Emma Cann Coaching

Emma Cann Coaching

I'm Emma and I am passionate about sharing the power of choice with others to help them take charge to change their lives.


What a brilliant day! šŸ¤©

I have taken away SO much from a jam packed day full of ideas, strategy and inspiration to support me in my business journey.

I absolutely loved listening to Lisa Johnsonā€™s teachings as always, and Andrea McLean was just a joy to listen to ā¤ļø


Throughout my life I have been part of a number of teams. In school, with sports, in my teaching career, through volunteering and in countless other scenarios.

Some of these experiences of teams have felt better than others for me. Recently, I have been getting extremely curious about why that is - and as a coach I have been able to support others to get curious around their experience of teams too.

I am keen to support more people to have positive experiences of teams - because I believe that a strong team is valuable in so many ways. It seems pertinent then, that as I strive to help create and foster more teams, I no longer do it alone!

This is Sally - she is a brilliant coach and a wonderful friend who is also curious and passionate about teams. We are working together to support teams and help them to feel great.

We would love some help with what weā€™re working onā€¦ If you have 5-10 minutes to answer a few questions and share your thoughts about teams - weā€™d both be very grateful.

Here is the link to the questions: https://forms.gle/Ca9kg2E5uRauESHs9

Thanks šŸ™


Recently, I was very happy to visit Cornwall. And whilst I thoroughly enjoyed a windy walk along the beautiful coast line, that wasnā€™t why I visited.

I was thrilled to be invited to work with the team at the Kernow English Hub. They are a brilliant team of teachers who support schools with the teaching of English across the county.

Our day together was focused on individuals coming together as a team to share strengths and experiences, how to communicate expertise clearly and confidently, and how effective coaching can enhance the impact of the teamā€™s work.

It was such a great day! I loved being in the same room as this team - with people who are passionate about creating impact, and clearly so knowledgeable and open to discuss and reflect with each other.

My team days are totally bespoke to focus on the aims and needs of each team, with a coaching ethos throughout to create opportunities for powerful reflection as well as equipping team members with strategies to continue the ripple of impact long after our day together.

If you are looking to provide a team day, Iā€™m happy to chat about how I could support you to achieve your desired outcomes. And if youā€™re in a beautiful part of the country, thatā€™s a bonus - Iā€™ll bring my walking boots!

I didnā€™t capture any pictures of the team day - so hereā€™s a photo of my windy beach walk the day before.


Earlier I went live in my free Facebook group ā€˜Choice Clubā€™ to talk about how four simple words have changed my life.

I also talked about why I nearly didnā€™t go live today as planned - and why that would have been totally ok.

I am pleased I made the choice to go live and share in the way that felt right for me today. As I often say, and choose to believe: ā€˜How it is is how itā€™s meant to beā€™.

And of course, I tell you what the four words are - and how I hope you already know them!

If youā€™d like to watch, you can catch it in my Facebook community - the link to Choice Club is in the comments.

Photos from Emma Cann Coaching's post 02/09/2022

How was your August?

Mine was full of fun, rest and adventure!

Since leaving the classroom and starting working on my own terms, August had become a little muddled in my mind. Itā€™s not ā€˜holidayā€™, yet itā€™s not ā€˜not holidayā€™. So what is it?

And as ever, the clarity came to me when I remembered ā€˜I get to chooseā€™.

So I had an August that was whatever I wanted it to be (it was full of variety which I love - the photos below made me laugh as I seem to be striking the same pose in very different environments)- and it felt great!

I am now excited about September and choosing what that will be like too. Itā€™s great to be excited about all areas of my life - work, rest and play. It hasnā€™t always felt like that for me so I am celebrating it now!

How was your August?


In my green workplace for the day šŸ’š

Iā€™m enjoying some peace after setting up to run an outdoor adventure day for a group of young people - arriving in 20 mins!

I didnā€™t know HOW I would make a portfolio career happen when I left teaching, but Iā€™m figuring it out as I go and loving the journey. I also didnā€™t know WHAT it would look like but I trusted I could create it on my terms. I knew WHY I wanted the change though - and what it would mean for me and those I now support.

