London Shambhala Meditation Centre

Based in Clapham in South London, the London Shambhala Meditation Centre offers meditation instructi

The difficulties in our lives and the world can lead us to become bitter or defensive. We may even spiral down into anger or depression. Developing compassion can help us to overcome all these and to connect with the greatness within each of us. That greatness includes our innate capacity for courage, fearlessness, forgiveness and love.

In this retreat, Anam Thubten will offer talks and meditation guidance based on the Tibetan Buddhist teachings on compassion. He feels strongly that the world right now needs compassion to meet all the challenges we are confronting individually and collectively.

Even though Buddhism began more than 2500 years ago, its wisdom and practices are relevant to our lives now more than ever. In these times the world is going through tectonic shifts socially, politically and spiritually as well. Anxiety, fear and all forms of mental issues are on the rise due to various factors such as climate crisis and social media. All this can cause a great deal of confusion.

Anam Thubten will talk about Buddhism’s answer to embracing all these difficulties and finding equanimity, compassion and even transcendence amidst everything that is unfolding in today’s world.

Suggested Donation
£10 (£7 concession). All donations are split between Anam Thubten and Shambhala London.

We don't want cost to be a barrier so if anyone is in financial hardship, please feel warmly invited to attend and donate what you can afford.

Please register to help us with planning around number of people attending.
Any questions please email [email protected]


Instead of our usual drop-in meditation evening we will come together to acknowledge the Winter Solstice, when we have the shortest day and longest night.

We will meditate together by candlelight and share a meal. All are welcome, please feel free to bring along friends and family! If you would like to bring your children they are more than welcome and we will do some fun child-friendly activities during the meditation.

Please bring food/drink to share. There is no fixed cost but donations will go towards keeping the Centre open next year.

7.15pm Arrival
7.45pm Candlelit Meditation with Instruction
8.15pm Pot Luck Meal

Please get in touch with Katrina if you have any questions:
[email protected]


The centre has a rich programme of offerings, from drop-in sessions, beginners meditation instructions, to foundational and advanced learning.
See the website for more information.
We look forward to seeing you.


The turn of the year can be a challenging time and yet is also a good moment to pause and find renewed strength and consolation in our practice. Please join us once again to explore how we can approach the new year with a spirit of bravery and adventure.

There will be daily guided instruction & short talks and readings about Shamatha-Vipassyana meditation, as also about courage and compassion. There will also be opportunities for one-on-one meditation interviews.


Our day retreats on the first Saturday of the month offer a day to deepen meditation practice, share contemplative lunch and tea, and hear a Dharma talk or teaching. They are taking place in person at the Centre in Clapham. They can be attended together as a series or as individual days.

This series of four day retreats will focus on the Four Immeasurables. By cultivating the Four Immeasurables - wholesome attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity - we can gradually remove ill will, cruelty, jealousy and desire and learn how to work with suffering in the world without drowning in it.


Shambhala Training Weekend 2: Discovering the Warrior Within introduces a meditation practice that builds upon the mindfulness-awareness technique of Shambhala Training Weekend 1. The weekend provides students with techniques for working with fear and habitual patterns of thought and behaviour.

The weekend will consist of sessions providing thorough instruction in sitting and walking meditation, talks on the Shambhala teachings, discussion in larger and smaller groups, periods of sitting and walking meditation and one-to-one meetings with qualified meditation instructors to refine our understanding of the practice.




In this weekend retreat we will be presenting ways in which we can begin to recognise and change these painful and destructive patterns. Essentially, we need to learn to face the difficulties and insecurities of our daily lives in a different way.

During the course of the weekend we will train in the 'the four R’s' of working with shenpa: Recognising, Refraining, Relaxing and Resolving. In this way we can begin to reshape our habitual responses to these feelings of restlessness and anxiety, and find a way to 'be ourselves' which is more in tune with the realities of our life.

Meditation practice is an integral part of the weekend and it will be a valuable opportunity to deepen your practice and understanding.





This workshop goes beyond how we relate to thoughts in our meditation, but how we can learn to appreciate the thinking mind in our life and to work with it rather than struggle with it's tendency to overthink or be self-critical.

In this workshop, we will explore how meditation invites us to relate to our thoughts in a more nuanced way. There will be guided meditation practice, short talks that we will then use as the basis of our meditation, and a chance to discuss our meditation experience and the instructions around how we relate to our mind and body.



Autumn 2022 Day Retreat Series: The Four Immeasurables

Our day retreats on the first Saturday of the month offer a day to deepen meditation practice, share contemplative lunch and tea, and hear a Dharma talk or teaching. They are taking place in person at the Centre in Clapham. They can be attended together as a series or as individual days.

This series of four day retreats will focus on the Four Immeasurables. By cultivating the Four Immeasurables - wholesome attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity - we can gradually remove ill will, cruelty, jealousy and desire and learn how to work with suffering in the world without drowning in it.

