Firebow Holidays

Working with investors to create large luxury holiday homes. Sourcing, finance, renovation, marketing


Hardware…. How do you like your hardware?

I took this photo in Wi******er last week.
I have no idea what this handle was attached to but I obviously homed in on it.

That’s because I’m always looking at the details…
because it’s the details that make the difference.
And in my properties I never opt for basic hardware.
I always spend a little bit more to get something really stylish, because that is what will make all the difference to the final look and feel of a property.

As Leonardo Da Vinci said “Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail.”


Photos from Firebow Holidays's post 27/08/2024

We need to talk about choice!

Swipe through to see some of mine….


The biggest risk is…

You never leave your comfort zone…
… and you miss out on your best life.

If you want big things in life, you need to stretch those limits.
Do things that make you feel uncomfortable.
Go beyond the familiar.
Take big steps, even if you aren’t sure what the outcome will be.

What’s the worst that can happen?
It could go wrong, and you can course correct.

Staying safe will never get you to the life you dream of.

Have a great week everyone!


Just me and my gas box 🙂 (that we have to move)

At first we were told it could stay inside the new kitchen extension, but we’ve been told to increase the wall width and step it in.
So move it must.

Hoping it will be fast. We plan to work around it in the meantime 🙂


Are you a perfectionist?
Hands up if you are holding back on your next idea / project / showing up on the socials because you think it needs to be perfect first?

Yes, I’ve been there. I’m there right now with a few ideas I’m pursuing.
But in property I make compromises that are far from perfect all the time,
because better to do that and keep moving forward, than stay still and get nothing done.
And making mistakes is the best way to learn, fast.

Last year I made a commitment to show up on social media even if it wasn’t perfect.
(Still isn’t)

What did I do to get started?
I made that first move.
And I just kept going.
And I’ve learnt along the way….
And I continue to learn.

So, what can you start this week, even though it isn’t perfect?


How often do you show up in person on your socials?

I’ve got a lot better at it in recent times, but I’m acutely aware that the brand photos I took during the winter just won’t cut it in midsummer, and my selfies could really do with an improvement.

Because you really can’t hide if you run your own business today. People want to know who they are doing business with. More often than not, you are your brand.

So I’m taking a course to learn how to take better photos of myself, so I can show up more consistently and professionally in person online.

Here’s my first attempt with a new selfie tripod. What do you think?
Do you have a plan to show up in person online?


We are nearly a-go with the new solid wood floor!
It’s been tricky - we’ve had to negotiate the uneven original floor, which meanders all over the shop.
(How many levels can one ground floor have?!)
And then run it into the extension.

But we’re almost there…
(And meanwhile the painting continues.
This one is Mizzle, by Farrow & Ball.
I love paint names.)

I’ve not been part of the visibility sprint whilst I was away camping last week.
Today the prompt is, what is your proudest moment in business?
Well, one of mine has to be the fact that I have always ploughed my own lane.
I’ve never really worked for anyone else in any long term capacity.
I’ve always created my own businesses, to suit my interests and dreams.
And that is a constantly evolving project.

Here’s to the evolution of my life and my businesses!


What did you think it would look like?

I actually thought it would take up much more space…
I warned my builders that they would need to clear out the back room…
I asked them to move the bathroom tiles and the skirting.
Be ready - it’s a kerbside palette delivery - I said.
(Do kerbside palette deliveries fill anyone else with the fear?! Or is it just me?!)
I imagined the room piled full to the rafters.

Actually, 75 metres of wood flooring fits snugly in the alcove.
Plus glue.

I can’t wait to see this solid wood floor once it is laid.
But I’m currently camping with my kids (it is the summer holidays after all) and this is a preprepared post…
So let’s see where we are when I get back.

In the meantime I’ll continue to remote manage from afar, with the help of my trusty VA.

How is your summer panning out?


What are you aiming at?

I love this quote.
Most people drift through life… with no aim, no goal, no plan.

But if you aim at nothing, you’ll likely not achieve very much.

That’s why I’m a big fan of goals.
I have lots of them!
Constantly evolving…
But totally doable.

One of my main goals in life is to spend lots of quality time with my kids.
Especially during this precious window of their younger years.

That’s why I work in property and hospitality.
They both give me the flexibility to be there for them as much as possible.
I make my own hours: I can do the school run and I can attend random school events.

