
FitReset offers time efficient and effective workouts created just for you, support and tips to hel


Happy New Year everyone 🍾🎉

I have started the new year with a twisted ankle after a bad landing falling of the unicycle during today's practice!

Never mind. I set my intentions for the year this morning before going out to train and this doesn't not changed anything.

A little bit of ice and a rest hopefully will do the trick. In the meantime there is lots that can be done.

I trained arms with some super sets as time was limited. I practice juggling and now will work on music, trick orders and style for the act.

You will find many obstacles on your path, you decided if they stop you, slow you down or fire you up.


Life in a photo 💕🎪

Photos from FitReset's post 18/11/2022

🎉 🎉 🎉 That's us finished for 2022!! 🎉 🎉 🎉
A BiG thanks to everyone that came to see our show and supported us this year!!! An extra special thanks to Frances for the lovely flowers and chocolates she gave us on our final day!!! ❤️❤️❤️ They were a perfect ending to a perfect season!! Thanks to all of our artists and staff!! You were all great!!

Also let's have a BiG shout out to the NHS and NHS Charities Together (who we have been supporting with the help of you good people!!) 🙂❤️
Together we have raised a FANTASTIC £6199‼️🤯❤️ NHS Charities Together work with over 230 NHS charities across the UK; supporting hospitals, mental health, community and ambulance trusts to name but a few.

Thanks you everyone from the bottom or our hearts.
We hope to see you all again with our brand new show in 2023!!! 🎉🎪🎉❤️🎉 Whoop whoop


Let's see how are you doing with your acrobatics.
Today we will be going over all the acrobatics we have learned and if you have any doubts or need help with anything let us know in the comments during the live video or after and we will come back to it to help you.


Teaser, teaser 😛

See you all today at 4pm to learn how to do your clown make up.

Are you ready?

❤Please like and share ❤

Timeline photos 24/02/2021

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🎪🎪🎪See you all this afternoon at 4PM for some family fun together, with circus Ginnett! 🎪🎪🎪

Our clown Mr. Fips will be showing you how to do your clown make up 🤡

All you will need is 1 red lipstick 💄 and some flour 🙈

Don't miss it, will see you soon!

Photos from FitReset's post 23/02/2021

Let's talk protein!

Protein is necessary for many things.

Whether you want to loose weight, gain muscle, recover from a tough workout, feel more satieted at mealtime or simply maintain good health, it's important to get adequate amount of healthy protein.

Protein is a crucial component of every cell in our bodies, it's use to build and repair tissue ( like skeletal muscle, bone, hair, fingernails, cartilage, skin and blood) as well as make enzymes and hormones that help regulate metabolism, growth and many other things.

So being protein so important many of us, athletes take protein shakes as a supplement to help us each our daily protein intake target.

While it is nothing wrong with that (I do it myself) it's important that we try our best to get the majority of our macro and micro nutrients from whole nutritional food.

But this is easier say than done, specially with protein, I found protein being the hardest macronutrient for me to hit in my daily target.

Today I want to share this recipe with you, it's delicious, quick and easy to make and very high in protein 😉

Tell me which macronutrient do you struggle to hit the most and which one do you find yourself overdoing if you are not careful in your daily target?

For me hardest to reach is protein and easiest to over do it is fat 🤗

Instant pot chicken ramen

15.8g of carbs
15.9g of fat
52.2g of protein


4large eggs
2 teaspoons of olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
4 green onions thinly sliced, white and green parts separated
1 tablespoons of fresh ginger finely grated
2 medium garlic clove chopped
3 cups(720ml) reduce sodium chicken broth
3 dried shiitake mushrooms
2 packages tofu shirataki noodles
110g bock choir sliced
2 tablespoons reduced sodium soy sauce
1 3/4 chicken drumsticks, skinless

➡️ swipe right for directions

Timeline photos 21/02/2021

Morning walks are the best! We took all the doggies for a walk this morning, including Paw patrol Chase who is on the case 😛 thank you logan loves chase 💗

Photos from FitReset's post 21/02/2021

Bored of lockdown and been at home all day?

Looking for a new experience, improve your dancing skills, a new way to start exercising that is fun and contagious?

Then you must book now into either Monday, Friday or both salsatone classes this week 💃

DM me to book or if you have any questions let me know or comment below! 🤩

💃 😊



How often do we forget about then?

