Simon Leicester Medium & Healer

Working Medium, Tarot reader, Shiatsu therapist , Massage and Reflexologist. For further information or to book call mobile 07957 825364. Many thanks Simon 😃

Hi, my name is Simon Leicester, I offer Mediumistic Sittings and Platform work , Tarot Readings . I also offer Shiatsu, Reiki and Reflexology.I work from Home in Bournemouth and can do home visits (with a cost to cover fuel etc). Or use the WhatsApp button on page.


What if ...

If we are completely honest we would admit that we all struggle with patience at times. It is part of the human condition coupled with ever increasing demands and responsibility put on us in our daily lives.

To begin to cultivate patience we need to accept that everything happens in accordance with divine timing. Time itself is man-made. We used time to plan and manage our lives. However in our higher reality time is divine intervention and we have very little if any control over when, where , how & why things happen when they do. We do have free choice though...
We can choose to accept to be in flow of the way of least resistance.
We can also choose to go against the grain or force, speed up etc .
The latter of these two choices can potentially lead to inner frustration and unnecessary stress ,& anxiety, if we don't get the outcome we wish.

In my experience, and there's probably very few as impatient as me 🤣🤔, I have Learnt to accept that the divine way leads to the patient existence. When we force something or become fixated we often miss out on an opportunity to experience something new or even valuable for our soul growth.

To cultivate patience takes mindfulness and dedication. It begins with taking mental pause and realising that we are free to choose how we react to uncertain situations or emotions.

We can take control of ourselves, and we can shape our views of our world to be calmer and easier. God knows .. our lives are hard enough without us making our stress more of a burden.

What if...
the whole world's population took 10 minutes at precisely the same time and exercised 10 minutes of inner patience...there would be a global shift in consciousness and an upliftment of energy.

If we all accepted that being patient and accepting of others and our nature we wouldn't need to be greedy or kill others to get what we want.

Sadly, to change a culture ,especially one so ingrained , takes time and effort from everyone.

My words here are just meant to be food for thought. The greatest journeys start with first step. Be brave and take that step, it could change your life.



Rise above the gossip and speculation. Changes are inevitable and sometimes way beyond our control. So best to mind our own business and live in the moment.
Believe all of what you see and half of what you hear .... We'll be ok 😁


Hi everyone and hope you're all having a great weekend whatever you're doing. Me , I'm just chilling and thinking that I haven't posted for a while on my page..

My mind has been prompted to share this with you really, so I am thinking that Spirit is "on the case" and as usual has our highest good in mind.

At this time it's important to detach from the drama . The media, political bodies and the grapevine are such powerful influencers and not always with the utmost of integrity!
This is unfortunately beyond our control as to what we are subject to.

Maintain a happy outlook and remember it's your life and you have a right to joy and upliftment .

By all means listen and observe what you will from news or media or rumours but always trust your intuition and if something doesn't suit or it has a negative impact on you don't take it on board.

If something is truly meant for you or is supposed to be a growth experience to broaden your mind .... It will be. This is how our karma works.

Key thing to realise is Drama is just that ! It's Dramatic and created for an effect so if you don't want it.... don't accept it.

Keep it real and true.

You deserve nothing less ❤️


Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you all are having a lovely time with family and or friends. Even if you're celebrating this wonderful time on your own , a great time can still be had. Remember the power of intention can still be used to create our ideal world even if it's just visualising our ideals.
The true message of Christmas is kindness. It's a time to put aside any prejudices, any hard feelings or negative thought patterns and focus on giving. The very act of giving helps us gain a sense of joy and healing. Give to others kindness, support and confidence, share positive praise.....
Remember insecurity and self-loathing produces negative and detrimental behaviour towards others, it's true strength that believes in and uplifts others.
To show kindness is an act of love , it's healing and healing is what Jesus was about.
Be joyful in your thoughts and hearts, especially towards yourselves.
Merry Christmas one and all 🎄🎁🍸❤️


I saw this and thought to myself..... "For a day, yes! Any longer , no! We have a physical existence in a material world too!"
Would be a day of great healing and Re-birth tho ❤


In this Hi Tech, fast living society of ours we tend to get swept along with advancement and we find ourselves looking ahead for the next thing to buy , or to coin a phrase .. Keep up with Jones' . This can be exhausting and is an expert in keeping us away from the present moment. It makes me think are we losing sight of our own individuality/identity?
Recently, whilst visiting family in Canarias , I noticed just how down to earth and unattached to material things their society is! Their importance is placed on Family, Friendship & being sufficient (but not over wanting or greedy) .

