Find political candidates in Chesterfield. Listings include Frank Adlington-Stringer, Ben Flook, Dan Price for Chesterfield Reform UK, Lud Ramsey - Labour for Spire Ward - Chesterfield, Cllr. Stuart Yates - Staveley South, Dave Allen for Birdholme.
Green Party of England and Wales Councillor 💚 Vegan 🌱 (he/him) 🇵🇸
Prospective Conservative MP for Chesterfield. Promoted by Ben Flook, Coney Green Business Centre, S45 9JW.
Promoted by and on behalf of Dan Price REFORM UK PPC, 83 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HW
This is the page for Lud Ramsey, Labour candidate for the Spire Ward, Chesterfield for the
Councillor for Staveley South Committed to representing you, to be reachable, active and attentive.