Videos by ARTiculate Therapy in Bury. Neurobiology informed • psychodynamic art psychotherapy • HCPC BAAT registered
Leaders and academic giants in the field of mental health have long studied the power of connection.
Connection is said to be the antidote to addiction, and we know positive connection helps to regulate the nervous system.
After an unpleasant but
necessary day, I open this from my adult daughter. My body immediately came back into a less dissociated and unsettled state, to a place of love and safety. Hail beautiful daughters, hail connection, and the artists, paintings, words and music (I know she will have considered the music as a potential future music therapist) in this clip/reel.
When you have had an unpleasant experience, what do you feel happening in your body, and how can you bring yourself back to a place of safety?
What are the little things we can do during a busy day to show someone we are holding space for them 💛
Leaders and academic giants in the field of mental health have long studied the power of connection.
Connection is said to be the antidote to addiction, and we know positive connection helps to regulate the nervous system.
After an unpleasant but
necessary day, I open this from my adult daughter. My body immediately came back into a less dissociated and unsettled state, to a place of love and safety. Hail beautiful daughters, hail connection, and the artists, paintings, words and music (I know she will have considered the music as a potential future music therapist) in this clip/reel.
When you have had an unpleasant experience, what do you feel happening in your body, and how can you bring yourself back to a place of safety?
What are the little things we can do during a busy day to show someone we are holding space for them 💛