Mike Coombe Collective

I'm Sharing Free Resources, Information and Stories as I Navigate Running Multiple Businesses.

Personalised Lines For Your AI Automation Agency Cold Outreach Emails 21/08/2023

As the rise of the Ai automation agency continues I've shifted my attention to help this booming new (it's not really new but most people think it is) industry.

The methodology behind getting clients for this business model is exactly the same as any other B2B business.

The problem is the people making content and teaching people this model are really really good at the tech part but aren't as good at actually running a business.

I've kept all of this content on YouTube and within our Discord channel but thought I'd start sharing here on Facebook incase anyone else is interested in this potentially very lucrative business model.

If you're a marketer like me, then all you need is a a couple of months learning and you can start offering these services your self.

What services am I offering? I'm building custom mini apps for marketing agencies that combines a chat interface, AI and the entire pile of documents, training, SOPs etc the agency has.

This results in one end point or multiple but most people opt for WhatsApp.

So Marketing Agencies can now train staff by adding their WhatsApp number to get access to on demand help 24/7, a chat interface they can send to clients for on demand 24/7 support and much more. All trained on the businesses information.

Personalised Lines For Your AI Automation Agency Cold Outreach Emails The key to the success of your AI Automation Agency is sales. I've been writing personalised lines for over 7 years, so here are some insights into how to wr...

Timeline photos 28/06/2023

have been crushing i the past 12 months!

Massive ChatGPT Account Breach: Over 100,000 Credentials Sold on Dark Web 27/06/2023

Whoooooops. I actually got caught in this breach - well one of my API keys did.

Just a heads up if you are using API keys with OpenAI - make sure you set your max token usage much lower than it is. This only cost me $10 instead of $190 because of my hard stop.

Massive ChatGPT Account Breach: Over 100,000 Credentials Sold on Dark Web In a shocking turn of events, over 100,000 stolen OpenAI ChatGPT account credentials have been unearthed on the shadowy corners of the dark…

Timeline photos 27/06/2023

How often are you having internal meetings? I'm pretty against them simply because they can end up being complete time sucks with not much output.

We use Loom for quite literally communicating to each other on everything. All I ask is that cameras are on so we still get that half human interaction. Plus we have a quick 2 minute meeting each week... and it's saved a lot of time. 🕰️

Timeline photos 26/06/2023

It's craaazy how marketing automation is so powerful yet underused. Streamline marketing, improve customer engagement, and maximise results.

Any business can use marketing automation to increase efficiency, reach more customers, and improve their marketing impact.

You just have to change your .

I told my staff to quite literally automate every single task they did through out their day, including getting their lunch, turning on their computer and anything you actually wouldn't use automation for.

Why? Because once you develop the mind set of automation first (and AI) you start to realise how much you can do.

Get Zapier Get whatever GA AI Chat you want and make them top of mind.

P.s DON'T always think that automation REPLACES every task. It opens the door to doing new things like when I started sending an automated Slack message twice a day to remind staff to update ClickUp.

I never did that before but now I have it in place it's enhanced things.


If you're looking for a hybrid marketing agency/boyband you've come to the right place.


What a ride it's been over 2 months. We've gone from $0 to over $30,000 monthly recurring revenue in 8 weeks. At MCM Agency, we have 3 core principles that have enabled us to reach this point:

- Having amazing staff - Our talented team of professionals are organised and driven to achieve the highest level of success possible. They see our vision and understand the reward of the journey.

- Crafting detailed plans - Backwards engineering our end goal is extreme detail and down to the penny has given us an exact path so all we have to do is execute.

- Partnering with motivated clients - We only work with clients aligned with our vision. We also beat any competitors’ prices and offer a service no other agency can beat.

We celebrated by workshopping the entire weekend by workshopping our client's businesses and how we're going to make them more money.

