Herefordshire Energy Healing

I'm Tallulah Tay, I seek to empower people to remove their blocks & limiting beliefs

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Group 31/08/2024

I've been collaborating with Asthma and Lung UK for a while now, offering online EFT workshops to people experiencing breathing difficulties. The next four week course starts on 9th September, please share with those who might find this useful.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Group Learn EFT, a self-soothing coping strategy that can help you reduce stress levels, develop emotional regulation and clear energetic blockages. You can also take this tool further to combat deeper issues mentally, emotionally and physically to promote mental health stability.


I've been quiet on this page for a while now...

The children's counselling course and events in my personal life have taken over my nervous system and there really hasn't been much space left.

I've been in survival mode, trying to do what I can to get through.

I'm still in it now, but trying to find ways to alleviate pressures and make life easier.

It means that I've had to make some very difficult decisions.

I have let my healing space go at Leintwardine Community Centre.

I shan't be moving back to Leintwardine, as was my plan when this course started.

I am choosing instead to make the most of the new profession I have trained in, so am applying for jobs as a children's counsellor.

It's hard to say goodbye to everything you know, but I am manifesting a brighter future for myself.

When I started writing this post, it was 13.13pm, so I know that I am supported by my spiritual guides and the universe in this new beginning towards growth and harmony.

Thank you to everyone who has shown up for themselves to work with me 1:1, in groups, in workshops and at wellbeing days. Thank you to the children and parents who attended holiday clubs and family fun days. Thank you to Leintwardine Community Centre for always supporting my ideas. And thank you to all of the wonderful practitioners who taught me and walked alongside me.

This has been an amazing journey and I am grateful for every moment.


Saw this on my way into training this morning... now singing Bon Jovi joyfully...

Tapping World Summit 2024 - The Tapping Solution 13/02/2024

It's good to share a freebie... The Tapping Solution do an annual Tapping World Summit. There are around three tapping videos/ audios daily, on varying subjects. I've joined in every year since I first discovered tapping and always find something new and/ or useful within their content. I highly recommend it. Maybe one year, I'll be a guest tapper too! Click on the link to register your interest, it starts on February 26th and runs for a week. You won't regret it!

Tapping World Summit 2024 - The Tapping Solution 2024 marks our 16th Annual Tapping World Summit! It's been 16 years since we at The Tapping Solution launched our first summit. Our goal from the


This year has been tough so far. And I know that to some, my struggles are only minor. I am privileged and grateful that I have food to eat, a roof to sleep under and dogs who love me. I am safe from harm.

Yet, still, I have struggled.

Academic pressure

Time pressure

Financial pressure

Dealing with the past

Worrying about the future

So, what does my body do? I get ill. I catch Covid. My perimenopausal hormones go through the roof. I am emotional. I am exhausted.

For 10 days now, I have slept, I have rested and tried to ground myself back to stability. I give in to the process of healing.


Feeling a bit displaced lately, as I seem to be here, there and everywhere all at once!

Waking up in the morning with thoughts of

*What day is it?

*Where am I going today?

*What am I doing today?

*What do I need to take with me?

It's exhausting, but worthwhile.

I'm grateful for the moments of peace, calm and groundedness.


Checking in with you all to see how you're keeping yourselves warm during the cold weather...

I had a furry companion during my online lessons earlier today. Very snuggly, but quite distracting! 🤣


A little personal reflection as 2023 ends...

Last year, I felt ambitious and wrote a list of 23 things I wanted to achieve for the year ahead.

Few of them were achieved, yet I don't feel that I've failed at all.

This year has taught me soooo much about who I am, where I come from and where I'm going.

2024 does not have a big tick list, but it does have the confidence in myself that I will continue to learn and grow.

This time next year. I may not be a millionaire (sorry Rodders), but I know that it will be a great year for me.

Thank you Universe for all of the lessons I am shown, thank you for all of the opportunities I am given and thank you to all of the people who support me through this life


I pulled this card from my self care wisdom pack today.

What a great reminder to hang in there!

If you would like a zoom tapping session, or a distance healing to help you along your way, get in touch today!


There was a difficult day this week and as I walked home, I felt heavy with the weight of it all.

I'm learning how important it is to self nurture, to not get lost in the serious side of the work.

So, when I saw this, my inner child called me...

Let's play!

In and out the dusty bluebells, I sang as I weaved my way around the bollards.

And I laughed! The joy of being silly, the fun of allowing childish play and not caring what anyone thought.

The sunshine seemed brighter afterwards and my mood most definitely shifted.

I may even have kicked my way through a few leaf piles as I carried on my journey.

How can you bring play into your day today?


Super proud of my friends Emma Gorbutt and Looby Macnamara Permaculture, who have worked so hard in writing this book.

