Wee Decor Painter & Decorator

Wee Decor Painter & Decorator

Painter & Decorator Time served Painter & Decorator for 30 years, I have decorated many homes and businesses in and around Dundee working for large contractors.

I have decided to go self employed to provide a more personal touch to my
work and ensure you have the same professional decorator you ask for.


Back to business Monday 8th January, looking forward to helping you with new inspirations, projects maintenance and repairs.
Thank you to all for the continued support throughout last year.
Wishing you all the best for the new year and hope to see you soon.



Happy New Year 🥳
Hope you all enjoyed the holiday break, to start off the new year on a positive it’s maybe best to stop watching the news and enjoy what we have and plan for 2023!

Just to let you know I’ll be starting back on Monday 9th January so hope to hear from you this year to freshen up redecorate or fix those problems we’ve all been meaning to get out of the way.



2 spare days next week due to last minute cancellation if you need anything done just let me know and I can arrange it over the weekend.


Happy New Year,
Best wishes for health happiness and prosperity to everyone.
The new year will bring hope, positivity and renewed energy to shake off the last two years wishing you all the best for 2022.
Early start for me today so let’s get started!!



Happy Christmas Everyone!!
stay safe,enjoy and we can all raise a drink for the new year!!


Hi everyone,
Just arrived back from holiday and awaiting day 2 covid test results, once it arrives I’ll be good to get back to work but until then having to isolate.

While I was away my mobile had stopped working once I had arrived on holiday, the Three network failed to resolve the problem and it still persists today even after arriving back in the U.K.
Hopefully new sim will arrive tomorrow, anyone that has called or txt in the last two weeks I’ll catch-up with your call or txt, I can only apologise there was nothing I could do.



New update to page lost my messages, if you sent a message in the last week can you resend as no messages in the inbox.


Forgot to update the page,
All back to normal service albeit extra protection provided for ongoing covid still being around.
Van repairs completed also see you all soon.



Following the new government guidelines released at the beginning of this year I still remain open for business.
Adhering to government guidelines by implementing correct safety measures I can maintain the health and well-being of customers and myself.
I would like to thank everyone for their continued support and please stay safe. Please share.



*New covid update*
The new covid restrictions update applies to tradesmen this time working within homes, only emergency work can be carried out.


Happy New Year everyone!
Hope all is well, I’m starting back tomorrow a bit later than expected but better to be safe.
I’m still able to provide a service following government guidelines as before any questions just ask.
Stay safe, keep in touch and I’ll see you in the new year!!
Thank you to all who supported me throughout 2020 much appreciated.



Goodbye 2020, starting afresh 4th January.
Stay safe, take care and have a wonderful Christmas 🎄


**Update and changes**
As of tomorrow 29th June I’ll be starting inside work and maintaining social distancing as recommended.
As I have outstanding work from before the lockdown which I will prioritise, I’ll contact everyone included this week to arrange the diary for the coming weeks ahead.
Get in touch if you’re unsure or need to change anything.
I’ll update more this week as phase 2 unfolds and lifts more restrictions.




*Covid19 Update*

With the announcement companies are to re-open this week some customers are offering some safe distance work that can be achieved at their home that applies to myself.
Social distancing rules have been outlined by the Scottish government that includes these environments, as it is important to abide by the lockdown rules it is still possible to achieve certain work under these conditions through the rules and mutual agreement that both parties are safe and well.
At the moment I will assess any work offered and will only start if materials are available.
Thanks for the support at this difficult time.
Any questions just ask, I’ve been sent the guidelines and rule of work therefore I can advise if you are uncertain.




Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is keeping safe and well,
The government lock down / social distancing is paramount for everyone's health and lives albeit our sanity.
We're all getting through it together so thank you for playing your part.

Working as a painter, it is not essential work unless it is tied with key work as mentioned in government guidelines we all hear so many times.
Being self employed, it is extremely important for me to get back to normal asap so I would like to take the time and thank everyone who has been in touch the past week.
It has come as a great relief to the uncertainty ahead.
Thank you so much, your support makes a huge difference to a small business like mine.
I will be in touch in due course but for now stay safe and well.

Please like this page and invite friends to keep it alive as Facebook restrict how many people see my posts unless I pay to advertise through them.

Being alone at this time can be worrying, if I've worked at your home before you would be asking a friend for a little help not a stranger so please get in touch, even if it's for a chat.




Started back today and would like to wish all my customers a happy new year !!!
Leaving 2019 behind and looking forward to hearing from everyone over the course 2020.
I would like to thank everyone who helped me get through the last few weeks of 2019 due to the road accident, I should get my van back this week YaY !!!




It’s not long now


Good morning everyone,
With spring officially starting on the 21st March this year it’s time to think about getting any external painting booked in.
Just send a message on here, txt or call me and I’ll arrange dates asap.
Enjoy your weekend



From my family to yours ‘Happy New Year’
Fresh and early start back for me tomorrow, hope to see you this year, if you’re still on holiday - EnJoY !!!




From my family to yours ‘Happy New Year’
Fresh and early start back for me
tomorrow , all the best for this year hope to see you all again this year.




Merry Christmas everybody hope Santa is good to you all 🥂🎄


Operation on my foot was successful and I’ll be back to work on Monday.
I’m going to sort out diary this weekend as I’ll have to take it easy for first couple of days so as not to rip out stitches but all good.
Thankyou to all who waited much appreciated and a weight off my mind.


Just a quick note to say I have my long awaited hospital operation today and will be off my feet for a few weeks.
Thanks to everyone who have changed the start date of work it’s much appreciated.


Wishing everyone a safe journey if you have to goto work today, to everyone else have fun in the snow with the kids if you’re brave enough to be frozen.
Anyone stuck at home keep the heating on and in the case of the elderly make sure you’re not going without as you’re just a call away from help.


Not updated this page in a while, i'll post an update soon :)


Just to confirm to everyone that I'm back from holiday.
I'll be starting tomorrow and I'll get in touch with everyone either today or tomorrow, I'm sorting out diary dates at the moment for starting each job and catching up with messages.
If you tried to get in contact within last two weeks my phone was on/off a lot due to location.
Normal service has resumed.


Happy New Year , let's make 2017 our best yet , see you soon !