The series is open to people in the early stages of exploring the spiritual path as well as those who have already studied this material to some extent. Anyone interested attending who has not yet begun to meditate is welcome to do so following attendance at one of our Monday or Wednesday night open meditation sessions. There, one can receive an introduction to meditation practice.


Sign up for a day exploring Joy.



Tibetan Buddhism has a word to describe the experience in which our habits of mind take us captive, leading us, again and again, to find ourselves trapped in patterns of anger, blame, self-contempt and addiction. That word is ‘shenpa’.
Shenpa is the root cause of all of our compulsive, reactive behaviour and all of our craving and attachment. It is the feeling of restlessness and agitation which seeks to find anything to make things feel better. Pema Chodron uses the expression ‘getting hooked’. It’s like a fish going after a hook – it sees something apparently tasty and good, goes after it and then gets hooked. The fish is caught.

In this weekend retreat we will be presenting ways in which we can begin to recognise and change these painful and destructive patterns. Essentially, we need to learn to face the difficulties and insecurities of our daily lives in a different way.

During the course of the weekend we will train in the 'the four R’s' of working with shenpa: Recognising, Refraining, Relaxing and Resolving. In this way we can begin to reshape our habitual responses to these feelings of restlessness and anxiety, and find a way to 'be ourselves' which is more in tune with the realities of our life.

Meditation practice is an integral part of the weekend and it will be a valuable opportunity to deepen your practice and understanding.



Our four week Learn to Meditate foundation course provides a complete introduction to mindfulness meditation. It is taught by trained and experienced instructors in our large and well equipped meditation room.

Mindfulness meditation provides many benefits – it develops the qualities of stability, clarity, and strength of mind. It allows us to live more mindfully and so improves confidence and concentration, and enables us to handle stress better. The Learn to Meditate course will provide tools and practical advice for developing your own mindfulness meditation practice.

Each of the four classes will involve guided meditation instruction, meditation practice, mindful activities, and discussion. The course is interactive and communal – we aim to create a learning environment where the instructions become experiential and directly relevant.



This series of four day retreats will focus on the Four Immeasurables. By cultivating the Four Immeasurables - wholesome attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity - we can gradually remove ill will, cruelty, jealousy and desire and learn how to work with suffering in the world without drowning in it.

The series is open to people in the early stages of exploring the spiritual path as well as those who have already studied this material to some extent. Anyone interested attending who has not yet begun to meditate is welcome to do so following attendance at one of our Monday or Wednesday night open meditation sessions. There, one can receive an introduction to meditation practice.



We have the most exceptional teachers at Shambhala!



We will approach the topic through talks and discussion, practicing shamatha
meditation and contemplation. Open to all, the retreat will offer periods of extended meditation practice. We will spend time outside, in the elements, including - when the weather permits - time meditating in various places in the surrounding environment. We will have alternating periods of silence and talking. Lamledra ( is a spacious Edwardian house in a secluded setting overlooking the sea, in an area of outstanding natural beauty.

If you are interested in attending this retreat and would like further information, please email [email protected]. The cost is £550; some concessions are available. The maximum number of participants is 14, so early applications are recommended.



Book online:

Open to all!
The culture, technology, and ecology differ wildly between the time of Shakyamuni Buddha and our own day.
Human nature on the other hand seems basically unchanged.
Thus it is no historical exercise to explore the life of a gifted Indian prince who grappled— through meditation, and hard-won insights into his own life—with the inexorable question of suffering. It is an up-to-date analysis. It applies to us.

This will be a four week evening course, held online on Zoom, contemplating the life of Shakyamuni Buddha. In session one we will explore his birth, youth, and spiritual motivation; session two his enlightenment and the first turning of the Wheel of Dharma; session three his subsequent teachings and the development of the Sangha; and session four transmission and parinirvana.

The main sources for our study will be The Awakened One, by Sherab Chödzin Kohn, Shambhala Publications, and
Old Path White Clouds, Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, Parallax Press

The course will be held on Zoom and will include talks, guided contemplation and discussion.

About the teacher

David Schneider began the study of Buddhism in 1971, first in the Zen tradition under Joshu Sazaki-roshi and Shunryu Suzuki-roshi.. He was ordained in 1977 by Richard Baker-roshi, and continued at the San Francisco Zen Center until 1984. David attended 1986 Vajradhatu Seminary with Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, and came to Europe in 1995, to serve as Director of Shambhala Europe. He held this post until 2003. At the same time he taught as an acharya from 1996 through his resignation in 2019.


Come along to our evening meditation sessions, or immerse yourself, in a weekend training.


Book online:
Open to all!

We usually associate happiness with fleeting moments of satisfaction, pleasure or comfort, but the Shambhala teachings and the meditation practice they are based on can lead us to a deeper and more enduring happiness. This is the path we set out to explore in this weekend as mindfulness practice begins to open us to the depth and dimension of the present moment where we learn to appreciate who and what we really are.

The Shambhala Training Level 1 introductory weekend explores and deepens the basic technique of mindfulness meditation. By settling our minds we begin to see the magic of the world beyond our habitual filters. We experience the power and fulfillment of resting in the present and begin to make friends with ourselves.

