Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen

Guiding you back to the blueprint of YOU & your natural state of flow. My name is Rach and I am a Reiki Master and an intuitive shadow worker.

Having always been a lover of all things mystical and magical, I went through what I can only describe as a huge spiritual awakening in 2020. This transformed my life.

​​Being a Projector, my soul mission is to guide you back to the blueprint of you. The you that you were always designed to be. Intuitively guiding you through your fears & patterns that keep you stuck, connecting you back to your


If you've ever benefited from my services, can I ask a HUGE favour?

I have finally got my head around setting up Google Reviews! If you'd be willing to write a short review to help verify my profile and business, I would be eternally grateful.

I promise to pay it forward too :)

Thank you # # #

Review us on Google Post a review to our profile on Google

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 25/10/2023

Shine bright like a diamond….

In the quantum world, diamonds communicate with each other across time and space….

Just as humans do.

When we shine bright as our most authentic selves, we emit light ✨ Our energy is felt before we even speak. We radiate warmth. And that lights others up too….

But to be our most authentic selves, we need to be balanced on all levels….

And when we come off balance, we need strategies to bring us back to centre.

It’s a process.

It’s all about Reclaiming Your Power 🪄
And for children, retaining their power 🌟

Diamonds form underground. They grow in the dark 🌚
It takes a lot of pressure to form diamonds. Then they explode to the surface and shine bright for all to see ✨

Some may say there’s a metaphor in there 😉

Shine bright and light up those around you to form a diamond grid. All unique. All beautiful. But all connected.

It’s a frequency thing 💫

Your energy matters. Be the diamond you were born to be xx

❤️I’m Rachel, a Well-being Consultant with a difference 🪄
❤️I work with families and organisations to transform you from CHAOS to CALM
❤️Science backed by a lot of magic 💫


Are you ready for some TLC?

I am passionate about Mental Health, but even more so about the families affected by Mental Health.

With world Mental Health day coming up next week (10/10/23) I wanted to offer something slightly different….

A nurturing online event for anybody affected by the Mental Health of a loved one.

This will take place on Monday 9th October, 7.30pm-8.15pm, via Zoom (videos can be on or off)

It will be a nourishing event with meditation, journaling, Reiki, nervous system regulation & plenty of self love ❤️ Time for you to re-set and rebalance.

Booking link: https://calendly.com/rachelnaylor/reclaim-your-power-mh-self-love

Stronger Together 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

(I would do it on the 10th but I’m in schools all day working with children on Mental Health ❤️)


I have a love/hate relationship with social media...anyone else?!

For that reason I'm going to be putting more energy into emails and group containers. If you'd like to be in my intimate email space (ooh err!), I would love you to be there.

You will be the first to get updates on events/ workshops, free tips and my usual ramblings!

They won't be sent out every week....more likely to be a sporadic surprise once or twice a month.

So, to get to the point....if you would like to keep up to date with what's going on, I invite you to send me a DM with your email address and I'll see you over there soon 😍

I hope you're all well and getting all hygge with these darker nights. Lots of love as always # # #

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 15/09/2023

Last call ☎️ for the Reiki workshop on Sunday 27th August at Goodness Me 🔥

❤️Booking closes tomorrow❤️

Come and get a little Calm in your life 😌 # # #

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 12/08/2023

I am ready to feel calmer…. https://calendly.com/rachelnaylor/introductiontoreiki


When I say this is my passion work, it truly is!

And receiving reviews like this trumps any other feeling 🦋

To guide another back ‘home’ to their inner beauty, and for this to affect everyone close to them, is too magical to be called a ‘job’ 😂🪄

This was after ‘Reclaim Your Power’ mentorship.

This mentorship is everything that transformed my inner world, tailored to each individuals needs, to bring them back to their true self ❤️

Happy 🙏🏼



I am super super excited about this.

Have you heard about Reiki and you’d like to learn more?

Maybe you’re ready to invite a little more calm and presence into your life?

Well look no further!