We train our arms, and, legs, glutes, back, everything we can think of , but how often do we say; hey, let me show my feet some love 💗

Our feet support us everyday, all the time. When we train, when we walk, when we are cooking cleaning, everything we do in life our feet are there supporting us.

Now that is the weekend and the week is coming to an end, let's take the time to treat ourselves and our feet.

Myofacial release with spiky balls!

If you don't have a spiky ball you can use anything like a tennis ball or any round circular hard object you can find around the house.

This exercises will work in your myofacial system to reduce tension, improve blood flow, increase body awareness and aid in injury prevention and rehabilitation.

By targeting trigger points you can reduce pain level and improve range of motion through specific muscles and subsequently improve joint motion.

🤍Like, Share to your stories & Save to come back to it every time you need it🤍




Photos from FitReset's post 16/02/2021

🤓🤓 Do you know they are chemical reactions happening in our bodies and helping also with the release of different type of hormones? 🤓🤓

Here is a little summary for you to have a look at and also what you can do to boost the release of the right hormones 😃

Every little help 🤗

If you didn't know and found this interesting give me a like, you can also saved it to have a look at it every time you need to and share it if you know anyone that would like to know this 💗


🤓🤓🤓 Don't expect change when doing the same things every day!

For things to change you need to take the first step and change 😜


Dream big, work smart, keep humble 💫

Are you moving towards your dreams? Are you taking small but consistent steps towards your goals?

Comment below and let me know 👇

Have a rockwesome Monday!


💥💥💥This week classes! Get booking and join me 😍

All classes are 45 minutes and you can easily book on Gymcatch.

If you need help with gymcatch or would like to book a different way just Dm me 😉

See you in class! 💗


The Sun is out! Quick put your bikini on 😋


Looking for a sharp, short yet effective abs workout?

Then give this one a go!

Only 10 minutes, repeat each exercise x 10 times, then repeat until the 10 minutes are gone, try to don't take any rest or as little as possible?

Share this with your friends so they can give it a go too 😉

And let me know how it goes?

Have a fabulous Wednesday! 🌈



And also join us this Wednesday at 4pm for more fun family activities at home.

Here at Circus Ginnett we know how hard is to have to stay at home all this time, not been able to see family and friends and go to play or to do the activities we used to before. That's why we are here for you every Wednesday at 4:30pm while lockdown last to bring to your home some love, entertainment, fitness, circus and fun for all the family, everyone is welcome to join us.

This Wednesday we will be hula hooping with Jennie 💖

Tell your friend and share on you page 😉


💖💖💖 It's children mental health week and I amd m Circus team love helping to support your family during this lockdown times 💖💖💖

Come and join us every Wednesday at 4pm in our Circus Ginnetts page for how to stay fit and positive at home in a fun and joyful environment.

Kids, mums, dads, nannies and grandads are all welcome 😉

Go and have a look and PLEASE SHARE!



It can be tricky to tell if you’re skimping on deep sleep, but here are signs experts suggest looking out for. These could signal you’re not getting enough deep sleep, in particular, or that you’re just not getting enough sleep overall.

Deep sleep is essential for athletic recovery. We typically make growth hormones during deep sleep, so if you are not getting enough deep sleep, you are not making growth hormone. If you don’t get enough, you might find it more difficult to recover from athletics.

Consolidation of motor memory (Think: better coordination) also happens during deep sleep. So, if you don’t seem to be making progress in your workouts despite training hard, it could be a sign you’re not recovering enough at night. If you exercise hard, your body will respond with more deep sleep. Basically, no sleep, no gains. Lastly, if you notice more muscle pain and soreness than usual, this could be a sign your body isn’t adequately repairing overnight during your deep sleep phases.
This is a sign of not getting enough sleep overall, but it can be indicative of problems with deep sleep specifically. You will feel sleepy during the day and be at risk of accidents and other sleep deprivation-related health issues: high-blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, metabolic syndrome and so on.
“If you wake up multiple times throughout the night, you will ‘short’ your deep sleep, because you’ll have to go to the ‘front of the line’ and go through stage N1 and N2 before you get back to deep sleep (N3)




This is probably the most important thing you can do to boost your deep sleep time. Reduction of total sleep usually impacts total deep sleep, particularly going to bed later than normal. Most people need 7–9 hours per night, though individual sleep needs vary.