But right now, this week, it means we can go camping together.
Safe in the knowledge that I can manage my business from my phone.
(The modern world, you have to love it eh!)

What goal does your business fulfil for you?

I hope you have a wonderful summer holiday!


Hi, my name is Amelia.

I buy beautiful but tired properties and transform them into Luxury Holiday Homes. I have the time and experience to renovate them to a high design standard and manage them to a 5* level of service, like that attained by my 12 bed holiday home Ballarat House in Margate.

I am looking for investors with over £30K - £100K who would like a great return on investment. Do you know anyone like that?


I have a new favourite quote most weeks… but this one was unexpected.
Lisa Johnson is a mentor I’ve been learning from in the online space for several years.
She’s enormously succinct in her teaching, and I love this one, from a live in her private group today.

“The most successful people have been knocked down more than anyone else”

I certainly relate to this one.
I have huge (and fairly constant) challenges in my personal life, but I never let them stop me.
Property and hospitality are not industries for the feint hearted - there are a lot of moving parts in both.

Only last week a very good friend told me that I’m quite unusual in my ability to let nothing hold me back.
As Lisa says, you have to be resilient.
You will have low points, and they are the place from which you will grow.

Get back up again, and keep going.
Look at your adversity as a part of the story… designed to push you in the right direction.
Always think, what can I learn from this?

That’s what I do.
What do you do when things get tough?


What does your to-do list look like?

My children finish school this week, so I’m on a mad dash to get as much done as possible.
Yesterday I was in Hastings - that’s me, on The Stade, a part of the beach where boats have been docking for over 1000 years.
Aptly, The Stade means “landing place.”
I sat on a crate to eat my sandwich, and made friends with a seagull.

Today I’ve been up since early doors.
I’ve watched a masterclass for the new brand strategy offering that I’m working on, I've set my goals, and I made this post.

Also on the list of things to do today:
Sign some legal documents (with witness, on zoom) and get them in the post pronto.
Chase kitchen, order wood flooring and organise worktop installation.
Sort and send valuation paperwork to a lender.
Complete onboarding of customer workflows in my new CRM.

Then, it’s the school sports day and a performance from my son’s choir.

Never a dull moment!
What have you got planned for today?


Go on then, 5 secrets:

1. I’ve been a single mum for over 9 years. Yes, my daughter is 8. Go figure!

2. I like to knit small creatures for my kids, but haven’t had time to make anything in the past few years, and my eyesight has deteriorated so much (cheers, menopause) I’m scared I will struggle to see what I am doing…

3. I love to walk in nature, but I’m very slow, as I pause to look at absolutely everything.

4. Singing makes me very happy! Before kids I sung in multiple choirs, but only recently have I finally found a choir that works for me now that I’m a mother. We meet during the daytime in the forest and sing out over the trees. It’s all kinds of wonderful.

5. We don’t have a TV. We ditched the telly about 3 years ago and my kids have minimal access to screens. It was one of the best decisions I have made as a parent: my children are so much better at entertaining themselves as a result.

We live in a fantastic place, where my kids are able to play out with lots of neighbours every evening. (And it’s super safe for them to do so - thanks to large signage)
I feel blessed to be creating the best life I can for them. It’s been no walk in the park, but motivation and dedication can ensure you too live the life you dream of.

There are few things that genuinely generate passive income, but investing in property is one of them. Message me if you’d like to know more.


It’s the 1st of July - and can you believe that means that we are now into the second half of the year, and therefore slipping down the slippery slope to Christmas.


I’m taking part in a visibility sprint, and today starts with a prompt to share the inspiration behind my business.

I often talk about why I was inspired to get into property but basically you can boil it down to the following:

1. As a single mum I need a (mostly) passive cashflow to ensure I can look after my kids on my own terms.
2. I want to build asset wealth - both to protect my old age and to ensure my children are financially secure.
3. My particular property strategy - holiday lets - allows me to indulge my creativity.
4. There is never a dull moment in property - I love the fact that no day is the same and I enjoy overcoming the many challenges that arise.
5. It’s a people business, and I love working alongside such a diverse array of wonderful characters.

And this is a photo from this morning - carrying home an armful of flowering privet that was cut back at one of my builds. It’s now sitting on my dining table at home :)

What about you? What inspired your business?


Yep, it sure is hot out there. At last!
But my mind is on central heating.
Specifically, radiators.

