Toni Axon Coaching

Personal & Business Coach | Barefoot Level 2 Qualified | ICF Member


Are you a mum who thrives on routine or do you prefer to go with the flow?

All my children are back at school this week, and wow— it feels like everything is falling back into place! Theres a few tweaks and changes here and there, as my middle one has gone up to senior school, but we all know what's happening and when, instead of just winging it as we do during the summer holidays. The house feels calmer, and honestly, so do I!

Even when the children were babies, we found a routine that worked for us.

How about you— are you a fan of structure, do you embrace the chaos or do you feel that you need to identify some changes to bring calm to yourself and household? Please let me know or get in touch if you would like to chat

Photos from Toni Axon Coaching's post 28/08/2024

The holidays are nearly over, so we got out today in the fresh air and went fruit picking

Came away with some delicious strawberries & blackberries… and of course no sign of any berries over the boys faces at all!!! 😳😋

Photos from Toni Axon Coaching's post 23/08/2024

A fab family holiday to Turkey… VERY HOT, lots of food, fun & beautiful sunsets

How long do I have until they are all taller than me?! 🤔😭🥰


The children have gone out with Nan & Grandad for the afternoon, but I get their dog! Who’s got the better deal here?! 🤔😁


Watching Helen Glover win that silver medal with her teammates this week was an incredible moment! But what really struck me was then listening to her talking about the scrutiny she faced being an Olympian after having children. So inspiring!

Have any of you felt like all eyes were on you when you returned to work after having children? Did you feel you could do your job as well as those without children or did you question yourself and feel like those around you were undermining your abilities now you are a mum?

I would love to hear your thoughts - do let me know


Wow - just been to this ones year 6 leavers service at school and I just can’t believe he is moving up to senior school - HOW???

It’s so scary how quick this has come around ???😭

It’s all change! ❤️


As we head into the summer holidays, many of us are juggling work and sending our children to holiday clubs to cover childcare. It’s hard not to feel the weight of guilt, especially when we think about all the school drop-offs, pick-ups, sports days, and trips we've missed throughout the school year…

But then other mums might be tying themselves up in knots, worrying they don't have enough planned and that their children will be bored all summer….

What is your mum guilt? What assumptions have you developed to make you feel this way? 🤔


A lovely big welcome to our newest member! 🫶

Toni has a strong desire to support and empower mums, no matter what stage of the mum journey they are on. Every mum’s experience is unique, and she’s here to help you navigate yours with confidence and fulfilment. 🙌🏻

Toni works in a safe, confidential environment, and much of her work with clients takes place online, making it convenient and accessible. 💪

Examples of Who Toni Can Help...

New Mums: If you’re feeling low in confidence, isolated, and overwhelmed.

Returning to Work: If you’re anxious about returning to work after maternity leave and feeling isolated from your employer.

Feeling Stuck: If you’re feeling stuck in your role at work and unsure of your next steps.

Rediscovering Yourself: If you feel like you’ve lost your identity after years of being “mum” and want to reclaim a sense of balance in your life.

Find out more, drop a follow and show your support here - 😍

Toni it’s great to have you onboard! 🤩

If you’d like to join us here at The Mother Hub, DM to get started! 👍


Ever feel like you’re running on empty, spending all your energy on the kids and daily grind, only to lose a little bit of yourself in the process? I get i - I’ve been there too.

A while back, I hit a turning point. A friend suggested I try “Dance Yourself Fit.” At first, it was WAY outside my comfort zone. But guess what?! It got me out of the house, moving, laughing, and feeling alive again.

But there was still a void. Once the kids were asleep, I found myself zoning out in front of the TV. I needed something more, something just for me. That’s when I decided to learn a new skill: crochet. I know—I never would have thought I’d do this! After a few YouTube tutorials and some practice, I completed my first baby blanket! Sure, it’s a bit wiggly, so I have got to get better at counting the stitches, but hey, it’s a start. Plus, it’s so relaxing and gives me something to focus on besides the TV. What do you think of my blanket?! 🤔😁

So, what do YOU do for yourself? Have you fallen into the routine of putting everyone else’s happiness before your own? It’s time to change that!

