Westmoreland Cars Ltd, Leeds Videos

Videos by Westmoreland Cars Ltd in Leeds. Westmoreland Cars are a family run fully Accredited Service and MOT Centre, based at Unit 702 Thorp

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Modern International Beer Day Instagram Post (Your Story)

Are you COOL enough (Mobile Video)

The Importance of Addressing the ABS Warning Light Immediately The ABS warning light in your vehicle is an important indicator that signals an issue with the Anti-lock Braking System. When this light illuminates on your dashboard, it means the system has detected a malfunction and has deactivated the ABS functionality. While your conventional braking system will still work, the ABS feature, designed to prevent wheel lockup during hard braking, won't operate, potentially impacting your braking performance under certain conditions. We understand that a warning light on your vehicle can be concerning and stressful – but no need to panic we are here to help! For all of your vehicle maintenance, repair and diagnostic requirements – contact us!

When was your cambelt last replaced
The Importance of Cambelt Replacement A cambelt, also known as a timing belt, plays a crucial role in the operation of an internal combustion engine. It synchronises the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft, ensuring that the engine's valves open and close at the precise timings needed for optimal performance and efficiency. Without a functioning cambelt, the engine's pistons and valves can collide, leading to severe engine damage and an unpleasant bill or even the end of the road for your engine! Regular maintenance and timely replacement of the cambelt are essential to prevent costly repairs and ensure the engine runs smoothly. Most vehicles are due cambelt replacement every 5 to 8 years – When was your cambelt last replaced?

Be proactive with your vehicle maintenance!
The Cost-Saving Benefits of Proactive Vehicle Maintenance Being proactive with vehicle maintenance offers numerous advantages: - Longevity: Extends the lifespan of your vehicle. - Cost Savings: Prevents costly repairs by addressing minor issues early. - Performance: Maintains optimal performance and fuel efficiency. - Peace of Mind & Convenience: Reduces likelihood of unexpected breakdowns. - Environmental Benefits: Reduces emissions with efficient operation. Regular maintenance saves time, money, and stress while enhancing safety, performance, and reliability. Book with us for your next MOT, Service or Vehicle Health Check!

When was yoUR AC last serviced (1)
When was your A/C last serviced? - Why it's importnat to service your A/C regularly: 1. Optimal Performance: Regular servicing ensures your air conditioning system works efficiently and effectively, keeping you comfortable, especially during hot weather. 2. Preventing Major Repairs: Routine maintenance helps identify and fix small issues before they become major, costly problems. 3. Refrigerant Levels: Proper refrigerant levels are crucial for the system to function correctly. Low levels can lead to poor performance and potential damage. 4. Clean Air: Servicing helps to eliminate bacteria, mould, and other contaminants that can accumulate in the system, ensuring that the air circulating in your car is clean and healthy. 5. Extending Lifespan: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your air conditioning system, saving you money in the long run by delaying the need for expensive replacements. 6. Improving Fuel Efficiency: An efficiently running air conditioning system can contribute to better fuel efficiency, as the system doesn’t have to work as hard to cool the car. 7. Environmental Impact: Ensuring your system is free of leaks and functioning properly can also reduce the environmental impact by preventing the release of refrigerants into the atmosphere. So, if it's been a while since you had your car's air con serviced, it might be a good idea to schedule an appointment with us!

Summer Road Trip Tips Prepare your car for a summer road trip: Air conditioning system working effectively? Tyres, Brakes & Battery OK? Screen wash, Coolant & Lights OK? Point of note: If you're travelling abroad remember that many countries have specific regulations as to what you must carry in your vehicle, such as spare bulbs and a hi-vis vest. Go to https://cstu.io/bd80a0 to ensure you're ready to go!

D Day 80 (Your Story) (1)

Coolant is crucial for your vehicle's functionality, particularly in warmer weather. It prevents overheating by absorbing and dispersing the heat produced by the engine. It also protects the engine's components from damage, improves overall performance, and increases the longevity of the vehicle. Moreover, it lubricates the water pump and can prevent costly repairs from overheating damage. That's why it's essential to maintain adequate coolant levels, especially during warm seasons. Book in with us for a Vehicle Health Check today! #coolant #warmerweather #vehiclelongevity #vehiclehealthcheck

Tired Tyres
You may have a TPMS but there is no way of a vehicle alerting you to tyre symptons that can be dangerous: Beyond the Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)*, vehicles do not typically come equipped with additional warning lights specifically for the tyres such as: - Tread Depth - Condition - Damage Tyre wear and damaged can happen and worsen at any time without warning - To ensure the safety and optimal performance of your tyres, regular checks and maintenance are crucial. This includes checking tyre pressure, tread depth, and overall tyre condition regularly. *The Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is a system installed in vehicles to monitor the air pressure inside the tyres. If the system detects that one or more tyres are significantly under-inflated, the TPMS warning light, which is usually represented by an exclamation mark inside a horseshoe shape, will illuminate. #TPMS #tyresafety #safedriving #regularchecks

Enhances your comfort during the warmer weathe
Beat the heat! - Get your A/C serviced: Having your vehicle's A/C serviced regularly is crucial for numerous reasons: - Enhances your comfort during the warmer weather - Improves the overall performance of your car by ensuring effective cooling and reducing the risk of overheating. - Provides cleaner air by removing dust, bacteria and pollutants from the system. - Helps to prevent costly repairs in the future Most manufacturers recommend your Air Conditioning is serviced every two years to enhances your driving experience and extend the lifespan of your vehicle. Book with us today!

When was your Wheel Alignment Last checked
Poor Wheel Alignment can cause components on your vehicle to wear and/or fail prematurely. You may need to have your wheel alignment checked if your vehicle: - Has hit something (e.g. a kerb or pot-hole) - You notice that your tyres are wearing abnormally or unevenly - You experience steering or handling problems, such as: pulling to one side OR steering wheel off-centre. Contact us for all of your vehicle maintenance and repair requirements including Wheel Alignment!

Happy Easter!

Did you know? It’s recommended that you have your A/C serviced every 2 years to maintain efficiency, reduce bacteria + unpleasant smells! Contact us for all of your vehicle requirements!

Know your warning lights! The brake pad warning light will illuminate when your brake pads are due for replacement or when a fault has occurred with the brake sensor wire. The vehicle typically gives you plenty of warning, so brake pad replacement may not be urgent but always check with us for peace of mind.

Also known as a Timing Belt, the Cam-Belt is a crucial rubber belt ensuring that your engine is in perfect synchronisation. Sadly, if this belt breaks often with no warning signs, it could mean the end of the road for your engine. When was your Cam-Belt last replaced?

Show your car a bit of love this Valentine’s Day! - MOT - Service - Vehicle Health Check - New Tyres For all of your vehicle maintenance and TLC - Contact us!

Avoid your tyre from being flat as a pancake! Check your tyre pressures! Incorrect tyre pressures can affect: Safety, Fuel Consumption, Tyre Wear, Stopping Distances, Feel & Response and Performance.