If creating a varied career with work that excites you is something you are looking to do too, letā€™s chat. Coaching can really help you get clear on the WHY, the WHAT and the HOW.

Send me a message and tell me whatā€™s going on for you šŸ™


I LOVE being outside and I LOVE meeting people face to face.

I also LOVE Zoom - it's a tool that means I can stay connected, meet new people, have deep and engaging conversations, coach internationally and join communities made up of people from a range of locations. And I can do it all from home - or elsewhere, all without spending time commuting and all without having to put shoes on!

Do you love Zoom? What's the best thing it's allowed you to do?


My journey so far - I'm open to your questions too!


Going live here in 15 mins on my journey to where I am now.
Open to questions too!

Photos from Emma Cann Coaching's post 21/06/2022

Highlights of working from home today include:

šŸ«– Being able to make a cup of tea at 9:57 ahead of a 10am Zoom call

šŸ’» An energising Zoom conversation which has got my mind buzzing with possibilities

šŸ¤© Learning and connecting with a great group of Rebels on The Rebel Schoolā€™s Bristol course

ā˜€ļøLunch in the sunshine on the patio enjoying my blooming flowers šŸŒø

Itā€™s 2pm and Iā€™m choosing to celebrate a GREAT day working from home today šŸ˜

Photos from Emma Cann Coaching's post 17/06/2022

This was my work place this morning.

As you may know, I love variety!

So this morning I was running orienteering sessions for the children of this lovely primary school, whereas yesterday I was coaching university students in York from my living room via Zoom.

Iā€™m loving doing a variety of work in a variety of ways with a variety of people. The idea of a ā€˜portfolio careerā€™ sounded like a dream when I first heard the idea nearly three years ago - and so now I feel like Iā€™m living that dream!

Wherever youā€™re working today, I hope itā€™s a great day for you! ā˜€ļø


How often do you think about the future and what you want it to be like? šŸ§

I don't think I did this much in the past. I think I would have told you that 'I just don't know what will happen so why bother thinking about it?'.

I didn't want to visualise every little detail of my future.

I definitely didn't want to get attached to a vision and then be disappointed if (probably when) it changes.

I thought that having a vision for my future might stop me from leaving space for possibility and opportunities I haven't even thought about yet - and I didn't want that!

However, what I have come to realise is that the more I have an idea of how I WANT my future to be, the easier it is to make it happen.

I have spent some time today getting excited about my potential future. Thinking about what would feel good and how I would love things to be. And what's wonderful to notice is that a lot of what I want in the future is already in my present - so I can continue to do more of it!

My ideal future includes:
- Time spent outdoors in nature
- Multiple income streams all aligned with my strengths and passions
- Working with organisations and individuals who inspire me
- A new campervan - and the travel adventures that will come with it
- Learning - that stems from my love of learning and not from a 'need' to do more

I can't control my future. But I can take action in the present to create the future I want. And that's what today's reflection has helped me to focus on.

How do you feel thinking about your future? šŸ¤”


What do you LOVE to do?

I love cooking, I love being outdoors and I love camping - oh and eating too.

So cooking dinner outside the campervan at the weekend in the evening sunshine was me in my element. And then eating a big bowl of chilli with cheese and Doritos and a beer felt like the perfect culmination of a lot of things I love!

What do you love to do?

And how often do the things you love to do come together in this kind of perfect storm?


ā€œThere is freedom waiting for you,

On the breezes of the sky,

And you ask "What if I fall?"

Oh but my darling, What if you fly?ā€

- Erin Hanson

I love this poem by Erin Hanson, when I have a 'wobble' it's a powerful reminder that the 'what if's don't have to be scary!

What 'what if's are you choosing to focus on today?


What makes my business unique?

I could go about answering this is a myriad of ways, but it ultimately comes down to the same thing. What makes my business unique is ME.

I'm sure I could find other people who have similar qualifications, similar experiences or offer similar services. But I'm not really interested in that.