Share your own “me time” activities in the box below or let me know if you’re inspired to start something new.


Have you ever felt the need for a fresh perspective – whether it’s within your role at work, in your profession, or at home with your baby?

Being a stay-at-home mum is such a privilege, offering countless precious moments. However, every journey has its challenges, and it's okay to seek more connection and growth. Your feelings are valid, and you are not alone in this experience!

So, what can you do?

Reach out! Let’s connect and work together on your goals and actions to help you thrive. Whether you need a new perspective, a plan, or just someone to listen, I’m here for you.


Life is full of changes, and as a mum, these shifts can happen both when we expect them and when we don't. Bringing a baby home from the hospital instantly transforms your world. As your children grow, significant milestones—like returning to work or seeing them prepare for exams—make you wonder where the time has gone. Even moments like stopping breastfeeding can disrupt the balance you've established.

Every mum reacts to these stages in their own unique way. Sometimes, without even realising it, we might find ourselves feeling isolated, losing confidence, or struggling to hold onto our sense of self.

If you're feeling uneasy about the changes in your motherhood journey, please reach out and connect.

Photos from Toni Axon Coaching's post 10/05/2024

Checking out our woodland teepee at Into The Wild where James and I will be running our group coaching sessions this summer.

If you’re near Altrincham and want to make a career change, get in touch! Click the link in our profile bio for more info & to your book place

* Disclaimer: Luna the Labrador may or may not be in attendance at the sessions. 🐕

Professional Change Course - June 2024 - Toni Axon Coaching 06/05/2024

Ready for a New Professional Chapter?

Our group coaching sessions are kicking off in June 2024, at Into The Wild, and are designed to support and challenge you in a safe, confidential environment.

Whether you're planning a career change, aiming for a promotion, or considering a new business, our group coaching sessions are tailored to help you navigate your career transitions with confidence.

Perfect for:

*Those re-entering the workforce
*Career changers or retrainers
*People seeking promotions
*New business owners
*Those planning for an active retirement

🔗 Click the link below or in the comments box below for more information or to reserve your spot.

Professional Change Course - June 2024 - Toni Axon Coaching Group Coaching Course focusing on confidence and motivation for a career change. Starting June 2024 in Altrincham, Cheshire


Had a stroll through Dunham Massey with my children this weekend, and we noticed some creative barriers made of branches and twigs around certain trees in the forest. They sparked a fun conversation about why they're there—to protect the trees! This got me thinking about the barriers we set up in our own lives.

Sometimes, we create boundaries to stay safe and comfortable. But it’s interesting to consider which ones might be holding us back. 🤔

What kind of boundaries have you noticed in your life lately? Are they helping you grow or just keeping you in your comfort zone? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Drop a comment below 👇


Have you ever felt like you've lost sight of who you are amidst the demands of being a parent or pursuing your career 100%? I certainly did.

When I finally took a moment to step back and reflect, I realised my entire world revolved around my children, which wasn't a bad thing. But I couldn't help but wonder, what about me? What happened to my hobbies and interests?

If this resonates with you, it might be time for a change. Let's explore your goals and challenges together. Through coaching, we can create a roadmap to help you rediscover the different elements that make you, you, and support you in balancing your priorities.

Get in touch today and book an introduction chat in 👍


Have you ever found yourself simply going through the motions, feeling disconnected from the person you’ve become? It happens.

Amidst life’s busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of our values and goals. But it’s never too late to pause, reflect, and realign with what truly matters. That’s where coaching steps in. With its tools and support, coaching can help navigate life’s ups and downs, guiding you to reconnect with aspirations and passions. And what better time to start this journey than spring? It’s the season for shedding old habits, embracing growth, and blooming into your best self.

