Dave Connolly, Liverpool Videos

Videos by Dave Connolly in Liverpool. Our experience has been that where there are men and women of God seeking to do something for God, a

The Boundless Grace and wisdom of God

On a daily basis, it’s God’s grace that always draws me close first.
His forgiveness, his loving compassion,
his gaze changes everything.
I pray God would open our eyes and hearts in a special way today to receive his grace in every corner of our hearts.

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Other Dave Connolly videos

The Boundless Grace and wisdom of God
On a daily basis, it’s God’s grace that always draws me close first. His forgiveness, his loving compassion, his gaze changes everything. I pray God would open our eyes and hearts in a special way today to receive his grace in every corner of our hearts.

The Value of Servanthood
The fastest way to unhappiness is to think about yourself constantly. Selfishness prevails over this age and threatens to erode our culture, unless we begin to emulate what Jesus modelled by serving others.

The standard of the word..
One of the devil strategies is to bring down our morale, our confidence. But God as a strategy to help us win on multiple battle fronts.

In His Presence New year. God never makes our part complicated. The brief discomfort of facing up, owning up when we have messed up quickly fades in the light of God's forgiveness, grace and love. There is nothing like being in God's presence, being quiet before him, diligently, and deliberately choosing to silence the noise of the world, and of our minds, and focusing on the Lord.

Nehemiah did not underestimate the job and he did not undertake the task without praying first.

Designed for influence and impact. Jesus is building His church, with each one of us, doing our part, and taking our place to be a life-giving, world impacting community of Jesus followers in our generation.

We must choose to carry the good report to a world increasingly filled with darkness and fear...

God wants each of us on fire for him anything less than white hot is less than what the kingdom of God is all about.

The Bible is filled with biographies of people who thought they were alone in their situation, but God stepped into the picture and reminded them that He is an ever present help in time of trouble