Feedback from recent courses

"Loved the talks, and everyone was so open to each other’s opinions and experiences"

"Having done retreats before I consider this venue and organisation excellent and will definitely come again"

"I got all the answers I came for and am excited about my practice"
"Impressive support by staff and volunteers – very professional"

About Shambhala Training
Shambhala Training offers a structured path of meditation and emotional intelligence education rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Shambhala tradition and created for the challenges of modern, everyday existence.

The Shambhala Training path consists of evening courses and weekend retreats suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators, and open to people of any spiritual tradition or none.

This comprehensive overview of mindfulness meditation and contemplative living practices presents the view that when we realise that human beings have the capacity to nurture our inherent gentleness, strength and wisdom, we cannot help but create a more awake and compassionate world at the same time.


Autumn 2022 Day Retreat Series: The Four Immeasurables


Autumn 2022 Day Retreat Series: The Four Immeasurables

Our day retreats on the first Saturday of the month offer a day to deepen meditation practice, share contemplative lunch and tea, and hear a Dharma talk or teaching. They are taking place in person at the Centre in Clapham. They can be attended together as a series or as individual days.

This series of four day retreats will focus on the Four Immeasurables. By cultivating the Four Immeasurables - wholesome attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity - we can gradually remove ill will, cruelty, jealousy and desire and learn how to work with suffering in the world without drowning in it.

The series is open to people in the early stages of exploring the spiritual path as well as those who have already studied this material to some extent. Anyone interested attending who has not yet begun to meditate is welcome to do so following attendance at one of our Monday or Wednesday night open meditation sessions. There, one can receive an introduction to meditation practice.

Dates and Times

Sat 3rd of September - Loving-kindness
Sat 1st of October - Compassion
Sat 5th of November - Joy
Sat 3rd of December - Equanimity

Arrival from 9.30am, sitting will start at 10.00am, the day closes at 5pm.


Shambhala Training Weekend 1 is an opportunity to deepen your relationship to meditation practice, whether you are completely new or an experienced meditator, there is always scope to further enrich our lives through meditation.

This weekend offers an alternative view on what it means to be human, a view that is at odds with the modern narrative on what is important and what it means to live a good life. The teachings of Shambhala and Buddhism tell us that there is something fundamental that we can discover that allows us to relate to our lives with a sense of simplicity and wonder, however busy we may be, and however difficult and painful life can become. This weekend offers the opportunity to discover that through the practice of just sitting still and paying attention to the breath, we can experience our mind as more than just thoughts, emotions and memories. We can learn to appreciate ourselves, helping to free us from the confusion of what we think it means to be human and inviting us to experience our humanity directly.

Instruction will be given in the practice of meditation. There will be talks, discussion groups, opportunities to discuss meditation practice on a one-one basis with an accredited Meditation Instructor.
Pre-book online:


Mahayana Day Retreat Series: The Paramitas

Our day retreats on the first Saturday of the month offer a day to deepen meditation practice, share contemplative lunch and tea, and hear a Dharma talk or teaching. They are taking place in person.

This series of six day retreats will focus on the paramitas, concluding in July, a set of six (or sometimes ten) qualities that the Mahayana Buddhist tradition encourages us to develop in our lives; Generosity; Discipline; Patience; Joyful Exertion; Meditation; Prajna (wisdom).

Book online:


At Shambhala we have a long tradition of celebrating the changes of the seasons. Summer brings warmth, light and often a sense of relaxation and enjoyment of nature and the simple things in life.

So please join us in celebrating the Summer Solstice with a picnic on the common. Bring some food to share, your own choice of drink and a blanket to sit on. Anything to play with such as frisbees, balls, kites or musical instruments would also be more than welcome!

We will gather as close as possible to the big tree just the other side of the pond when coming from Clapham Common tube station.
See google maps:

This event is free but please register so that we can stay in touch and share a contact phone number in case of trouble finding each other, or for any change of plan in case of rain.

Hope to see you there!

Tessa Watt (organiser) and the Shambhala team
Register at:


To book, go to:

When we know directly that everything that arises in our experience is our life, we can embrace conflict yet not regard any element of experience as an enemy. We can open to others without owning or fusing with them. We can know how things are yet not fall into discrimination or criticism.

We can lead and not be out of touch with those we serve. The Four Immeasurables is a way to go beyond our preoccupation and embrace totality. By cultivating the Four Immeasurables - wholesome attitudes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity - we can gradually remove ill will, cruelty, jealousy and desire and learn how to work with suffering in the world without drowning in it.

About the Teacher
John Seex is a psychotherapist, a psychotherapy trainer on the faculty of Karuna Training and has been practicing, studying and teaching the dharma for 30 years.


From, 'The Heart of the Buddha' Chögyam Trungpa, Shambhala Publications



27 Belmont Close

Opening Hours

Monday 19:30 - 21:30
Tuesday 19:30 - 21:30
Wednesday 19:30 - 21:30
Sunday 10:30 - 12:30