Get It Done Club

connect - co-work - collaborate

Work With Me — GET **IT DONE CLUB 08/12/2023

Are you looking forward to 2024? Are you clear on what lies ahead? And where you want your business to be in six months time?

The six months GET **IT DONE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME is for female entrepreneurs like yourself, to get their s**t done and take their business to the next level:

💰 optimise your mindset for a healthy and wealthy business

🔎 gain clarity around what’s important to you

🧹 prioritize what matters most, and filter out what’s just clutter

📈 get to work - with me as your accountability partner

The GET **IT DONE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME begins in January and is limited to ten spaces (four left!)

Find out more here:

Work With Me — GET **IT DONE CLUB Let’s CollabOrate When you work with me, you set an intention to show up for yourself, and your business. Together, we get s**t done. QUICKFIRE CLARITY CALL 30 minutes to shake things up, shift your mindset and de-clutter the distractions. VALUES & VISION SESSION Are you clear on your values, pers...



What’s going on your lists this week?


"I’ve always written something.. Sometimes poems, sometimes blogs and journal entries, writing allows you to be free. To express your thoughts. To brain dump what you’re thinking. To be creative. To be vulnerable. To inspire. To encourage. "


Thank you so much to Tracey Dawson from TraceyDCopy for sharing your story of Daring To Dream - From Tutor To Copywriter.

Read the full story, and submit your own, here:

Photos from Get It Done Club's post 02/12/2023

Shining a light on my fellow business owners this month at GET **IT DONE CLUB ⭐️

Sarah White is a branding and visibility mentor for business owners who absolutely love what they do, but don’t love shouting about it!

Sarah helps you to better understand the unique value that you offer, and build your confidence in communicating this with your potential customers in ways that feel right for you.

Believing that branding should come from within, Sarah enables you to connect with the right people, just by being true to yourself.

Sarah can support you with 1-1 or group mentoring, also offers brand photography, and has recently created a membership community to support and bring together like minded business people who are working to grow your visibility.

If you’d like to chat to Sarah about how she could help you to create a compelling brand identity and get confident about sharing your value with the world, then book yourself a call!


What do you love most about the work you do?

For me, it’s about the sense of purpose I get, and the responsibility of really helping the people who I work with, that makes me feel like I am having an impact.

At times, living with PMDD can make me feel helpless, and pretty small. Doing the work I do, is me taking the power back 💛

Photos from Get It Done Club's post 29/11/2023

Join us for a festive morning of connection, co-working and collaboration at GET **IT DONE CLUB!

Happening on December 6th, GET **IT DONE CLUB provides the perfect opportunity to meet other people in business while getting to work on your to-do list (and enjoying fabulous coffee, cake and festive treats).

Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or simply someone looking to boost their motivation, this event is for you!

Throughout the morning, you'll have the chance to connect and network with other attendees, sharing ideas and experiences. Engage in meaningful conversations, make valuable connections, and foster collaborations that can take your projects to the next level.

With a relaxed and informal setting, GET **IT DONE CLUB encourages you to bring your authentic self and embrace the power of community. Leave procrastination behind and dive into a morning dedicated to accomplishing your goals.

We can't wait to see you there!


The GET **IT DONE Business Development Programme starts in January - wahh!!

Four spaces left for what's set to be a bloody amazing six months of business growth and getting **it done!

Find out more here:


I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.

When I was little I thought I should be a hairdresser, and as I got older I thought I belonged in an office. And now, although I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, I do know that I don’t belong in an office, and I certainly shouldn’t be responsible for cutting anyone's hair.

A lot of people who I know in business talk about five-year plans, yet I don't know what I want to work on in 2024, never mind 2029! And do you know what? That's okay. I have a vision of supporting women. That's it. Hormones, mindset & business. What will that look like in five years? I'm not sure, and that's absolutely fine.

The best advice I ever got in business, was that actually, you don't need to have it all figured out.

What's the best advice you ever got about business?



Togetherness is such an important value to me (I think it's from my days of facilitating at Weight Watchers 🥹). Nothing makes me happier than having a room full of women, come together to support each other while working on themselves.

We rise by lifting others, and that is exactly what happens at GET **IT DONE CLUB.

Have you been to one of my events yet? Come along on December 6th - we would love to meet you!

Get your ticket here:


How can you get your s**t done if it’s all in a muddle?

Book a 30 minute Quickfire Clarity Call with me to shake things up, shift your mindset and de-clutter the distractions 💎


"Slowly but surely, I realised that I couldn't be everything to everyone all of the time."


Thank you so much to Amanda from Resolva Solutions for sharing your story of "How to quit your life and still end up smiling".

