Seamus Fox

Mindset coach to high performing entrepreneurs | Speaker | Author | Podcaster


Here’s how you increase self confidence 🔥🧠


You are the master of your destiny not the victim of your history.

I once read a book called ‘Wake the F*%k up’ by Brett Moran.

There’s a quote in there that really resonated.

“𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝟭𝟬𝟬% 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 “

I had just lost two businesses and my dad died a few months before I read this book.

It wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

I’ve realised that:

• What we want to hear
• What we need to hear

Are two completely different things.

I had been stuck in the victim mindset for weeks and weeks spiralling into the pity party.

I was feeding off it until that quote.

It literally told me to Wake the F*&k up!

We are the masters of our destinies when we choose to take back control of the 3 things we can only control anyway.

1. Perceptions.
2. Decisions.
3. Actions.

We can learn to shift how we view anything when we learn to ask the right questions.

If we stop passing the buck we can learn to empower ourselves instead of disempowering ourselves.

Just because you got dealt a bad hand doesn’t mean you’ll lose the game.

Make sure you keep playing!


People want to be loved for who they are BUT are afraid to be who they are.

Finding your true identity is more about letting go than creating.

But who are we really underneath it all?

Underneath who we think we need to be to excel.

• To create success.
• To show up in our businesses.
• To show up in the world in general.

I know people ask themselves these questions.

• If I am just myself will I be accepted?
• Am I enough if I am just being myself?
• If I am just myself will my business succeed?

Our true identity and our most authentic version of who we can be is often found peeling back the layers.

To find out what we really desire and then having the courage to be that.

Don’t be afraid to embrace who you are.

People are here for it.

PS Here’s a picture of me outside the town of M**f. A leadership team I was working with in the US didn’t believe me that it was real!



“ Imagine you had an expiration date on your back “

This week’s short episode is all about self reflection.

You can listen here. 👇🏻


“If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you accept in life, you’ll find it easy to slip into behaviours and attitudes or a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve”

Tony Robbins.

What standards are you or have you set in your life?

Do you stick by them?

It might be a certain level of income.✅
It might be how you look and dress.✅
It might be a certain weight or body shape.✅
It could be boundaries in relationships.✅

Standards so many times are determined by what you think of yourself…

….we get so many times in life what we expect or think we deserve.

You can change that at anytime by stepping up and setting higher standards for yourself.

When you do you’ll find that others around you either fall away…

… or they step up too.🔥


Alcohol drinking in Ireland is 30 per cent down in the last 20 years.

I've been booze free for 700 days.

Here's my take on it:

There has been and is a cultural shift happening. I think it is growing even stronger

It is now being accepted and dare I say it 𝙘𝙤𝙤𝙡 to simply not want to drink.

For me growing up and going out with friends this would not have went down well.

Even saying that:

You don't drink
You are not drinking on a night out

That would have been hard to live down.

I would most likely have been one of the guys handing out some stick to others telling me they weren't drinking.

Thankfully I have changed that.

As a father with kids who might want to experiment and try alcohol I can only educate and advise them on it.

I just hope they have more confidence within themselves than I had and find out that they don't actually need it to go out with their friends and enjoy themselves.

I needed alcohol to give me some sort of mask
I needed alcohol as it gave me a false sense of confidence
I needed alcohol as it gave me bravado as a young man

But I do feel we are in completely different times.

I also feel that there is a lot more education around the old amber nectar right now that we simply didn't have access to.

The growth of business for alcohol free beers shows the shift that is happening.

And I'm all for it.

Do you drink alcohol or are you alcohol free like me?


I'm launching a 12-week group coaching programme for:

• CEOs
• Entrepreneurs
• Business owners
• Career-driven professionals

Who want to level up their mindset and increase fulfilment and performance.

If this interests you click the link below..

Sign up to the waiting list here:


Use this one mindset shift to get a completley different outcome.

Shifting how you view what you do with a play of words.

