

My name is White Lily
I create original accessories and original gift
Fast high quality not expensiv


Basically, what could be better than unique gifts, crafted with love and attention to detail? As a handmade artisan, I'm delighted to introduce you to my unique brooches and earrings, crafted using high-quality materials and meticulous attention to detail.

But that's not all! I also offer a custom portrait brooch service. You can bring your most creative ideas to life and create a unique gift that will be worn with pride.

I don't just create amazing accessories; I also package them in beautiful craft packaging with a personal note, ensuring that each of your gifts is special.

For orders and to view a wider range, please get in touch with me personally, .uk. Bring joy and uniqueness to this festive season! 🎁✨

В принципе, что может быть лучше уникальных подарков, созданных с любовью и вниманием к деталям? Я, как мастер ручной работы, рад представить вам мои уникальные броши и серьги, изготовленные с использованием высококачественных материалов и заботой о каждой детали.

Но это еще не всё! Я также предлагаю услугу изготовления портретных брошей на заказ. Вы можете воплотить в жизнь свои самые креативные идеи и создать уникальный подарок, который будет носиться с гордостью.

Я не только создаю удивительные украшения, но также упаковываю их в красивую крафтовую упаковку с персональной открыточкой, чтобы каждый ваш подарок был особенным.

Для заказов и просмотра большего ассортимента, обращайтесь лично ко мне, .uk. Подарите радость и уникальность в этот праздничный сезон! 🎁✨

#ручнаяработа #подарки #уникальныеукрашения #красиваяупаковка #русскийлондон #русскиевлондоне #лондон #русскогорящиемамывлондоне"



Я Лилия, и я создаю броши ручной работы с любовью и вниманием к деталям. За последнее время мне поступило множество запросов на выполнение особых и уникальных брошей, и это действительно вдохновляет меня!

🎨 Я всегда готова пробовать новые техники, "играться" с текстурами и создавать уникальные дизайны для вас. Недавно я завершила работу над одной из таких особых брошей, и скоро будет еще одна захватывающая вариация.

✨ Так что, если вы мечтаете о своей собственной уникальной броше, я готова воплотить вашу идею в жизнь! Не стесняйтесь обращаться ко мне с вашими идеями и пожеланиями. Вместе мы создадим что-то особенное, что подчеркнет вашу индивидуальность и стиль.

💌 Чтобы узнать, как сделать заказ на вашу уникальную брошь, просто напишите мне личное сообщение или оставьте комментарий под этим постом. Буду рада обсудить с вами все детали и воплотить вашу мечту в реальность!

Спасибо, что выбираете мои украшения. Вместе мы создадем нечто по-настоящему особенное! 🌟✨

#РучнаяРабота #жизньввеликобритании #Броши #ИндивидуальныйЗаказ #Творчество #БрошиРучнойРаботы
#нашивлондоне #русскиевлондоне
#жизньванглии #русскийлондон


Продолжении истории…

👩‍👧‍👦 Быть мамой активисткой в садике у своего ребенка стало важной частью моей жизни. Когда меня просили расчистить снег на площадке, я не просто убирала снег – я превращала эту обыденную задачу в настоящее приключение. Снег становился холмами, на которых можно было кататься, лисичками и гусеницами, которые оживали под моими руками.

🎨 Помимо этого, я не могла удержаться от творческих экспериментов. Раскраска стен и оформление группы стали моей миссией. Моя любовь к творчеству не затухала, даже когда была занята материнством.

💡 В течение всех этих лет, когда жизнь заворачивала меня в разные обстоятельства, мое творчество оставалось постоянным компаньоном. Я разрисовала песочницу для приятельницы в стиле «Disney”, создавала картины по номерам и вышивала крестиком в редкие свободные минуты.