In this 2 hour workshop, you will learn more about the origins of Reiki, discover the benefits of this beautiful practice, and leave armed with techniques to bring a little more calm into your life.

Two hours of pure ‘YOU’ time, you will leave feeling grounded, motivated, centred and renewed!

DM for more info or book via link https://calendly.com/rachelnaylor/introductiontoreiki xx

Goodness Me


These never fail to make me laugh/cringe/smile 😂

5 years apart.

Anything is possible when you start to ‘love yourself’

‘Self Love’ women’s circle in the planning-watch this space 🫶🏼

Other ways to work with me:
❤️ The blueprint of You-Human design reading (online)
❤️ 1:1 Reclaim Your Power mentoring (online)
❤️ ‘Raise Your Frequency’ & ‘Self Love’ wellbeing workshops for the workplace (In person)

DM for details or see website www.Rachelnaylor.co.uk , I’d LOVE to hear from you xx

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 26/07/2023

Here are 5 lessons we can all learn from ‘Barbie’ the movie (yes really 😂)….

1) YOU are an amazing, unique being and your labels do not define you

2) Just because you have a ‘serious’ job doesn’t mean you have to be a ‘serious’ person (you can be a CEO & still love tickling 😂)

3) Being Human is hard at times & everybody is just doing their best

4) Imagination is the spark of all life

5) Accepting yourself for who YOU are and showing all parts of you (even the messy parts!), gives permission for others to do the same

And a bonus one- it’s not about men vs women. EVERYBODY is an individual and can be anything they want to be. Encouraging and celebrating uniqueness, supporting each other, is the key 🔑 to a more harmonious society.

And an extra bonus just for the women-it’s time to stop putting yourself down or making yourself ‘small’. We are POWER houses and we are more powerful when we support each other 🔥

Do you know who you are underneath all your labels? ‘The blueprint of You’ profile is the ideal place to start! DM for details.

Have you been to see Barbie the movie? What did you think? ⬇️



For those local (Bentham), I’m considering putting on a women’s circle (venue tbc)-one for mums with the theme of ‘self love’

It will be an evening, 2 hours, £20, cacao included.

Or, the other option….a Mother and Daughters circle

I just wanted to gauge the interest for this…. Feel free to comment or DM if you’d be interested # # #

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 22/07/2023

When you ‘hide’ parts of who you are, you can lose connection & feel a little ‘lost’….

It reminded me of this picture my son drew when he was 7 years old. He labelled it “Differences are ok” because “sometimes people are different and they shouldn’t feel bad about it”

It got me thinking….

As an advocate for individuality, self empowerment, wellness, joy…..there’s parts of myself I’ve hidden from others over the years.

So here are some Saturday ‘Secrets’!

1) I am super sensitive, a true empath, and I need to ground my energy regularly
2) I love to be silly & make others laugh, & am more than happy to laugh at myself! ( I don’t always show this part of me)
3) I have always LOVED having my hair played with
4) I love to learn & will try ANYTHING once! (I’m also working on my patience & trying to stick with things longer…)
5) I rarely take life ‘seriously’- I have a ‘voice’ for my dog 🐶 😂
6) I get bored easily when ‘adulting’ and prefer to play!
7) Some days I’m super confident and other days I doubt myself
8)I love food. I’ll try anything once!
9) If I had a choice between a night out at the pub or a day out having fun, I’d choose option 2 🤩
10) I’m kind, loving and open but fierce AF inside 🔥

Did anything surprise you here?

From my own experience, I have tried to ‘fit in’ and be a ‘proper adult’ 😂 But it bores me. I’m either up for deep conversation-go straight there, or play. No superficial chat-can’t do it.

I often thought I was too ‘childish’ and I had to be ‘more serious’ to achieve ‘success’. But now I see that’s b@llocks!

Some of the hardest times in my life have been overcome through humour and a light touch.

So here’s what I have learnt:

You can go deep and still stay ‘light’.