It's true to say that not all countries are affluent, but all nations are capable of sharing. There is enough in this world for everyone to have a sustainable , peaceful and conflict-free existence.

An ex-martial arts instructor once wisely said to me that to invest in loss is sometimes the way we all gain. That saying will always stay in my mind, sometimes we just have to lose all the clutter and past baggage in our minds, de-bunk , set the clock to zero and then we can rebuild our relationships with new, refreshed approaches and attitudes. Trying our best to stay in the present allows us time to have a calm mind that is open to the feelings of others and how we treat them.

The trinity for a good relationship is love, trust & respect. We may not always get it right, however being calm minded we can at least identify areas in need of self improvement through personal mindfulness. It's not a mammoth task either, it just takes a little change of our awareness here and there.

It's important to realise that change doesn't come easy to many, however it does usually come at time that's vital to the survival of our relationships and our progressive soul development. The advice I was given is don't think about how long or how hard it will be, however...just make the start ..

The greatest journey begins with the smallest step.

Don't fear change, it's imminent! After the upheaval when the dust settles .. clarity and vision is restored anew.

The great scientists will tell you that nothing is still but actually in a state of constant vibration.

The one constant thing in life is change, welcome it , and then revel in the lesson of the experience.


Happy bank holiday weekend everyone! A time to let go, relax and contemplate our reality (in a light hearted way of course 😀).

To be honest, I love my meditation practice. I would like to make it more regular, however life likes to get in the way.

Tonight though, I made time for this practice and some great insights came to mind.
I sometimes hear the voice of Spirit in my head and tonight was no exception.

It was brought to my attention that all we really need, is what we actually have! I enjoy all my spiritual work both public and private, but the sheer enjoyment is actually in the feeling that Spirit is always there for us.
I often have a sense of guilt that I don't spend enough time with them, or I could always do more. I forget that to serve means just that, it's service!! So long as we pass on all that we receive from the great realms unseen, then our work is done in the name of love. As love is really what spirit is all about.

True Spirit work, isn't highly paid, however it is highly rewarded in other ways. Ways in which we probably overlook being subjected to a material world.

It's an honour to work in service for Spirit, whatever form that takes be it as a medium or healer or someone who simply listens or is just there for others, all are equally as important and necessary as eachother.

Spirit doesn't favour, judge or prejudice in any way.

It just is and our lesson from them is to be ourselves, walk freely and peacefully along our paths with love, trust and respect.

As above so as below.

Be happy, job done 👍❤️


"Being alone says nothing about your worthiness or capacity for love, it just means that you get the space to love and honor yourself."
-Michelle Maros


Had a lovely time with Spirit and everyone at Eastleigh Spiritualist Centre last night. After huge traffic tailbacks and a diversion, not being able to find my glasses and.....only having half the reading content with me....
Spirit stepped up to the situation and all went fine. So what's the lesson here??...

'" if you can't fly, then it's no use flapping your arms to get there quicker!!!"

Try deep breaths, if that doesn't work then breathe again...

Everything works out as it's meant to be.

( I need to remember this before the teddies are thrown out of the pram 😉🤣)


Good morning all !

Today is a brand-new day, think of it like the ocean..
When you're on top of the wave enjoy the view.
When you're in low points seek only happiness within and be present.
Our states are always temporary and change is inevitable so may as well relish it.

Have a great day 💜


"Tension is who you think you should be,
Relaxation is who you are".

Chinese proverb


"To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders"

Lao Tzu


Carry yourself with confidence, inner-peace and fill your core with self-belief. .. the rest will manifest itself as and when necessary!
Sometimes it pays to let go of control and , instead, just freewheel and allow life to place you where you're needed in order to be most helpful, effective and to learn the best experiences. Trust that this is in the hands of higher energies, we are all part of a long found plan so just be, open your way through this life with universal navigation...just let them in.
Take the faith leap! Allow the guidance from within to work in harmony with higher-guidance... things always work out for our highest good, it may not always seem this way but eventually (if we're true to ourselves) we will see and learn to accept.


Spring is here 🤣👍❤️


As your awareness unfolds, don't fight the negative or jealous energies that come your way from others. It's in everyone's nature to covet, treat it not with anger or revenge but with grace and acceptance for the greatest compliment that it truly is....

