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‘You can run faster if you are lighter”
‘Be lighter! Watts/kg is critical for cycling faster’

Both of these are phrases that I hear regularly from triathletes, cyclists and runners to justify their eating habits especially in the run up to a big race.
But what if you go too far in your pursuit of performance? You could end up in Relative Energy Deficiency and this may harm your health as well as your performance.
In this week’s podcast my guest is Pippa Woolven, the founder of Project RED-S. This is a collaborative initiative formed by a group of athletes, parents, and partners whose lives have been impacted by the condition. They have 3 main aims - Awareness, Prevention, and Recovery. In this episode, Pippa and I will cover each of those topics to help you have a better understanding of how you might be able to help athletes you train with, coach or support.

Please CLICK HERE to listen to this episode—>>

If RED-S has affected you in some way, I would love to hear your story, if you care to share it below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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ATHLETES, COACHES OR TRAINING PARTNERS. DO YOU HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS TO HELP FAMILY MEMBERS OR TRIATHLON FRIENDS IF YOU THINK THEY HAVE AN EATING DISORDER? (PLEASE SHARE) ‘You can run faster if you are lighter” ‘Be lighter! Watts/kg is critical for cycling faster’ Both of these are phrases that I hear regularly from triathletes, cyclists and runners to justify their eating habits especially in the run up to a big race. But what if you go too far in your pursuit of performance? You could end up in Relative Energy Deficiency and this may harm your health as well as your performance. In this week’s podcast my guest is Pippa Woolven, the founder of Project RED-S. This is a collaborative initiative formed by a group of athletes, parents, and partners whose lives have been impacted by the condition. They have 3 main aims - Awareness, Prevention, and Recovery. In this episode, Pippa and I will cover each of those topics to help you have a better understanding of how you might be able to help athletes you train with, coach or support. Please CLICK HERE to listen to this episode—>> If RED-S has affected you in some way, I would love to hear your story, if you care to share it below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

CHASING GREATNESS with legendary Canadian triathlon commentator Barry Shepley In this week's podcast I catch up with legendary Canadian triathlon commentator Barry Shepley a man who has been at more seminal moments of the sport than just about anyone else I can think of. We chat about his triathlon life and talk about some of the inspirational characters who feature in his new book, ‘Chasing Greatness’. Including * The joy of seeing Simon Whitfield win Gold at the Sydney Olympics * Helping Lionel Sanders get started in triathlon * What makes a great commentator Please CLICK HERE to listen to this episode—>> If you have comments or questions, I would love to read them. Please share below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HOW A STABLE ENVIRONMENT INFLUENCES OUR SUCCESS AND PERFORMANCE Have you found that when everything is going well and you seem to have a perfect balance in your life, that training and racing seems so much sweeter. Today’s guest, British Triathlon Legend, Jodie Swallow certainly noticed that and we chat a lot about that in the episode As usual, we get into a lot of other subjects including: * Why swimmers & runners make the best triathletes * Developing a winning mentality * Eating disorders in endurance athletes * The lack of female coaches in any sport and at the highest level Please CLICK HERE to listen to this episode—>> If you have comments or questions, I would love to read them. Please share below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

WHY SHORTER CRANK LENGTHS ON YOUR TT BIKE MIGHT BE THE ANSWER FOR A BETTER TRIATHLON RUN LEG Cycle training typically occupies 45-50% of a triathlete's weekly programme. The longer your chosen race distance, the more time you need in the saddle so bike fit is a crucial element. Today I'm joined by Phil Burt, a physiotherapist by training. After a long career supporting the world’s best at three Olympic Games and seven Tour de Frances, Burt is now concentrating on using his expertise to help cyclists at all levels to improve their health, comfort, and performance. Discussion topics include: * Why you should have a bike fit before you buy your new bike * Why the saddle is the most important part of a TT bike * 3 simple fixes you can make immediately for a better bike fit * Strength training for triathletes - For resilience NOT increased power As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> Have you changed your crank lengths. Did it make a difference? Please share below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HAVE YOU EVER TRIED RUNNING FAST WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED? Here's a challenge for you. Put on a blindfold and then ask a friend to run with you. I guarantee that you’ll find it incredibly stressful! Guiding a visually impaired triathlete doesn’t just mean having great fitness. It also requires great communication skills and the ability to build trust with your partner. Today's guest is Duncan Shea Simonds. Duncan has been guiding for several years firstly with Haseeb Ahmad, and more recently with Iain Dawson who also joins us on today's show. In a few days' time they will be racing for Team England at the Para Commonwealth Games in the PTVI category. We talk about: * Average age grouper to Commonwealth Games * Skills and tactics required for guiding * Trust and communication As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you have any comments or questions please share below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