You can do deep rooted inner work and still laugh

You can be fully you, with all your quirks and ‘flaws’ and still be bloody good at your work

You can be imperfect and still love yourself

You can be a messy human and still succeed

In fact, by showing this side of yourself, you’re giving others the permission to take off their masks and be their full, messy human selves too ❤️

I’d love to know some of your ‘Soul Secrets’ ⬇️

Love you xx


Expressing your TRUE SELF is the fast track to well-being ⚡️

Being in full connection with your inner spark, expressing that with confidence in the outer world and encouraging others to do the same is the GOAL 🥅

When you ‘conform’ to set expectations, go along with the status quo and go against what feels good to you, you are disconnecting from your truth and over time it can lead to stress, anxiety and feelings of confusion.

As adults it’s easy to lose yourself, to please others, maintain status quo, ‘fit in’ 🤮

It can take a long process to connect back to your true self (That was me 🙋🏼‍♀️)

By tuning into that child within you, not giving a cr@p what others think and doing the things that spark your joy, you will not only feel better, but over time you will attract the people who love you for YOU and encourage your quirks!

Break the chains, reclaim your power and as Madonna said “Express Yourself” 🙌🏼

If you don’t know where to start, ‘The Blueprint of You’ is a great place. It’s the TRUE you underneath all those layers we pick up over the years. DM for details xx

Restival: Spiritual Rest 25/06/2023

I have had the pleasure of being involved in Emma Gwillim’s Restival week this week. You can find my thoughts on Spiritual rest with a 15 minute meditation/Reiki re-set here: https://emmagwillim.substack.com/p/restival-spiritual-rest?r=39o6v&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post&fbclid=PAAaa5ufkKNJqLOfES1gM0nGZuUYbBMM1uGIZ6MmR1WSkSjpuf-vhmgSR-AII_aem_AdYvI9LsLgVHj5-3hbZajn4XojwrSKLCkzWVZm7NKYt8fgDaF_DWsK_QZfo7I3uDdDs

Just a little update from me too-my 1:1 Reiki sessions are now only offered with my mentoring programme ‘Reclaim Your Power’. I bloody love this 1:1 journey and have been fortunate to witness some beautiful transformations 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

As with anything, if you’re interested in working with me, please DM and we can go from there. Have a beautiful Sunday and make some time for YOU # # #

Restival: Spiritual Rest On our final day of Restival, we explore a deeper sense of connection found in spiritual rest, along with energy wisdom from Rachel Naylor.


Females, we have been taught to disconnect from our bodies from a young age….

All the talk of diets, weight, magazine models, dress sizes, western medicine, and don’t get me started on the awful school P.E lessons 🙈

But your body is your path to wisdom.

Your body holds the keys to the door.

Your intuitive superpowers.

Inner knowing.

The power is in the body. The highest expression of your genes 🧬

Overdrive, overwhelm, overthinking all take you out of the body & into the mind.

And if you’re a Projector (Human Design), you will be even more sensitive to all of this.

So take your time today to find a moment of calm. To breathe. To ground your energy. And to connect to your inner voice. And there’s no better time than the end of the week!

Reclaim YOUR Power 💥

⚡️Reclaim your power 1:1
mentoring available for Females (1 space left). DM for details
⚡️The blueprint of You- reading available via website

How did you celebrate the solstice? It’s a potent time to hear your inner voice xx


Can you help?!

I am fascinated by the link between diagnoses such as autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, OCD, anxiety disorder etc AND Human Design.

I have noticed links already but would love to look further into this.

If you, or your child has a diagnosis (or you suspect that they may do in the future) and you would be willing for me to check the link with Human Design, please DM me 🙏🏼

I would simply need: birth name, birth date, birth location and birth time.

With gratitude and love, Rach # # #

From Teacher to Energy Healer to Teacher! 05/06/2023


From Teacher to Energy Healer to Teacher! Confusing? Let me explain..... You may have read my blog 'From Teacher to Energy Healer', my experience of leaving the education system and taking a completely different path. Well, this isn't quite what you think. I certainly haven't returned to teaching in the education system. And those of you st...