If you're a high-end , or direct-to-consumer brand doing multiple 6 figures and want to take your business to the next level by working with an agency with multiple decades of experience drop us a DM and we'll see if we can help. ❤️

Don't Waste Another Penny on Facebook Ads Until You Watch This 08/02/2023

I'll talk about it all day, but 90% of your time spent managing an ad account (in this case Facebook) needs to be spent OUTSIDE of ads manager. Research research research research.

I found an awesome website which I'm completely unaffiliated with that lets you carry out consumer surveys so easily plus they have a LOAD of free resources. askattest.com

Here's some essential information you need before launching ads for your business.

I'm going to try and create a video a week around digital advertising and see the % of them are actually spent on a platform.


Don't Waste Another Penny on Facebook Ads Until You Watch This If you're running Facebook Ads and not seeing the results you want, this video is for you! We'll show you I'm going to show you the reason why most facebook ...

MCM Agency | LinkedIn 04/12/2022

We're hiring! Hey everyone, if you or anyone you know anyone who is looking for a full-time position as a Media Buyer / Junior Marketer. Please have a look at our company's post on LinkedIn for application details. (don't DM us on Facebook) ❤️

MCM Agency | LinkedIn MCM Agency | 68 followers on LinkedIn. We Guarantee Our eCommerce Partners Increase Their PROFIT Through Paid Media, CMO Level Insight and Email Marketing. | We Guarantee D2C eCommerce Brands That We'll Lower Their Blended CPA & Increase Their Customer LTV Through Paid Media, Fractional CMO....


We are now rated 4.5 by our customers on Trustpilot! trustpilot.com/review/mikecoombe.com


Black Friday week was 😌🛀☕️


I'm putting something out a little different today; it may seem like a time waste, but trust me, it will help your business run as smooth as butter. Yet the majority of agency owners don't do this.

I'm a control/organisation freak, but what do you think about when managing your next day/project etc? If you're not planning everything you do like this (or your project manager isn't), you need to rethink - and BTW, I still do this if I'm doing a solo project.

1. What team am I assembling, and who’s carrying out each reach role? Ideally, you should have this systemised for most projects, especially if you’re an agency. A way of doing this is creating pods or 'clusters'. I used to call them groups 10 years ago.

When scaling, especially when scaling aggressively, you can run your first pod, replace yourself with an account manager when you hit your target customer number and then move on to the next pod.

Keep doing this and you'll have a machine creating pods and keeping service delivery to a maximum.

2. COMMUNICATION - So big you should already have a client, team and organisation communication SOP. If not then get creating. Chatting on 3 platforms all day means you get NOTHING done apart from instant messaging people. Trust me I've just had to reign myself in on this recently, I think I was instant messaging on Slack, ClickUp, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and LinkedIn at the same time. Ridiculous. PLUS it gets addictive.

3. Having your master planner in place. This is usually yourself. but if not they need to understand 100%: scoping projects & timelines. Deep understanding of budget control (I made this mistake early on in my career as I thought it was limitless), creating training & docs.

4. Project schedule. Look even if it's setting up an email flow - once you have this system down stay with it. Most people use gant charts for this. I personally like to apply a waterfall model to an agile framework, and then use gant to ensure timeline is being met. Again ClikUp is great for this - not only because it's so visually pleasing but they have an amazing 'University' where you can learn these systems in more depth.

5. Managing ya time! - Obvious huh? What I mean by this is EFFICIENCY. And you or your PM need to have a tight grasp of this because its critical.

You can not work 12 hours a day effectively. A good project manager will understand concepts like sprints, time blocking, breaks etc.

6. 'The Ability to See Mars and Break it Into Grass' - Me. Basically be really good at taking something HUGE and far away into small, digestible and achievable tasks. You might think this is easy but throw millions of dollars and 100s of staff you'd wish you'd pi**ed before the scrum.

7. Risk - I was actually going to make 1 email about just this but got carried away. Every time you plan a project from start to finish (which you should be doing every single time) you encounter some sort of risk. As business owners. we're pretty good at this. Just remember it and ensure the balance is right when embarking on anything.

