Core Coaching, Chichester Videos

Videos by Core Coaching in Chichester. Core Coaching is health & wellbeing the Scandinavian way! Keeping it simple, down to earth and accessible. Supporting you navigate the confusing and overwhelming world of healthy living through movement, mindset and lifestyle changes

Earlier in the week I posted the lovely ‘door frame’ exercises for the upper body. Today we’re taking it outdoors 🌳. Tricep dips and press ups are a great way to create that perfect combo of stretch and strength (perfect antidote to office work). Find a bench, wall, branch etc on your daily walk🚶‍♀️and do a as many repetitions as you want depending on what you goal is. This little routine only takes 40sec, I’m sure you can find the time for that 🤗

💪🏿For the tricep dips, experiment with where you keep your feet, the further away, the more challenging.
- The key with this one is that you keep your elbows parallel and pointing back (they’ll want to pop out to the side). Imagine magnets between the inside of the elbows pulling them together
- Also make sure that you roll your shoulders back, keep your chest open and don’t let the shoulders lift to your ears.
- Don’t worry about how deep you go, stop before your chin pokes forward

💪🏿For the press-ups, go with wide hands, that way you’ll get a better chest stretch:
- Keep your head in line with the spine
- Keep your spine in one long line, the movement is coming from the elbows
- Don’t worry about how deep you go but stop before your shoulders collapse or the chin drops to the floor
- Hinge at the hips if it’s too much

💪🏿 For the upper body stretch at the end (this is my favourite!):
- Put your hands on the wall, keep your arms straight (bend the elbows slightly if it feels too much) and drop your chest “through” the arms towards the ground
- Keep the legs straight if you want to get a stretch of the back of the legs too, or bend them to focus more on the upper body.


#upperbodyworkous #dailywalks #thefootcollective #walkinguk #walkingthedogs #theworldisyourgym #playingwithmovment #naturalmovement #movnat #fitforlife #movementsnacks #dailyhabits #healthyhabitsforlife #moveyourbodyeveryday #feelbetterlivemore #fitinmy40s #womensh

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Earlier in the week I posted the lovely ‘door frame’ exercises for the upper body. Today we’re taking it outdoors 🌳. Tricep dips and press ups are a great way to create that perfect combo of stretch and strength (perfect antidote to office work). Find a bench, wall, branch etc on your daily walk🚶‍♀️and do a as many repetitions as you want depending on what you goal is. This little routine only takes 40sec, I’m sure you can find the time for that 🤗 💪🏿For the tricep dips, experiment with where you keep your feet, the further away, the more challenging. - The key with this one is that you keep your elbows parallel and pointing back (they’ll want to pop out to the side). Imagine magnets between the inside of the elbows pulling them together - Also make sure that you roll your shoulders back, keep your chest open and don’t let the shoulders lift to your ears. - Don’t worry about how deep you go, stop before your chin pokes forward 💪🏿For the press-ups, go with wide hands, that way you’ll get a better chest stretch: - Keep your head in line with the spine - Keep your spine in one long line, the movement is coming from the elbows - Don’t worry about how deep you go but stop before your shoulders collapse or the chin drops to the floor - Hinge at the hips if it’s too much 💪🏿 For the upper body stretch at the end (this is my favourite!): - Put your hands on the wall, keep your arms straight (bend the elbows slightly if it feels too much) and drop your chest “through” the arms towards the ground - Keep the legs straight if you want to get a stretch of the back of the legs too, or bend them to focus more on the upper body. #happyfridayeveryone #upperbodyworkous #dailywalks #thefootcollective #walkinguk #walkingthedogs #theworldisyourgym #playingwithmovment #naturalmovement #movnat #fitforlife #movementsnacks #dailyhabits #healthyhabitsforlife #moveyourbodyeveryday #feelbetterlivemore #fitinmy40s #womensh