The seriousness ‘epidemic’ 🙈😂

Parents, the last thing you need is more ‘to do’ lists, more reasons to feel sh*t about yourself or more reasons to feel guilty.

Whether it’s Spirituality, Human Design, Exercise, Diets, Daily journaling, Yoga, Morning Routines….they can all benefit your life. BUT not if they’re controlling you!

The only thing you NEED is to know your needs, to listen to them and to follow them!

No more guilt 🛑
No more comparison 🛑
No more pressure 🛑

Learn how to really LISTEN to YOURSELF and you’ll find that you’re much happier and so are your children!

✨You do You ✨

Reclaim YOUR power so your children never have to lose theirs💥

What can you do for yourself today? ⬇️


Online 6 x 60 minute sessions
In person ‘Attunement’

Monday Evenings 6pm-7pm
Exact dates TBC

DM for further details. 2 spaces available xx


I think I’ve said it all….

Link to blog: https://www.rachelnaylor.co.uk/post/why-being-a-good-leader-made-me-a-bad-mother

One to one/ group mentoring ‘Reclaim Your Power’ available-DM for details xx


Online 6 x 60 minute sessions
In person ‘Attunement’

Monday Evenings 6pm-7pm Exact dates TBC

DM for further details. Small group availability xx


There's an unspoken expectation that when you become a Mother, your own Mother will be there to support you.....

When you don't have that, all sorts of feelings can rise to the surface.




And you try to keep it 'all together' at work, and in front of others. Showing that you can do it all. That you are strong. And you are.....

But, underneath that hard exterior, there's a lost girl. Pretending that everything is okay. Because if she admits the truth she fears that people will think she's not capable.

Until she breaks.

And finds that the only way out the other side, is through the pain. Releasing those blocks. The energetic imprints, behaviour patterns, negative self talk that were never hers to begin with. Releasing the guilt.

She learns who she is underneath all those layers. And how to look after her needs. Putting boundaries in place. Supporting her own energy, so she can support those she loves AND thrive at work.

And she even learns how to feel genuine, authentic joy again! In each present moment.

Yes, that was me.

I reconnected back to my true self, learnt what was mine and what I had picked up along the way. And learnt how to support myself so I could support others…..from a place of energy overflow. And you can too. Reiki and Human Design were 🔑 for me.

Do you resonate with any of this? I don't think it's spoken about enough.

I’m feeling a call to put something out there for Mothers who don’t have the support of their Mothers….let me know in the comments or via DM if this is something you’d be interested in xx

*Photo taken 7 years ago*

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 09/05/2023

This is why EVERY BODY has a responsibility to sort their own sh*t out....

Every interaction and experience you have leaves an energetic imprint on you....it's Science.

What kind of imprint do you want to leave on others? You can make that choice today.

True joy comes from authenticity. Energy doesn't lie. And there's only one person that can cut the cr@p and start being TRUE to themselves......and that's YOU!

I spent 30+ years presenting a version of myself to the world that wasn't truly me. Sure, my life looked good from the outside....but the inside was an anxious, chaotic mess.

Then I took back my power. Sorted my sh*t out and reconnected to myself, and my energy. Teaching myself all there was to know about energetics-the Science and the Spiritual.

Why? Truthfully, for my children. So they get the best version of me, and so that they are empowered to ALWAYS be their true selves.

You can choose to live a life of authentic JOY today. And the best bit.....the effect that has on everyone around you!

Get to see yourself like never before with an energetic profile reading (Human design/ Gene Keys/ Chakras). Learn what's yours and what you've picked up along the way!


You can create the life you want at ANY point. You just have to go within and be prepared to let go of anything which doesn’t align with your true self….

I actually couldn’t believe this one myself 😂

We were looking through old photos & as the one on the left popped up, my (very honest) daughter said-“Wow, you look stressed there. Why did you even take a photo looking like that?” 😂😂

The truth is, at that point, I was keeping everything together. Children. Work. A tidy house. I thought everything looked good on the outside….