Instead of thinking👉🏻 " I have to do this "
Say and think 👉🏻 " I get to do this "

I get to exercise and improve my health today.
I get to speak to another potential client on a call today.
I get the opportunity to stand up and make a presentation.
I get to improve my skills through studying today.

The "I have to mindset "perceives more drawbacks.❌
The "I get to mindset " perceives more benefits.💡

It is simply shifting how we view what we do and attaching a different meaning and emotion to its action and outcome.

Something I love to do with all my clients is balance things out in their minds.

I look for the benefits and drawbacks in their actions and their outcomes.

Heres how you can shift your mindset as an example.

Stack up the benefits of avoiding a bad habit.

What are the benefits of avoiding alchohol this weekend for your..
Family. (Linking it to other personal values here also ).

What are the drawbacks to drinking this weekend how will it impact your..
Family etc etc..

Stop thinking about what you HAVE to do and start thinking about what you GET to do.

I'm launching a 12-week group coaching programme for:

* CEOs
* Entrepreneurs
* Business owners
* Career-driven professionals

Who want to level up their mindset,improve their health, increase fulfilment and performance in a community of like minded people helping ecah other grow!

Sign up to the waiting list here:


The Gap or the Gain Mindset. 🎙️

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly chasing an invisible finish line, never truly satisfied with your progress?

On today's episode, we're unraveling the transformative shift from focusing on the gap to celebrating the gain.

We delve into the pitfalls of fixating on what you lack, which only breeds anxiety and feelings of inadequacy.

Instead, we explore how acknowledging your achievements and progress can foster gratitude and satisfaction, especially for ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners.

Listen here. 🎙️👉🏻


You are the master of your destiny not the victim of your history.

I once read a book called 'Wake the F*%k up' by Brett Moran.

There's a quote in there that really resonated.

"𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝟭𝟬𝟬% 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 "

I had just lost two businesses and my dad died a few months before I read this book.

It wasn't what I wanted to hear.

I've realised that:

• What we want to hear
• What we need to hear

Are two completely different things.

I had been stuck in the victim mindset for weeks and weeks spiralling into the pity party.

I was feeding off it until that quote.

It literally told me to Wake the F*&k up!

We are the masters of our destinies when we choose to take back control of the 3 things we can only control anyway.

1. Perceptions.
2. Decisions.
3. Actions.

We can learn to shift how we view anything when we learn to ask the right questions.

If we stop passing the buck we can learn to empower ourselves instead of disempowering ourselves.

Just because you got dealt a bad hand doesn't mean you'll lose the game.

Make sure you keep playing!


I'm launching a 12-week group coaching programme for:

• CEOs
• Entrepeneurs
• Business owners

Who want to level up their mindset and increase fulfilment and performance.

Sign up to the waiting list here:


A few spots to work 1-1 with me on your mindset and overall personal performance have opened up.

I specialise in working with with:

• High-performing CEOs
• Driven entrepreneurs

With a vision and mission who love to take action but at the minute feel:

• Burned out
• Overwhelmed
• Unfulfilled
• Health suffering
• Cant switch off

If this applies to you...

Send me a DM and let's have a chat.


We don’t serve the world by shrinking we serve the world by shining 🌎


If you're doing what you love it doesn't matter if it takes you 5/10/20 years to achieve something.

I want to take the finish line mentality out of the minds of CEOs.


Because there is:

No finish line
No pot of gold
No line crossed
No goal reached that you then arrive at and say to yourself..

"𝘼𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝 𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙄 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙣𝙤 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙨.
𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪!"

I know some of you reading this will know exactly what I mean.

You have already hit those targets and goals and thought, is this it?

Someone asked me a question on their podcast this week around this very topic and my answer was simple...

Why does it matter about the time frame?

The time becomes irrelevant when you are doing something you love because it isn't like you get to that goal.

Then down tools and stop.

So many of our pains and problems can come from unrealistic expectations to achieve what we want in too short a time frame.

Stretch it out give yourself more time.

The process and the building of better habits that gets you on the road to being who you want to be and feeling how you want to feel, is what is most rewarding.