🌟 Так что, друзья, я считаю, что талант - это способность, которую можно развить, а не что-то врожденное. Моя история - пример того, как упорство и страсть могут преодолеть начальные трудности и привести к достижению своих мечт. Не бойтесь идти своим путем и развиваться в любимом деле, ведь именно так рождаются настоящие таланты. 🌟✨

Я всех так благодарю за Вашу поддержку и лайк посту❤️

#Талант #Творчество #Настойчивость

Photos from WhiteLily.UK's post 08/09/2023

🌟 Привет, друзья! Меня зовут Лилия, и сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами маленьким кусочком своей творческой истории. В последнее время меня часто спрашивают, как я пришла к миру ручной работы, и вот немного об этом.

👧 Росла я в семье с тремя сестрами, где всегда были пушистые котики, лохматые собачки и множество других "животных" (ну, хотя бы в моем воображении). Как младшая, мне часто говорили: "Не занимайся ерундой!" Но в душе я всегда хотела рисовать, танцевать и играть на пианино.

🎨 Однако, к сожалению, ничего из этого мне не дали. Мои сестры обучились разным искусствам, но так и не применили это в жизни. Но у нас была швейная машина, и я решила попробовать шить. Без уроков, без опыта, я начала экспериментировать, создавая свои выкройки и превращая старые вещи в новые.

👗 Я шила юбки для подружек, и это приносило мне радость. Затем я погрузилась в мир макраме, чтобы создать красивое кашпо для мамы. И макраме полюбилось мне навсегда 🌸.

💎 Браслеты из бисера и многие другие поделки пережили мои попытки и ошибки. Этот путь принес мне не только удовольствие, но и ценный опыт.

Продолжение будет позже…

Так что, друзья, не бойтесь следовать своим мечтам, даже если вас учат "не заниматься ерундой". Иногда именно в этой "ерунде" мы находим свое истинное призвание. Давайте вдохновлять друг друга на творчество! 🎨✨ #РучнаяРабота #Творчество #МояИстория


In a world of fast-paced living and digital technology, it's crucial to find ways to unwind and relish in creativity.
I am ready to offer you unique handcrafted creations: brooches, embroidery, and portrait accessories, made with love and attention to detail. 🧵✨

And what better way to recharge than by drawing inspiration from nature and artistry.
Rest isn't just about taking a break, it's also about finding new ideas.
I'm excited to announce that I'll soon be taking orders for one-of-a-kind pieces that will add individuality to your style or make an original gift for your loved ones.

Let's come together to create something beautiful and distinctive! Stay tuned for updates so you don't miss the launch of sales. Your desires are my inspiring palette! 🎨🌿

#РучнаяРабота #Броши #Вышивка #Творчество #ЗаказыОткрыты #Отдых #индивидуальностьистиль


Nature - an endless source of inspiration! 🌿✨ Every time I gaze upon the world around us, I can't help but marvel at the beauty of its forms, colours, and textures. These incredible wonders of nature inspire me to create unique works of art that reflect its unparalleled magnificence.

My craft is a manifestation of this inspiration. I create handmade brooches that become small masterpieces, worn with joy and pride. Animal portrait brooches, clothing embroidery with crystals - every detail is crafted with love and care.

And you, dear friends, what inspires your creativity? Share your sources of inspiration in the comments below! 🎨🌸

#ручнаяработа #брошиназаказ #броширучнойработы "

(Ask a question to engage the audience: "What elements of nature around you inspire your creativity?")


🌸 Handcrafting bespoke brooches 🌸
🎨 Unique designs made with love and attention to detail – that's my key principle.

Here are 5 reasons to choose me:
1️⃣ Quality: My brooches are crafted using high-quality materials sourced from Czech Republic, Japan, and China. Each detail is stitched by hand, ensuring durability and longevity.

2️⃣ Personalised Approach: I develop sketches and select materials according to your preferences and wishes. Together, we'll create a brooch that perfectly reflects your individuality.

3️⃣ Customer Collaboration: Always ready to assist with choices, answer any questions, and discuss ordering, delivery, and pricing.

4️⃣ Wide Material Selection: You can pick materials to suit your taste and budget. I offer a diverse range to satisfy all preferences.

5️⃣ Pursuit of Perfection: My goal is to create not just brooches but genuine works of art. Each detail is infused with my love for craftsmanship, and I guarantee you'll cherish your unique brooch.