There are many other factors that go into good project management. Once me and my business partner with a combined 25 years in Project Management partner with ClickUp we'll be upping this content because it's so important and 97% don't utilise it correctly.

Once you have this dialed in you can scale like CRAZY and will NEVER need to pause outreach or sales because the project management systems you've put in place will run like clockwork.

Let me know if you need any help with anything regarding your project management! Send me a Loom with the issue and I'll be more than happy to send one back with what to do! (for free obviously)

Photos from Mike Coombe Collective's post 25/11/2022

Personal shoutout to my faves Triple Way. Signed a client last night who was trapped. An agency was losing her thousands of $$ a day, run by a kid with marketing experience the size of a bottle cap.

Got them out of the contact, stayed up 24 hours turning it, and just hit green. 👇


“Marketing is about understanding people.

It’s that simple.

And that hard.”

– 🙌


Something said that sticks with me daily (not word for word, he would have said it way better): "It's your job to ensure your client's business is profitable long term".This is why I've become obsessed with cLTV & PSM and have regained my fire for biz growth.


“Society wants you scared, anxious, and fat.

Mainstream news monetizes your fear.

Social media monetises your insecurity.

Food corporations monetize your boredom.

The new 1% are those that can unplug and manage their emotions.”


Struggling with new concepts for your next ad campaign? Here are some ideas...
1) Product demonstration.
2) UGC
3) Story-based social proof
4) Us vs Them
5) Dominant resident emotion themes.


I love working with fitness brands. But healthy meal prep eCommerce companies are all sitting on a gold mine! Here's why 👇


KEY metrics to business growth: Blended CPA (your cost to acquire a new customer) AND cLTV (your customer's lifetime value). Fact. 💯


There is a big variation across eCommerce businesses around how easy or hard it is to get these metrics in a better place. BUT online meal prep companies, just because of the business model, typically have a HIGH CLTV. - Even without optimising it.


If you can work on acquiring a customer at a very low cost you can make hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of $$ from that initial cost. 🫣


I personally work with 4 (FOUR) eCommerce meal prep companies and below is a super simplified ad account (what we always aim for) with INSANELY low CPAs. - They are on a small budget now but we are scaling like WILDFIRE. 🔥🔥🔥 On route to taking my second local meal prep brand NATIONAL 💪

MCM Agency - Black Friday Bundle Email Campaigns 31/10/2022

Don't worry about running discounts this Black Friday. This is part of our Black Friday strategy for most brands and examples as to why we are doing this in particular on one account.

We still have 2 spots left for a full media mix, store conversion rate and general business audit. Send me a DM if you're interested!

P.s watch the video at 1.2x speed!

MCM Agency - Black Friday Bundle Email Campaigns

Check These Things Off On Your eCommerce Website by MCM Agency 27/10/2022

You know those eCommerce checklists people sell for $99? Here is a free one on us. It has everything you need pretty much to ensure your store is running well. Download away, and have a great day.


Love MCM Agency

Check These Things Off On Your eCommerce Website by MCM Agency Product Basic.yeah,B Status, Guideline name, Short description, Evaluation, Priority,Last update,A/B testing results 35 Product page guidelines #1: Do you have descriptive product titles?,Product titles provide all the required information about your ...


What's up, everyone in case you have not been following us on LinkedIn, we have an INSANE offer running right now. (click the link at the bottom of this post to get to the page and give this a SHARE as there are A LOT of businesses that can benefit from this. The only requirements are as simple as you need to run an eCommerce store with an annual turnover of $500,000 minimum.

--- Post from LinkedIn ---

I knew this offer was good but did not expect the response we've had. You can check out the post on our page and claim your free marketing mix audit right now. To put it simply:

✅ You're getting someone to conduct an extremely thorough audit of every single platform you use day by day, with key insight into metrics that actually matter,

✅ You're then being told what to do at a high level (not adjusting a piece of ad copy I mean budget reallocation, campaign simplification, efficiency increases, scientific testing methods) that includes time lines and projected outcomes.

