RAF Mildenhall Top 3

RAF Mildenhall Top 3

We are available on Facebook and TEAMS!

President - SMSgt Benjamin Puryear
Vice President - MSgt Lyndsie Duemmel
Secretary - MSgt Oscar Santoyo
Treasurer - MSgt Corey Harley
Way & Means - MSgt John Lesko
Publicist - MSgt Darren Morrow
Membership - MSgt Lisa Lukasek


🚨🚨🚨Congrats to your new Top III council members when you see them!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Y’all are in good hands and can’t wait to see what the future holds! Remember the council needs the support of all the members and the more people that chip in, the better everything becomes for everyone!

Vice Pres: MSgt Freeman, David (100 MXS)
CGOC Liason: MSgt Fitts, Paquita (67 SOS)
Publicist: MSgt Thomas, Ryan (100 CS)


Top III Teammates,

Deadline is tomorrow for council positions to our inbox 🙂! Below is what we currently have for submissions! I promise the Publicist job is more exciting than you think 😂👏🏽!

See y’all Friday!!

VP - 2 submissions
CGOC Liason - 4 submissions
Publicist - 0 submissions



We are looking for our VP, Publicist, and CGO Liaison positions to be filled this week as well!

If you are interested please send us your application to our org box by COB Wednesday.



We are looking to fill 3 of our Top III positions during the 1-March-2024, 1400 General Meeting.

Please see below available positions and shoot us a filled-out application (attached) for the position(s) you would like to apply for and why.

These applications are due to our inbox NLT 28-Feb-2024, COB. Then please make it out to our next general meeting on 1-March, 1400, at the G-Club Enlisted Lounge for membership voting and elections!

This is your time to help make a difference for us all, so don’t wait for another opportunity and don’t wait for time to catch up to you, apply and let’s get after it now teammates!

Executive Council
- Vice President
- Publicist

Subcommittee Council
- CGOC Liaison


(1) Perform duties of the President in the absence of the President
(2) Assumes the duties of the President in the event of resignation or removal of the
(3) Monitors progress of all committees.
(4) Monitors membership continuity.
(5) Performs duties as Parliamentarian.
(6) May sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer if designated on the account

(1) Promotes the Team Mildenhall Top 3 through social media and other means of
(2) Ensures the Team Mildenhall top 3 Microsoft Teams site and organizational email
inbox are kept up to date and ensures proper access is granted.
(3) Advertises all Team Mildenhall Top 3 events and meetings on the SharePoint site,
organizational email and Facebook calendars.
(4) Publish a copy of the Constitution, by laws and minutes of all meetings on the
Microsoft Teams.
(5) Acts as the Secretary in his or her absence.
(6) Actively engages in recruitment of members.
(7) Actively seeks feedback from membership and relays to executive council.

(1) Subcommittee positions and tenure will be monitored and managed by the Vice
(2) Subcommittees will be allotted and filled with two positions per committee to ensure
proper turnover and assistance is maintained.
(3) Subcommittee POC's will maintain active contributions and updates in their field and
responsibilities, as outlined below, and ensure information, updates, needs and issues
are discussed and brought up with the executive council monthly, at a minimum.
(4) Subcommittee positions will be held for one year, unless a committee member is
deemed ineffective by the Vice President. At this time, the Vice President can
terminate a member from their position and seek a replacement through the Top 3
membership pool.
(5) Subcommittee positions will be filed by Executive Council. Any tie breakers will be
decided upon by the President.
(6) Subcommittee positions and responsibilities are as follows:
(d) CGOC Liaison: Responsible for attending all CGOC meetings and being a liaison
between the needs of their organization and the Top 3. Will provide updates to
the Top 3 membership and executive council at monthly meetings

RAF Mildenhall Top 3

Photos from RAF Mildenhall Top 3's post 02/02/2024

Congratulations to TSgt Piel, Trenton (488 IS) for Decembers TOP III NCO of the month nomination and win at RAF Mildenhall!! 🏆


Team! Top III meeting today at 1400 at the G Club! We will be having elections and discussions on the new supervisor JQS!

Also for our paid members, don’t forget to submit your NCO of the month candidates to our org box by COB.


