Luke Mallett Councillor for Bromsgrove West and Hilltop

Luke Mallett Councillor for Bromsgrove West and Hilltop

County Councillor for Bromsgrove West (Sidemoor, Perryfields, Sanders Park, Deansway, Hill Top, Mill

A38 improvements are 'progressing well' 01/06/2021

The question that does not seem to get answered despite being asked time and time again..... how will this help with town centre congestion? - cars from the proposed developments have to cross the town centre to get to the A38. What is more the stopping up of the Perryfields Rd proposed by Taylor Wimpey will only make things worse. What about traffic from Catshill wanting to go to Kidderminster (and vice versa) that will now be ‘encouraged’ through the town centre? This is the wrong solution to the wrong problem, an utter dogs dinner.

A38 improvements are 'progressing well' Improvements along the A38 in Bromsgrove are 'progressing well' say Worcestershire County Council.


Huge thanks to everyone who took the time vote yesterday. It’s a privilege and an honour to have the opportunity to serve the residents of Bromsgrove West for a further four years. Special thanks to everyone who helped deliver leaflets and spread the word.


Counting of the votes in Bromsgrove West will begin around 2pm this afternoon, result will be known later in the afternoon. Huge thanks to everyone who cast their votes yesterday. 🗳

Photos from Luke Mallett Councillor for Bromsgrove West and Hilltop's post 06/05/2021

Venturing out at 5.30pm tonight on the Worcester Rd was a reminder of the risks of councillors from outside of Bromsgrove having a say over planning in our town. Queues what queues?

The Conservative leadership of the council would rather saddle Bromsgrove with congestion and noxious air pollution, rather than see any development in their precious villages.

Polls are open for another four hours - make sure you get to mark your cross ❌🗳


We are now almost halfway through the voting today. Polling stations are open until 10pm.

We have an opportunity to power the next phase of our campaign. Not only by ensuring we do not elect Conservative councillors in Bromsgrove 🙄 but also by showing the strength of opinion for the relief road and against inappropriate development..... through a huge turn out in a local election. We need every local resident to use their vote today.

Please everyone help to make this happen. Three ways to help......

-Cast your vote before 10pm and ensure every voter in your house does the same. (You can drop off unposted postal votes to the polling station before 10pm too)

- Get your neighbours and friends to vote too

- Share and spread the word.

Let’s do this Bromsgrove 🙌👐💪


Polling stations have now been open for half an hour. Generally turn out in local elections is low, sometimes as low as 30%. Imagine the message it will send to the head-in-the-sand council leadership if 50,60 or 70% of people turned out to give their views in Bromsgrove.

Let’s show the council that we are not going away.

Even if you do not normally vote in local elections please everyone pop to your polling station today and cast a vote. You do NOT need your polling card to vote.

Our community has been badly let down by a Conservative council leadership of councillors from outside of Bromsgrove, who do not want to listen to local residents.

By voting today you will show them that we are not going away. A big jump in the number of people voting will show the strength of public opinion.

Every single vote counts. If you need a lift to the polling station just post in here. Polls are open until 10pm.


In less than 24 hours polls will be open across Bromsgrove to elect the next County Council. We have been badly let down by the Conservative-run County Council and Bromsgrove Council. They have been determined to say yes to development at any cost, without a thought to the existing residents of our town. Councillors voting to protect their village backyards from development, without a thought to our town and community.

I would encourage everyone to use their vote tomorrow (Thursday). Polls are open from 7am to 10pm. You do not need your polling card to vote.

Let's use this local election to send the Councils a message. Enough is enough, it is time to listen to local people here in Bromsgrove.


Hi everyone - can you help? I am delivering a further leaflet across Bromsgrove West over the next few days. It sets out why I am standing to be your councillor and the key fights we are facing in our community - whether this is inappropriate development, the Tories two-faced refusal to consider the relief road in time or the risks to our local public services.

I would like to ask if you could help me to deliver some of these leaflets over the next few days. If you can help - even if it is a road or two that would be brilliant. Please pop me a message on here via direct messages (saying where you live and where you could cover) and I will get back to you. We are aiming to deliver the leaflets Saturday- Tuesday so everyone has them before the election on Thursday May 6th.