How do you heat your properties?
When it comes time to replace your rads, what do you go for?
Do you keep it lean and modern?
Do you prefer a traditional touch?

Radiators can dominate a room or fade into the background.
They can be both functional and decorative, depending on the design.
(And they can also be reaaaaaaaaally ugly IMO)
If you can make a great choice within budget, why wouldn’t you?

So yes, whilst we finally swelter in our first dose of summer sunshine, I’ve got heating on my mind.


One day, soon, this disgusting space will be part of my beautiful new kitchen extension, opening onto a stunning patio.

Fer real!

But it won’t happen by magical intent. It will happen because I’ve planned for it to happen, with meticulous action.

For now it's a total scuzzhole!

What are you making happen?

Photos from Firebow Holidays's post 20/06/2024

Location, location, location.

My newest property is a brisk 10 minute walk away from Hastings Old Town.

Coming back may be a tad slower, as Hastings is very hilly!

But the space in my new place, plus the wonderful views, make it all worth it :)


Yep, this is the gang! Love hanging out with my property pals!


True Story!

I thought growing old would take longer….

Maybe you also feel that way?
I completely relate to this meme.
You’re young… and then suddenly, you’re not.
How the darn did that happen, seemingly so fast?

This thing called life passes by so quickly.
Maybe you have just let life unfold, without much thought?

But I know that as I get older (seemingly without my noticing) I worry more about how I’ll survive in old age.
What I’m doing to protect myself financially, and how I can ensure I’m not a burden on my children.

Maybe you feel the same way?
After all, pensions aren’t what they used to be.

Property is a great way to build wealth that will protect you in old age.
Historically property values have always gone up.
So my assets will increase in value and ensure that I am comfortable in my later years.

Better still, I’m building generational wealth that will also protect my children.

What are you doing that makes growing older less scary?


Love it.
Elfega Properties Ltd always keeps me entertained :)

Help raise £70000 to help Patrick undergo treatment to beat metastatic brain and lung cancer 10/06/2024

Extremely sad this morning to hear of the passing of Patrick, who was truly a lovely man. I am blessed to have met him along my property journey. A huge reminder to make the most of this one life. You never know how long you have got.

Help raise £70000 to help Patrick undergo treatment to beat metastatic brain and lung cancer Weʼre raising money to help Patrick undergo treatment to beat metastatic brain and lung cancer. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.


Yes, you.

You only have this one precious life.

How will you make the most of it?

This photo aptly sums up the pure joy during a special moment yesterday.
Dancing with my property pals at Aran Curry’s new mindset training, ONE LIFE.

I’ve been learning with Aran for 4 years. He’s nearly the same age as me (a smidge younger) and we’ve gone grey together. (I haven’t gone bald though, yet)
And yes, for those of you who don’t know him - that’s Aran looking slightly alarmed in my deranged selfie.

I’ve learnt a huge amount about property from Aran.
But I’ve also learnt an immeasurable amount about mindset, and the importance of being positive and taking mindful control of your life.

I think I’ve always been quite a positive person, happy to take action.
After all, I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost all my working life, and when I set an intention I usually meet it.
But Aran has been instrumental in teaching me invaluable new ideas and techniques.

We’ve got two more days together this week and I can’t wait to absorb more.

See you on the other side!


This quote relates to the concept of Simplicity Parenting, as propounded by Kim John Payne.

And whilst it no doubt relates to the teens I have just spent a week caring for on a wild camp in the muddy fields of Sussex, it could just as well be applied to work life.

Sometimes it’s good to take a break from “real life”
To immerse yourself in something completely different.

In my case that has always been camping.
Creating a community, cooking on fire, singing, playing games and caring for others.

It used to be a lot easier to switch off and be present in a field before the advent of mobile phones and incessant what’s app messages.

I did my best to ignore them!
Because taking a break from work is so important. And not something I’m very good at, if I’m honest.
Being able to take time out of my business without constant interruption from builders and cleaners and VAs is my ultimate aim.
Becoming so streamlined everything is taken care of….

I’m not there yet.
But I will be.

In the meantime, even though it was damn hard work (rain! mud!) it was also a delight.
A rest from the norm of everyday work life.
A chance to recalibrate, in community and nature.

And now I’m back, ready to get stuck in.

And always aware of what is most important to me: including community and nature.

What’s most important to you?
How do you rest and recalibrate?



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5 Town Road, Petham

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