DO YOU MEASURE HRV ON A DAILY BASIS? HAVE YOU TRIED USING BREATHING TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE YOUR HRV Today's guest, Anna Hemmings, is Britain’s most successful female marathon kayaker. She is now a leading inspirational speaker on resilience and high performance. At the peak of her career, Anna was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was told by medical experts she might never race again. She battled her way to full recovery and went on to win a further 3 world titles and compete at her second Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. In the corporate world, Anna uses a simple 2 minute breathing technique to raise HRV and manage stress. There are some fascinating crossovers with previous podcasts on breathing and stress management and you can use some of Anna’s lessons in your sporting performances as well, like managing anxiety before an open water swim. We also discuss * The value of group training for mental health * Overtraining vs chronic fatigue and how to recognise the signs * Recovery from chronic fatigue As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> Do you meditate? Please share how it’s helped to improve your life ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HOW TO REALLY LIVE IN YOUR BODY Did you know that just a few minutes of meditation or mindful practice every day can improve so many elements of your life? Productivity - Sleep - Mood - Food choices and indirectly these will all have a positive impact on your training. You don’t even need to sit still. It's possible to do your mindfulness practice while you are out running. But first you have to get started and today's guest, mindfulness teacher, Dr Caroline Hoffman is going to outline the various forms of meditation and how we can get started. As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> Do you meditate? Please share how it’s helped to improve your life ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

WHAT, NO CARDIO? THE JOURNEY FROM ELITE TRIATHLETE TO BODYBUILDER Imagine you're an elite triathlete, getting on the podium at Ironman 70.3 events, and then COVID comes along. You have no races to do and you feel a bit lost. What would you do? Gravel riding, chase Strava KOM titles or FKT’s, race indoors on Zwift or Rouvy? Today's guest, Alice Hector, took a completely different path. She turned from the extreme endurance training of triathlon to the highly anaerobic training found in bodybuilding. The transformation is amazing and we talk about all of this in our conversation as well as: A 180º change in beliefs, identity, training, diet and a world where * She lifts weights 6 days per week * The only cardio work is walking * Food is plain and a lot of protein As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

TO BE A FASTER CYCLIST, FORGET FTP - MSP IS MORE IMPORTANT FTP is important but when racing triathlon especially longer distances Maximum Sustained Power (MSP) is much more important. In this weeks podcast our guest, cyclist, author and strength coach, Jacques DeVore explains the importance of strength training for cyclists and outlines how to build strength to specifically improve durability and MSP. Please listen with an open mind as it may challenge some of your current thinking as we discuss: * At what point of the season should you introduce a strength routine * Priorities for endurance athletes * Thriving vs surviving on a ride * How to be as powerful in the second half of a ride as the first * Why Maximum Sustained Power (MSP) is more important than FTP * Why strength training is vital for older cyclists (i.e. over 40) As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

WHAT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU MADE LEADING UP TO YOUR ‘A’ RACE? We’ve all made them. In this podcast, we share some of the most glaring errors to provide you with a few laughs but more importantly to try and help you avoid the mistakes that we (yes coaches get things wrong as well) and others have made, including: * What happens when you don't write a checklist * Don't do anything new on race day * How often do you really need to visit the expo? * What could go wrong with ramping up your training 7 days before the event? * Have you written a race morning timetable? As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you would like to share your biggest 'ever' mistake, please post below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

CAN AN INJURY PRONE RUNNER CAN GET FASTER AND AVOID MORE INJURIES? This week it’s a solo cast so you just have me for the whole show. It's been a while since I did one of these and this week I have chosen to answer some awesome questions sent in by members of my tribe. I’ll be talking about: * The best bang for buck investment for a triathlon newbie * How an injury-prone runner can get faster and avoid more injuries * Sensible daily nutrition habits * How to successfully manage life, work, and training with a busy schedule * Strategies for improving your weakest discipline As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HOW TO SAVE WATTS AND GO FASTER IN YOUR NEXT TRIATHLON There are two ways to improve your speed on a bike. Work harder and boost your FTP or make you and your bike more aerodynamic. Todays guest Dan Bigham is pretty good at helping cyclists achieve the second. As an aerodynamicist in Formula 1, owner of Wattshop, and currently working with Ineos Grenadiers he’s gained a lot of experience at helping riders to find more watts. He’s also preparing for his own tilt at the world hour record. If that's not enough, he has a book out called "Start at the End” which we will be referring to frequently. Whether you geek out on how to save watts, or you just have an interest in the tech side of cycling, you'll find this a very engaging conversation as we chat about: * Principles of reverse engineering and how to use it to improve your triathlon performance * Best watts per pound investments for you * Why slower riders benefit more from investment in aero * Dan’s #1 way to save watts for all riders As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS? I bet you have because that is part of the training process. Not intentional but a by product of pushing to a higher level. It is painful and frustrating, not to mention expensive if you have good physio support. Once you've recovered it's not just a straightforward journey back into training. There is often a gap between pain-free and returning to competition. This is the space where today's guest, Rocky Snyder, does his magic. In his book Return to Center, Rocky takes a refreshing approach to improving human performance without the drawbacks of pain and reduced mobility. This new methodology bases each programme on the individual, their posture, and their unique gait pattern. No two people have identical lives, so why should they have identical programs? As usual, we get into a lot so please take a listen HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