Reach out and embrace the power of coaching today to begin your fulfilling journey ahead.


The subtle weight of isolation can settle in unexpected corners of our lives. Whether it’s navigating a new city, adjusting to a different work dynamic, or embracing the challenges of motherhood, isolation wears many faces and can creep up on us.

It’s a silent struggle that can fuel a cascade of negative emotions and behaviours. But within these diverse scenarios, the common thread is the sense of disconnection. Have you ever felt isolated?

Recognising the signs is the first step towards change. Moving to a new village and not speaking to anyone for days, joining a longstanding team and not voicing your points during meetings, or embracing motherhood but not leaving the house to go along to groups to meet other new mums are a few signals, which can be daunting & silencing. If you’re navigating these challenges, know that you’re not alone. Your feelings are valid, and there’s strength in acknowledging them.

Let’s break through the isolation together. If you’re yearning for connection, wondering about your goals, or feeling adrift, reach out.

Click the link in comments for the blog 👍


Happy Mother’s Day 🩷

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mums out there and to those who are no longer with us, but are always in our thoughts

This morning I got to wondering “how many more years do I have of being given handmade cards” by excitable little people and that I should really cherish these moments… At what age does that all stop?! 🤔💙🥰


Endometriosis Awareness Month ⭐️


Happy International Women’s Day to all you amazing ladies out there.

A day to recognise fantastic achievements, raise awareness and invest in women in all areas of life; both personally & professionally. It can also be a time to step back and reflect allowing yourself to appreciate your own positive experiences & achievements, whilst exploring challenging factors and gaining inspiration to move forward on your personal journey


To celebrate International Women’s Day today, we thought we would highlight a key member of our team who plays an important role within our epilepsy treatment and surgery services here at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Fahmida Chowdhury was attracted to the field of epilepsy because it is a diverse condition that affects people of all ages. Epilepsy treatment is holistic and she wanted to improve patients’ seizures, but also had a strong interest in improving their quality of life in general and supporting them through important life events. Being part of a large multidisciplinary team brings Fahmida a lot of fulfilment and in particular her role on the telemetry unit means that she gets to know the patients on the ward well, which she finds very rewarding.

Fahmida is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist at the NHNN. Qualifying from Edinburgh Medical school in 2003, Fahmida went on to complete a PhD in Epilepsy in 2012 from Kings, University of London. This led her to train in Clinical Neurology and taking a Fellowship in Complex Epilepsy / Video-EEG telemetry at the National Hospital, where she has been working as a Consultant since 2017. As clinical lead of the Video-EEG telemetry unit, as well as chairing the epilepsy surgery multidisciplinary team, Fahmida’s clinical interests focusses on patients who do not respond to medical treatment and investigating whether they may be candidates for epilepsy surgery, in particular localising where seizures start (a very important part of pre-surgical assessment) using Video-EEG telemetry.

To relax and destress, Fahmida loves to get out in the fresh air for a connecting, beautiful hike in the country side or to go out for a run!


Maternity leave is a significant milestone for many mothers-to-be, but the range of emotions it elicits can be overwhelming. Some eagerly anticipate leaving their roles behind to embrace motherhood, while others feel apprehensive about stepping into the unknown and walking away from their career that they have spent along time building up and feel safe within.

How do you feel about your impending maternity leave? Are you excited, anxious, or perhaps experiencing a mix of emotions?

If you’re struggling to navigate these thoughts, know that you’re not alone. Whether you’re eagerly awaiting maternity leave or feeling uncertain about returning to work, I’m here to support you through this journey.

Reach out if you’d like to discuss your emotions and find clarity during this transformative time.


Reflecting on my recent yoga class, which was focused on balance, I couldn’t help but ponder the concept in other facets of life. How many of us can honestly say we have a harmonious balance between work, family, hobbies, and personal time? Have you ever paused to assess if your time is disproportionately allocated to work or family, leaving little room for self-care or pursuing your passions?