Get the computer out of your upper body 👩‍💻! We’ve been working on opening the chest & shoulders this week as part of our overall theme of reducing the negative impact of too much office work/sitting 🪑. The image of the Tyrannosaurus Rex 🦖 comes to mind, the great “king” with the ridiculously small “arms” 🤣 There’s no doubt that keeping the elbows bent and arms in front for hours on the computer every day can create havoc with your shoulders, chest, position of your head, your spine, your ability to breath properly and overall alignment 😣 So take frequent breaks (movement snacks!) to stretch and move the upper body, even if all you do is stretch the arms to the ceiling (bonus points if you get out of your chair!) 🏆 The door frame is a great prop to use for upper body work. It’s available to everyone and it gives you tactile feedback with regards to which parts of your body you’re actually moving and if you start to associate the door frame with stretches and upper body movement it will serve as a prop to remind you to move (more!). 🚪 Bring the back of your pelvis, ribs and head to the inside of the door frame (focus on the pelvis and ribs first, only bring the head back if you can do so without moving your ribs or spine) 🚪Keep all those bony parts glued to the door frame as you move your arms in circles, scissors, open in a T and Angle wings 🚪Stay relaxed as you move your arms, keep your shoulders soft and don’t force anything. Notice if your elbows are bending or ribs are thrusting to allow you to move your arms (this would indicate very tight shoulders and/or chest) How good does that feel?! You’re welcome 🤗 #deskbound #neckandshoulderpain #cheststretch #movementsnacks #shoulderstretch #movemoreathome #movemorelivemore #upperbodyworkout #makeiteasy #injuryprevention #injuryrehab #mobilitytraining #mobilityexercises #movnat #nutritiousmovement #painfree #fitforlife #naturalmovement #theworldisyourgym #

The stronger you are the longer you live! 💪🏻 Strength is important, really important. Age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia, is a natural part of ageing. After the age of 30, you begin to lose as much as 3-5% per decade. This accelerates from the age of 50. Why does this matter? The short and sweet of it is that the stronger you are the longer you live. So, if you are 30+ it’s time to focus on your strength! Further benefits of strength training are: 💪🏻reversed ageing 💪🏻better insulin sensitivity 💪🏻reduced risk of type 2 diabetes 💪🏻improved brain health 💪🏻reduced risk of osteoporosis 💪🏻reduced stress & anxiety As always, I prefer to do my workout as part of something else that I’m doing, like my daily dog walk. Press-ups are great for strengthening your upper body and stretching your chest. You don’t need a tree, a wall, a worktop, back of a sofa, a desk or the floor are all perfect for a few press-ups. It’s doesn’t have be perfect, just do it! No need to add weights for strength training if you don’t want to, your own body weight is plenty! #dailywalks #thefootcollective #barefootgirl #walkinguk #walkingthedogs #theworldisyourgym #playingwithmovment #naturalmovement #movnat #fitforlife #movementsnacks #functionaltraining #dailyhabits #healthyhabitsforlife #strongandhealthy #moveyourbodyeveryday #functionaltraining #feelbetterlivemore #mixitup #playmore #fitinmy40s #stressmanagementtips #managingstress #stressreduction #cardiovascularhealth #strongwomenrock #feelbetterlivemore #womenshealthmatters #pressups #livelonger

Feeling sluggish and a bit lethargic..? Even just a few seconds of movement can create a burst of energy and get the blood pumping 🩸 Prolonged sitting is harmful, even if you meet the recommenced daily activity levels. So break up your day with lost of little ‘movement snacks’. Be creative, have fun and try to move as many parts of your body as possible. How many steps can you take in one go..? #movementsnacks #getcreativeathome #movemorelivemore #movemoreathome #movementmatters #barefootgirl #bosham #moveyourdna #nutritiousmovement #feelbetterlivemore #theworldisyourgym #playingwithmovement #fitinmy40s #cardiovascularhealth #dailyhabits #movnat #wholebodyworkout #wholebodyhealth #moveyourbodyeveryday #naturallyfit #healthyhabitsforlife #naturalmovement #creatinghealthyhabits #strongandflexible #strongandhealthy #healthmadesimple #scandinavianlifestyle #ukhealthcoaches #pilatesforeverybody

Another dog walk 🐶 another tree! 🌲 Did you know that hanging, swinging and pulling are all really great ways of challenging your core in different ways (as well as strengthening your wrists, shoulders, arms, and back!)? You probably know that you need variety when it comes to your diet and it’s the same for your movement practice. Mix it up as much as possible, be creative and don’t forget to have fun 😄 Happy Friday! 🥳 #coreexercise #movewithease #movewellmoreoften #wholebodyhealth #backstrength #walkingthedogs #becreativeeveryday #painfreeliving #barefootshoes #physicalhealthawareness #ukhealthcoaches #movemorelivemore #strongandhealthy #playingwithmovement #mindbodyconnect #movementsnacks #movemoreathome #healthyhabitsforlife #moveyourbodyeveryday #movnat #breathingexercise #breathingtechniques #nutritiousmovement #naturalmovement #theworldisyourgym #barefootgirl #dailywalks #wholehealth #upperbodystrength #fitinmy40s