The Top 3 is pleased to announce our 50/50 Fundraiser for the SMSgt Release party. This is an opportunity for you to win up to $1500! Additionally, there are 61 other prizes totaling $4,000 in gift cards. The drawing will take place on March 1st at the Top 3 meeting. There are representatives throughout the base selling tickets. Please find your POCs below:

- 100 LRS – TSgt Clarrisa Fields
- 100 MXS – MSgt Matthew Montoya
- 321 STS – TSgt James Bladen
- 67 SOAMXS – MSgt Nathan Gardener
- 100 MXS – MSgt Jeremy Waters



Please see below and attached FYSA on the new award programs that the 5/6 has created and is pushing out! They are doing an outstanding job and need your help to spread the word to all NCOs of the opportunities out there to take advantage of. This information will be posted in our TEAMS One Note at the top of the events tab to quick reference in the future if you ever need it.

One Note Events will include Top III Award Templates, Chief’s Groups Award Templates, & 5/6

Make sure when opening the “Mildenhall Top III Public Information” application in TEAMS, that you “open in app” for full functionality and not in TEAMS.

Team Mildenhall,

• The 5/6 Awards Committee would like to send a reminder to submit your MONTH Superior Performer of the Month Award, Mentorship Award, Unsung Hero Award, and Team Award. Anyone can submit for an award. Please see further details below for each.

• When submitting packages please send each package in its own individual email and sign. Also put in the Subject block: what award is being submitted. This will ensure every submission is read and not missed because multiple awards for different categories were sent in the same email.

o Please use the attached templates for each category and send all submissions to [email protected] NLT ___________.

o *Superior Performer of the Month* submissions due NLT ___________.
 Requirements for submissions (AB-SrA or equivalent rank in your service)
 4-6 sentences that describe the Airmen’s actions for the 1 month period they’re being submitted.
 This award is mainly focused on Duty Performance; community involvement is always great, but if that is the majority of the content then please submit an Unsung Hero nomination.
• What sets them apart in their work center?
• Overall Duty Performance in their work center?
• Leadership/Followership in their work center?

o *Mentorship Award* submissions due NLT ___________.
 Requirements for submissions (TSgt and above or equivalent rank in your service)
 4-6 sentences that describe the Mentor’s actions for the 1 month period they’re being submitted.
• What sets them apart?
o Are they someone who guides another to greater success.
• Examples of superior Mentorship/Guidance
o How are they a teacher, sponsor, advisor, agent, role model, coach, and/or confidante.
• How have they affected you and/or your peers?
 Please do not confuse this with the Unsung Hero Award, we want to give every award submission a fair chance but they must be submitted to the correct category.

o *Unsung Hero Award* submissions due NLT __________.
 Requirements for submissions (AB-SSgt or equivalent rank in your service) and not nominated for Superior Performer of the Month during the same period.
 4-6 sentences that describe the Unsung Hero’s actions for the 1 month period they’re being submitted.
 This award is focused on Community Involvement
• What are they doing for the community/base other than their assigned duties?
• What sets them apart?
• How do they devote themselves to service that goes above what is required?
• How they affected morale off duty for on and off installation for the military and local populace?

 *Team Award* submissions due NLT __________.
 4-6 Sentences that describe how your team successfully accomplished a significant on or off base project for the applicable 1 month period.
 This can include major exercises or inspections, real world responses, community enhancements, or any challenging team oriented task.
 This award is focused on Community Involvement
• What are they doing for the community/base other than their assigned duties?
• Identify the team with an approximate number of members, were they all from one section or a joint effort across sections, squadrons, or branches.
• Describe the nature of the project, its impact on the installation or the local populace, and how this team set itself apart from the rest.

o Please direct all questions to the Team 5/6 Awards org box, [email protected]


Link: https://s.surveyplanet.com/mxk8psdl

We are trying to gather data on when the best time & day is each month to hold our general assembly meeting. With that, please take this quick 5 question, multiple choice/answer survey! Will take you no more than 5 minutes max to give us data to ensure we align with the majority needs to produce the most efficient get meetings.

Questions 1 & 2: all days that are preferred / all days non-preffered.
- Check all/as many days that benefit you or that make it near impossible for you to attend

Question 2 & 3: all times preferred / all times non-preffered.
- Check all/as many timeperiods that benefit you or that make it near impossible for you to attend

Question 4: Quick attendance multiple choice question.


One post to rule them all!

