Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking, Cambridge Videos

Videos by Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking in Cambridge. The Cambridge based Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking, (CCARHT) is a multi disciplinary and internationally orientated forum based in the UK for the development of expertise in counter trafficking.

The Giovanni Falcone Lecture: Deconstructing Organised Crime - Addressing Mafia culture across the Socio-Political Spectrum. The Legacy of Giovanni Falcone

This is for the GPM and Palermo links An invitation to join the CCARHT based Giovanni Falcone Lecture NOW live on @CCARHT Facebook

And listen to former Mayour LeoLuca Orlando in conversation with Formed U.S. Ambassador at Large on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Talking about the three Ps of the Palermo Protocol, the history of un picking Mafia infiltration of our polities. Disrupting and preventing Organised Crime in our Cities and Regions, and protecting victims.

And if you have time the discussions which follow with other papers during the next three days. Go to to join the symposium or the page on @CCARHT to join the discussions.

Other Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking videos

The Giovanni Falcone Lecture: Deconstructing Organised Crime - Addressing Mafia culture across the Socio-Political Spectrum. The Legacy of Giovanni Falcone
This is for the GPM and Palermo links An invitation to join the CCARHT based Giovanni Falcone Lecture NOW live on @CCARHT Facebook And listen to former Mayour LeoLuca Orlando in conversation with Formed U.S. Ambassador at Large on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Talking about the three Ps of the Palermo Protocol, the history of un picking Mafia infiltration of our polities. Disrupting and preventing Organised Crime in our Cities and Regions, and protecting victims. And if you have time the discussions which follow with other papers during the next three days. Go to to join the symposium or the page on @CCARHT to join the discussions.

We Are CCARHT - Klaus Vanhoutte In 2014 Vanhoutte focused on the loverboys and teen pimps. In human trafficking, people mistakenly think only of prostitutes who are sexually exploited. 56 percent of the victims that Payoke takes care of men, in barely 33 percent of cases it is about sexual exploitation. Equally important is economic exploitation. Thinking of Chinese people who are locked up in small rooms and have to work 16 hours a day in a restaurant. Or Nigerian prostitutes who are being pressured by their pimps with voodoo. “In recent years we have seen the focus of the police and the judiciary on trafficking in human beings decrease. Terrorism and smuggling became the top priority. However, more money is earned worldwide with human trafficking than with drugs, only arms trafficking yields even more money, says Klaus Vanhoutte. He became the became deputy director of the non-profit organization Payoke in March 2017 and recently succeeded Patsy Sörensen as director. #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg

We Are CCARHT - Arun Dohle Arun Dohle (b. 1973) was adopted by a German couple from an Indian orphanage. Like many adoptees, he started to search for his roots in his late teens. The Indian orphanage did not want to provide access to his file. Arun addressed the Indian Courts and it took 17 years to finally obtain access to the desired information. That´s how he learned that adoption is not about what is “good” for children, but rather protects the interests of adoption agencies, adoptive parents, and other vested interests. #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg

We Are CCARHT - Amrita DasGupta Amrita DasGupta, is a fully funded Doctoral Candidate (SOAS Research Studentship 2020) at theDepartment of Gender Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.She researches on transnational migration, trafficking-in-humans, borders, sex work, climate crisisand gender in the lower deltaic Bengal. Her PhD deals with Indo-Bangladesh water-borders andtrafficking-in -humans. It shifts focus to the aqua-centricism and tyrannies of cartographies in theSundarbans: her experience of being a second-generation partition survivor living the tales ofmigration on foot from seventy-five years ago (c. 1947 Partition) of her ancestors through the (now)Indo-Bangladesh Border, and eight months long field work in the Bengal Mangroves exposed her tothe riverine geographies of Bengal, the socio-economic prejudices and religious apertures it fosters.She has been awarded the OSUN engaged scholar award for her PhD fieldwork.She completed her M.Phil on Sundarbans’s Tiger Widows and Sex Work (2018) from the School ofWomen’s Studies, Jadavpur University. It interrogated the impact of/relation between animal-attackwidows and the changing norms of widowhood in relation to sex work in the Sundarbans—World’sonly Mangrove Tiger Land.Thenceforth, she worked as a Project Assistant on the project named, ‘Transformation TowardsSustainability in Higher Education: Interactional Dynamics in Gender and Intersectionality’ with aconsortium of partners including Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom andthe University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Here she researched on the position of educationalpolicies in India within the gamut of the sustainable development goals, the function and practicalityof such goals in relation to Higher education and its effects on intersectionality. #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas mar