Another dog walk 🐶 another tree! 🌲 Did you know that hanging, swinging and pulling are all really great ways of challenging your core in different ways (as well as strengthening your wrists, shoulders, arms, and back!). You probably know that you need variety when it comes to your diet and it’s the same for your movement practice. Mix it up as much as possible, be creative and don’t forget to have fun 😄 Happy Friday! 🥳 #coreexercise #movewithease #movewellmoreoften #wholebodyhealth #backstrength #walkingthedogs #becreativeeveryday #painfreeliving #barefootshoes #physicalhealthawareness #ukhealthcoaches #movemorelivemore #strongandhealthy #playingwithmovement #mindbodyconnect #movementsnacks #movemoreathome #healthyhabitsforlife #moveyourbodyeveryday #movnat #breathingexercise #breathingtechniques #nutritiousmovement #naturalmovement #theworldisyourgym #barefootgirl #dailywalks #wholehealth #upperbodystrength #fitinmy40s

Another one to add to your daily walk! Sprinting is great for those cold ❄️days when you want to warm up and get the juices flowing. As with most of the exercise/movement that I do, it’s not very structured and I don’t measure the distance or count the reps. To me, it has to be spontaneous or it takes the fun out of it 😁. I just see a long, relatively even surface and off I go. I run as fast as I can until I can’t anymore and then I might repeat that a few times during a walk. That’s it, no need to join a HIIT class or make it any more fancy. It’s simple, it’s easy and it’s effective. Sprinting makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary perspective. A long time ago we needed to hunt or run for our lives to survive. These days our most stressful events tend to involve emails/colleagues/bills etc. Both hunting/running for your life and coping with modern challenges are stressful events for your body. The difference is that sprinting allows your body to complete the stress cycle (stress is physical!) whilst with the modern stress stays in your body and accumulates (unless you do something about it, in addition to removing the stressor). A few of the other benefits of adding sprinting to your movement practice: 🏃‍♀️it encourages you to burn fat and build muscle 🏃‍♀️it’s very time efficient 🏃‍♀️it improves your cardiovascular health 🏃‍♀️it improves metabolism 🏃‍♀️it helps to control blood sugar levels 🏃‍♀️it release endorphins (feel good hormone) You don’t have to be super fast, just fast for you! How often do I do it, maybe once a week? It depends on how I feel really! Tempted..? #dailywalks #thefootcollective #sprinting #barefootrunning #thisgirlcanrun #barefootgirl #walkinguk #walkingthedogs #theworldisyourgym #playingwithmovment #naturalmovement #movnat #fitforlife #movementsnacks #functionaltraining #dailyhabits #healthyhabitsforlife #strongandhealthy #moveyourbodyeveryday #functiona

Do you suck your stomach in..? 🤢 There are lots of reasons why you might be walking around with your stomach sucked in most of the day. Are you stressed? Is it related to your self-worth? We’ve become conditioned to value and aspire to flat stomachs. Is it because you’ve been told to pull your belly button in to create the appearance of “good posture”? Or are you under the impression that you need to pull your stomach in to protect you spine? There are a few problems with pulling in all the time. It might contribute to back problems, breathing problems, pelvic floor issues, hernias and ultimately it weakens your core. 😣 For muscles to be strong they have to be able to contract and release (think of a catapult which is pulled and then released for maximum power). If muscles are constantly contracted they lose their ability to express their full range and they some of their power is lost. Pulling in also prevents movement by creating stiffness and rigidity, the very opposite of what creates a strong core. Lack of mobility can also contribute to back pain. So if you want a strong, functional core, why not try to release the muscles first? Your core will anticipate when it needs to switch on, no need to do so consciously (unless you’re very unconditioned and just about to lift or push something really heavy). 1️⃣On your hands and knees, relax your spine (make sure the pelvis isn’t tucked) 2️⃣Breathe in and let the tummy relax toward the floor (let gravity help you). Feel like you’re stretching the skin of your stomach 3️⃣As you breath out, pull everything back in. This will happen naturally if you exhale fully (beyond a normal exhale). Don’t let the spine move 4️⃣Finish up by allowing the spine to move in a cat stretch Harder than it looks..?! #coreexercise #movewellmoreoften #wholebodyhealth #wholebodywellness #backpainexercises #backpainrelief #pilatesforeverybody #painfreeliving #physicalhealthmatters #physicalhealthaware