Be happy 😃😃😃


Celebrating my 9th year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. I could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉




The Quartet of Mediums 28/1/23

Hi everyone,

I would like to share an experience with you.
Yesterday evening I had the great opportunity to work with 3 fine Mediums ; John Morrow , Vanessa Smallwood & Sarah Deverell. As usual during the day , the run up to the evening is when all the nerves kick in! Only this time it was different. I began to sense the nervous energy as an assurance that we are not alone in any part of life ( even at death!).

Working for Spirit can seem a very lonely place and comes with both reward and anxiety etc. What is so fascinating to me is that we can work with Spirit by taking charge of our mind state.

It's humbling and comforting to realise that there is no true established and qualified Medium as such...rather that we are all aspiring and forever learning, evolving and Spiritual so as the physical.

I was very motivated to enhance my relationship with Spirit after being impressed with how much others have evolved spiritually.

Whilst waiting on stage for the demonstration to start , I could actually feel my mind state being changed by spirit. It feels like being uplifted into a slightly higher state of awareness and all concerns or worries are taken away...all you're left with is the absolute.

For me, this is a milestone achievement. Our evening at St Leonard's near Ringwood was a fabulous evening with all Mediums working as a chosen and inspired team albeit working in our individual ways.

Some fantastic and very accurate evidence of life after death , some uplifting healing and upliftment given to many in times of grief and some great humour.... all this is good fuel for the best that life can be.

I have to finish by saying a big thanks to John and Debbi for putting the Quartet of Mediums on the Spiritual map. The work of Mediums is truly limitless and we are all privileged to work for Spirit.

Spirit works in such a high vibration that it's impossible to totally comprehend its impact and sheer power. It works with unconditional love vibration and is here for our benefit and to help the world and every soul evolve and be the best it can be.

Long may this continue.

Message from Spirit;

"with trust, intention , devotion and patience...anything is possible
we are always here, just ask"

Thankyou ❤️


I've just seen this on a post from Glastonbury Tor

May Peace find it’s way into the hearts and souls of all of those that are troubled to allow the light to guide their tiny steps towards the huge change for the better.
May we all see truth and learn to accept this as the reason for change.
May we learn to be humble and grateful for every breath we take, anything else is a blessing.
May we know that the Greatest Gift of All is LOVE.
To learn compassion, understanding and kindness and use these to help yourselves and others alike.
May we know that goodness will never be born from pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.
Let us be the purest and the brightest that we can be and know that whilst we may feel insignificant, just one good thought can add to a beautiful miracle.
Let us not engage with negativity nor spread destruction for it will only carry you into despair amongst the sludge of its creation, may we know the tricks and deceptions that lead us there…..
Gossip, the deadly sins, horror, engaging in any form of destruction in games or life, anything that is not from goodness for all.
Let us cast genuine smiles, desire to help others, never accept war and destruction as facts of life, pray for peace on earth and for the souls of all those that know no different.
Let us BE LOVE and all share a good existence in our lifetime upon this Earth, we are not here in vain, we are ALL VIP’s and have a purpose.
To all those feeling sad, I feel your pain. I send you wholesomeness and love to meet with your heart to ease your burden….. this too shall pass. You are never alone…….
Loneliness is a state of mind.
Everything can change with a single thought……
Everything WILL change.
Believe in the power of miracles.
They really do exist.
Love and Peace for you ALL no matter who you are, what you are or where you are.
Redemption And Forgiveness are gifts that we owe to ourselves and others, to share freely and to let go of burdens without excuses.
Let us pray for PEACE for ALL upon this Earth.
It all begins with US. ❤️🙏❤️


I'm looking forward to serving Weymouth Spiritual Awareness Centre, for the first time, on Sunday 6th November 22. Doors open at 5:45pm for 6:15pm.start. it's a divine service, this includes opening prayer, a reading & or address , a time set aside for absent healing and a demonstration of Mediumship, and a closing prayer. I believe refreshments are available after the service. Address is
Weymouth Spiritual Awareness Centre,
1 Hope Street


Lessons for myself

Our attempts to solve our problems can often make things worse.
The more rigid our sense of self, the more surface we provide for the arrows to hit!

Be true to yourself,
Seek that, which is already deep within ,
Un-attach, un-crave and un-yearn...

Travel true & light

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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