My huge thanks for your help with this, and all of the support you have given me as your local councillor.



Irony alert. The Conservative candidate in Bromsgrove West is celebrating the fact that his Conservative colleagues delaying, dithering and then blocking a Western Relief road review, mean we now risk losing the opportunity of a relief road for ever. The opportunity to sort our traffic problems, toxic air pollution and improve the local economy with it.

Mark you have remained publicly silent on these issues, arguably the most important to the people you want to elect you in May. That’s despite many wanting to know where you stand. I can only assume you must think that the people you want to vote for you are mugs. They are not, local residents are fed up of the posturing from a local council, that is not listening to the people it’s there to serve.

Mark, your post is an insult to the thousands of local residents who are calling for action to be taken (and have been for years). I’d urge you to rethink your position on this and to call on your party to rethink this and to act now before development decisions are made, and the opportunity of a relief road is lost.


For anyone waiting on their postal votes, an update from Bromsgrove Council elections office .....

Officers were due to check and send Postal Votes out to voters today however there has been a machine breakdown at the printers so packs will not be sent until tomorrow (Saturday).

So that you will be able answer queries if canvassing at any point over the next few days, the above means packs will be delivered on Monday or Tuesday.


I’ve had a few queries from residents about how to vote by post. The last chance to apply to vote by post in the election on May 6th is fast approaching. Applications to vote by post close at 5pm on the 20th April.

You do not need to give a reason to vote by post, it’s your choice. Many people choose to vote by post in all elections nowadays.

To request your postal vote you need to download a form and then send (or deliver it) to Bromsgrove District Council
Electoral Registration Officer
Bromsgrove District Council
Market Street
B61 8DA

Your completed form must be delivered to the above address before 5pm on Tuesday 20th April. Download your form here.....

Petition calling for a Western Relief Road for Bromsgrove up to almost 4,000 signatures 22/03/2021

The Western Relief Rd petition has now passed 4000 signatures. Thank you Bromsgrove Standard for promoting this vital issue for our town. Please sign and share everyone

Petition calling for a Western Relief Road for Bromsgrove up to almost 4,000 signatures It comes after the planning committee last week said it would be minded to approve the controversial Perryfields Road development which is currently at appeal.


With all the focus on building I wanted to highlight some work myself and Harrison Rone-Clarke along with partners like Bromsgrove Climate Action and Newsong Community Church Bromsgrove

I have been pleased to have been able to support the Tree Planting scheme at Perryfields Road (with Bromsgrove Climate Group). I have also secured funding for a wider tree planting scheme in Sidemoor over the next year (with New Song Church) and work to create community gardens in Rock Hill with Bdht.

Many residents I speak to are deeply concerned about the climate and also the high levels of air pollution in Bromsgrove. We seem to be losing trees and green space in our town and I hope these schemes will help!

Photos from Luke Mallett Councillor for Bromsgrove West and Hilltop's post 21/03/2021

The views across the countryside on the west of town on this mornings walk.

Sign the Petition 20/03/2021

Let’s make this Sharing Saturday. It’s a month away from Bromsgrove Council voting 🗳 on the Western Relief Rd. Let’s show them that all of Bromsgrove (and beyond) wants and needs this to happen and development without it must be refused. WVV needs thousands more signatures - every share will help.

Please everyone encourage your whole family to sign up individually, your friends etc. The link to the petition is

I’d encourage everyone to post to your own timeline with your views of why you want your friends and family to sign and share.