Balancing! Another fun thing to add to your daily walk! 🌳 Kids enjoy this too (once they get over the embarrassment and the “no ones else’s parents do this!” awkwardness). 😬 You get a lot of value for money with balancing exercises. Great for coordination, strength, ankle and foot mobility (balancing barefoot is a bonus) 🦶 fall prevention, confidence and more. Balance is the foundation of all your movement. We’re constantly balancing our body weight in relation to gravity ⚖️(the more you move the more you challenge you balance so, step away from the chair 🪑...) Did you know that balancing is also a great way of strengthening your core? Your deeper core acts as your body’s inner stabiliser, it’s constantly responding and adapting to the loads put on your body. These muscles are deeper than the muscles that create the “ripped” look and can help to provide stability for the spine. So if you have any back problems, try introducing some more balance into your day. 🤸‍♀️ The opportunities are endless on your walk; branches, walls, pavements (where it’s safe), rocks, benches etc. Be creative, moving your body should be fun! 😀 #naturalmovement #functionaltraining #strengthbuilding #deskbound #movnat #mixitup #movementmatters #movementpractice #funtionalfitness #feelbetterlivemore #dailyhabits #injuryprevention #fitforlife #movementsnacks #fitforlife #nutritiousmovement #playingwithmovement #theworldisyourgym #coreexercise #movewithease #movewellmoreoften #strongandhealthy #moveyourbodyeveryday #pelvicfloorexercies #pelvicfloorhealth #bonestrength #healthyhabitsforlife #fitinmy40s #betterbalance #fallprevention

Sound needed 👂! Just as certain sounds like sirens, arguments, children crying can make you stressed. Other sounds like birds tweeting or waves can bring a sense of peace ✌🏽 and quiet 🤫. I love the sound and sight of running water, I find it really mesmerising 😍 I always used to listen to podcasts when I was out for my morning walk but I actually find that without any distractions I’m becoming much more aware and present of the nature around me. And, connecting with nature is what grounds me and keeps me sane through these rather challenging times...! What’s your favourite sounds, sight or smell in nature!? 🌲 #walkingforhealth #natureforsoul #wholebodyhealth #wholebodywellness #mindbodyconnection #moveyourbodyeveryday #feelbetterlivemore #naturalmovement #dailyselfcare #dailyhabits #walkingformentalhealth #connectingwithnature #connectwithyourself #holistichealthpractitioner #holistichealthandwellness #bosham #betterhealth #lookafteryourbody #healthcoaching #mindfulmoments #beingmindful #peaceandquiet #naturehealsthesoul #physicalandmentalhealth #yourthoughtscreateyourreality #nlpcoaching #dailyhabit #avoidburnout #breathedeeply

Movement Snacks! Maybe not surprising but still very upsetting news of another lockdown 😢 No doubt you’ll be bombarded with messages that exercise is important. Just remember that what you need is MOVEMENT and exercise can be part of your movement practice but it doesn’t have to be if the idea of exercise fills you with dread. It is important to move your body though (often, at low pace is perfect, like walking 🚶‍♀️) not just for your physical health but it has a HUGE impact on your mental health too 🧠 This side roll on the floor is a great way to stretch and move the whole body and it’s a great way to literally ground yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed. What’s your favourite way to move that isn’t “exercise”? #coreexercise #movewithease #movewellmoreoften #wholebodyhealth #wholebodywellness #backpainexercises #backpainrelief #pilatesforeverybody #pilatesathome #painfreeliving #physicalhealthmatters #physicalhealthawareness #painfreemovements #movemorelivemore #backpainsolution #strongandhealthy #playingwithmovement #mindbodyconnect #wholebodyhealth #movementsnacks #movemoreathome #healthyhabitsforlife #moveyourbodyeveryday #movnat #breathingexercise #breathingtechniques #nutritiousmovement #naturalmovement #theworldisyourgym