Not the attainment.

Hedonic adaptation occurs in our brains to neutralise us and try and teach us that what we thought was going to solve all our problems was simply a fantasy.

If we feel inspired:
↳We pursue both pains and pleasures.

If we're not inspired:
↳We pursue more pleasure and want to avoid pain and challenge.

I love working closely with highly driven business owners as they inspire me to grow learn and keep improving as much as I do them.

What really lights me up and gives me inspiration is seeing how inspired they are:

• To try something new.
• To improve their health & fitness.
• To address fears and tough conversations.
• To be open minded to a new or different way of thinking.

Remember If you're doing what you love it doesn't matter if it takes you 5/10/20 years to achieve something.

Enjoy the journey.
Enjoy the process.


I’m Seamus.

I help overwhelmed CEOs master their mindset and get their mojo back.

DM me ‘MINDSET’ to find out how I can help


Thank you for everything you did to help me get this precious time with my family back.

I woke to see this message on my wattsapp from one of my 1-1 clients just the other day and it made me smile.

I have been working with him since last year.
When we started working together he was so busy on the road with business and work so much, that he was getting really stressed.

He has a young kid and had one on the way.

His fears had been keeping him stuck.
* Afraid to hire.
* Afraid to take control of some situtaions that needed to be addressed.

I helped him break down some of those fears and address some of those situations he had been avoiding.

* Hired two new employees.
* Delegated a lot of work to get some time freedom back.
* Has been at home with his family.

He is enjoying as he said in the message some precious time at the birth of his new born.

I asked him how has he grown in the last 90 days?

“ I have grown in my family as a father and as a husband “

I said great I love that as thats been really important for you.

So many business owners see growth in only one area.

So often we can attach our feelings of success to that one area which is business growth.

But we grow in many different areas at different times of the year and different stages of our lives.

What I would love to ask you is..
Where are you currently growing?


'If I had all the money in the world I would still do what I do.'

This was an answer to a question asked by a friend on our weekly 6am walks.

I would still speak to, coach and work with other people.

I might change location doing it from my yacht sailing the seas around the mediterranean of course.

But I would definitely still what I love doing now.

You see here's the thing.

If it was solely only about making money then there is a million and one ways to make an income but for me none are really as high on my values as:

Coaching and speaking.

I get more from coaching and speaking and have many values fulfilled in many ways outside of just income.

I also don't prescribe to being overly altruistic saying money doesn't matter which makes you devalue your worth.

Money does matter.

Income aside, what would you love to do all day everyday?

Well I have found that.

The last almost 20 years has shown me what I truly value most and that is:

• Coaching
• Inspiring others
• Speaking and teaching what I love to learn

My life has clearly demonstrated that's important for me.

The more I stick to that priority the more fulfilled balanced and stable I will be mentally, physically and emotionally.

The more I veer away from my highest values the more volatile and unstable I will be.

"Never set a goal that isn't aligned with your highest values"

Have you found what truly inspires you yet?


I’m Seamus.

I help overwhelmed CEOs master their mindset and get their mojo back.

Book in a call with me to see how I can help.


“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behaviour “ James Clear.

Structure your environment.
1. Your office.
2. Your home.
3. Your schedule.
4. Your mind.
5. Your circle ( who are you around and who are you listening to )

If you structure your internal world your values, habits, goals etc then your external world will show it.

The outer world is a representation of what’s going on in our minds.

Sometimes before doing the inner work you’ll blame the environment, stop that s**t.

Create the environment internally that helps you thrive not survive!🔥

Does your environment impact you positively or negatively?


“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behaviour “ James Clear.

Structure your environment.
1. Your office.
2. Your home.
3. Your schedule.
4. Your mind.
5. Your circle ( who are you around and who are you listening to )

If you structure your internal world your values, habits, goals etc then your external world will show it.

The outer world is a representation of what’s going on in our minds.

Sometimes before doing the inner work you’ll blame the environment, stop that s**t.