Top III NCO of the Month October: TSgt Antwon J. Cole (100 CES)

Top III NCO of the Month November: TSgt Andrew R. Kowalski (100 MXG)

If you see either of these members walking around, give them a high five and a congratulations!!! A lot of competition around RAF Mildenhall and we all appreciate what you and your teams do on a day to day basis!

Words of advice from our two top performers? 1) They couldn't do what they do without the help and sacrifice of their teammates! 2) They appreciated being put up for this award, even if they didn't see it themselves.

Humility & teamwork goes a long way across all aspects in each of our lives. We are all tasked to do more than just our jobs. To do more than just the standard. To be more than just comfortable. Things that are impossible to do alone. We need each other & they need us. Remember that as we roll into the new year and remind those around you of what they mean to you.

Final note: January's General Meeting is being moved to 11-January, 1400, Galaxy Club and will not be on the First Friday.

Please make sure to submit your NCO of the month packages by the first Friday still (5-Jan) COB to our org box.

Also for elections we will be looking for a new Top III Scholarship lead, so submit your application to our org box by 9-Jan & be at the meeting to give a quick election speech! More details can be found on our one note under the files section (please open from your desktop app to avoid formatting issues).

Happy Holidays Team!


Team Mildenhall SNCOs,

We cordially invite you to the next Top 3 General Membership meeting. Please take a small time of your day to learn, network, enhance your leadership toolbox and make some friends. This meeting is full of events with the speaker from the 100 ARW Spark Cell, elections for the President and the Airman Council Mentor, and 100 ARW Command Chief.

WE ARE STILL SEEKING: Top III President and The Airman Council (TAC) mentor positions. If you feel confident or know someone who can confidently fill these roles and continue to elevate our organization and the needs of teammates, please send your nominations to the Mildenhall/Top 3 Org Box [email protected]. Then bring the nominee out to our meeting this Friday to tell the team why you would be the best fit.

Don't shrug it off with "someone will do it" or "I dont have the time". Be the best YOU TODAY! Take the leap, move one step at a time, make your future TODAY, build that mindset that will last forever NOW, help others with your experience and leadership!

Event details:
• What: Top 3 General Membership Meeting
• LDC topic: 100 ARW Spark Cell Presentation
• When: 01 December 2023 @1400
• Where: RAF Mildenhall Galaxy Club Enlisted Lounge

‘First Friday Social’ right after the meeting! Remember to bring a fellow SNCO! See yah there!

Photos from RAF Mildenhall Top 3's post 17/11/2023

Congratulations to TSgt Marc Lamkin from the 100 OSS for his outstanding work and leadership in September 2023!

Tough competition with 8 applicants across 8 squadrons! If you see him around, make some noise 🔊

His words of advice: He just works hard to be like the leaders he sees around him and caffeine!

Remember we all make the next level by listening, watching, and learning from those around us. Whether through good examples or bad, our paths are paved by our experiences and what we choose to learn from them. Remember that as we put on the uniform each month and know the moment you walk in and walk out others are watching, learning, and growing through your example.

Have a great day leaders!



Just a heads up that next month’s Top III Meeting will be looking to fill 2 positions: Airman Council Mentor & Top III President. If interested, please see below & attached and send submissions to our org box. Thank you!

Elections Details to run for a position: To nominate for a position, email our org box with the is attached application/in teams under our event, by COB the Wednesday prior to the meeting (2 days prior). Prepare for a short brief/speech to give to the membership and council during that month's Top III Meeting. Constitution is attached/in teams under our event for details on positions. Also feel free to reach out to current council member for more details prior to applying if you wish to do so.

Photos from RAF Mildenhall Top 3's post 03/11/2023

Thank you to everyone that came out to show support, learn, grow, and network with each other!! Thank you MSgt Jane Acreman for facilitating round table peer to peer conversations for us!


Top III October '23 NCO of the Month: Due to us by COB 3-November


That time of the month to submit a NCO for recognition of their impact/accomplishment(s)! It can be a NCO that works with you or one you met in passing. Does not matter! Just let us know what NCO has impacted you, the mission, or someone else this past month by submitting an application (in your inbox or found in TEAMS > General Files > One Note > Events Tab > Top III NCO of the Month tab) to our org box.

Note: You must be a paid member by 3-November for your submission to count.


