Canine Reactive, Coleford Videos

Videos by Canine Reactive in Coleford. Behaviour therapy for reactive dogs. Uk and worldwide.

Tonight's puppy class! Looks like it's going to be a scorcher today. Please come prepared later.

Have your car running with the Aircon on rive minutes before your puppy goes on. It can be useful to dampen a towel and have that in the car for them to lie on.

You may also want to bring frozen licki mats or similar to help pup cool down during session.

It might also be wise to have a damp towel or cooling mat for them to lie on and work on in class.

Enjoy the sun in the meantime.☀️

#puppyclasses #heatwave2024 #keeppuppycool

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Other Canine Reactive videos

Tonight's puppy class! Looks like it's going to be a scorcher today. Please come prepared later. Have your car running with the Aircon on rive minutes before your puppy goes on. It can be useful to dampen a towel and have that in the car for them to lie on. You may also want to bring frozen licki mats or similar to help pup cool down during session. It might also be wise to have a damp towel or cooling mat for them to lie on and work on in class. Enjoy the sun in the meantime.☀️ Gemma X #puppyclasses #heatwave2024 #keeppuppycool

Hi everyone! 🌟 You can support me by sending Stars – they help me earn money to keep making content that you love. Whenever you see the Stars icon, you can send me Stars. #StarsEverywhere

It's not just dog training and behaviour here at Canine Reactive. Did you know that I am also a fully qualified Dynamic Dog practitioner? What's that? I hear you say. It means I am able to carry out functional assessments and observations of your dog to see if discomfort may be a causal or contributing factor of your dog's behaviour. These assessments are naturally integrated into my behaviour consultations, meaning no stone is left unturned when trying to get to the bottom of your dogs behaviour, and thus giving us the best chance at making positive behaviour changes. This is very important considering that recent research shows 80% of behaviour problems presented to the vet clinic have undiagnosed discomfort. I've been working on a case all morning. Time for a well earned cuppa. ☕ Want to know more...? Check out #painandbehaviour #dogbehaviourtherapy #breaktimeatwork

An excellent training opportunity on our walk to practice automatic check ins in the presence of another dog, and to build confidence alongside new more appropriate behaviours. I have worked hard on practicing focus skills and engagement with Nessa around dogs. But she can still get excited or "keen" to either see a dog off or play. (She's very This opportunity allowed me to practice keeping the lead nice and relaxed, reinforcing her taking her focus off the dog and onto me, as well as building a positive association around the trigger. We would not have been able to do this if I hadn't have put the ground work in initially. Yes it's hard and yes it takes time. But when you can have moments like this where you are around the trigger, your not stressed, your dogs not stressed, AND bonus you get to train in the situation, it makes it all worthwhile.🩷🐾 #reactivedogtraining #loveyourdogwalkagain #nostresshere #germanshepherdlove

Meet Ingrid: This beautiful girl has general anxiety when outside. She needs to warm up to dogs before she accepts them. Ingrid and her owners have been working with me for several weeks. We first started working on building Ingrid's general confidence, looking at giving her owners many skills to help them have successful walks, and then we have been training with the stuffed stooge to help develop wanted behaviours around the sight of another dog, as opposed to Ingrids usual reaction of bark and lunge. This was her third session with Stuffed Stooge today and we progressed really quickly. Ingrid was able to greet the dog calmly by the end of the session which was beautiful to watch. Next week we will be introducing a real dog stooge. I must admit i have slightly fallen in love with this girl. ❤🐾

We already know how stressful Christmas can be for us humans. So much organizing and preparation. If you share your life and home with a reactive dog this stress can be doubled. you know your dog hates visitors coming to the home, but there are certain family members that insist on Christmas being held at yours. Maybe you have an elderly relative or friend whose only joy at Christmas is coming to you for Christmas dinner and don't really have many other options available to you to avoid visits this time of year. Many dogs that suffer from reactivity also hate change in routine, people in their space, noise, etc. Because of this Christmas becomes something you don't necessarily look forward to. That's why I'm here: Starting on the 27th of November 2023 I will be bringing you three episodes of 'Planing a stress free Christmas with your reactive dog'. Don't let this Christmas be a disaster like last year. Join me in the support hub for tips and hints on how to make Christmas go more smoothly. The pre-recorded videos will be released on the 27th of Nov, 29th of Nov, and the 1st of Dec cover preparation, planning, and what to do on the day itself. For more information to be able to access these videos you need to be a member of the Canine Reactive Support Hub. You can join by clicking this link: What are you waiting for? Joint today!

Stress-free Christmas for reactive dog owners. Hints and tips to help your dog cope during Christmas, and how to make visits from friends and family as stress-free and successful as possible for everyone..

Very excited to announce that my very popular puppy classes are back! #puppylifeskills

Another successful session the other day with Dart. Despite his tail showing signs of being uncomfortable with the set-up, this happens to be or tends to be his common tail position and not a reflection of body language signalling. You can see he has a furrowed brow in this video, but he is relaxed in his body and able to check in with his owner regularly. At this distance a few months back we would have had lunging and barking. We are able to give Dart the time in these sessions to absorb information from the other dog, without being forced over threshold. Both Dart and his owner have grown in confidence since having these sessions.

A very windy and cold session this morning with handsome Zeus and his wonderful owner Charlotte. Zeus has come on so much since we first started. He is able to spend time observing the stooge now at close range without becoming reactive. The point at which he goes over threshold near the end of this video clip is actually NOT due to the stooge dog, but a chap and dog walking on a path a few meters away (which we didn't see until the last minute), HOWEVER, he was able to take his focus off of the other dog when encouraged with little effort, which again would not have been the case a few months ago. Well done Zeus you are doing awesome! A big thanks again to Susan and Bertie for being the perfect stooges. :)

Excited to announce the new workshop that will be starting on the 2nd of February. If you have a reactive dog and dread your daily walks, then you need this workshop!

Sneak peak into the first week of the Canine Reactive React-less workshop starting on the 2nd February 2023. #reactivedogonlinecourse #walkingareactivedog

Very excited! 🐾

Here is a video to go with previous post of Marla using the sniffle rag.

Sigrid's first session with a stuffed stooge. Dispite a very energetic and excited start,she progressed amazingly quickly. Great focus on owner and some awesome engage and disengage work. 👍 #germanshepherdintraining #leadfrustration #focusskillsfordogs

Zeus, second session with a live stooge (stooge Lottie left) Zeus on the right. He done AMAZINGLY well today. Very emotional moment for owner.