Create the environment internally that helps you thrive not survive!🔥

Does your environment impact you positively or negatively?

A business I worked with recently has created a fantastic environment for growth 🔥


I’ve been booze free 22 months.

This is what it’s taught me.

Alcohol as much as I validated why it was ok, simply wasn’t ok for me.

• It drained my energy.
• It took away my focus.
• It made me think smaller.
• It destroyed my sleep and clarity.
• It robbed me of my peace of mind.
• It stopped me from showing up in the best way possible.
It also had me doing s**t that I knew was not part of the man I wanted to become.

I carried extra weight because of it, I was also more anxious because of it.

I subordinated to other peoples values instead of living in my own.

I have goals and a vision that I want to realise.

I asked myself is the person that gets to that vision this person with these habits right now?

No was the answer.

Overall I am in a much better place without booze.

I have realised that life and everything in it is still there to experience without the need for alcohol, even better in so many ways.

If you enjoy it fine.

But if like I did you have that nagging wee voice inside your head saying there is more to life than just doing this time and time again, then maybe it is time to make a decision?

If it is drop me a message I would be happy to share some insights.

What is your thoughts on the old booze?


I've been booze free 22 months.

This is what it's taught me.

Alcohol as much as I validated why it was ok, simply wasn't ok for me.

• It drained my energy.
• It took away my focus.
• It made me think smaller.
• It destroyed my sleep and clarity.
• It robbed me of my peace of mind.
• It stopped me from showing up in the best way possible.

It also had me doing s**t that I knew was not part of the man I wanted to become.

I carried extra weight because of it, I was also more anxious because of it.

I subordinated to other peoples values instead of living in my own.

I have goals and a vision that I want to realise.

I asked myself is the person that gets to that vision this person with these habits right now?

No was the answer.

Overall I am in a much better place without booze.

I have realised that life and everything in it is still there to experience without the need for alcohol, even better in so many ways.

If you enjoy it fine.

But if like I did you have that nagging wee voice inside your head saying there is more to life than just doing this time and time again, then maybe it is time to make a decision?

If it is drop me a message I would be happy to share some insights.

What is your thoughts on the old booze?


Are you a CEO making this mistake? Chasing someone else's idea of success.

When it comes to success it can often be a vanity metric.

The word success in itself is subjective.

What I personally look to focus on is:

• Purpose
• Meaning
• Doing what I love

It's something I work on discovering more with those I coach.

So often we can be swept off chasing something else that we say is important because someone said it was or it became attractive after we saw someone else do it.

I always say:

“Never set a goal that isn't truly high on your values “

But I don't tell my clients what to do.

I discover what they truly value and link their goals and actions to what's most meaningful for them.

Then I hold them accountable.

If we set goals that are not truly meaningful to us we will:

• Give up faster
• Burn out faster
• Experience more volatility

And often try to escape with other habits and behaviours that can be destructive because of not feeling truly fulfilled.

“Don't die with your music still in you”

If you chase success you also chase failure as you cant have one without the other expecting one without the other can be a recipe for strife, both are intertwined.

Chasing someone else's ideas of success is the biggest failure and I know because I have done it on many occasions only to be left:

• Unfulfilled
• Wasting a lot of money, time and energy.

Most people do know what they truly want deep down but fear can often prevent them from allowing themselves to be that person and leader.

But when it's discovered it's the most liberating feeling of freedom you can feel.

Are you chasing someone else’s idea of success?


I’m Seamus.

I help overwhelmed CEOs master their mindset and get their mojo back.

Book in a call with me to see how I can help.

🔗 Link in the comments
🤔 Or access through my bio


Another sunrise in Nashville. 🔥🇺🇸

Off to take the team on a 6am hike with some added breath work to kick start today!

It’s been a great few days in Nashville with a great group of people. 🇺🇸


The most valuable thing you will ever have is your energy.

Protect it wisely.✅
Harness it wisely. ✅
Invest in it wisely. ✅
Don’t let others drain it. ✅
Do what you can daily to have it in abundance as without it nothing great happens.