Experts agree stimulants and depressants like caffeine, ni****ne and alcohol have a negative impact on sleep overall and reaching adequate deep sleep levels. You might think anything with a sedative effect would help with deep sleep, but quality sleep and sedation are not the same.



Keeping the body and mind active with exercise and complex, engaging work and social engagements has been shown to result in deeper sleep at night.



Since so many of us are working from home, it’s really easy to snuggle up in bed during the day, but this can create bad sleep habits. Likewise, leave your bed if you’re awake for more than 20 minutes. Find a low-key activity to do until you feel the signs of sleepiness, and then return to bed.



Sleep pressure refers to how much need your body feels to sleep. A lower sleep pressure can decrease deep sleep and make it more difficult to fall asleep at a regular bedtime. Taking a nap close to bedtime lowers our pressure to sleep, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Consider the timing and schedule naps earlier in the day.


Try and avoid watching the news late at night or just before bed, with so much going around, death, more people getting I'll and the unknown of how long are we going to keep in lockdown can get you mind going for hours worrying and stressing about things that are not under our control. Instead try and choose a programme that's more about entertainment or fun.


How to Get More Deep Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is bad for you. It can mess with your heart health, immune system and even your weight-loss efforts. And while getting enough sleep overall is important, it’s also key to spend enough time in each phase of the sleep cycle — especially deep sleep.


We sleep in cycles, and most people go through 4–6 sleep cycles per night. Before you reach REM sleep, the phase where you dream, there are two main sleep stages:

Light sleep (non-REM): During this phase, which is two distinct phases, N1 and N2, you fall asleep, but you can more easily wake up.

Deep sleep (non-REM): This is the type of sleep, also called N3, that your body needs to feel rested in the morning. If you wake up during deep sleep, you are likely to feel groggy at first.

“We spend about 25% of our night in deep sleep, the majority of which comes in cycles during the first half of the night. Deep sleep is also sometimes called slow-wave sleep because, when looking at brain waves on an EEG, deep sleep creates a large, slow, wave pattern that indicates minimal brain activity.
All the sleep phases are important for our health, but deep sleep is crucial. “During deep sleep, your body is in repair mode, releasing growth hormone, repairing damaged tissue and consolidating memory.
Most people need 1 1/2–2 hours of deep sleep per night. It’s also somewhat dependent on how much we’ve slept in the previous nights. The longer we stay awake at night, the more deep sleep we will have during the next night’s sleep recovery.
The amount of deep sleep we get also changes throughout our lifespan, typically decreasing as we get older. This decrease of deep sleep with age is larger for men than for women.However, it’s not known if it’s the need for deep sleep or the ability to maintain deep sleep that changes with age.


It can be tricky to tell if you’re skimping on deep sleep, but here are signs experts sugg



This week we will be looking at clean sleep!

We’ve all been there. Your alarm goes off after a sleepless night and you drag yourself out of bed like a bear with a sore head. A bad night’s sleep can leave you feeling tired, irritable and unable to concentrate. You crave a pick-me-up in the form of sugar or caffeine, and long for the moment you can crawl back under your duvet.

On the other hand, nine hours of sleeping like a log can see you springing out of bed feeling bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to take on anything the day might throw at you. But when you’ve got a lot on your mind, getting a good night’s sleep can be easier said than done.

Just like regular exercise and a healthy diet, getting enough good sleep is an essential part of looking after your health.

So this week lets try and focus on doing our best to get 7-9 hours of sleep. Everyone is different, someone us will be fully fresh and recovered after 7 hours of deep sleep, other ones might need 8 or 9, as with everything else is trial and error to find how many hours of sleep does your body really needs.

Try to keep your phone out of the room (use other type of alarm if you need one)

Try to don't use your phone at least 1 hour before bed time

Keep a cool temperature in the room and keep it dark as well

Try and create a bedtime routine rug. Ni phone at least 1 hours before bed, a nice warm drink, hot milk or tea (whichever you prefer) and read a book for a bit. But this us just an example you can create your own with things that help you undwind 😴


💃💃💃💃💃There is not a better way to start the week than dancing!!!

DM me if you would like to to book 🙌


💥 Hip mobility 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️

‼ Tightness or an ache in your lower back, specially when standing?
‼ Poor posture or difficulty standing up straight?
‼ Neck tightness and pain?
‼ Pain in the glutes?