Order a brooch from me and add vivid accents to your style! ✨✨✨


🍋🌿🌟 "Handcrafted Lemon Brooch - Uniquely Refreshing! 🍋🌿🌟

Hey there, lovely folks! I wanted to share my latest creative project with you - a beautifully crafted brooch in the shape of a juicy lemon! 🍋💫 This piece is a true work of art, meticulously handmade with love and care. 😍✨

Each brooch is one-of-a-kind and utterly unique - after all, it's all about handcrafted goodness, and no two pieces are exactly alike! 🎨👌 So, if you don't already have this lovely accessory in your collection, fret not! I'd be thrilled to recreate it just for you, ensuring it captures the essence of the original design in every detail. 💖💫

Beyond being visually striking with its vibrant and juicy appearance, these brooches are crafted using high-quality materials, guaranteeing a long-lasting companion in your jewelry collection! 🔝💎

If you value the charm of handmade artistry and top-notch quality, this brooch is a perfect addition to your collection! 😊🌸 Drop me a direct message to learn more about the creative process and to place an order for your very own lemon brooch! 💌🛍️



🌸 Celebrate the love for our amazing mothers with a special handmade brooch! 🎁💕 Show your appreciation with a unique, personalized gift. Order now and surprise your lovely mom with something truly special! #мамеотдуши #ручнаяработа #подарокмаме #живемванглии


🎨 Hi, mates! I'm a master of handmade brooches, and today I want to share my latest creations with you! 🌟

✨ My brooches are true works of art, crafted with love and inspiration. Each one is unique and handcrafted, made with utmost attention to detail. 💖

🌸 I've got brooches to suit every taste and occasion: from vibrant and blooming flowers to playful animals and geometric shapes. You'll find the perfect accessory to complement your style! 💐

✨ Moreover, each brooch tells a story. It can make a wonderful gift for your loved ones or even inspire you to create your own unique style. 🎁

🌟 If you're looking to add a touch of individuality to your life or seeking a special gift, check out my shop! Link in the bio. ✨

📷 Don't forget to swipe through the photos of my masterpieces below! If you like what you see, give it a like and share your thoughts. Your comments are the best support for me! 🥰

🔖 Hashtags: #мастеррукой #броширучнойработы #украшенияручнойработы #великобритания #искусстворук #уникальноестиляровно #подаркислюбовью #брошистиль #творческаямастерская #индивидуальность #ручнаяработа


…The squirries... 🍒🍒
Oh, they're beautiful.🎨

Fits almost all clothing colours...🎨

And you can also make ishries for decoration in a different colour)
For example: blue and silver are a very beautiful combination on clothes)


The best gift is emotions! ⠀Terative expectation, exciting interest in unpacking, delight at first glance at it, sudden joy covering with a warm wave of happiness and hot thanksgiving hugs! ⠀This whole whirlwind of unforgettable and pleasant emotions is so easy to give to your loved ones! After all, jewellery in a beautiful design box causes just that.

Is the brooch not just an accessory?!

It's your insignia... ⠀...from others?!

Brooch today - the same accessory as earrings and ring?. ⠀

❇️You can just pin a brooch to the jacket and it will be beautiful. ⠀

❇️And you can have an even more stunning effect if you decorate a fur coat or coat with a brooch! ⠀

❇️A brooch on a lapel of a jacket or jeans, which this season is at the peak of fashion - it's a real wow-effect! ⠀

❇️And a special chic - to decorate jeans, a belt of dresses or skirts and even shoes with a brooch!?


For me,🙂packaging is almost one of the most important things.
Because the product must be combined with the packaging, and secondly, keep the product intact.🤗
The design and dimensions have been selected specifically for my products.
I drew the design myself; 🎨🖌
I chose the paper together with the designers.

And I was waiting for these beautiful boxes for a whole month 🤪
It was so exciting because you could say it is also handmade.🌸
The logo - White Lily and all accompanying drawings I drew on my tablet myself.

I think this perfectly conveys the idea of ​​handicrafts perfectly.
They are so unusual and different ...
Birds and butterflies and flowers ...
How do you like it?

Would you like to know more about my logo? why exactly?