What I help people to do - make confident choices that feel good to them - comes from my unique experiences in life, is driven by my passion to connect with and empower people and is supported by my qualifications.

The best way to know if what I offer is for you, is to get to know me.

You can do that in my Facebook community Choice Club - or we can chat. I'm looking forward to it already!


Last weekend I had a magical experience.

Walking in the Mendip Hills with a wonderful group of people, who started as strangers, helped me experience connection, nature and life without pressure or expectation.

I loved it.

I would thoroughly recommend Mind Over Mountains and their events to get outside, connect and create space for yourself.

Since then I have been reflecting on the experience, and thinking about how else I can get the benefits of space, connection and nature into my life and work.

Iā€™m off camping for the weekend which feels very much like a mixture of space, connection and nature that appeals to me!

And perhaps more ideas to use these elements further in my work will come to me too. If you have ideas, Iā€™m open to hearing them!


How often do you celebrate?

I used to celebrate the big things that everyone expects you to - birthdays, promotions, the end of a stressful period at work... But now I find myself celebrating the small things much, much more.

For example, I felt really under the weather on Monday. I was struggling after a bad night's sleep and then could feel myself pushing through the fog to try to do stuff I felt I should do.

And then I remembered that in every moment I get to choose.

So I stopped.

I took some time out.

I rested.

And I started to feel much better.

So what has that got to do with celebrating?

Well, I am choosing to celebrate that I could respond to how I was feeling. I have created a lifestyle where I can allow myself that space. I get to choose what to prioritise in any given moment.

A few years ago I wouldn't have done that and I wouldn't have felt able to do that. I would have pushed on. I would have not been productive and beaten myself up about it. I would have focused on the negatives.

So now instead of focusing on what I didn't get done, or the fact I didn't feel well, I am choosing to focus on how I could respond and how good that felt.

And I am choosing to celebrate it.

I said it was a small thing. But what I'm learning is that the small things are really the big things.

So, how often do you celebrate? Is it the big stuff that is expected of you? Or the small stuff that you choose to celebrate that is really making a difference in your life?


I used to have a real aversion to the term ā€˜life coachā€™.

It was something I had seen portrayed on TV and in films as a person who rocked up - often uninvited - into another personā€™s world, presented themselves as a ā€˜guruā€™ and told them how to live their lives. It was always a bit cringe šŸ˜¬ And so when I trained as a coach, I wanted nothing to do with this term!

I am not up for giving unsolicited advice.

I am definitely not a guru.

And I do not want to tell anyone how to live their life.

In fact, I am all about helping people make choices that feel good to them so they can live life on their terms!

So for a long time - since I started my coach training back in 2019 - I have found myself fighting against the label of ā€˜life-coachā€™.

But as I am all about making choices that feel good, as of now I am choosing to drop that judgement and struggle.

It makes perfect sense to me that a coach who supports someone to make confident choices in their career would assume the label of ā€˜career coachā€™.

It also makes sense to me that what I am passionate about helping people with is far wider than their career. Itā€™s about choosing how you want to live your life - and then making the choices to create that reality.

In which case, I am a ā€˜life coachā€™ - or perhaps you could call it a ā€˜choice coachā€™. Or perhaps, the label isnā€™t important at all - because I choose not to be put in a box, just as my clients often choose not to be either.

If thereā€™s a label that isnā€™t feeling good to you - you can choose to let go of it, redefine it or embrace it - or all three of those things! Choose what feels good to you šŸ™Œ

And if you want to find out about life coaching from the life coach who didnā€™t want to be a life coach - letā€™s chat! Just drop me a message šŸ˜


Why did I start my business?

Simply, I wanted change.

I wanted to change from a lifestyle that was not sustainable. I had been a primary school teacher for nearly a decade but I couldn't imagine being one for that length of time again! In fact, when I left I couldn't imagine doing it for another few months... it wasn't that I fell out of love of teaching; it was that I just could not see a way to continue on that career path.