Sign the Petition Bromsgrove needs a Western Relief Road

Apply for a postal vote 16/03/2021

So some thoughts on the outcome of tonight's 3 hour plus planning meeting to decided an 'indicative position' on Perryfields. A few observations or lowlights:

- Of those councillors voting for the development - only TWO lived in Bromsgrove.
- The councillor that represents Perryfields (which includes Carol Ave and the current new build) voted for it on the basis of protecting the villages from development (where he lives).
- A councillor who showed support for the relief road was kicked out of the meeting, meanwhile others openly showed disagreement with the community and were left to be.
- The councillor for Sidemoor voted for it - despite articulating the rat runs it would create through the area.
- There was generally a total lack of information - how many cars will rat run through residential areas - no answer, how many cars will be displaced into the town or Catshill - no answer, why can't a relief road be included - no answer, why is there no funding for additional GPs - no answer, why are the figures for a new school £1M out - no clear answer.
Seemed like the councillors - almost all conservative and from outside of Bromsgrove had been told to vote it through or we would lose at appeal.

Here is how the voting went:

Andrew Beaumont (Con) FOR
Richard Deeming (Con) FOR
Geoff Denaro (Con) FOR
Margaret Sherrey (Con) FOR
Phil Thomas (Con) FOR
Sarah Hession (Con) FOR
Peter Whittaker (Con) FOR
Sue Douglas (Ind) (Sidemoor) FOR
Peter McDonald (Lab) AGAINST
Annette English (Ind) AGAINST

Myself and Whitford Vale Voice will be campaigning on. At appeal, and at the full planning meeting whenever those come.

As an aside if you like me are disgusted at the outcome of this meeting and the contempt with which our town has been treated by both Councils..... I would urge you not to give up.

If your councillor is on this list ask them why they voted in this way. Register to vote in May's elections - anyone can apply for a postal vote and you will have your ballot in the next few weeks. It is vital we have councillors that stand up for our community and understand the local problems. If a candidate comes to your door - ask their postion on Whitford, Perryfields and the Western Relief Road.

Myself and WVV will be back in touch in the next day or so to confirm our next steps, but rest assured we will not be stopping.

Apply for a postal vote Anyone can apply to vote by post. You don’t need to give a reason.

BDC Planning Committee 16/03/2021

Things just getting started at the Planning Committee to discuss Perryfields. You can watch live here....

BDC Planning Committee Committee Meeting

BDC Planning Committee 16/03/2021

Tonight from 6pm Whitford Vale Voice and I will be speaking at the planning meeting to agree the Council's legal position on the Perryfield Appeal.

I would encourage all local residents to watch the meeting live on YouTube I will also try to live post the meeting on my feed here. Please everyone share on your social media. We need the Council to know that local residents are listening, as Covid means we cannot be in the same room!