Connect with your core 🤩 I’m just planning the next block of classes starting next week and as requested I will focus on “the core”. The core is a hotly debated topic in the health and fitness world, and to be honest, I think people can get a little obsessed with it (normally because they equate a strong core with a flat stomach). So as usual, I’ll be coming from a slightly different angle on this topic. When you think of core exercises you might think of ab crunches and planks but there’s much more to the core than your stomach. We’ll be working the whole area between your ribs and the hips (yes, that includes the back) in lots of different ways that are relevant to what you might need a strong core for in your everyday life (or other sports🥎). We’ll also focus on the breath 🌬as that’s a huge part of a well functioning core. There’s no point having a 6-pack if you can’t breathe properly! Really though, nearly every exercise is a core exercise, you can’t not use the middle of your body. However, we’ll be getting a bit more specific and as always, mobility is just as important as strength. The middle of the body is often very stiff from lack of movement and this can contribute to low back pain. So watch out for tips on how to connect with your core over the next few weeks and if you’re interested in coming to any of my online classes get in touch on [email protected]. Also please share my posts with anyone who might find it helpful 🤗 To get you started, find a branch or bar to hang off and twist your body. If you're happy to lift the legs, bring your knees to your chest. And make sure you keep breathing! #coreexercise #movewithease #movewellmoreoften #wholebodyhealth #wholebodywellness #backpainexercises #backpainrelief #pilatesforeverybody #pilatesathome #painfreeliving #physicalhealthmatters #physicalhealthawareness #painfreemovements #movemorelivemore #backpainsolution #strongandhealthy #playingwithmovement

How do you move well when you feel tight, tense or are in pain? One way of moving with more ease is to improve your proprioception (knowing where you are in space, like being able to touch your nose 👃 with your eyes closed!). This is hugely important to the brain 🧠 and plays a big role in co-ordination, balance, body awareness, posture etc An easy way to improve proprioception is with the help of touch. Try this easy exercise: 1) Stand or sit, take your right hand on the left trapezius (big muscle from the shoulder to the neck), inhale to squeeze the muscle like a sponge as you lift the shoulder. Exhale release the shoulder and feel the weight of the arm as the muscles relax. Repeat x 3 2) Then squeeze, lift and hold, look left to right a few times 3) As above but this time nod your head front to back 4) This time squeeze, lift and reach the left arm forwards, relax then squeeze and reach backwards (you can also add in the same leg in opposite direction for a bit of co-ordination) 5) Keep the shoulder relaxed and squeeze the other muscles down the arm (make sure you don’t pinch the skin) 6) To finish off, brush down the shoulder and arm 7) Check the “length” of the arm and compare the race of movement between the two shoulders 8)Repeat on the other side! How good did that feel?! 🤗Use the benefit of touch to “wake up’ any areas that might feel stiff or painful so that you can move with more ease! #wholebodywellness #wholebodyhealth #movewellmoreoften #movewell #mindbodyconnect #mindfulmovements #movewithease #playingwithmovement #movementsnacks #naturalmovements #painfreemovements #movingwithintention #feelbetterlivemore #backpainsolution #movemorelivemore #fitinmy40s #fitinyour40s #lookafteryourbody #lookafteryourhealth #neckpainrelief #backpainrelief #backpainexercises #pilatesforeverybody #painfreeliving #healthcoachuk #movementpractice #movementmatters #movementlifestyle #physicalhealthmatters #physicalhealthawareness