It just shows you that you can ‘’mask’’ all you like. The energy you feel within NEVER lies!

I look back now and can feel the pain that version of me was in. The inner chaos. Anxiety. Existential dread! Stress. Overwhelm. All because she was so busy worrying about how everything looked on the ‘outside’ that she forget to nurture her inner world.

Having a mum labelled with bipolar made me go the other way. It made me want to ‘fit in’ at all costs.

Only, that cost was ME! My mental health. My well-being.

Taking time to connect back to my true self on a deep level. To heal. To connect to energy & the mystery of life. And to release all the sh*t I’d picked up along the way led me to my AUTHENTIC self.

The version that can feel joy each day. And if I don’t, I know what I need to bring my energy back.

And the best bit? My family have thrived!

You spend your life supporting others, when are you going to learn how to support your needs? There’s no time like the present 🎁

Love yourself, Know yourself, Nurture yourself. You deserve it # # #


Understanding the different designs of our family has been such a GAME CHANGER ✨

The key to harmony and joy for me has been connection.

Connection to the Universe, connection to the self and then connection to each other.

Reiki and Human Design have been a WINNING combination.

Understanding that we’re so much more…..a soul….connected to all other souls. The magic of the universe and the way energy flows 🌊

But then figuring out how to actually live your best life here on Earth. Because, as much as I love all things Spiritual, you can end up lost in it. Never really living the life you’re here for. Head in sky!

And the only purpose is to LIVE your best life. Connected to Source. But also connected deeply to your self. Your unique, individual, human needs. That’s how you attain joy 🤩


The most spiritual thing you can do…


Life is for living, in ALL it’s glory, ups, downs and the ‘mundane’ in between!

You can get lost in what you ‘should’ be doing and how you ‘should’ be behaving.

Well sod that!

You’re not here to do anything but LIVE.

To take pleasure from the little moments. Joy from your morning cup of coffee or the sound of birds.

It’s not complex, it’s simple. The children have it right, being present in each moment, feeling ALL the feelings and seeing awe & wonder in everything!✨

Being ‘Spiritual’ doesn’t have to be all about rituals, cacao ceremonies and meditation. But it’s equally amazing if that does work for you.

And there’s the thing. It’s about what works for YOU.

If you’ve lost that inner spark like I did. Then the first step is getting to know yourself again on a deeper level. To really SEE your SELF for the amazing, beautiful human that you ARE.

And then, you can start to discover the things that bring you JOY again ✨🫶🏼

You can get your energetic BLUEPRINT. The roadmap back to your best self via the link https://www.rachelnaylor.co.uk/humandesign (Incorporating Human Design/Gene Keys/Reiki). The 🔑 to REmembering who you are xx


If you're still pointing the finger at others for things that go 'wrong' or for the way you feel, then you need to read this....

It's time to own your sh*t! It's YOU. Not them.

Do you want to feel fulfilled EVERY day? Would you like to welcome more JOY into your life? Take radical self responsibility and empower yourself to put your needs first.

But don't listen to me, listen to my client....

Book yourself a Human Design reading (Your energetic blueprint) via the link on the website www.rachelnaylor.co.uk

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 02/05/2023

This is why YOU need to be ‘selfish’ to spread joy....

When you are too busy supporting others and 'people pleasing' (whether at work or home) you are not tuning into your energy.

If you carry on that way, you will disconnect from your inner spark, lack joy and burn out. I did.

The best thing you can do is to drop the guilt, and put your self first. Find your spark and connect back to the things that bring YOU joy.

It will stop you taking out your emotions on everyone else and enable you to support others from a place of authenticity rather than guilt. Which will certainly bring them more joy too!

And if you're like I was, you might need to get to know yourself and your personal needs again first.

You can get your own personal energetic profile reading (Human Design/ Gene Keys)-DM for details xx

How easy do you find it to put yourself first?


YOU can create JOY in your life!

The phrase ‘Mind over Matter’


Your thoughts are an energy and that energy, over time, creates the physical existence in front of you, as it comes into form!