I'm also super happy to have been a minor contributor, sharing my story of a woman co-creating a blended family.

Not all Mothers give birth and it was an honour to be able to explain a different perspective.

Thank you Looby, Emma and all of the other women who worked tirelessly to produce Mothers as Natural Leaders. It's a beautiful book.

Download your FREE copy by signing up for the Mother Nature newsletter;


I've lived in Headingley for 6 weeks now... and only recently noticed this...

Burley Banks has painted lots of these junction boxes (if that's what this is?) around Leeds, but I think that this is the best one I've spotted so far.

All Ted Lasso fans cheer!

I also love that someone has added a tiny "I am trying", because stating motivated, staying hopeful is hard.

It'll all be okay in the end... and if it's not okay, then it's not the end.



I've just written an article for Leintwardine Life, a magazine for the village I like to call home.

I though that I would share it here, there's some useful reminders for taking good care of ourselves over winter;

And breathe…

Relaxation tips by Tallulah Tay

Having temporarily moved to Leeds to undertake a Diploma in Children’s Counselling, I have become even more aware of how much I love Leintwardine! I moved to this beautiful, friendly little village in the summer of 2019, having lived in various parts of the UK and Europe. I can honestly say that I have never felt more grounded and connected than I do at home in Leintwardine. Being a member of Earthworm Housing Co-Op and becoming an active member in the community, I truly feel that I have found my place in the world. I remember buying a jute bag from Griffiths Garage, with a printed slogan ‘Loyal to Leintwardine’ and the sense of pride and belonging that accompanied that purchase. It feels good to carry on being a part of village life in writing this article, even if it is from afar, to know that I am connecting with familiar faces and friends and giving something back to you all.

The cold weather is upon us and as we sink into hibernation on the dark evenings, here are a few tips to protect your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Choose the ones that suit you and your lifestyle;

*Breathing; 3 deep breaths can really help to reset your nervous system. In through the nose, hold in your lungs for a moment and then let it all out through the mouth. Feel your body relaxing more with each breath.

*Catch a falling leaf! Such a fun activity to do, this really brings out your inner child and you’ll find yourself laughing as you try.

*Turn off the technology for 30 minutes. Go screen free. Choose an activity that you enjoy.

*Phone a friend. Write a letter, type a text. Communicate with your friends and loved ones who warm your heart. Embrace that connection wherever/ however you can.

*Keep moving. Whilst the urge to snuggle into the warm, find ways to exercise and keep your body moving. That might look like going out for walks, or doing chair aerobics.

*Light a candle. It’s so much easier to turn on the light, but candle light can be so much more soothing. Do keep yourselves safe around naked flames though!

*Start a Journal of Joy, where you record 3 good things from your day. It doesn’t matter how small they might be. Tea and toast will always brighten my day! Paying attention to the positives can really help to boost your mood.

*Eat nourishing foods where you can. Notice the foods that boost your mood or your energy.

*If you’re struggling with your mental health and need professional support, speak to your GP or look online for alternative therapies. There are people out there who can help.


A carpet of golden leaves.

This morning, I walked barefoot in the garden, I tried to catch falling leaves.

I laughed and I giggled and I loved the bright sunshine.

I looked up to see the bright blue sky and the sun shining on the trees.

So beautiful.


Love, love, loving the leaves I'm finding as they fall from the trees...

Love, love, love bringing the plant kingdom and the mineral kingdom together for healing sessions.

So beautiful!


Leaving the house at sunrise to get to college early on a Monday morning does have some benefits.

1) The sunrise was gorgeous
2) I had time to do my reading on the train
3) I wandered through Huddersfield open market on my walk to training
4) I met a lovely man who made me a cheese toasty
5) I sat in a comfy chair, looking at the beautiful artwork whilst eating my breakfast

City life aint all bad!


Working in the Green Room at The Leintwardine Centre today. I love working with clients online, tapping is such an empowering tool to share over Zoom. This morning, I have also been enjoying the sunshine coming in through the windows to reflect rainbows on my wall.

Although we swapped rooms in September, today has been my first opportunity to work in the space.

And I flipping love it!

Thank you to the beautiful women, Reiki Healing by Kate and Jane's Tailor Made Oils , who have helped to create the space in my absence and build the good vibes. Together, we are the Energy Army!


Whilst away on training, I have really begun to appreciate my connection with nature...I've also been learning about the therapeutic frame and holding a safe container for clients... so when I saw this beautiful wall hanging (combining both of these elements), it felt perfect for my new room at Leintwardine community centre. What do you think?

Photos from Herefordshire Energy Healing's post 25/10/2023

This morning, whilst in a zoom lesson, I saw a fox wander into my garden and past my window.

