający i relaksujący.

Dodatkowo, kiedy angażujemy się w działania twórcze, aktywujemy różne części naszego mózgu, takie jak płat czołowy odpowiedzialny za rozwiązywanie problemów i podejmowanie decyzji oraz ciało migdałowate, które jest związane z przetwarzaniem emocji. Tworzenie sztuki jest więc nie tylko przyjemnym i satysfakcjonującym doświadczeniem, ale także niezwykle korzystnym dla naszego zdrowia psychicznego i dobrego samopoczucia.

Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś doświadczonym artystą, czy dopiero zaczynasz, zachęcam do dalszego odkrywania swojej kreatywnej strony i sprawdzania, dokąd Cię to zaprowadzi. Kto wie, jakie arcydzieła możesz stworzyć! ✨️

Divine Spiral Art by Dominika on Instagram: "A quick introduction from me. I hope to take you on the journey with me to explore mandala art together! These pieces are my old ones, the ones I wasn't allowed to make at school :D but here they are.... 12/03/2023

A quick introduction from me. It's Dominika here 👋. A girl who wants to bring some abstract mandala art to life.

When I was younger, still at school, I remember I was focusing better when I was doodling random things in my notebook. But I wasn't praised for it, I was always being told off for not listening and drawing instead. Back then I could not tell them that according to research, doodling does help with remembering.

Neuroscience already tells us that doodling relieves stress, and improves focus by activating the brain's "time travel machine", allowing it to find lost puzzle pieces of memories, and bring them to the present. It helps you stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information. It also improves your creative thinking.
Well, I cannot go back in time to tell my teachers to let me draw. But now you can educate yourself and try doodling when you are faced with a problem or are creatively stuck.

These pieces are my old ones, the ones I wasn't allowed to make at school :D but here they are. Never knew I will ever use them again. They are the only ones I brought with me from home to the UK. I could only take a limited amount of things and they were very precious to me.

So here I am, trying out my digital art skills. You are more than welcome to join me on my journey and hopefully watch my progress.

Divine Spiral Art by Dominika on Instagram: "A quick introduction from me. I hope to take you on the journey with me to explore mandala art together! These pieces are my old ones, the ones I wasn't allowed to make at school :D but here they are.... 12 Likes, 1 Comments - Divine Spiral Art by Dominika () on Instagram: "A quick introduction from me. I hope to take you on the journey with me to explore mandala art to..."

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