BDC Planning Committee Committee Meeting


My objection if of use (sent today)....
To [email protected]
Re Objections - Perryfields (21/00096) and Greyhound Roundabout (21/00162)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I write as the County Councillor for Bromsgrove West and District Councillor for Hilltop. I am also a local resident of the impacted area. I wish to object to both these applications.
It should go without saying that Bromsgrove needs housing, especially affordable homes, but it cannot be at any cost. It is my view that the cumulative impact of these proposals is not sustainable and will have a severe cumulative impact on our traffic within the town. In short they will make a bad situation a lot worse. Local people are watching the Council closely and it is imperative that the Council acts to stop this development and to urgently consider the case for a relief road. These proposals not only risk traffic gridlock and huge pressure on already stretched local services, but also losing the opportunity to resolve our existing traffic problems, for ever.
If I may raise a few points (further to my existing objections on the identical applications already submitted by this developer):
Perryfields Development 21/00096
Proposed Spine Road - It is clear that this proposed spine route has the explicit purpose of deterring through trips from the proposed development. This will increase traffic ratrunning through areas such as Broad Street and indeed the town centre routes - such as the Stourbridge Road and Kidderminster Road. This feels contrary to the other objectives of WCC and BDC in improving traffic flows. In effect this scheme is actually an Anti-Relief Road. It actually seeks to remove trips from the current defacto - Whitford/Perryfields Rd western route and divert these onto congested town centre junctions.
Failure to consider impact on Catshill - Again in the absence of a Western Relief Road this scheme will undoubtedly increase trips through Catshill to access the motorway links. It is an absolute failure on the part of the developers not to fully model this impact on residents within Cathill, perhaps driven from a desire to avoid paying for either a relief road or local improvements within Catshill. I note the previous objection on 16/0335 from Catshill Parish Council.
Intentional and aggressive suppression of vehicle trips - The developer clearly has sought to intentionally and aggressively suppress vehicle trips in order to play down the impact of their development on local transport infrastructure. In particular the evidence from WVV shows reductions in trips across the town centre, over estimations of car occupancy and modelling omits 72 AM Peak Hour and 42 PM Peak Hour vehicle trips generated by development at the proposed Whitford Road site.
Absence of a Western Distributor Road - The WDR is mentioned as a future scheme in LTP4 and LTP3 made references to creating a link across Barnsley Hall. Despite this no support is provided for such a scheme either in terms of land or funding. This would mean the opportunity to fix our traffic in Bromsgrove would be lost for ever if the application as currently designed were to go ahead. This is a critical moment for Bromsgrove and our communities and they will be watching what the Council does.
Failure to consider rat running traffic. The developers have intentionally failed to provide evidence as to the impact of rat running traffic. The following areas will be particularly impacted and the Council must consult with residents as a priority and compel the developers to openly and transparently model the impact of their development on these areas.
• Brook Road, Dovecote Road, Ford Road. Millfield Road and Shrubbery Road (Hill Top Ward);
• All Saints Road and Victoria Road (Lowes Hill Ward);
• Broad Street, Churchfields, Church Lane, Church Road, Crabtree Lane, Providence Road and Willow Road (Sanders Park Ward); and
• Broad Street, King Edward Road, Middleton Road, Orchard Road, Santridge Lane, Providence Road and Recreation Road (Sidemoor Ward).
Road safety risks
Additional to the multiple road safety issues at the Greyhound the Applicant’s Transport Assessment includes an initial road safety assessment that identifies road safety issues. There are no Stage1 Road Safety Assessments (RSA’s) in the public domain to show that the identified road safety issues have been addressed.
Town Centre Junctions
The evidence provided for the effectiveness and mitigation of town centre junctions - Parkside and Birdbox - is weak and it is unclear how the junctions will operate in the future or even where the full funding will come from to improve them. These junctions are already under significant pressure - coupled with a deliberate strategy from the developers to route existing through traffic away from their development to these junctions this becomes a critical decision. For officers to consider supporting these junction proposals without full information or even clarity of funding risks total gridlock in the town centre.
Greyhound / Rock Hill roundabout and junction
I remain extremely concerned about the viability of this proposed junction. At the previous inquiry it was argued by the appellants that a roundabout here was not practical. Indeed the Local Highways Authority (LHA) had previously argued that it was their duty to ensure the free flow of traffic on Rock Hill be prioritised, yet it seems the current design would hinder this in favour of allowing egress from Fox Lane. The information I obtained via various Freedom of Information requests demonstrates that even the LHA officers did not consider the proposal as being ‘favourable to us as a long term solution on this important route’ (correspondence attached). Something I asked of members at the Planning Meeting last autumn was ‘if not this, what?’ I think for members this goes to the heart of why they wanted more information from the developers (which in turn triggered the appeal for nondetermination). The information members needed from the LHA / Developers was to the detail of this roundabout, pedestrian safety, gradients, stopping distances and departures from standard. Ultimately the only way to obtain disclosure of this was via the Freedom of Information Act as the LHA and developers would not disclose it. When this information was brought into the public domain it demonstrated in my view a range of departures from standard and adverse gradients that I believe call into question the ability to provide a safe junction at this location.
This roundabout is a dogs dinner of departures from Standard on many different fronts. It is pretty clear WCC have little confidence in it - yet we are being asked to accept it will work.
Impact on the local shop
It seems to me to be entirely improper that at no point the appellants of indeed the LPA have reached out to the owners of the Select and Save shop at Rock Hill. This is all the more strange given the shop curtilage extends onto land required for changes to the highway to accommodate these proposals.
WCC has policy priorities around Open for Business – it seems clear from the objections from both the past and new owners of the shop that their business will be materially affected in a number of ways:
Loss of parking for customers to the front of the shop. It is proposed to remove the three layby bays closest to the shop. It should be noted by the Inspector that a substantial part of the remaining layby is taken by a bus stop. Thus this is a significant reduction in the parking available for a shop that is heavily reliant on passing trade.
This shop provides a vital lifeline to communities in both Charford and Rock Hill – it provides services including electric and gas meter charging, parcel postage and laundry. It is a vital asset to the community and I have been urging both authorities to understand the impact these highways changes could have on the viability and survival of this vital business.
The diagrams provided by the developers and those obtained via the FOI request in the winter show swept paths for lorries exiting and entering the bay adjacent to the shop to the South. I would urge the planning officer to visit this site and to look at this bay – it seems to me pretty clear the illustrated vehicle could not fit into the bay. In fact there is little more space in my view than for a transit van. The deliveries to the shop are actually generally via much larger vehicles who make use of the layby to load and unload, and thus would without this layby obstruct traffic on the key Rock Hill route, obstruct access to the proposed roundabout
or even obstruct the roundabout itself.
I would also draw the officer's attention to live planning application 20/00300/FUL | Alterations to the junction of Fox Lane and Rock Hill to form a roundabout
junction. Demolition of the existing building (The former public house 'The Greyhound Inn'). This identical application also submitted by Taylor Wimpey is now subject to appeal. I note an objection from a Mr Walters – 5 Rock Hill (this is the property to the North of the shop). “I have a major concern about this development. Looking at the proposal, my drive will exit straight onto the roundabout. It will make exiting and entering my property hazardous.”
The proposals and analysis as far as I can see take no note of the extent of the parking area adjacent to the North of the shop. I would suggest that developers and LHA have omitted to consider a whole potential third set (in addition to 5 Rock Hill and the southern access to the shop) vehicle movements which again would conflict with traffic on Rock Hill and potentially obstruct the proposed roundabout.
I cannot see how it can be considered to be safe to have a roundabout which in addition toits three arms the roundabout itself and its immediate approaches could have vehicle entry and egress from 3 driveways or delivery bays plus the potential for large articulated lorry deliveries needing to stop close at hand, plus a pedestrian crossing very close to it as well. I do not believe the modelling provided really reflects the reality of vehicle and pedestrian movements at this location. Given the proposed roundabout already departs from standards on a number of fronts, these considerations, I believe, are key to testing if it really works as
a long term solution.
Historic Value of Greyhound
I would draw attention to the views of the Bromsgrove District Council Conservation Officer. This submission on prior applications sets out the value of the Greyhound as a heritage asset and urges consideration of routes that the current building or façade could be included within the scheme. I can see no evidence that the developers have in any way considered this or previous objections on conservation grounds in line with the balance test in NPPF.
In summary, I am entirely opposed to these proposals. I cannot see how they are in the interests of the residents of Bromsgrove, or indeed future residents of this development if it was agreed. Aside the specific points in my objection above, I am also extremely concerned about the pressure on local services, the risks of developing so close to a motorway and the impact this will have on air pollution and public health.
I cannot see how there is any option but to reject these proposals.
Yours sincerely,
Cllr Luke Mallett