DO YOU REGULARLY USE NUTRITION SUPPLEMENTS AND IF SO, WHAT? I’ve had a lot of debates with doctors and nutritionists about whether we should routinely use nutritional supplements. The standard answer is ‘it depends’ but time and again the same ones keep appearing. Of course they shouldn’t replace a well balanced diet but we should also keep in mind that when training hard we need to be extra vigilant about maintaining a strong immune system for good recovery In keeping with the theme of helping you to refuel and recover better, today we're joined by Sports Medicine specialist Dr. Eva Carneiro a Specialist Consultant with The Sports Medical Group who has extensive experience working with and looking after elite athletes. Today we disappear down a lot of rabbit holes but the key topics covered include: * The best way to measure recovery, and the best recovery promoting approaches * The benefits of listening to your body * Sensible approaches to nutrition * What if any supplements we should use To listen, please click HERE—>> h If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HOW TO DEAL WITH OVERWHELM AND FEAR…IN ANY SITUATION We’ve all been there at some point. At the start of a race. Waiting to get into the water and with this overwhelming fear or anxiety that we just can’t do it. Today's High Performance Human podcast guest is David DiFrancesco. David teaches the skills that he learned from US, Israeli and Russian special forces soldiers to civilians. He turns them into Living Warriors by helping them to 'live fearfully’. By recognising that life is an inherent unknown, and knowing that we will feel uncomfortable at times, rather than avoiding feeling vulnerable we can develop the strength of resilience and a knowing confidence that we can handle what comes our way. In this conversation he will share these lessons with you so that you can apply them in your life or in your pursuit of athletic goals. To listen, please click HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT ENTERING THE MARATHON DES SABLES? The Marathon des Sables is billed as the toughest footrace on earth. If you can finish an Ironman, a marathon or a 100k ultra run then you can finish this race. Trust me when I say that if you do, you will have a life-changing experience. You will also meet amazing people, see places that are way off the tourist map, sleep and eat in conditions you never dreamt of, punish your feet like never before and enter a world where phone signals, noise pollution, and light pollution are non-existent. Today's guest, Andy Slater, is a member of my SWAT Inner Circle and has just returned from experiencing the Sahara desert for himself. To listen, please click HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

ONE MORE TRI - SAM PERKINS vs MND Today’s High Performance Human podcast guest, Sam Perkins finished the Full Outlaw in 2016. In 2019 he was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, an incurable and terminal disease and by 2020 he was relying on a wheel chair to move around and a ventilator to breathe. Rather than feeling sorry for himself, he decided to make every day count, starting his own charity to raise much-needed money for research into the condition. Oh and he decided to attempt ‘One More Tri’. COVID got in the way for 2 years but on May 15 he will finally get the opportunity for ‘One More Tri at the Outlaw Half, Nottingham with help from his extensive support crew. If you have never listened to one of my podcasts previously, please, please listen to this one. It is both inspiring and emotional. While Sam may argue that he is anything but a High Performance Human, I would disagree. He has a solid goal, focus, and above all a winning mindset. I hope you enjoy the podcast. (TIP: have some tissues ready) To listen, please click HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

SPORTS NUTRITION, IT’S NOT THAT COMPLICATED Over the years, personal experience has taught me that when you get sick at a race the nutrition you use is NOT the reason. More likely it is because you have chosen the wrong approach for the specific conditions on that day Today's High Performance Human podcast guest, Andy Blow of Precision Fuel and Hydration agrees with this but he also believes that consumer education is the key. This starts with outlining the whole approach to fuelling and hydrating athletes from the design in the product to the delivery to your doorstep which is exactly what we talk about in todays episode To listen, please click HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

“ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOGA” Are you a yoga convert like me? Maybe you’ve fleetingly considered some yoga classes to improve your flexibility, and maybe you’ve decided that you just don’t have time with all the swim, bike and run you’re already doing. That was me, but I am now a yoga disciple! What I didn’t realise until I started to invest some time in this aspect of my wellness is that yoga is so much more than just a “bit of stretching”. That’s what we’re exploring with today’s High Performance Human podcast guest, yoga practitioner Kirsten Steffensen. In today’s conversation we’ll be talking about: * Different styles of yoga and when you might choose one over the other * Getting started, do you need to go to a class or is online yoga just as beneficial? * Is it better to do a few classes each week, or 15 minutes each day? * How will yoga benefit your triathlon performance? * Integrating yoga into a busy schedule * What are the best yoga poses? To listen to this week’s episode, please click HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

WHO WANTS TO RECOVER SMARTER AND FASTER? Training + recovery = progress, right? At least that’s the theory. Most triathletes are pretty good at getting the training done. If we can match this with great recovery we make better gains. I think that challenge for most athletes is what constitutes good recovery and how do we improve on what we are already doing. Today's High Performance Human podcast guest is recovery expert Joel Jamieson If like me you are in your 50s and you are concerned about whether you get enough good recovery, pay particular attention to some of our conversations later in the podcast. Some of the topics we chat about include: * Recovery and how to measure it? * The role of HRV play in monitoring recovery * How to create specific recovery workouts For masters athletes - * How to change your training to improve recovery * What changes with age to slow down the recovery process and what can you do about it? To listen to this week’s episode, please click HERE—>> If you have any thoughts about this podcast please post them below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️