Photos from Seamus Fox's post 21/06/2024

Thank you to Dermot and Gavin of Quicklet property for inviting me along to speak at their team meet up in Belfast today.

It was a pleasure to share insights with everyone around how they as a team can learn how to link their individual values with the companies goals and vision to gain even more momentum together.

I loved the energy with this group who opened up their minds to some new ways of thinking with enthusiasm.

Thanks again to everyone at the Quicklet property team for a fantastic day.


What happens when a young man from Adelaide, South Australia overcomes a challenging upbringing to build a thriving career in coaching?

In this episode, we welcome Michael “Mojo” Johnson, who shares his incredible journey from being the “poor kid” with learning difficulties to becoming a renowned personal trainer and coach.

His story is a testament to resilience and the power of mindset shifts. Mojo reflects on how his early life, filled with camping adventures and motorbiking, laid the foundation for his passion and work ethic inspired by his father’s relentless drive.


You shouldn’t feel guilty about driving your business forward if that’s what you want in life.

Your life demonstrates what you truly value.
None of us have the same set of values.
We are all unique individuals.

Conflict occurs when we expect others to live inside our set of values.

But it is a futile attempt that wont last very long.

Understanding each other’s values is when we communicate best.

Instead of feeling guilty which is simply an assumption you have caused or are causing more harm than good in any situation.

Ask these questions.

1. How does driving my business forward benefit who I feel guilty for?
2. What are the upsides, how does it help empower them and not disempower them?
3. If I dont drive my business forward what are the drawbacks to everyone concerned?

The quality of our lives is based on the quality of questions we ask ourselves.

So I will repeat.

Don’t feel guilty about driving your business forward if that’s what you want in life.


I’m Seamus.

I help overwhelmed CEOs master their mindset and get their mojo back.

🤔DM me ‘MINDSET’ to find out how I can help

Photos from Seamus Fox's post 11/06/2024

My clients constantly inspire me.

Take Mark for example.

Hearing some of his business journey was super inspiring for me.

What’s more inspiring is his drive and ambition to continue to work on himself and his goals.

Mark and I took our coaching session into the mountains.

(Usually we catch up on Zoom)

We walked and talked and took in the beautiful Benevenagh mountain.

It felt great.

Getting to meet clients in this way is a joy combining a lot of different values. Nature can also open things up for a more connected conversation.

There's also the added benefit of getting a sweat on.

We all want the views from the top but the climb is where the growth is.


I’m Seamus.

I help overwhelmed CEOs master their mindset and get their mojo back.

DM me ‘MINDSET’ to find out how I can help.


So many people are stuck on the hedonic treadmill

The hedonic treadmill is the next thing that is going to bring happiness:

The next goal
The next achievement
The next best month

We all fall victim to it.

The biggest fantasy I think we all share is that when I just get (insert goal) I will be happy and content forever.

How many of us have fallen for that?

Hedonic adaptation occurs to try and break our fantasy to show us that what we often think will give us everything we want, won't.

We adapt to it pretty fast, it's like once you buy that new car after a week, maybe a month it's like back to normal again, and off we go on the prowl again.

Apparently Buddha said “ Trying to avoid that which is unavoidable and trying to attain that which is unattainable is the cause of all human suffering “

I obviously didn't know Buddha but he definitely had some great quotes in him!

For me what he and many like him are saying is that there is no pleasure without pain, no happiness without sadness, that the more we strive to attain a one sided goal or outcome the more life shows us that there are two sides to everything.

So why is this important in growing your business?

Because if you don't look for all possible downsides and see objectively what it really looks like to attain the outcome you desire, you can get blindsided pretty fast and instead of attaining the dream end up with its opposite, the nightmare.

Here is a tip for clearer thinking.

↳ When you can only see a positive stop and search for the negative.

↳ When you can only see a negative, stop and find the benefits.

Are you stuck on the hedonic treadmill?


I’m Seamus.

I help overwhelmed CEOs master their mindset and get their mojo back.