Perryfields and Whitford - what is happening and when?

Hi everyone. I had a couple of calls off residents yesterday rightly confused about the latest news of a planning meeting on 18th March. So I wanted to give an update and summarise what is happening with each application. Apologies for a long email - but hopefully handy to have it all in one post.

>Perryfields Road
There are 4 applications in play from the Perryfields Developer, or more accurately 2 x 2 identical applications.

1) Original Outline Planning Permission (16/0335) In 2016 the Perryfields Developers submitted their main application to build out Perryfields. This was for Outline Planning Permission. This is the one that had c.900 objections from the community. The Planning Committee have not yet voted on this but the developers have now appealed this on the basis of no decision being made since 2016. This will now be decided by a planning Inspector at a Public Inquiry beginning on the 25th May, All the 900 objections have been sent to the Planning Inspector. Whitford Vale Voice and I have registered to address the planning Inspector, we will likely be cross examined by the QC/Barrister representing the Developer. The Council is yet to decide it's position at the Inquiry. The Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday 18th March at 6pm to decide that position. If the Committee decides it is against the development the Council will then hire a barrister to argue against the developers at the Inquiry (this is what happened with both Whitford applications - unfortunately last time out the Council chose such narrow grounds to defend refusal that they lost us the appeal). Whitford Vale Voice will speak on our behalf at the Planning Meeting, as will I. I would encourage residents to attend, but not register to speak (as the more people that register the less speaking time Whitford Vale Voice will have to present a lot of evidence as to why Perryfields should be refused.)