Useful post...

Fashionistas always have problems choosing outfits to take on vacation. Each image is unique and you want to take everything with you. Don't do that, because most likely you won't wear half of the things.

Here's a list of garments that you can't do without:

1)Swimsuit/swimming (it is better to take two pairs to be able to change clothes).

2)A pair of t-shirts and shirts, skirt/shorts (for warm countries).

3)Warm sweater or windbreaker.

4)Underwear. The underwear.



7)Headdress for sun protection.

And and and

Of course jewelry
A lot of brooches😂😂😂😂😂



The post is about how trifles are changing our image🤩

This girl is doing great in the image, but the little detail changes everything!
Do you agree with me?

The brooch is made to order and is out of stock. ❌
Saved for the retry option.✅

Who would like such a brooch?🤗


Who needs coffee?

Set in stock…

Who would like to know the cost?


What to wear?

Everyday jewellery should convey your style and inner condition. Is it like makeup? Not everything, of course, but many people feel without it as without protection. For me, the choice of everyday jewellery is like a morning ritual. An integral and important part of the image.

Red colour is always tenderness, lightness and freshness. Universal in that it is suitable for any skin colour. Tanned skin will make it even more spectacular.


In the theme of music... As an idea of a brooch, let it be here. Do you like it?


Beaded accessories have always been popular at all times, even our ancestors in ancient times liked to decorate themselves and their outfits.🧐

🔥But what's in fashion now? ❓

Chokers, friendship bracelets 🤗- of different colours🎨, and even edible, yes, as they return to fashion from our childhood. Beads are also popular, especially beaded handbag beads. 👜

And of course, brooches, many fashion houses use this jewellery in their collections and for good reason, thanks to this accessory, even a simple black dress will be the most elegant and attractive for eyes.👀

If you are also a fashionista, like to use accessories in your outfits, or you have such a friend, then a bright and individual brooch is for you!‼️

Write to me, we'll think in detail what your brooch will look like. That's sure no one else will have one.😘

Photos from WhiteLily.UK's post 08/06/2022

🪶Pen from a fairy tale... 🤩

Oh, no, it's just a ready-made brooch to decorate your image or a great gift for your favourites..

A large range of clothing colours is right. Peacock feathers always look rich, beautiful and, on the other hand, very easy...

🦚Be extraordinary 🦚


What kind of accessory❓
What to wear with it❓
Let's figure it out ..... 🤗🤗🤗
(1 part)

Everything flows, everything changes. But there are things that always remain in vogue.
For example, stylish brooches.

A bit of history📌
They have been present in our wardrobe for thousands of years.
But if initially their purpose was purely functional (to fasten a cloak, cape or other clothes), then today it is an independent decoration.
The accessory actively appeared in ladies' boxes in the 17th century, and since then the fashion for all kinds of brooches has not left the fashionable Olympus.
The invention of the brooch is attributed to a French lady of the court, the Marquis de Sevigne. Madame de Sevigne began to wear a brooch on her bodice, consisting of a satin bow. The decoration became very popular among European aristocrats in the 18th century.

#цветочные #розовые #цветыпочтой

Photos from WhiteLily.UK's post 08/06/2022

It's all available and much more... 🌸🌸🌸🌸


in the process of work🪡🧵

A photo taken in the process of work...
it's just one moment of a lot of action...
It's hard to find time to inspire now...


🤔Everyone is wondering how the idea is being embodied in an original and beautiful brooch...

🤗Then you may be wondering how I interact with the client❓
No, no, I can't read thoughts💭and I don't risk guessing... I have certain steps ➡️before I start... 🪡🧵

🔹ases when an application is received from the client to create a brooch (but the client does not yet know what exactly he wants)

My task is to help the "fashionista" create my own individual brooch...

What am I doing?

🔹I prepare a number of questions, thereby helping the client to decide. It often helps when the client thinks so ➡️"what I want, what I don't want"...

🔹Then the next step is to determine the main parameters: what kind of brooch will it be, size, colour, etc.

