Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner

Equine & Canine McTimoney Chiropractor & Sports Massage Therapist using Laser Phototherapy. Bristol.

McTimoney is a holistic treatment, as the whole animal is taken into consideration. The intention is to remove the cause of the problem as opposed to solely eliminating the symptoms. The theory behind McTimoney is that by returning the spine and other skeletal structures to their normal symmetrical state, relieves muscular tension and allows the nervous system to fully function. The nervous system


Friday! Rolling into the weekend like…


🐶🐴I do like to hear how things are going in between treatments, whether it be general updates, successes, results and most importantly if things aren’t going well, please let me know, as then I’m able to support. 🐶🐴


I’m going back to bed to start again. This is how our walk ended. Nope, I didn’t take my wellies off for the pic, they’re long gone in the middle of the common, didn’t want them anyway, or the sock. A series of unfortunate events, let’s just say that 😒
Got to laugh thinking what Rufus must have thought about all of it 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


Mooorning 🐶🐮

Photos from Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner's post 01/06/2024

We put on all the calories we just burned 🤦🏼‍♀️😂



As the practical part of the Conditioning course I’m completing over the next year, I’m in need of 4 case studies. I’ve put thought into the way I’m conducting this, as I want this to be a beneficial and positive opportunity for you and your dogs while helping me 😊

💪🏻What’s involved;
-3 x 1.15hr individual sessions over 8 weeks @ Pilning Village Hall
1. Initial assessment, muscular measurements, learn the exercises and treatment.
2. Measurements, exercise run through and treatment.
3. Final measurements, exercise run through and treatment
- You’re asked to carry out 10 exercises that I’ll teach you 3 x week for 8 weeks at home and we’ll monitor how your dog responds physically.
- Upon completion, you’re asked to volunteer feedback on my approach, teaching style etc.

-Your dog is relatively well, healthy and sound
-Not undergoing any Veterinary treatment or assessment
-Fit and able to complete a set of exercises ranging from basic pole work to stretching
-Must have been treated within 8 weeks by myself for maintenance purposes only prior to starting
-Your dog is happy to be assessed and treated as unfortunately I can’t offer acclimatisation sessions with this due to time constraints
-You’re able to commit to the 8 weeks

-24th June Initial Assessment, from 16.30.
-22nd July Mid way Assessment, from 16.30
-19th August Final Assessment, from 16.30
There can be slight flexibility on dates, but must be within 4 days of above dates.

🐶What’s in it for you;
-Free McTimoney Chiropractic assessments and treatment
-Free instruction and on hand support through a Conditioning program, watching and assessing your dog physically change and progress
-Free ‘workshops’ to teach your dog new skills and activities you can enjoy and progress together
-Boost your knowledge and understanding of the importance of conditioning your dog appropriately
-I’ll film the sessions so you too can watch your dog progress
-Great enrichment for you and your dog

💪🏻How do I get involved;
If you feel like this is something you’d like to sign up to, then please Private Message me on here ASAP as it’s first come first serve. I’ll contact you and we’ll go from there.
If your dog hasn’t been treated within 8 weeks of the start date, then we’ll need to schedule something in beforehand.

I did think about doubling up and utilising clients in a normal treatment scenario. However, conditioning and rehab advice during treatments I give is specific and tailored to that individual and constantly adapts. Therefore, I felt it detrimental to compromise that as the aim is for the case studies to complete a standard set of 10 exercises. Each case study will be assessed and taught individually in accordance with their learning styles and capabilities, but the exercises will be standard. So, I’m doing it completely separately to normal treating practice.

Any questions then of course just ask. I hope you’re as excited as I am about it! Watch those little muscles go 💪🏻


Look at all of that movement and muscle power!
You can appreciate how a very minor asymmetry or restriction can so quickly and easily have a knock on compensatory impact on the body as a whole.
Amazing we’re able to sit on their backs at all isn’t it! Amazing animals!


🧀🧀Squirty cheese🧀🧀

If you’re aware your dog maybe a little worried by the whole treatment situation then squirty cheese or pate is the best option as opposed to treats.

Licking is a natural relaxant and so they’re often quite content standing and licking the tube calmly if they do need that helping hand with that outlet. With treats, dogs tend to want to earn a treat, which can lead them to offering sits, downs etc then becoming frustrated because that’s not the behaviour we need during treatments.

You can always bring a likit matt too for times where we’re talking to give your dog something to do. Toys are not ideal as of course they can cause excitement and we want calm.

Once familiar and acclimatised, the majority of those initially worried are quite content. But please come prepared for needing something additional rather than nothing as then we have options. 😊

Also, Primula, if you’re reading this, on behalf of Rufus, he’d like freebies please! 🐶


🐴😴🐴Bank Holiday Swede Coma🐴😴🐴

I give them swedes about once a week for some enrichment. Came back from our ride and little Albert devoured his whole swede in one sitting. He’s assumed this position, closed his little eyes and hasn’t moved since 😂 normally he only manages half and I save the other half for him later so Bruce doesn’t steal it.
I hope you and your animals are as happy as Albie this Bank Holiday! Nice place to be, dreaming of delicious swede 🙌🏻


Last minute cancellation…


😴😴Relaxing & processing post treatment😴😴

This beautiful mare has regular treatments at 3 month intervals. This is what we’ve found works for her to keep on top of those general wear and tear accumulations and compensation from arthritic changes. Maintenance treatments mean I know this mare very well and enables us to recognise any minor change from her normal and we can adjust and act accordingly prior to any escalation. Consequently it means this partnership get to enjoy all of the different activities they like to do together all year round with minimal risk of interruption of any kind due to a physical decline, unless of course an acute accident/injury presents. However, if that is the case, this mare will be in prime position for recovery as she’s always in good or top physical condition.