2) Greyhound roundabout and Fox Lane junction (20/00300) - Taylor Wimpey submitted this application in partnership with the Whitford developers last year. Without the Greyhound roundabout junction the Perryfields development cannot be approved, hence why Taylor Wimpey are arguing for this too. This has now also gone to appeal for non-approval - so any existing objections will go to the Planning Inspectorate. WVV and I will be arguing against it at the appeal in May. The Planning Committee will decide the Council's position going into the appeal (this is not an actual decision as that is now for the Planning Inspector to make) on it at their meeting on March 18th.

3&4) New applications for Perryfields (21/00096) and Greyhound Roundabout (21/00162). Taylor Wimpey in January submitted identical applications to 1&2 in January. They have done this in the hope that the Council might approve these before the appeals in May in order to avoid an appeal. Essentially so that they can give the planning committee something to vote for whilst the appeal works through. These new applications will come to Planning Committee in April or May we think, no date has yet been set,

All previous objections will not count on these applications and residents have until March 22nd to object on both. Late objections are accepted but the more we can get in before March 22 the better. It is important residents object to both - as without the Greyhound Perryfields cannot go ahead. The Council will only consider 'valid/legal planning reasons for objection' these are things like - increased traffic, air quality, noise, road safety, pressure on local services, risk of loss of amenities (e.g. the shop at Rock Hill), impact of traffic on town centre (through clogging up of Perryfields Rd,) absence of Western Relief Road, protected wildlife, flood risk etc. THe Council will not place any/little weight on loss of green fields, or don't want houses built. Unfortunately 20 years ago or so the Council decided to build on Whitford and Perryfields and at the time their consultation was so poor there were very few objections. The only route to stop this is in demonstrating that the traffic issues etc would be so significant, or that it is only possible with a relief road and the developers have not provided one. There is lots of guidance in previous posts on what to object on - and WVV will be posting more in the next few days.

>Whitford Road
Original application (2013-2015) - we won at planning committee, appeal and then at high court.
New application (2015/16 to now) we won at planning committee, but the Planning Inspector granted outline planning permission at appeal.

What will happen next and what do we need to do> The next step will be an application for full planning permission. Presently there is nothing to object to as no full planning application has been made. No building can take place without full planning permission. I and WVV (Whitford Vale Voice) will oppose this when it comes in as the road systems are not safe and there is no Western Relief Road provided.

Western Relief Road -
this is the idea of a road running along the motorway to avoid traffic going into town (think of the road in Worcester A4440 that runs alongside the motorway between the North and South junction and allows traffic to come out of Warndon etc) . None of the developers have included a western relief in their plans. We are urging the Council to consider if this is needed before they lost the opportunity to do it or get the developers to pay for it. This means they would be right not to agree these developments as this feasibility work has not been done. Conversely if they gave the go ahead without a relief road it would not be possible to add it later as the land and ability to pay for it would be gone. There is a petition live please everyone sign this and share it to your friends. It will be debated at Bromsgrove Council on April 21 and Worcester in May we need as many signatures as possible before then.

So quick summary - what do we need to do now?
1) Object before March 22 on both the new applications for Perryfields (21/00096) and Greyhound Roundabout (21/00162) applications - send an email to [email protected] (one for each application) quoting the reference numbers above in the subject line and your name and address.

2) Come along to the virtual planning meeting at 6pm on the 18th March - it will be on YouTube.

3) Sign and share the Western Relief Petition

And breathe!

There will be more details coming soon from WVV and I. We are just working on a leaflet to distribute for those not on social media sharing this info, so watch this space for a shout out for leaflet deliverers.

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