Read the full story, and submit your own, here:


As GET **IT DONE CLUB continues to grow, I’m so happy to be able to shine a light on other business owners!

In December we’ll be featuring three businesses - , and 🙌🏼

Louisa Hollingsworth aka Your Business Bee 🐝 is a Virtual Assistant and Digital Organiser. If you've ever watched Stacey Solomon's 'Sort Your Life Out', then just think of Louisa as the Stacey Solomon of the digital world! (Except there's no warehouses involved 😉)

So what can she do for you? Quite literally, Louisa helps you get **it done! Whether it's creating digital assets, scheduling posts and emails, helping you create a course, or just helping you with day to day admin, she's got you covered!

With a natural flair for organisation, and a knack for seeing the bigger picture, she specialises in helping businesses run more efficiently. So if you think you'd benefit from some better organisation in your business, or having some simple systems in place (which usually results in giving you back more time), then Louisa might be just what you're looking for!

And it's not just about business, Louisa is a pro at helping people get on top of their 'life admin' too - so if you're drowning in school app notifications and never seem to be on top of your calendar then she's got some good tips and tricks up her sleeve for that!

If you're curious as to how she can help, then Louisa offers an introductory "Buzz Session 🐝" for just £49. This is your opportunity to share your main struggles when it comes to organisation and systems in your business, and Louisa will provide you with tips and advice tailored specifically to you and your business.

It's your hive, your rules. So you get to decide whether to implement the plan yourself or invite Louisa to take your business to new heights. 🌟

DECEMBER Meet Up — GET **IT DONE CLUB 21/11/2023

My final GET **IT DONE CLUB co-working & networking event of the year is almost here!

If you’ve never been to GET **IT DONE CLUB before, we’re an anti-stuffy, informal networking event for busy people in business, who are wanting to connect with others but struggling to find the time to do it all (and enjoying fabulous coffee, cake and festive treats!).

Come along to a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in North Light, Chester, where there'll be opportunities to connect and network, plus time to get working on projects of yours that keep taking a back seat.

GET **IT DONE CLUB is for you if you:

• are self-employed, a small business owner or part of a larger company

• are new to networking or find some networking events to be too intense or high-pressure

• struggle to find the time to network while having a never-ending to do list.


• focus on people first and business later - how can you promote you and your business if you’re not feeling your best? So “come as you are” and be yourself.

• are anti-stuffy and totally relaxed. 60 second pitches and speed networking aren’t really our thing (though that’s cool if it’s yours!) So do bring your business cards, but don’t feel like you need to be ready to stand up and wow a crowd.

• get **it done! With co-working time built into the event, you’ll go away feeling productive and like you’ve had time well spent.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Sign up here:

DECEMBER Meet Up — GET **IT DONE CLUB Join us for a festive morning of connection, collaboration and productivity at GET **IT DONE CLUB! Happening on December 6th, GET **IT DONE CLUB provides the perfect opportunity to meet other women in business while getting to work on your to-do list (and enjoying fabulous coffee, cake and festiv


"I am happy to say my health is good, I still need to work at it (some weeks are tough) but I know my limitations and I am very in tune with what my body needs."

I wonder how many other people in this group do the work that they do because they were inspired by personal circumstances or ill health? I definitely am, and I'm so grateful to Rachel for sharing her story of living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and setting up her own business!

You can read Rachel's blog, and submit your own story here:


Our next co-working and networking event is happening on December 6th!

A totally relaxed and informal gathering of like minded business owners, in the beautiful ⭐️

Coffee, cake and festive treats await (plus a raffle with some bloody amazing prizes!)

Get your ticket here:

📷 Ali Ford
Tent cards Miss’Chief Creative Studio



Our next event on December 6th is creeping closer!

So let’s talk fundraising! GET **IT DONE CLUB will be raising money for KidsBank, and what better way to do this than with a good old fashioned raffle - another great opportunity to share our services and products!

Do you have a prize you can donate?



Our next event on December 6th is creeping closer!

So let’s talk fundraising! GET **IT DONE CLUB will be raising money for KidsBank, and what better way to do this than with a good old fashioned raffle - another great opportunity to share our services and products!

Do you have a prize you can donate?


Do you have KPIs in your business?

I never used to, but on recent reflection, I have realised that to have a thriving and sustainable business, KPIs are vital!

A KPI (key performance indicator) is a way of measuring and quantifying your business performance or outcomes over time, to help you build and grow.

Example of KPIs could include:

💰 sales - of a particular service or product

💳 retention of customers - particularly important for those with group memberships

🙋🏼‍♀️ customer enrollment - how many of your customers are repeat customers, and how many are new?