I sit at my desk, in front of a bay window and the fox felt so close, I held my breath as I watched it, mesmerised.

It was such a magical moment, a connection with nature interrupting a virtual meeting, reminding me that there's a bigger picture.

So then, of course, I distracted myself by looking up the symbolism of a fox encounter. Because something that wonderful obviously has a deeper meaning. I learned that;

Fox helps you find clever solutions for addressing the issues at hand. The answers often require you to persist in the face of trouble and remain determined until you see your way through present difficulties. Fox also encourages you to give some serious forethought to any action you plan to take to prevent additional problems arising from rash action. The creature wants you to get past illusions, adapt to your discovery, and see things with flawless clarity before forging ahead.

Thank you, Fox, for your visit today

*Fox photo is not mine, I was too surprised to take a photo in the moment!


Now, this is not an all shiny and polished offering

I do not proclaim to have all of the answers to becoming a size 10


If you are struggling with:

*Self esteem issues about your body

*Difficulties choosing nutritious foods

*Finding that you can't maintain a 'diet' and fall back on comfort foods

*Fighting against your body, wishing it looked a certain way

*Managing a healthy weight

Then this online group might be just the thing for you!

We will;

*Meet weekly for support, motivation and gentle accountability

*Hold space for you to share the difficulties you might be experiencing

*Tap together, using Emotional Freedom Techniques to help release any stuck energy

*Celebrate each other and foster self acceptance

I will;

*Facilitate these sessions with care and compassion

*Compose a tapping sequence for us to use together in the session

*Email the tapping as a script for you to use at home and continue your progress

*Send you a weekly tapping prompt to keep you focused

Register your interest in the comments below and I will release more details soon...


Sometimes in the city, it's easy to feel isolated and fed up.

This afternoon, I talked with a close friend and afterwards went out into the beautiful sunshine for a walk.

Look at the treasures I found! Turns out that there's a gorgeous woodland about 5 minutes walk away from my house.

Total recharge.


Who says that grown up clothing has to be boring?

Thanks to inspiration from a recent housemate (okay, I downright copied her), my clever and generous partner located and bought these beautiful pyjamas for me.

Is it too early to go to bed?!

I'm so grateful!

What are you grateful for today?


There's lots of colourful art around Leeds to brighten your day.

I don't think I'm really built for city living, so I look for joy and find it in the oddest places!

What brings you cheer in your day?


Feeling out of sorts? Or a bit fed up?

How about a little Distance Healing to bring about balance and calm?

When you book a session with me, we will agree a date and a time, All you need to do is find a quiet space in your own home. You might choose to listen to music, or relax on your bed.

I will connect with you from afar, sending you healing for your highest good. Only the healing that you can handle with ease.

Together, we create a time of gentle space, comfort and nourishment for your soul.

Payment, as always is on a sliding scale of affordability, so please message me to book your session if you feel that this offering would be right for you.


Here I am, school ready!

First day in my school placement, where I will be working until July as a children's counsellor.

Sending out love and light for those that need it as I go through my day today


I may be far away from many of you, but that doesn't mean that I can't still work with you!

Yesterday evening. I connected energetically with a beautiful person, sending them healing with crystals,

These healing sessions can be extremely powerful and felt very special.

Such a privilege to be able to work with people in this way.

When the session has concluded, I am happy to speak with you on the phone and will also send you photos of the crystals used in your session.

As always, payment is on a sliding scale of affordability, so please only pay what suits you best.

Please message to book your evening session,


The lovely people who are hosting me in Leeds have this in their lounge.

It's titled 'Choosing Life'

It draws me in and honestly, this photo does not do it justice.


Wherever I go, I join the library.

I always feel such peace and ease within these public spaces, surrounded by inspiration and education.

This card is for Leeds Libraries and I entirely agree with the statement!

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Videos (show all)

Tapping for worry
Beautiful gift from a beautiful client on a beautiful day. It's been so lovely at The Knighton Community Centre today, t...
Crystal mandala with blossoms added. Feeling super stable today too, so shared the red jasper grounders with another lea...
Laughter Yoga! Totally bonkers or totally fun? You decide at our Taster workshop in June! #laughteryoga
Friday greetings to you from Centara in Leominster today.Driftwood Hollow Centara #HEH #herefordshire_energy_healing #ef...
Happy Monday! The sun is shining and I feel full of enthusiasm and optimism today. Here's a short video, talking about o...
Sending you love and sunshine for your Saturday. 🥰☀️🥰
Look at these lovelies, running and happy. This could be you too, running towards your goals. EFT is great for eliminati...



Leintwardine Community Centre

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 7pm
Sunday 11am - 7pm

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