Witnessed a reenlistment today and just wanted to share a thought for those that stop by our page. Don’t usually do this but I figured why not since we are supposed to be mentors to each other:

I know we always might not see eye to eye with everyone and we spend a lot of time proving how we can separate from the pack in order to be as promotable as possible. But moments like this (reenlistment) always bring me back to ground level. We all have our flaws, our weaknesses, our strengths, our unique backgrounds, etc but one thing we all share is the uniform. The uniform we all put on and sacrifice the same things.

Sure some more than others at times but at the end of the day we all give a lot: our time, our families, relationships, personal goals, hobbies, etc. Try to remember that in all the frustrations and massive workloads we experience each day. We may be different but we hold a strong similarity of serving our country in a bond and mission that is greater than any dollar sign or personal achievement you could get from anywhere else. I seriously appreciate each one of you and the sacrifices you have made and will continue to make in your careers and reenlisting is a time of reflection for us all. It’s hard, but it’s worth it if we pay attention to those around us and how we can become better humans and service members for ourselves, those next to us, and those to come.

Take pride in this one life we have and make a difference. Last thing I want is for anyone to be filled with more regrets than happy memories and it’s never too late to slow down and recenter and to work at being the best versions of ourselves.

Take time to thank your people, peers, and leaders for their sacrifices. Then take time to thank yourselves for your continued efforts to do the same and remember to come together with those around you along the way because I promise we go a lot further together.

I’m done with my cheesiness but i believe it means something and hope y’all do too.

Happy Friday Top III and I hope to see you all at our next meeting to discuss human to human how we avoid the dreaded burnout and work to achieve our goals together.



Please congratulation our newest additions to the team when you see them out and about!

Top III Treasurer
• MSgt Travis Yearty (100 LRS)
Community outreach Liaison x2
• MSgt Jacob Kriner (DET 19)
• MSgt Matthew Montoya (100 MXS)
CGOC Liaison
• MSgt Jonathan Ochoa (100 MXS)
Diversity & Inclusion Liaison
• SMSgt Jay Kreider Jr. (100 SFS)

Photos from RAF Mildenhall Top 3's post 20/10/2023

Thank you all for coming out and showing support!



Today's Meeting is canceled due to multiple coinciding events occurring and will be postponed to a later date. More to come on that date. Our apologies for the last-minute cancelation as we value all of your time!

Photos from RAF Mildenhall Top 3's post 05/10/2023

Packed house to celebrate TSgt Yasel Berrocal (100 LRS) for his scholarship essay submission and win for the quarter 🥳🥳!! If you see him out and about tell him congratulations and ask him for his insights 🧠!

Spread the word and make sure your Airmen and their family know about this opportunity each quarter!


That time of the month to submit a NCO for recognition of their impact/accomplishment(s)! It can be a NCO that works with you or one you met in passing. Does not matter! Just let us know what NCO has impacted you, the mission, or someone else this past month by submitting an application (found in TEAMS > General Files > One Note > Events Tab > Top III NCO of the Month tab) to our org box. Be the leader they need and show your support if they are the future leader we all need!

Due to our Org Box NLT COB 13-Oct-2023

13 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter 26/07/2023


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Are you a giver or a taker? | Adam Grant 25/07/2023

Take a few minutes to understand the data behind givers, takers, and marchers in an organization so we can be more effective leaders now 👇🏽

Are you a giver or a taker? | Adam Grant In every workplace, there are three basic kinds of people: givers, takers and matchers. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant breaks down these personalitie...

The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | David Goggins 20/07/2023

Take 10 minutes today to sharpen your mind with ex Navy Seal David Goggins advice👇🏽.
Build daily habits that give you the mentality you need for you and your team to succeed 💪🏽

The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | David Goggins Ready to be inspired? Discover Mindset, the top-rated motivational app offering life-changing content – https://bit.ly/MotivationMadness_MindsetWhat does it ...


Congrats to TSgt Samuel T. Lewis on winning the Top III Scholarship Award for this past quarter!

No matter where you are in life, we could all learn a little more every day to become better versions of ourselves and to lead with a broader perspective!

BOLO for next quarters topic and suspense dates. Remember this is open for AD and dependents!

Photos from RAF Mildenhall Top 3's post 18/07/2023

Congratulations to TSgt Ian R. Spaulding from 100 OSS for his outstanding work and leadership in June 2023!