✅ You're getting a 90 day road map based on that data on how to start increasing what matters most to your brand (usually scaling with budget profitably or scaling with efficiency (not increased budget)), increasing customer life time value etc.

🔥 AND a black Friday campaign strategy that will actually make you money without running a single discount, lower your CPA and make January an even bigger month than December (because I can guarantee you there will be many people reading this whose sales will TANK in January, ESPECIALLY if you have a novice agency working with you (90% of agencies).

It's literally a no-brainer. DM if you are interested, and we'll have a chat or head over to our page and fill out the form. Simple.




I will keep this one simple. Are you running paid media to discounts on your store this Black Friday? I'd Just like to know the reasoning behind it (honestly)? 🧐

Why I think discounts suck and why you should certainly not be spending money on these ads. (PERFECT STRATEGY EXPLAINED AT THE END) 👇

1) the profit made on the one sale is less (obvious one for you). Are you even making money when you factor in the cost it takes to acquire the customer, COGs and the discount on the product? 🤷‍♂️

2) Consumers are far less likely to be brand loyal and repeat purchase, therefore lowering your customer LTV which is critical to business growth.

3) You're bringing in lower-quality consumers into your ecosystem. These are deal hunters and are not loyal to your brand, and before you know it, your whole CRM is full of them. Once again, lowering LTV plus making your list useless for further marketing efforts.

What to do instead?

1) Don't run ads at all during this period (yup). 🤪

2) Continue running ads but lower your spend (good if you already have a solid account set up and know you can still maintain sales) the reason for lowering the budget is that this is when every single other brand is going 5x their media spend and basically outbid you and cause your CPA to rise. So lower your spend, so you lose less but continue to bring in some volume.

Also, remember people are in buy mode anyway, so if you have a solid account set up and they are in buy mode, you'll still sell.

🚨 What to actually do:

3) Right now, start building your CRM up. Literally today, start running lead ads (remember we are still looking for quality consumers here so be CREATIVE a rubbish free eBook won't help here think outside the box).

Once BFCM comes around, just run your offer through your email list. This way, you have acquired a customer at a FAR cheaper price, and you can then send them your offer for free and keep them buying.

Key points on the last bit - OFFER not to discount and KEEP THEM BUYING MORE. This equals brand loyal customers (increased LTV) and more sales from these people (increased LTV). All are acquired at a super low cost.

Let me know your thoughts. Are you going to battle against some of the biggest brands in your industry this Black Friday, or play it smart and act now? Or do you completely disagree?

P.s if you're an agency acquiring clients January - March is prime time. Why? Because their simple agencies have told them to run HUGE discount sales, and when January rolls around, their sales plummet. What's the agency's answer? 'January Sale Anyone?!'.


If you're selling your products on Amazon OR are an Amazon-first business transitioning to Shopify, are you tracking your overall media spend in correlation to your Amazon sales?

This is a huge one because you might be spending thousands and thousands of dollars on paid media but only tracking your store conversions.

This isn't giving you the whole picture. We know that using paid media, Facebook ads, in particular, 100% directly affects your Amazon sales.

But how do we track it correctly? There's no concrete answer to this (just as there is no concrete answer as to where a sale came from on any platform).

So as you increase your spend on Facebook, Google or whatever platform you're using, look for trends in the volume of sales and revenue. This can only be done if you're actually tracking and documenting your spend and sales every single day (if you're not, then why?).

Find the trends in your data, and then you can determine how much of an effect it is having. I've attached a screenshot showing how you should be documenting this.

Pro tip: position your ads to define a specific tone or phrase that you use on Amazon. Then watch your Amazon sales explode.

MCM Agency 20/10/2022

And our new website is live! Let us know what you think!

MCM Agency MCM is Dedicated to Forecasted, Predictable & Sustainable Business to Consumer Business Growth.


We are now rated 4.4 by our customers on Trustpilot! trustpilot.com/review/mikecoombe.com

Want your business to be the top-listed Advertising & Marketing Company in Epsom?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



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10 Stane Way

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