⏳ time - how many hours you are putting in to your business

👩🏼‍💻 website conversions - how many people are visiting your website, and then investing in your services or products?

There are so many more, and your KPIs will be unique to what is most important to you, your business and your industry.

Share yours below ⬇️

I am exactly where I am meant to be — GET **IT DONE CLUB 14/11/2023

I wrote a blog!

I don’t think I’ve ever written a blog in my life, but how can I have a blog on my website for guest-writers, and not include my own story?!

Here’s a snippet:

“I knew my heart was in coaching, but could I be self-employed as a coach? Would people actually pay me? I no longer had a global company to hide behind, and it was time to put my big girl pants on.

Have you ever heard the quote “What if I fall?” “Oh but darling, what If you fly?” from the poem by Erin Hanson? Well, that was me! From the redundancy, I already felt like I had been pushed, so it was a case of fall or fly - I chose to fly…”

Read in full here:

I am exactly where I am meant to be — GET **IT DONE CLUB Have you ever felt like everything you have done has been leading up to this moment? For so long, I floundered through my “career”, trying out different roles that were all the same, but different.


I see you. Working away, getting a little buzz when your Stripe app lights up, and outwardly embracing the flexibility of being your own boss whilst also being distracted from family time while you respond to emails.

I see you. Asking, “can I really do that?” when the self-doubt creeps in, having that sinking feeling when you see a similar offering to yours on your social media feed, and feeling lonely, whilst also loving that you get to work for yourself and by yourself.

I see you. Trying to make it all work out., encountering tiny roadblocks that actually feel like huge obstacles, and not knowing what your next step will be.

What if, instead of feeling like you don’t belong here, like you just got lucky, or like you’ll finally be able to call yourself successful when you do X, Y or Z, you stand in your strength, knowing you are absolutely where you need to be?


Just the best feeling to receive this feedback!

Are you clear on your values and vision for your business? No? I can help!

Your values are your superpower! Use them to filter out the clutter, say no to what isn’t aligned and open up space for amazing opportunities.🌈

Comment VISION if you want to get crystal clear clarity for 2024, or book your session here:


“When you start to listen to fear, kindly and compassionately, you can understand what it wants to protect you from and make a decision about whether you agree with it. From there, the fog can lift and help you see your next steps…”

Did you catch the latest GET **TI DONE BLOG by Jess Breathe Easy EFT & Wellbeing, who shares her insights of being a new business owner? It’s such a good un!

Read the blog, and submit your own story, here:

Small changes are the biggest changes — GET **IT DONE CLUB 04/11/2023

"I decided to quit my job, take on a part-time job where I wasn’t always bringing work home, and I followed my love for the health and wellness industry and decided to run a business from home."

As a self-employed Mama, who always felt like the 9-5 wasn't for me, Lacking's story resonated with me so much!

Read Jo's story, as well as her top tips for a healthy gut, here:

Small changes are the biggest changes — GET **IT DONE CLUB I didn’t want to go back to my corporate job, I desperately just wanted to be around my little girl…


The GET **IT DONE CO-WORKING RETREAT has now officially sold out, and I can't bloody wait to welcome in the amazing bunch of inspiring women next week!

Stay up to date with other upcoming events here:


Time to prioritise you?

Have you been thinking about having mindset coaching, or are you in need amid some accountability?

Together We Rise combines elements of 1:1 Coaching and group accountability and support, and is an online community and interactive space for people who:

• struggle to prioritize themselves
• feel lost, overwhelmed or stuck-in-a-rut
• know it’s time to make some changes

We’re a small (but growing!) collective of women who show up for ourselves in a space with other people who understand, where you can come as you are and work on what really matters to you.

What you get each month:

• 1 x 30-minute 1:1 coaching session with me each month
• Regular group Intention Setting Sessions with our small but mighty online community (2-3 times monthly across various days and times to accommodate different working patterns and time zones
• Masterclasses and workshops relevant to YOU
• Access to members-only online community

The monthly cost of Together We Rise is just £35 a month, plus you can come and go as you choose, with no contracts or anything like that 😇

Interested? Drop me a message or find out more here:


Join us for a festive morning of connection, co-working and collaboration at GET **IT DONE CLUB! Happening on December 6th, GET **IT DONE CLUB provides the perfect opportunity to meet other women in business while getting to work on your to-do list (and enjoying fabulous coffee, cake and festive treats).

Located in Northgate Street, Chester, North Light provides a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere to stimulate your productivity. Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or simply someone looking to boost their motivation, this event is for you!