She enjoyed the benefits of the Laser Phototherapy today too. In addition to the treatment This will undoubtedly be of huge benefit to the arthritic changes, complimenting and maximising time in-between medicating joints.

She always responds beautifully. Beautiful girl. They’re all beautiful, just I remembered to take a pic this time 😊


It’s the weekend! 🙌🏻
Early morning Rufus walk, Ride and off to treat some horses. Feeling very thankful today 🙌🏻

Photos from Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner's post 23/05/2024

💪🏻💪🏻Creative Exercises💪🏻💪🏻

Me and Rufus weren’t feeling inspired by our equipment at home for our strengthening exercises today, so we took to the woods. I was also a little pushed for time so combining our set with our walk worked perfectly.

We did some ‘pole’ work and our dynamic stretches on the go. If your natural environment offers a non-slip floor and stable ‘equipment’ of similar height and width than your usual at home equipment then go for it!

It makes for an interesting walk, additional mental enrichment, built in warm up, disguised exercises for those that can be excited by poles and means you don’t have to dig out and set up the equipment👍🏻

❗️Ensure your exercise plan is devised by a specialist and that it’s up to date and relevant to the individual❗️

Here’s Rufus, let’s see your environmental exercises 💪🏻

An investigation into the effect of the relationship between spinal vertebrae alignment and the performance of FEI international 1* event horses at a British Eventing competition. - McTimoney Animal Association 21/05/2024

I spend many hours a week aligning many a Pelvis, so it’s great to see research backing the importance and benefits 🙌🏻

An investigation into the effect of the relationship between spinal vertebrae alignment and the performance of FEI international 1* event horses at a British Eventing competition. - McTimoney Animal Association Event horses that had a lower total number of misalignments were more likely to be placed higher in a FEI 1* eventing competition. Further research of effects of correcting misalignments on performance parameters is recommended.


👂🏻🎼👂🏻🎼Music to my ears!👂🏻🎼👂🏻🎼

When I’m taking the initial history or running through updates in between treatments, there’s no greater pleasure than to hear from clients ‘NO CONCERNS, THEY SEEM REALLY WELL, I JUST WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY’, I actually want to jump for joy!!!

Maintenance treatments, so treating to
maintain that good strong baseline prior to noticing any decline and presenting symptoms, is the most effective method of ensuring the body functions at optimum. If there is a constant cycle of decline, then treat, improvement, decline, treat, there’s a cycle of weakening, compensating, overloading joints, poor performance, increased risk of injury, unwanted behaviours, reduced exercise, time off, treat, rehab, strengthening, conditioning etc. we don’t want that for the body. This occurs from just functioning and general wear and tear without there being anything ‘wrong’, an obvious cause or only in high performance animals.

This doesn’t mean you need to keep your animal at prime fitness, but prime functioning condition for their lifestyle. Whether that be to ensure your animal is in top working condition to compete, to enjoy their gentle hack or walk, to strengthen and coordinate a younger animal or to manage degenerative conditions.

Duration between treatments is very individual. However, If everything is appearing to be going well and your animal hasn’t received a treatment in 6 months, then I’d recommend it’s time as that’s the longest you want to leave it.

Always hard to talk about these things without it sounding like I’m just trying to bring in business. You’ll have to trust me that this is not a plug for business, but a plug to hopefully mitigate seeing clients only when something goes wrong that we then have to recover from, not maintain. It probably actually works to my disadvantage as regular maintenance treatments are usually one appointment. However, when things go wrong, it unfortunately means there will need to be an accompanying follow up session too.

Something to think about on a Sunday 😊 too much for Rufus to think about, he’s staying under those covers 😴😴

Photos from Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner's post 18/05/2024

Does anyone else do hedge line strip grazing?

Now the hedge has repaired I thought I’d give it a try this year. This way they always have fresh foraging, without overloading, but allows recovery time while we work our way along. When we reach the end, we’ll start back at the beginning.

They’re happy about it 🐴🐴🥰 And always helping 🙄😂


We made it to the weekend! 🥳🙌🏻
I hope yours is going to go better than this Ducks is 🫣


Feedback following an initial treatment for a lovely little soul who had lost her love for agility, to the point she didn’t want to interact during classes.