🔹and the most interesting thing😃
Pick up the material: crystals, beads, bicones, rondels, leather, the basis for the brooch (there are also a lot of them, as well as colours, sizes, and variety...), feathers, lace, additional fittings (like glass roses or wool balls, etc.)... "well, you understand me"🤗

🔹I draw the image itself and post the materials that I will use when creating the brooch, send a photo to the "client," it often happens that I post the fittings exactly as it will be after sewing, and it's great, 🔥because the buyer already has an approximate idea of his future brooch🤩

🔹ase-allowing deadlines 🗓and prices🧾

🔹at will, I can send photos between stages)
And the process itself 👩🏻‍🎨

⭐️Are you ready to create your own individual brooch?

I can help you👍🏽, Write to the directorate)

Who liked the process?
✅ / ❌

I'll be glad to hear from you, dear questions and answers)


Handmade earrings

How do you like the idea?
There are such long ones, you can make the set asymmetrical.
Amazing 🤩
Handmade earrings can be made the way you want, this is the excellence of a handmade master…
Beauty is in the little things🌸
Be beautiful with glitter)


Heart with initials ...
Made to order.
The peculiarity of an individual order is that you can choose a shape, color, beads, beads, etc. The peculiarity of this order is also that all the preferences of the client are taken into account. And the initials plate is made half of fluorescent threads, which means it will glow in the dark 💡

Recently, it has been very difficult to write posts and there is not enough time for an account. I am engaged in almost non-stop orders ... but there is still the opportunity to take several orders this year🤗
Make an individual gift for yourself and your dear loved ones🌸


‼️A post about important things❗️

You know, today I wanted to share not about my work, not about discounts or sales...

And about how valuable it is today in our world people who are ready to help.

I think there are fewer and fewer people who can help another every day.

But on my way to my small business and in general life there are always people who want and are ready to help. Someone with advice, someone with support, someone with sales, someone inspires ideas and work...

There are familiar people, and there are completely strangers ready to sacrifice their time to help!

But the most valuable thing we have today is time!

It's very valuable to me! In our indifferent world, when there is no time for anything, let alone help others.

I just wanted to say Thank you, all those people who supported me helped me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Inspired me to create
Shared her experience and shared materials)
Helped to set up and make my instogram beautiful, and although I bought a service from her, she is ready to share her experience even when I received the service. She is always ready to help to organise and make a better Instagram page!
I was my model and completely free of charge)
She not only brightened up my hard work with her excellent products, 🤪🍰🧁but also helped to promote my products, supported!
Jhony_jw She helped me and supported me!
I just found myself there and helped, advertised me! Inspired by the new product! Thank you so much!
You have no idea how many brooches and earrings I was inspired by this man! It's just incredible how much she likes to make original gifts! Thank you for her ideas and support!
Impress.design.co She is a very creative and real professional in her field! But despite her amusement, she always helped me! Thank you so much!

@ jelena.gurjanova

These are all the people, and not only them, helped me! Everything is different, but I am very grateful to you all for your participation in my small business!


Save time looking for gifts.
I won't write much,
just flip through my instagram,
and then go through the profile header to my store on Etsy.
Didn't find what you were looking for,
no problem,
let's do it!
After all, the beauty of handmade is that you can do anything you want🤗
Materials and finished products are in stock and are waiting for you.

The photo shows only a part of my stocks ...

Find out! how can you get a discount ?! 🤔🤗


A little history

Metal jewellery with a clasp to pin it to clothes.
In ancient times, such as Greeks and Romans, brooches were worn by both women and men.
The Roman brooch, or fibula, was sometimes a curved piece of metal, and the hook and rod attached to different ends of it worked on the principle of a modern English pin.
Brooches were used not only as jewellery - they were used to fasten a scarf or cloak, for example, on the chest or shoulder.
In ancient times, brooches were made of bronze, iron, gold or silver.
The fact that such jewellery has long been worn in Palestine is confirmed by archeological finds, such as arched brooches found in Tell an Nasbé.

