Clwstwr Bwyd Môr Cymru / Wales Seafood Cluster, Ceredigion Videos

Videos by Clwstwr Bwyd Môr Cymru / Wales Seafood Cluster in Ceredigion. #BwydMôrCymru #WelshSeafood

Dyma gerdd a ysgrifennwyd gan un o aelodau'r grŵp Merched mewn Pysgodfeydd yn arbennig ar gyfer #DiwrnodRhyngwladolyMerched ac mae'n rhaid i ni ei rannu gyda chi.

Diolch i bawb am gymryd rhan ac yn arbennig i Lesley Griffiths Llywodraeth Cymru!
Here's a poem that has been written by a member of the Women in Welsh Fisheries group especially for #InternationalWomensDay and we just have to share it with you!

Thank you to everyone who took part, and to Lesley Griffiths from Welsh Government.

UK Women in Fisheries #iwd22 #welshseafood #bwydmorcymru

Other Clwstwr Bwyd Môr Cymru / Wales Seafood Cluster videos

Dyma gerdd a ysgrifennwyd gan un o aelodau'r grŵp Merched mewn Pysgodfeydd yn arbennig ar gyfer #DiwrnodRhyngwladolyMerched ac mae'n rhaid i ni ei rannu gyda chi. Diolch i bawb am gymryd rhan ac yn arbennig i Lesley Griffiths Llywodraeth Cymru! // Here's a poem that has been written by a member of the Women in Welsh Fisheries group especially for #InternationalWomensDay and we just have to share it with you! Thank you to everyone who took part, and to Lesley Griffiths from Welsh Government. UK Women in Fisheries #iwd22 #welshseafood #bwydmorcymru

#DiwrnodRhyngwladolyMerched Hapus i chi gyd ferched sydd ynghlwm a'r diwydiant yng Nghymru!! Rydych i gyd yn hollol anhygoel!! #ChwaluRhagfarn Dyma Jane Roach, aelod o'r grwp Women in Welsh Fisheries yn trafod sut aeth ati i sefydlu ei busnes bwyd môr gyda chefnogaeth Cywain // Happy #InternationalWomensDay to all the women who work within the industry in Wales! you are all absolutely amazing! #BreaktheBias Here's Jane Roche, one of the founding members of the @womeninwelshfisheries group discussing how she set up her #seafood business with #Cywain support. #welshseafood #bwydmorcymru UK Women in Fisheries #thisgirlcan

Ydych chi yn berchennog busnes bwyd môr yng Nghymru ac yn ystyried cymeryd rhywyn ymlaen fel prentis ond ddim yn siwr o beth fyddai hyn yn ei olygu? Dyma aelod o'r Clwstwr bwyd Môr John Penaluna i rannu ei brofiadau o o gyflogi prentisiaid. // Are you a Welsh Seafood business considering taking on an Apprentice but not sure what it would involve? Here's a Seafood Cluster member John Penaluna of Penaluna's Famous Fish & Chips to give a bit of insight into what it is like to be an employer within the Apprenticeship process. #NAW22 #Apprenticeship #WelshSeafood #WomeninWelshFisheries Women in Welsh Fisheries #Careers #gyrfaoedd #Bwydmorcymru #prentisiaethau #wythnoscenedlaetholprentisiaethau22 Seafood Training Network Wales Cywain