There were an accumulation of musculoskeletal misalignments and asymmetries, particularly through the Pelvis, Lumbar region and Ribs. Therefore, asking for any acceleration, deceleration, twisting, turning etc would be difficult and uncomfortable. Nothing underlying presented immediately post treatment and a follow up in 3 weeks to monitor the response to the initial treatment was recommended.
After such a positive response, both mentally snd physically, strengthening and conditioning exercises were prescribed to mitigate the same accumulation by encouraging the correct usage of the musculoskeletal system moving fowards. Progress will be monitored.

Lovely to see both owner and dog doing what they love together again. It’s so important to maintain optimum body functioning condition through regular maintenance treatments to mitigate these dips/declines, which we then have to recover from 🥰🐶


Happy noses at the end 🐶


5:30PM Weds 29th May at Pilning Village Hall.

Booking via the website.

Photos from HorseWorld Trust's post 15/05/2024

Happy HorseWorld horses 🥰

I see it as a follower, an adopter and now as a Trustee, that the welfare and happiness of all of the horses at HorseWorld is the absolute number one priority.

It’s not just accepted that they’re safe and health basics are covered, the goal is for all to thrive and live their best lives in all aspects. This is just another example.

I was so impressed and humbled that during my first committee meeting that all decisions were made with the impact of the horses as the forefront. It was completely understood by those who may not have direct experience with horses, but bring other essential attributes to the table, that without question options were dismissed if they was any concern this may impact the horses ability to thrive.

Very refreshing indeed, I’m genuinely very proud to be associated. Now get sharing your enrichment ideas with them so they can utilise any they haven’t already though of or better yet, ordering supplies for them.



This lovely lady just about stayed awake mid treatment, but gave in and couldn’t keep her eyes open post treatment listening to us talk through her strengthening exercises. Sounds tiring! 😴😴

Photos from Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner's post 12/05/2024


Knowing the extensive list of uses and benefits, I’ve been wanting to do this for a while…I can now say I offer Laser Phototherapy as part of the treatment. Hurray! 🥳

Training complete and now I can’t wait to get started to see your beloved horses & dogs benefit 🥰

Laser Therapy has been found to offer superior healing and pain relieving effects, particularly in the early stages of acute injuries and chronic ailments. Lasers can also be used for Acupuncture Point Stimulation, and we all know how fantastic Acupuncture is 🙌🏻

The variety of treatment options is HUGE! Commonly;
⚡️sprains & strains
⚡️wounds & abrasions
⚡️ligament & tension injuries, bowed tendon
⚡️acute & chronic inflammation (including deeper structures)
⚡️joint injuries & degeneration
⚡️myofascial trigger points
⚡️pain points
⚡️deep tissue acupuncture points
⚡️acute & chronic pain
⚡️non union & small-bone fractures
We could go on…

It’s a great match in complimenting McTimoney and Massage. The research is extensive and the results speak for themselves, have a read on SpectraVet website. Most importantly Rufus already approves 🐶


Exciting times indeed! 🐶🐴👍🏻

Photos from Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner's post 12/05/2024

Happy Sunday!
The face of a good ‘hunt’ 🐶
Seeds and soggy socks 😩


Pssst! Pssst! ‘Quick Bruce, she’s not looking, you create a diversion so I can get a mouthful of Cow Parsley’


Morning all! Off out nice and early to beat the heat! Sunshine to enjoy at last 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Shadow captures behind the scenes clicking for a ‘look happy for the pic’ expression rather than a ‘🙄she’s taking pics again’ face 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Right hind rehab going well 🙄

Photos from Emmaline Pell Horse and Dog McTimoney Practitioner's post 08/05/2024

Insisting he must lie here with his pillow 🙄 At least he’s not on top of the notes, yet!
The look I got when I suggested he might give me some room 😒😂
Photo taken from the cramped corner of the sofa 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Me and Rufus are both dog tired after 2 days of fantastic learning with the Canine Conditioning Academy
Rufus was a top guinea pig in tolerating (just about) me practicing all of the exercises 👏🏻👏🏻


Morning! 😴😂
HorseWorld Trust help!! I think Albert has malfunctioned 🤪

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Videos (show all)

Weather changes often mean change in exercise! 🐶🐴An early morning game of ‘pick up’ for Rufus, his favourite! 🐶I’m touch...
My favourite of them all to treat, I know you shouldn’t have favourites, but my beloved Bruce is mine, so that’s fair 🥰🐴...
Haha, little Albert’s face when Bruce ignores his bestest play attempts and licks him instead 😒😒😂😂Urrrgh, that grey sky ...
Couldn’t even wait to get off the Mud Matts 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 first time Albert hasn’t copied Bruce’s rolling and I don’t blame him...
All the fun that can be had with a reduced bag of carrot batons. Scatter Feeding! This kept them busy for a few minutes ...
Here they come to say hello 😊🐴🐴Love Bruce for always allowing little Albert to go first, he knows it’s important to him ...
My funny little Rufus and me had the best time at his second Hoopers lesson with Emma at Halcyon Hounds.He loves to lear...
Enrichment - I got creative.Conscious mine have been coming in earlier at night as the weather is so vile, I thought the...
Brrr! Cold but lovely morning! Horses had their breakfast and out making frost angels. Hand walked them first to make su...
My little Albert feels very grown up today with his first very own rug 🥰 He’s been practicing inside for a few days so h...






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