Throughout the morning, you'll have the chance to connect and network with other attendees, sharing ideas and experiences. Engage in meaningful conversations, make valuable connections, and foster collaborations that can take your projects to the next level.

With a relaxed and informal setting, GET **IT DONE CLUB encourages you to bring your authentic self and embrace the power of community. Leave procrastination behind and dive into a morning dedicated to accomplishing your goals.

We can't wait to see you there! Get your ticket here:


More details about my new business coaching programme coming soon... DM me to register your interest now 💡



Being self-employed or a business owner doesn't mean having to work alone - in fact, one of the things I love most is that I get to choose the people I surround myself with and have the best collaborations!

Are you looking for your people? Join us at GET **IT DONE CLUB, on December 6th - get your ticket here:

GET **IT DONE BLOG 21/10/2023

Do you have a story to share?

Writing a guest blog is a great way to get visible to new audiences ⭐️

Appear on my guest blog by completing this form:

GET **IT DONE BLOG Please click the link to complete this form.


Just 2️⃣ spaces left for my co-working retreat happening next month - I’d love to be able to say my first retreat has sold out!

Join us for a day of connecting, co-working, and collaboration at the beautiful and super cool, Outside Lives, Mold. Outside Lives is a wonderful, sustainable site, with a focus on creating meaningful, and purposeful activities that help to strengthen relationships and form networks.

This retreat with a twist has been designed to support you AND your business - maximising the efficiency of your work time, whilst also enhancing your personal well-being and development.

As well as focused co-working time and activities that will inspire and motivate, we will also be treated to forest bathing with Fleur from Nature Escapes, and a delicious vegan lunch, with drinks and refreshments available throughout the day.

This event is perfect for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and anyone looking to boost their motivation!

PLUS! Come to GET **IT DONE CLUB with total clarity about where your business is going. Add on a 30 minute 1:1 pre-work & strategy meeting with me before the day.

Find out more here


Everything changed for me when I got clear on my values.

I was able to use my values to filter out the clutter, say no to what wasn’t aligned and open up space for amazing opportunities, which are coming my way in abundance ⭐️

Are you clear on your values, personally and professionally?

If the answer is no, then I can help!

DM me and let’s get your £35 Values & Vision Session booked in now!


This week is all about getting my **it done!

Okay Monday, let’s do this!


Did you know… when I’m not getting **it done, I’m a hormone & mindset coach - I offer 1:1 coaching and have a group membership called Together We Rise, and I also do in-person wellbeing events ⭐️

I’ve worked with women in well-being for nearly ten years! But this year I’ve realised just what a power house I actually am! I set myself a little goal in January to do an online workshop and after completing that by Jan 3rd, I went on to create my membership (with regular online sessions and masterclasses), run in person vision board workshops, and then set up GET **IT DONE CLUB!

All of this has led to me reaching more people and creating a bigger impact 👊🏻

So my lesson, if you like, is to not underestimate myself, and to start aiming higher ⬆️ and 2024 is already starting to look a bit juicy!!

What would you say is your 2023 powerhouse lesson?



Superstar Adele Hughes 💚

I love Laura Teare-Jones , both her and her Get It Done Club are great 😄. We had another brilliant meeting at North Light Chester with so many awesome business women. I had proper photos taken for my business too by Ali Ford.

Yesterday I supported 7 business in and it felt great 🙂. I thought I'd show you my face as you don't see it often on here 😄😆😉. About time I practiced what I teach don't you think 😊.


T H I S W E E K!

Join us for a morning of connection, co-working and collaboration at GET **IT DONE CLUB!

Happening on Wednesday, October 4th, GET **IT DONE CLUB provides the perfect opportunity to meet other women in business while getting to work on your to-do list (and enjoying fabulous coffee and cake).

Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or someone simply looking to boost their motivation, this event is for you! Bring your laptop, ideas, and to-do list - we'll provide the rest.

PLUS! Take advantage of our mini brand shoot with Ali Ford, who will capture beautiful, professional photos to enhance your personal or business brand (includes mini photo shoot at North Light, and one image with options to add extras).

Throughout the morning, you'll have the chance to connect and network with other attendees, sharing ideas and experiences.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, co-work, collaborate, and capture amazing brand photos.

We can't wait to see you there!

Find out more here:


Time to say goodbye to September, and look forward to October (and the last few months of the year)!

What's been your proudest moment of 2023 so far?

Want your business to be the top-listed Business in Chester?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

When I get an idea in my head… I REALLY get an an idea 💡The GET **IT DONE planner is for the busy entrepreneur, the powe...
I’m so excited to share with you… The GET **IT DONE CLUB Co-working Retreat!Join us for a day of connecting, co-working,...


North Light

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