I LOVE it when new things click into place 😂

The number 1 ‘trick’ to create more joy in your life is to get control of your mind. Master your Mind!

The message is always the same, whether you get there by meditation, Spiritual practices, exercise, journaling etc etc. Find what works for YOU.

Stop the BS that your mind tells you on a daily basis! Drop in and learn how to listen to your amazing, amazing body 🙌🏼

3 things that helped me on my ‘journey’ (🤮 to that word!!):
1) Learning more about myself on a deeper level (Human Design/Gene Keys etc)
2) Learning and Embodying all things Reiki and Energy
3) Journaling-cultivating self awareness of my fears, conditioning and stories that held me back

Where would I start now? With a deep dive profile into who YOU are on an energetic level-The blueprint of YOU! It helps you to see where you’ve picked up conditioning and what’s actually a part of you. Priceless!

As one of my clients said recently “It helped me find daily joy!” What more could you ask for 🤩 Profile readings available via website or DM # # #


Here’s what children can teach you….

Joy is your birth right 🤩

Joy is not something that you have to ‘earn’.

Joy is not something to feel guilty about.

It is not something for others. It is for EVERYONE. You just have to claim it.

Joy is a frequency, a vibration, an energy.

Children claim it daily. And yet adults block it so easily! Subconsciously rejecting it. Almost finding it more comfortable being in the ‘struggle’.

And I can say this, because I did that too!

To consistently live in the joy vibration is not all ‘high vibes’ and ‘positive thinking’ every moment of every day! We’re here to feel ALL the feelings.

BUT it does mean that you have to be prepared to see what’s blocking you. Release conditioning. See through the bullsh*t! Reprogram new patterns and break the chains. CONNECT fully back to your TRUE SELF ✨

And you can start today by actually seeing WHO you were always designed to be with a Human Design Reading-The blueprint of you (DM for details or link on website)

How have you welcomed in joy this weekend? We went to the arcades in Morecambe and I can confirm, nothing beats the joy of a 2p machine 😂


Honestly….some days self employment is bloody tough! Especially after coming from the education system where there’s a structure to follow each day 😂

And then, on days like this, receiving thoughtful gifts and cards of appreciation from clients, you remember why you’re doing what you do.

Gratitude 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼


How do you feel about Quantum Physics?

It’s absolutely mind blowing in the best possible way.

Nothing is as we’ve been taught it at school 🫣

EVERYTHING is energy. Even you!

The more you start to understand it, the more you realise just how important your frequency is for your health and well-being.

Would you like a well-being workshop with a difference for your company or education setting? DM to discuss xx


To transform your health and well-being you have to transform your frequency…

Frequency-EVERYTHING has a frequency including YOU….

It’s Science.

We live in a wave field, an energetic coded field.

We get ‘programmed’ from birth-other people’s expectations, generational patterns, societies conditions

It takes you out of the true YOU

And the best way to raise your frequency?

Release those programmes. See your fears. See the behavioural patterns that you’ve picked up.

Then come back to YOU.

We are all one consciousness. Part of the same energy field. BUT we are also all coded uniquely in human form.

See your uniqueness, enjoy it, LOVE it!

Seeing my human design chart made everything slot into place. And reading my children’s human design charts made the rest slot into place! (Hello Emotional Manifestor and Emotional Projector 🫣😂❤️)

I have 3 readings left at the current price before the pricing goes up. Grab yours via DM with the word ‘blueprint’.

And my 1:1 Mentoring will be changing in May to be for Projectors only-the perfect place to start your ‘deconditioning’. 1 place only left for April. DM ‘me’ to claim it as yours # # #



5 readings available this week. Once they’re gone they’re gone! Xx

Photos from Rachel Naylor-The Energy Queen's post 24/04/2023

Here’s what to do if you want more for your children….

Your thoughts create YOUR reality.

If you’re unhappy, stressed or overwhelmed with any aspect of life, YOU can change that.

It takes radical self responsibility.

It takes ‘balls’!