I wanted change to do something I truly loved. When I discovered coaching it was incredible - I had found something that allowed me to use my strengths and skills, explore with curiosity and openness and support others to make choices that felt good to them. It was everything I had hoped teaching would be - and everything I was frustrated it wasn't.

I wanted to change the way I saw myself. I had been wrapped up in the identity of 'teacher' for so long that I didn't really know myself outside of it. I even told people with real conviction that 'I'm not the kind of person to start a business'. Of course, I realised that was a strong belief and the best way to change it was to take action.

I wanted to help people. This shouldn't have been a change - I mean that's why I went into teaching. But I had burnt out and left the classroom so I was happy to see a new way to help. I could see how powerful coaching was for me - if I could start a ripple effect with me at the centre, how many other people's lives could I positively impact?

I wanted to change my narrative. My story could have continued along the same trajectory but I chose to change it. I still don't know what's to come - and that excites me! I am choosing to write my story and it wouldn't be what it is now had I not chosen to start my business.

So there it is - why I chose to start my business.

What choice have you made to change - and how has it affected you?


An introduction and a bit about why I started off on this journey with my business...


I'm going live - for the first time ever - on this page at 12:30pm. Excited to share! šŸ¤©

www.subscribepage.com 24/05/2022

It's Chooseday Tuesday!

And I'm choosing to write and send my 15th Chooseday Tuesday email this year.

My intention is to regularly remind people of the power of their choices - and I do that through sharing my own reflections, learning and mistakes. I write from the heart - and choose what to say in the moment as I trust that is what connects and creates impact.

I'm just about to write today's email. If you want to receive it, there is still time to sign up...

www.subscribepage.com Yes I understand that you will use the information provided via this form to be in touch to send the weekly Chooseday Tuesday emails, and also to keep me updated with your offers and news. You can unsubscribe at any time, and how to do this will be detailed in every communication.


The other morning I received a message that made my stomach drop.

I was on a Zoom call on my laptop. I don't normally check my phone when in calls - and I put it on 'sleep mode' so no notifications ping up or even appear on the screen so I fully focus on the moment and the person I am speaking with. However, the Zoom connection dropped so I picked up my phone in case they tried to contact me that way - I took it off 'sleep mode' and a load of notifications appeared on my screen.

My Whatsapp notifications show me the first line of a text on the home screen. (My emails don't - and that's because I woke up to an email once that set me spinning before my feet had even touched the floor so I chose to turn that feature off as it wasn't good for my blood pressure, head space or morning routine that day!)

I won't go into details but one of the messages today started with 'Hi Emma, I'm sorry but...'

I knew exactly what the message was in regards to and I knew what it said without reading any further!

I didn't want to open it to receive the bad news on the call and so I chose to ignore it.

But of course, I didn't ignore it. Because I knew what it said! And I felt myself getting angry. And thinking of how I would respond.
And spiralling into 'what if?'s and 'what's next?'s.

After I had reconnected and finished the Zoom call, I actually opened the Whatsapp message. And remember I told you I knew exactly what it said? Well, it turns out I didn't! It had a different outcome entirely. No problem. No need for further action.

And I was reminded, as I often am, of the power of my choices. I had allowed myself to mind read, to jump ahead, to panic and to get caught up in my thoughts. I hadn't looked at all the information.

And of course, when I had all the information I could respond appropriately. And without the worry, pre-emptive thinking and wasted time.

In this case, that space between initial stomach drop and calmly assessing the situation properly was maybe 15 mins. But it got me thinking - there are times in life when that gap is much bigger. And the bigger the gap, the more space for worry, over-thinking and panic.

It was a powerful reminder that I can choose to get caught up in my thoughts of mind-reading and predicting the future, or I can choose to keep calm, get the facts and stay in the moment.

I know which feels better - and which always gets a better result!

So, something to think about today...

šŸ§ Where are you allowing that gap to form?

šŸ§ Are you putting off opening a letter, making a phone call or
asking a question?

šŸ§ Are you mind-reading and predicting the future?

šŸ§ How would choosing to stay in the moment and take action feel instead?