Tough competition with 15 applicants this month, but a job well done when viewing the submission and hearing his leadership’s perspective and his own personal perspective about a people focused approach 👏🏽💪🏽!

If you see him around, make some noise 🔊


Don’t forget tomorrow is the deadline for the Top III NCO of the month and 2QTR scholarship applications!


Due this week! 2Q'23 Scholarship Applications! Open to E1-E6's or to military members! Take advantage and spread the word to your people who are grinding out for a better tomorrow!

It is time to solicit entries for the Top 3 $250 Scholarship essay contest. For those unaware, the RAFM Top-3 awards a $250 scholarship each quarter to one individual. The intent of this award is to recognize individuals striving for educational success and to highlight the importance of furthering education. To compete this quarter, you must be between the ranks of E-1 to E-6, or a dependent of a military member. Please fill-out relevant information on the attached form and provide a 400-500 word essay on the following topic.

*** "How can leaders better educate personnel on the responsible use of social media and services such as Discord? How can leaders better promote the need for personnel to stay connected with friends and family, while also maintaining personal and professional boundaries?” ***

Essays are to be completed in MS Word or similar program, using double-spaced, 12 pitch, Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. The Top 3 Scholarship Committee will compile all submissions; grade the packages and pick the best essay.
Supervisors, please encourage your enlisted members and dependents to compete for this award.

Forms and essays need to be emailed to the Top 3 Fellowship Org Box email account, [email protected], [email protected] , and [email protected] no later than Friday, 30 June 2023.

If you need more information, feel free to contact the following individuals:
MSgt Anthony Taylor , DSN: 238-6878, [email protected] MSgt Delgado Olvera, DSN: 238-4653, [email protected]


Your RAFM Top III Leadership Development Committee is teaming up with RAFL’s Top III to offer a DSD Panel for all eligible DSD Airmen.

Who - Eligible DSD Airmen (SNCO/NCO)
What - Developmental Special Duty (DSD) Panel
Where/When - 15 July @ 1300; RAF Lakenheath, Strike Eagle Complex
Why - Spread awareness for career broadening opportunities and give Airmen a first-hand account of what it is like to serve in a DSD position.

Additionally, we are still looking for a few members to sit on the panel, if you have served in the below positions and would like to assist, please contact MSgt Heather Whitworth or MSgt Jane Acreman.

8T200, Airman Developmental Advisor (ADA)
8B200, U.S. Air Force Academy Military Training NCO (AMT)
8C000, Airman and Family Readiness Center NCO (RNCO)


Volunteer Suspense: 26 June

The SNCO Induction Ceremony PROJOs are looking to round out their team with the key sub-committee positions below:

Please consider the following event information:
What: Formally celebrate the awesome accomplishment of our MSgt Selects stepping into the SNCO Tier
When: 25 Aug 1700-2200 (Practice 24 Aug, TBD)
Where: G-Club
Dress Code: Semi-Formal/Mess Dress
Restrictions: No extended leave, TDY, or deployments (you need to be available)
No specific rank requirements, but sub-committee leads need to be motivated, autonomous and a team player.

Logistics (2 people needed):
- Creating and executing event theme
- Ensuring Audio and Visual is available and in good working order.
- Coordinating with Venue POC for Set-up/Tear down of decorations and AV equipment; storing of decorations
- Reserving a DJ

Protocol (1 person needed):
- Coordinating with the 100 ARW Protocol office
- Writing a Script
- Securing Emcee(s) & Proffer
- Reserving Base Honor Guard
- Reserving National Anthem Singer
- Coordinating rehearsal and day of program

Marketing (1 person needed):
- Submitting Public Affairs Request
- Creating Slide Presentation for event
- Creating advertising/marketing material (flyers, emails, etc.)

Invitation & Seating- (1 person Needed):
- Sending Invites
- Creating a seating chart

Please contact SMSgt Matthew Miller [email protected] & MSgt Jonathan Ochoa, [email protected] to volunteer or with any questions.

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Congratulations to our February NCO of the Month!!! TSgt Eric D. Kobylanski from the 100th LRS!! Some words of wisdom fr...



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Admin Message: Minden Day at BSE photos.... RV's and messages Annual Dates are: Sunday 4th August 20