If YOU make the change, your children won’t have to when they’re older.

Patterns repeat from generation to generation until someone decides to change them.

Anything IS possible. You can achieve a life of balance. Of flow. A life you would choose for your children.

Does that make it easy? NO! It’s why it takes a bloody strong mind and a trust in something bigger than you.

A great place to start is to see the energetic blueprint of you. See who you’re designed to be underneath all the programming and conditioning. It creates self belief and self love like nothing else!

Energetic Profiles available via the link in bio if you want to start today xx


It takes a village…..

Why should parents have to go home at the end of a working day with their energy unbalanced?

Why should mums have to make a choice between the job they love and their children?

Something needs to change.

And it can start with Leaders prioritising well-being in the workplace.

Happier employees and perhaps more importantly, happier parents going home to their children each day.

I did leave the job I loved when I became a mum because it was unmanageable. I felt like I didn’t really have a choice.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Get in touch if you’d like more details. I’ll be posting these leaflets around the local area too.


Transforming your well-being takes a holistic approach…


Love your Body, Master your Mind and Connect to your Soul ✨

I’ll be honest here, I haven’t just followed this path because it feels good. It was an absolute bloody necessity! I was that person who held it all together on the outside but was an anxious mess inside. I struggled with the juggle of every day life, parenting & work and felt bitter that I had no family to help. I was disconnected from my self and life itself. It was a sink or swim situation!

The pause of 2020 actually helped me to reassess and re-set.

Following a new path. Connecting back to myself, my soul and to the magic of the Universe.

Lots of learning & trial and ‘error’ later and I found my 3 steps to ‘Transformational Flow’
For balance. For inner calm (most of the time 😂). And to be a more present parent.

Let’s be honest here, parenting is bloody tough at times! So the more you can do to keep yourself in ‘balance’ the easier it is to flow through those challenges.

I’ll follow up with a post of some things I do to balance my energy. But as with anything, always tune into what feels right for YOU.

Where would you like some more calm in your life?

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Lancaster?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Whin Drive, Bolton-le-Sands, Carnforth
Lancaster, LA58DB

Ear Wax Removal & Treatment with Microsuction for safe and effective management of Ear Wax Build Up

Shine from the inside out Shine from the inside out
Lancaster, LA59NA

beauty, skin care , hair care and make up . Also 1-1 skin and hair consultations x

Anti-fragility-yoga Anti-fragility-yoga

The aim of this program is to work towards a body that is as robust and healthy as possible, enabling you to handle what life throws at you

St Johns Studios, The Glassworks, Butterfield Street
Lancaster, LA11NZ

PEMFiT Ltd - We Exist to Energise Life!

Breathe Pray Love Breathe Pray Love

Breathe Pray Love is born out of a need to help people heal through a mixture of Breathwork, Ceremonial Cacao and Dance therapy. Rachel and Natalie have come together with a shared...

Reflexzones Reflexzones
Jo And Cass Hair & Beauty, 9/12 Great John Street
Lancaster, LA11NQ

Well Beyond Words Well Beyond Words

FREE writing for wellbeing workshop

3-1-5 Vitality Supplements 3-1-5 Vitality Supplements
315 Gym, Mannin Way, Caton Road
Lancaster, LA13PE

Vitality & Health Supplements - Collection or Delivery available

The Gathering Fields Flower Essences, Retreats and Apothecary The Gathering Fields Flower Essences, Retreats and Apothecary
Swainshead Hall Farm
Lancaster, LA29DN

The Gathering Fields provides retreats and nature based workshops in Lancashire,Bowland.

LU Mental Health Society LU Mental Health Society
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA14YW

The Lancaster University Mental Health Society is dedicated to promoting wellbeing and mental health awareness. https://linktr.ee/lumentalhealth

Metta Massage Therapies Metta Massage Therapies

Hello! Welcome to Metta Massage Therapies. I'm currently a trainee massage therapist working in the Lancaster area (UK). Metta means loving-kindness and I aim to embed my values of...