DM me ‘MINDSET’ to find out how I can help.


10 Iron Men in 10 days!
You read that right..

Danny then swam 126km in 7 days through the river foyle from Lifford through Derry onto lough foyle and into the north channel to Kinnegoe bay.

One of his driving forces behind all of this was to raise awareness around su***de having lost his father to it in 2011.

Danny will be sitting down with us at Momentum on Sept 28th to share the struggles and the mindset needed to accomplish both of these amazing challenges.

Danny is just one of our inspiring speakers at Momentum 2024!

Grab your early bird tickets below- Link is in the comments.🧠🔥


There’s nothing you can call me say about me or judge in me that I don’t already know.

There’s nothing you can judge in me that I haven’t already judged within myself.

Everything that you say I am judge I am or perceive in me that I am, I Am!

The real truth is, that everything we talk about judge about or criticise about in any one of us is, we also are!

Real freedom is being ok with it all 😎

Have a great Friday.🔥

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Mindset & Performance

Seamus Fox has been involved in personal development now for almost 15 years starting out as a personal trainer and coach. In that time he has helped impact the lives of 1000s through his love for health, fitness and self development as a whole.

He has worked with and coached premier league footballers, professional boxers and countless others to help them achieve the goals they want.

9 years ago he founded his first business FF Fitness and since then has watched it grow and grow, in its growth it has helped impact and change the lives of 1000s of people all across Ireland and further. He is co founder and owner of Elevate, a company that mentors personal trainers and coaches to help them build a more profitable business in the fitness industry.

Seamus is also the founder and owner of Mindset & Performance Ltd a company that inspires people to think differently about what they want from life.

Videos (show all)

Self confidence
You don’t need to trade your health mentally physically or emotionally for your business.🧠   ===��I’m Seamus. ��I help o...
Momentum 2024!
Exciting times ahead this year…  …  some plans coming to fruition that I’ve envisaged for years..   One big event is on ...
Momentum 2024🧠⚡️  September 28th at the Ebrington Hotel & Spa Derry.   Next month early bird tickets go on sale.😎  Ciara...
The founders hike with Phil Graham in the Mourne mountains today was fantastic.. It can be a lonely place in the entrepr...
Inner Growth for Men in Business.🧠💭I am launching something very soon for a small group of high performing men in busine...
🧠 Habits of peak performance 3….… this is probably the toughest for most high performers in business. #executivecoaching...
🧠 Habits of Peak Performance…… number 1. 👇🏻Prioritise this and watch things change. #executivecoach #mindset#peakperform...
I’ve time back with my family… Mapping it out… 💭It was great to spend a few hours with one of my 1-1 clients today at th...
Stressed out?? #stress #business #mindset #entrepreneurmindset #highperformancecoach




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KC Coaching KC Coaching

1-1 & Group coaching ⚽️ UEFA qualified 📚 14 years experience 🤝 Steven Gerrard Academy coach ⚽️

Kick On Coaching Kick On Coaching

For aspiring footballers looking to further develop their skills & better their game⚽️

The Mindset Coach, Inner Balance The Mindset Coach, Inner Balance
Derry, BT470JP

NLP practitioner, Level 3 counsellor, Mental health advocate, and Personal trainer. Helping build mental resilience, emotional well-being, and a positive mindset.

The Pregnancy Coach The Pregnancy Coach
18 Balliniska Road
Derry, BT480

Midwife 👨‍⚕️ Coaching Programs Available 💻

CrossFit Derry CrossFit Derry
14 Pennyburn Industrial Estate
Derry, BT480LU

check out for the most up to date information about the facility, workouts and members

RMcC Football Training RMcC Football Training

UEFA B Licence coach Specialist in 1on1 and small group coaching

St Mary's A.B.C St Mary's A.B.C
Rosemount Factory

we are a boxing club which is located in the Rosemount factory on the 4th floor. from the ages of 9 years old and upwards are able to join.

John Ward Fitness John Ward Fitness

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