St Mary's Church, Whitkirk, Leeds Videos

Videos by St Mary's Church, Whitkirk in Leeds. Where all find a welcome and are nurtured in their journey with Christ.

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Other St Mary's Church, Whitkirk videos

Do you want to join the pilgrimage?

Could you be a Pilgrim?

Yours Lord

Next week is Holy Week. Matthew shares why it is such an important week. Oh and yes, he does have a "senior moment" as he calls Holy Trinity Chapel - the Chapel of the Resurrection. Poor chap.

Matthew chats about Candlemas, the end of the Christmas season, and ways you can celebrate with us.

This year we're doing a Posada journey over Advent. What's a Posada, you ask? Heather is here to explain all! If you'd like to host Mary and Joseph as they travel around the parish, make sure you let her know either today or next week after the Sunday morning service.

Joan and Jean are part of our St. Mary's family. In this short video introduced by the Vicar they talk about important our life together is to them. Over many years they have both proved time and again in so many different ways how Whitkirk's Got Talent. We give thanks for them and hope you might be inspired by them to share your talent in love and service here too. Look out for more information about how in the coming weeks.

St. Mary's joins with people of all faiths and none in giving thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II. The church is open over the coming days as part of our Heritage Weekend. Do come if you are able and take a moment to pray. Our Vicar has recorded a short video including the two prayers that are displayed in church. O God, the maker and redeemer of all mankind, grant us, with thy servant QUEEN ELIZABETH and all the faithful departed, the sure benefits of thy Son’s saving passion and glorious resurrection; that in the last day, when all things are gathered up in Christ, we may with them enjoy the fullness of thy promises; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. O Lord our Heavenly Father, Almighty and Everlasting God, by whom kings reign and princes decree justice: We remember before thee our late Sovereign Lady QUEEN ELIZABETH, in thankfulness for the blessings which thou hast bestowed upon us by her reign; for the example she set of unwearied devotion to duty; for her steadfast courage; and for the love and loyalty borne to her by a great family of peoples in all parts of the world. And we beseech thee to give us grace that, having these thy mercies in remembrance, we may with one heart and one mind set forward the welfare of this land, and hasten the coming of thy kingdom of peace and goodwill among men; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A short video from our Vicar Matthew explaining a bit about Pints of View, where the idea came from and what it will be about. Oh and though the Vicar has a pint of beer in his hands other beverages and glass sizes are available.

messy church
Parachute football ..... not sure who won 🤔

Midweek Musing: Wednesday 6 May