Pay attention to how you move! In the classes this block we’re focusing on strengthening the mind-body connection, essential to moving well. In my last post I talked about intention and attention and how they are both important to give you direction and focus in life. Today I want to relate that to how you move. Depending on what your intention is behind your movement, you can change where you put your attention. Your attention will differ depending on whether you want to build strength, move with ease, challenge yourself, just have fun etc. Try this: 👍Stand with your feet hip width apart, close your eyes and roll down. 👍To come up, bring your attention to your feet and push the floor to come up (notice how it feels, can you feel the work of the legs?) 👍Roll back down, this time come up as you breath out (can you feel your trunk working?) 👍Then, try coming up as you breath in to the back of the body (does it feel like less effort?) 👍Lastly, tuck your tail and your chin and articulate (move it sequentially) your spine on your way up. The move looks the same but depending on where you put your attention, it will work different parts of your body and it will feel different. Sometimes more effort can create more tension and restrict movement. If you’ve got back pain, it can be helpful to focus on a different body part to create the spinal movement (like your feet or breath), which takes the attention away from the area of discomfort Did you try it? Which felt best? #mindbodyconnect #playingwithmovement #moveyourdna #moveyourbodyeveryday #movnat #settingintentions #backpainexercises #intentionalmovement #backpainsupport #movewellmoveoften #movementsnacks #movemoreathome #movementmatters #movementislife #movementheals #functionalmovement #spinehealth #feelbetterlivemore #theworldisyourgym #naturallyfit #jointmobility #moveeveryday #naturalmovements #naturalhealthandwellness #breathingexercises #healthcoaches #pilatesforeverybody #pilatesathome #

Joined by two gorgeous seals for a windy morning swim 💕 #wildswimming #wildswimminguk #westwittering #livingbythesea #seaswimming #naturalmovement #stayactivestayfit #theworldisyourgym #freshairtherapy #feelbetterlivemore #healthcoaches #trynewthings #challengeyourselfdaily #movementsnacks #moveyourbodyeveryday #movemoreoutdoors #makethemostofeveryday #selfcareishealthcare

Do you still play!? We tend to have a very fixed and often limited idea of what exercise should look like. You have to do a structured class, go to the gym, wear the right gear, “if you’re not sweating it’s not worth it”, “no pain no gain” etc mentality. No wonder lots of people hate exercising! We’ve forgotten that the reason we have to exercise is because general “movement” stopped being part of everyday life. We really don’t have to move much at all anymore, it has become something you have to find the time to do, rather than it being part of your day. But remember, humans need movement to thrive, both mentally and physically! Why not bring out your inner child 👶 and make movement fun!? Play with your child or dog, dance to music, balance when you’re out and about, jump the puddles, climb a tree, join the kids playing in the park rather watch while checking your emails... The more you move and play, the less you have to “exercise”! I love a bit a balancing, it’s particularly challenging with very cold feet 🥶 🦶 but that’s part of the fun 😊 How do you play? #playmore #theworldisyourgym #playwithmoments #naturalmovement #moveyourbodyeveryday #movemoreathome #movemore #movementsnacks #feelbetterlivemore #becreativeeveryday #movementheals #holisticwellness #holistichealthcoach #healthcoaches #barefoot #movementismedicine #makeexercisefun #healthyfeet #movnat® #betterhealth

Chair stretches! 🪑 So you probably already know that you should sit less so why not come off your chair and use it as a prop for a few lovely stretches? Great for anyone with tight backs, hips and shoulders (so just about everyone 😊) Please feel free to do a few more repetitions of each move, I was going a bit quickly trying to fit it all in... 🪑Hands in the chair, straight legs and back. Imagine you have a tail, tuck it between the legs and then send it to the ceiling while keeping the rest of the spine still 🪑Still focusing on your tail 🐕, wag it side to side to open up the waist 🪑Circle your tail in both directions 🪑Send your hips further back, widen your legs slightly and relax your spine. Shift your hips side to side (keep your waist long on both sides) 🪑 To finish off, put your hands on the back of the chair and let your chest drop down between your arms. Keep your back and legs straight and watch the ribs dropping down. How good does that feel?! #naturalmovement #chairstretch #lowbackpain #lowbackpainrelief #pelvicfloorexercises #hipstretches #movementsnacks #microbreak #dailyhabits #betterhealth #healthcoaching #movementcoach #backpain #healthylifestyle

A little reminder to myself and anyone who feels they need one. Sometimes I get overwhelmed at the beginning of the week thinking of all the things I need to/want to get done. I’ll worry that I won’t have enough time, energy or motivation, that I won’t tick enough things off my to-do list ✅and if I don’t get it all done I’ve failed 🙄 But of course none of that’s true, I just need to keep reminding myself and I love this little mantra 💕 #motivationmonday #mantra #wellbeing #holistichealth #naturalmovement #naturalliving #betterhealth #feelbetterlivemore #mondayquotes #healthcoach