We Are CCARHT - Aman Kumar He is from Varanasi-Uttar Pradesh, India. He had completed my Ph.D on the issue of Human Trafficking and Migration in Nepal from Centre for the Study of Nepal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India in December 2019. He was started his work in field of Modern Slavery since 2012 under the banner of Free the Slaves and Freedom Fund in Northern India. He had written number of articles and research paper on the issue of Modern Slavery in different context. He has a strong field base knowledge and many years of experience. His primary passion is in the Social Sector. Currently he is working as an Assistant Director of Astha Mahila Evam Bal Vikash Sansthan- India. He is also associated as a community educator in Freedom Youth Family Justice Centre New York. He joined as a Centre Coordinator of Child Rights Centre, a the prestigious research institute of India who is dedicated to do research in context of children and women of different issues. #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg

We Are CCARHT - Esohe Aghatise #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg Dr Esohe Aghatise is another early founder Director of a breakthrough charity working on protection of women from Human Trafficking. Iroko is an NGO based in Italy, founded in 1998, with the express purpose to combat violence against women, and to assist women who had been trafficked from Nigeria to Italy, for the purpose of prostitution. Iroko provides aftercare, counseling, legal services, housing, vocational training, and assists women to develop business skills and find employment. Dr Aghatise is a member of the Board of Directors for the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, (CATW) and an anti-trafficking consultant to Equality Now. She has received international acclaim as a “TIP Report Hero Acting to End Modern Slavery” in recognition of her efforts to combat human trafficking by the US State Department. She is a Doctor of Law, and is currently working on an OSCE report on Human Trafficking as a consultant. Expertise: Pan African Law, Human Rights, International Law, Gender Based Violence, Nigerian Trafficking dynamics; Victim Protection

We Are CCARHT - Marcel van der Watt Marcel is a senior lecturer at the University of South Africa (UNISA); Research Director for the Global Resource Epicenter against Human Trafficking (GREAT); and Case Manager for the National Freedom Network (NFN). He is an ex-member of the South African Police Service (SAPS) where he worked as hostage negotiator and investigator attached to the Hawks (DPCI) and Sexual Offences (FCS) Unit. It was in his role as a police officer during 2002 when he first came across the trafficking of women and girls in the sex trade. Marcel gained international recognition for his work in human trafficking and received numerous awards for the investigation of crime, including an unreserved endorsement from E. Benjamin Skinner (Harvard CARR Centre for Human Rights Policy) and a position in the YPIA Top 35 under 35 Africans for 2014. He provides expert court testimony on issues related to control methods, modus operandi and sentencing considerations in human trafficking cases, assistance in on-going investigations and intelligence-gathering activities, and participates on provincial and national human trafficking task teams. Marcel serves on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Modern Slavery and has published and presented his work on local and international platforms. #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg

We Are CCARHT - Yinka Omorogbe Professor Yinka O. Omorogbe is the Attorney General and Commissioner ofJustice, Edo State; and Chairperson, Edo State Taskforce Against HumanTrafficking. Immediately prior to this she was a research professor of theNigerianInstitute of Advanced Legal Studies, Abuja and Lagos; and AdjunctProfessor, Centre for Petroleum Energy Economics and Law (CPEEL), Universityof Ibadan.From January 2009 to June 2011, she wasSecretary to theCorporation and Legal Adviser, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC).She is the first African member of the Academic Advisory Group (AAG) of theSection on Energy Environment and Infrastructure Law of the International BarAssociation.She is aFellow of the Nigerian Association of Energy Economics(FNAEE); Gold Medal Awardee, Nigerian Society of International Law; GoldMedal recipient of the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT); andFellow, Emerald Energy Institute, (FEEI). She is thecurrentandsixthPresidentof the Nigerian Society of International Law (NSIL); first female President of theNigerian Association of Energy Economics; President of the Association ofEnergy and Petroleum Law Researchers in Nigeria, and Chair, Committee onNatural Resources, Energy and Environment ofthe International LawAssociation (ILA) #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg

We Are CCARHT - PM Nair Professor P.M. Nair –Senior Fellow CCARHT, Advisor NRCHT (Indian National Resource Centre of HT) at RR Univ; Former Project Coordinator, Anti-Human Trafficking, with the UNODC; Former IPS officer; Former Nodal Officer, NHRC (Human Rights Com, India); Dr Nair has so far personally trained more than 62,000 stakeholders across India, Set up nine Anti-Human Trafficking Units which is now replicated to 729 Districts) #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg

We are CCARHT Researching, networking, collaborating to collapse human trafficking, and build a safer and fairer future for all. Victims' Voices Lead the Way La voix des victimes nous guide Las voces de las víctimas marcan el camino Голоса Жертв Указывают Путь 跟随受害者之声 أصوات الضحايا تقود الطريق Betroffene weisen den Weg #weareCCARHT #EndHumanTrafficking #humantrafficking #savethechildren #humanrights #wearenotforsale #endmodernslavery #beauany #uniters #anyandjosh #filhosbeauany #babies #endhumantrafficking #getloud #ourrescue #dignityandfreedom #peopleandplanetarenotforsale #stopexploitation #untilallarefree #trafficking #rescue #activism #slavery