Are you overwhelmed by the demands of daily life, longing for more balance, but do not know where to start to carve out time for yourself and prioritise activities that bring you joy and fulfilment?

Whether you’re struggling to juggle multiple responsibilities or feeling burnt out from constantly putting others’ needs ahead of your own, I’m here to provide a safe and confidential space for you to explore and discuss your life’s balance.

Take the first step towards reclaiming equilibrium and reaching your full potential. Reach out to me if you’re ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and find greater balance in your life.


Taking time to reflect on my week this morning, I have pulled out the fact that I got involved in an activity WELL outside my comfort zone… “Dance yourself Fit” - I can’t dance AT ALL and really was not 100% about going!!! 😳💃😳

But, I got out of the house, went along with a friend, had a good giggle and did some exercise aswell!!! Win win! 😁

What have you got involved in this week, which took you outside your comfort zone - work or social? Pop them in the comments box below 🤔


Feeling like you’re fading into the background can be a tough space to navigate. Whether it’s age, the demands of family life, changes in your body post-childbirth, or the unique challenges of the menopause journey – feeling invisible is more common than you might think.

If you find yourself in a place where this sense of insignificance is impacting your confidence and, consequently, your family or work life, there’s a way forward. We can work together to pinpoint your goals, strategically plan your actions, and, most importantly, rebuild your self-esteem.

Lets work to remove that invisibility cloak and let the world see the amazing individual you are. Take that step to embark on a journey, within a safe, confidential space, to boost your confidence, enhance your outlook and ensure you’re not just seen ,but recognised for the incredible person you are! - book a free introduction session TODAY! 💫

Click the link in the comments box for the blog 👍


Following the focus on the weather forecast this week and either the joy or kaos the snow has brought to everyone, im curious on how you would describe how you’re feeling today illustrated as a weather forecast?! For example;

❄️❄️ Feeling like a whirlwind of tasks are heading my way, with deadlines looming and a to-do list that seems never-ending. The pressure is building up, and I can’t quite see through the flurry of responsibilities.

Forecast: A snow blizzard so thick, I might struggle to see what’s right in front of me.

⚡️🌧On the horizon, there’s a return-to-work meeting that’s casting a shadow over my day.

Forecast: The anticipation is bringing in dark clouds, and I can feel the heavy rain of apprehension starting to pour.

🌥☀️A new baby group adventure awaits. Nervous about the journey, unsure about the baby’s behavior, and the looming question of social interactions.

Forecast: A cloudy start, but optimism suggests the clouds should clear by mid-morning, letting the beautiful sun shine through.

Drop your personal forecasts below, and if you need a safe space to discuss, feel free to reach out. Let’s weather the storms together! ⛅️🤝


Ever feel like ALL eyes are on you, even from supportive friends and family?

The want to do everything right or to preform at your highest level, infront of everyone, can be so overwhelming it in turn affects your decisions, attention, and confidence. Whether it's the challenges of parenthood or the return to work, we all face unique pressures that can change our behaviour, distort our beliefs and isolate us.

If you recognise an abundance of knots within yourself, bubbling away ready to over flow, and would like to talk, within a safe, confidential space - do get in touch.

Click the link in the profile bio for the blog 👍


What does confidence mean to you? What words would you use to describe confidence?

It is interesting that someone who feels extremely confident in one environment, can find themselves in a new situation, i.e. having a baby, children have all gone off to school, returning to work into a different team, and all of the sudden that confidence has fallen away, which in turn affects behaviour, actions and relationships.

Can you recognise a feeling of a lack of confidence in yourself? Is it something you would like to explore further?

I’m curious and would love to find out more; listen to what confidence means to you, hear about how you feel it has affected you and work with you to build your confidence on your journey

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Get on board and come along to our group coaching sessions focused upon “Coaching for Professional Change” at Into The W...






Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm

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