Can you believe it is May already?!

The May Day Bank Holiday took me by surprise!

At the end of March I got Covid - it wiped me out. And then my boyfriend had Covid. And we continued to isolate. And then we went on holiday. And then it was a bank holiday. And then I started to 'catch up' on what I felt I had missed. And then I had work booked in that was busy and full on. And then it was another bank holiday! And then I went away for a weekend in the outdoors. As a result, April has felt like a bit of a blur!

Reflecting on it yesterday, phrases like of 'out of the loop', 'out of the mix' and 'in the dark' were coming up. And it felt negative. I realised I was focusing on all the stuff I HADN'T done over the past few weeks - being present on social media being one of those things.

And then of course I remembered what I always share - 'I get to choose'.

āœØ I get to choose to focus on the negatives or the positives. I can think about everything I haven't done recently, or I can focus on what I have achieved. For example, I can choose to focus on the time I have had to rest and recharge, the simple joy of allowing myself to truly be in each moment and everything I have done to enjoy life at home and on holiday.

āœØ I get to choose the language I use and how I feel about it - if 'out of the loop' is making me feel panicked I can either choose not to use that term, or choose to see that time out of the loop as a gift. Perhaps being out of 'the loop' has given me an opportunity to choose whether I want to be in the loop or not!

āœØ I get to choose what I do next. I can beat myself up about what I haven't done, hide away from social media until I've 'caught up' and continue to talk negatively about my time 'out of the loop'. Or I can choose to forgive myself, show up imperfectly and remind you about choices and focus on all the positives of my recent experiences.

āœØ I get to choose - as do you. āœØ

And I'm reminding myself of that right now, as well as reminding you.

What are you choosing right now? I'd love to know!

P.S. Here's a photo of me exploring the outdoors over April to remind my brain that being 'out of the loop' was actually pretty enjoyable!


Should I create a coaching programme?

Should I focus on working with just one specific kind of client?

Should I tell you clearly what exact results you will get when working with me?


I've been thinking about these questions a lot recently. It's the 'advice' I get a lot from other people about growing my coaching business.

And I get it. It's appealing to hear 'you will make X amount of money as a result of working with me' or 'you will get a promotion within X months' or 'you will have the confidence to leave your career by X'. Those promises may be alluring and may be what you want to hear.

But as you may know, one of my favourite phrases is 'you get to choose'.

And so I will choose what feels good to me.

What feels good to me is helping people to understand themselves better so that they can make choices that feel good and right to them.

I LOVE working with clients to create a bespoke coaching experience that works for them. And all my clients are different.

I also know the power in responding to individuals as individuals and empowering them to make the choices that feel good and right to them.

I feel most alive when I am showing up and responding to my clients in the moment, on their agenda with empathy, curiosity and encouragement.

And importantly, as my client, you get to choose too. So you get to choose how we focus our time together. You get to choose what you want to achieve. You get to choose what's important to you.

And together, we ensure you are choosing what feels good and right TO YOU.

That's the best way I can sum it up right now. It's not a clear programme title. It's not a clear 'you should work with me if...'. It's not a promised result.

It's all focused on choice though. And that's powerful.

And it's not a coincidence that the questions at the start of this post all start in 'should' and I am choosing to ignore them - that's what I help my clients to do - banish the 'should's and focus on conscious, aligned and empowered choices.

If you want to talk about how working with me could help you, send me a message and let's chat. It could be BLOODY WONDERFUL!

Oh - and as I was pondering those 'should's yesterday, I received the following message from a wonderful member of my Facebook group Choice Club. And I was reminded that the power of my work is doing exactly what I've just shared with you šŸ¤©

www.subscribepage.com 24/03/2022

CHOICE has been the single most important thing that has changed my life. Realising that I can choose how I view myself and the world has been hugely empowering. I'm driven to help others make choices that feel good to them because when you are making choices, you are choosing how to live your life...

āœ‹ No more waiting to be told what to do.
āœ‹ No more living according to someone else's expectations.
āœ‹ No more putting up with things that happen 'to you'.