All this can be signs of tight hips flexors!

If you are experiencing anything of this or you spend lots of time sitting at your desk, take 5 minutes off and do this stretches 🤗

give this ones a go too, to take you step further into a deeper split 😉

Tag me if you do them or comment below.

Follow me now here on Instagram or on Facebook to upgrade your game with more like this 💫




🦋🦋🦋 Take me back to those days where we used to fly 🦋🦋🦋

Can't wait until we can go back to the glitter, shiny lights, shows and glamour 💫💫💫

Are you keeping fit and strong during lockdown?
Are you looking after your body and mind ?

Drop me a comment below and let me know what's holding you together during this times and what's helping you to keep accountable with your training?


Good morning and happy Friday!
How is your week been? Have you manage to add some movement and drink more water?


Good morning!

Hope you are all doing well and keeping strong and positive.

This week we continue to move more often and to focus on drink more water 💪

I wanted to also let you know for all of you with kids at home that I will be from today , every Wednesday during this lockdown doing a 15 minutes circus kids fitness in our circus page 🎪

As many of you are aware apart from a fitness professional I am a circus artist and run a circus show together with my husband. We want to support as many families as possible during this lockdown by offering this 15 minutes sessions for you and your kids at home to move and have fun together.

My husband and I will be this afternoon FM Express radio at 1:25 pm talking about this.

Click below and follow us or like our page to participate and for those of you that will join us will see you at 4pm today.

Stuck at home with kids during lockdown? 🤯

Don't worry, we got your back! 🤗

Here at Circus Ginnett we are getting ready for a marvelous 2021 season (whenever possible) But whilst we are all at home keeping safe we want to bring some joy and movement to your home and family. 🎪

Our cuban aerial gymnast Lisandra, who is also a qualified fitness trainer live every Wednesday at 4pm in our page with a 15 minutes circus fitness for kids 🥰

Circus skills, stretching and flexibility, conditioning and more to share with you and your kids. Everyone is welcome from the little ones to the biggest ones.

Keep your 👀 open, hit the notification button, so you don't miss it and share this post with your Facebook friends so everyone can join us in our page.

See you soon!



Today we are starting our second week of the January challenge.

First week was all about adding some extra movement into our daily routine. This week we are going to continue with this habit of adding a bit of extra daily movement , but we are going to add a second one. 🤗

We are going to aim to drink between 3 to 4 litres of water a day.

That's is simple eh?

Why we are focusing on hydration this week?

Water is one of the most essential components in our body, making up 75% of muscle tissue and 10% of fatty tissue. It also transports nutrients to all places in our body (muscles, cells, etc) and filters waste.

If you exercise regularly, it is essential that you stay hydrated. Dehydration causes muscle fatigue and cramping, and the body’s ability to thermoregulate (maintain body temperature) is decreased.

Stay safe and positive!



Hit your daily steps target from home.

Low impact, easy on joints.

All ages and abilities welcome.

Totally free.

Click the link below and subscribe 😍🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️


🌅🌅Good morning 🌅🌅

I hope you have woke up today full of positive vibes and feeling good.

Remember we are in our January challenge and I will be giving you little things to add to your routine every week to help you feel better and create new healthy habits.

This week our aim to to move more and eve6day you should try and add some extra movement to your day in whichever form your prefer. A walk, a run, dancing in the living room or while cleaning or cooking, playing a bit extra with the kids, anything you feel like but that will bring some extra movement to your day.

Don't forget to let me know what do you choose to do or take a photo and post it.

I also have 2 programmes starting next Monday 11th.


Hit your daily steps target from home.

Low impact, easy on joints.

All ages and abilities welcome.

Totally free.

You can sing in through this link:

2. My calming classes is a 6 weeks block starting next Monday 11th of January, 30 minutes every Monday for the next 6 weeks.

Designed with you in mind and to help you unwind, relax, strengthen and lengthen your body. Looking after you.

Once posted all classes will remain available if you would like to repeat them few times a week.

No high impact, easy for all ages and abilities.

£25 only for this amazing 6 weeks block.

Deliver through our CALM Facebook group .

Dates are as follows:

Monday 11th January
Monday 18th January
Monday 25th January
Monday 1st February
Monday 8th February
Monday 15th February

Pay with paypal to get access to the group:

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any help or fitness advice or would like to know anything else about the programmes.


Walk at home with me challenge!

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