This brooch in the form of a note was made to order, it is possible to repeat...

the workflow looks something like this ... 🤗
in delicate and beautiful shades.
To buy or order a new accessory, write to DM.
You will find more ideas 🤗
in stock ✅
and you can buy right away) 💳
I will gladly send for you on the same day to any corner of the world🌏
Or website 👩🏽‍💻 👉🏼 Etsy 👉🏼 WhiteLilyUk

You can find an active link to the store in the profile header to view the assortment and you can buy whatever you like.


Handicrafts have a number of advantages over industrial products.
Each DIY "little piece of art" has its own unique style and mood that it creates.

With the individual ex*****on of the product, the master has the opportunity to fulfill all your wishes that you want to see in your product, so that an absolutely exclusive thing appears that is perfectly suitable for you.
When creating the final product, unique and high-quality technological materials are used that have undergone a serious selection for composition, texture and reliability.
All details are carefully worked out - structure, shape, ergonomics, color combinations and accompanying materials (accessories, beads, appliques, rhinestones, sparkles and others).
The time a craftsman takes to create a small piece of art is priceless.

the workflow looks something like this ... 🤗
in delicate and beautiful shades.
To buy or order a new accessory, write to DM.
You will find more ideas 🤗
in stock ✅
and you can buy right away) 💳
I will gladly send for you on the same day to any corner of the world🌏
Or website 👩🏽‍💻 👉🏼 Etsy 👉🏼 WhiteLilyUk

You can find an active link to the store in the profile header to view the assortment and you can buy whatever you like.



❄️Winter ❄️
As much as we would like,
but winter will come.
It's getting colder outside
the sun is showing less ...

But you can also enjoy the little things, right !?
What can please you?
Little present?🎁
Or is the accessory beautiful !?
The accessory can be bright and large,
it can be small, or it can be winter.
For example, a silver-white or blue-white snowflake on a coat ... ❄️
ohh, how beautiful it is ...
For those who love skates, ⛸
I can make a brooch with fur)))
Beautiful mittens with fur in the form of a brooch in any shades ...🧤
Bunnies with a fur tail were popular that year)))🐇🐰
What else do you think is associated with winter?


Photos from WhiteLily.UK's post 22/09/2021

It so happens that posts are written,
but sometimes it does not.
It so happens that jewelry is embroidered,
but it happens that not.
It so happens that you want to move mountains,
but it happens that not.
For the last month, everything has been NO for me.

Maybe another creative crisis.

But I decided to relax and not pull myself with all sorts of NECESSARY.

Do you know what I've been doing all this time?

I cleaned the apartment, went to the gym, received guests 😜, mastered the profession of a master of manicure and applying gel polish for myself)))
I learned English, started a new education, entered college🤗

This is what a woman is capable of, just not to do what is needed😂

And suddenly I wanted to work. And write. And embroider. And move mountains.

And here's a new product ... ⤵️
Magnolia brooch and earrings
Can be purchased separately or together)

in delicate and beautiful shades.
To buy or order a new accessory, write to DM.

You will find more ideas 🤗
in stock ✅
and you can buy right away) 💳
I will gladly send for you on the same day to any corner of the world🌏
Or website 👩🏽‍💻 👉🏼 Etsy 👉🏼 WhiteLilyUk

You can find an active link to the store in the profile header to view the assortment and you can buy whatever you like.

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Videos (show all)

Beaded accessories have always been popular at all times, even our ancestors in ancient times loved to decorate themselv...
And here is the sore question🤔 Do the holes remain on the clothes after the brooches? Of course it happens But not with ...
Let's get acquainted again…. I am White Lily and I am a master of fine jewelry. In simple words - I make your idea a rea...
❓To whom can I give a brooch and which...🤔Who will find the gift in the form of a brooch❓The answer is obvious to anyone...
𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗰𝗵 «𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗺𝗲»⠀Размер: 7см*4,5см⠀⠀Розовый идеально подходит для цветов: коричневый, белый, зелёный мятный цвет, ...
As for themes, in addition to classic colors, favorite forms of women's jewelry of recent years and even some non-trivia...
For my inspiration, I am grateful to you, our Buyer and simply the Spectator.⠀This baby has a lot to say about her owner...
🎉🎉🎉🎉New logo!🎉🎉🎉🎉





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