There are so many things in this world that are out of our control, but choosing your mindset is something you can start to do today.

šŸ™Œ You get to choose how you think.
šŸ™Œ You get to choose what you believe.
šŸ™Œ You get to choose how you see yourself and the world.

ā€˜Choose your mindset to change your world: 5 simple choices you can make today' is a free PDF guide that I am really excited to share and I hope this guide helps you do exactly what the title says!

You can download it here: https://www.subscribepage.com/choose-your-mindset

www.subscribepage.com This is for you if: - You want to understand more deeply how your mindset affects everything - Youā€™re ready to stop waiting for success and start choosing it on your terms - You choose for it to be for you!


How was your Monday?

Mine was JOYOUS (as you can probably tell from my face in the photo šŸ˜†).

I went to the seaside. On a Monday.

The idea still feels a little strange to me.

As a teacher I was so used to Monday - Fridays in the classroom, and then cramming all my fun into the holidays! I didnā€™t want to live like that but I am sure teachers and ex-teachers reading this will understand when I say that the job became all consuming and overwhelming.

Monday mornings used to feel like I was jumping back onto the treadmill that I wouldnā€™t be able to step off of temporarily until the weekend. At best it was a steady pace, and I Iooked forward to the break, but at times I felt woefully underprepared and like I was about to fall flat on my face at any moment - not a great way to life now I look back! There was constant stress, pressure and expectation.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I really loved teaching. And I was good at it - still am. I also enjoyed the impact I could have on childrenā€™s lives - both their presents and their futures - and I felt secure financially and knew where I stood in terms of term dates and holidays way in advance. I also didnā€™t know any different and thought that teaching was just ā€˜my life nowā€™.

But three years and a half years ago I chose to resign from my career in primary teaching.

The positives no longer outweighed the negatives.

I was truthful with myself and admitted I wasnā€™t happy.

I knew that to be the teacher I wanted to be - one that inspired others, one that lived authentically and one that modelled the belief that ā€˜you can do what you put your mind toā€™ - I had to leave the classroom.

Yesterday, as I got to the beach, I had a thought of ā€˜should I be here?ā€™ I questioned whether I should be working instead. I felt a little guilty that I was enjoying the sunshine and sea air on a Monday morning when for so long I hadnā€™t even questioned that life could be different.

But I chose to remind myself that I have chosen for life to be different now.

I chose to take a risk by resigning and still do often as I navigate self employment.

I chose to feel the joy.

And Iā€™m choosing to share this to let you know both a little bit about me, and that life can be how you want it.

You get to choose.

So how was your Monday? Was it one you chose or one you accepted without question?


It's CHOOSEDAY Tuesday! šŸ™Œ

It's an opportunity to consciously focus on your choices. So today, on Chooseday Tuesday I invite you to choose what you want more of...

šŸ‘‰ Write it down.
šŸ‘‰ Say it out loud.
šŸ‘‰ Focus on it.
šŸ‘‰ Look for it.
šŸ‘‰ Create it.
šŸ‘‰ Make it happen.
šŸ‘‰ Appreciate it.


At the end of 2021 I chose to commit to sending a weekly Chooseday Tuesday email in 2022. Last week I didnā€™t want to and sent a vulnerable one - receiving messages of support and appreciation back. It was a powerful reminder that vulnerability creates connection. Connection with myself. Connection with others. Connection with the world around me.

This week I will be writing another Chooseday Tuesday email, and as always I will choose to write whatā€™s on my mind, in my heart and feels right in my gut.

If you want to be on the list to receive my Chooseday Tuesday emails you can sign up via the link below. My intention is to help others connect to their choices, connect with themselves and connect with me through them šŸ™

Perhaps your choice this Tuesday will be to sign up to receive them šŸ¤©

And on Chooseday Tuesday, what else are you choosing today? FUN? CALM? GROWTH?

Choose it and create it. And let me know how it goes!

Videos (show all)

My journey so far - I'm open to your questions too!
Hello! Why I am here?!

