Videos by McMc - Poi in Edinburgh. It's me, doing poi.
Trick Tuesday! Finally starting to get these split/opp pirouettes without the planes getting all floopy. Guest appearance from Colin Morton at the end 🙂
Flow Friday! Here's a whole minute of me not dropping (just about) from the Scottish Juggling Convention last weekend.
Trick Tuesday! Here's a tappy thing to practice the tappy things
Here's an idea I stumbled upon a few years ago when I first moved to Spain but never put the hours into. The aim is to get that second arm roll from the throw to shoulder (towards the end) on both sides - will post updates as I progress 😁
A little sequence I was working on some weeks back. I got my camera out with the intention of just seeing how it looks, bearing in mind that I'm only getting full run-throughs less than 1 in 10 attempts, but got through it first time so thought I'd share 😁