Alison Scott-Wright

Alison Scott-Wright

Known as the Magic Sleep Fairy, I am a published author, Specialist Baby Sleep Consultant and an expert in managing Infant Reflux.

Through working in nursing and as a maternity nurse I have become one of the top UK baby consultants specialising in Reflux and related issues. I have helped literally 1000s of parents get their baby sleeping through but also helped them get the help they need when the medical profession isn't listening.



Sunday 29th September 2024

Join my online event ‘September Sleep Session: Essential Sleep Advice’ and learn how to promote positive sleep practices with your little ones. You will learn about the below topics, all in-line with the information in my books, The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan’, and ‘The Sensational Toddler Sleep Plan’.

12+ weeks:

🟣Age-related sleep schedules

🟣Daytime nap requirements

🟣Sleep environments


🟣 Transitions

🟣 Early waking

🟣& more

Over 12 months:

🟠Bedtime issues

🟠 Night time disturbances

🟠 Early mornings

🟠 Cot to bed

🟠 Sleep for siblings

🟠 Challenging behaviours

🟠 & more

Understand how to achieve happy bedtimes, better quality night sleep & day-naps, and positive parenting tactics.


Sharing a lovely message I received today 💜🤍🧚‍♀️

“Hey! I just wanted to say a big thank you! We have two completely different children personality wise. Regardless, we have followed your plan from the second week with both and both of them sleep consistently 12 hours a night and have done since around 12 weeks (I thought that it might have been luck with the first!!!). I think your method is so sensible and gentle and having the structure and routine helps everyone!! sleep is so important and thanks to you, we can all function and no matter what the day throws at us, we know what our nights look like and that we are guaranteed sleep 🙌🏽🙏🏽”


“Dear Alison, you’ve been on my mind lately. Our little H is doing so well, and she is starting school in September - hard to believe my little pandemic baby is so grown up. I don’t know how I would be managed without you, and I don’t want to think how different H’s temperament might have turned out had we not caught the root of her discomfort and pain early on. I hope messages like these will keep you going to help many more families like mine. Have a wonderful summer x”


You don’t need fancy eye creams, you need sleep! 😄

Thank you Jess for your brilliant message 🩷

“The Magic Sleep Fairy’s advice has saved my sanity, and our sleep!

After reading Alison’s book, everything clicked for us and we put it a routine into place. We made some small adjustments but it still worked amazingly well. I’ve already ordered the toddler book so we can get prepared on whats to come!!!!
The bags under my eyes are gone, and my little boy is thriving. Xx”

Photos from Alison Scott-Wright's post 10/07/2024

The Magic Sleep Fairy is on a weeks holiday with the family and I’m just being ‘Mops’ - or actually Mopsy-Mops as Dylan, my youngest grandson now calls me!!
Battling torrential rain ☔️ we are still out and about at all the fabulous farm attractions in Devon and have truly loved connecting with the animals and nature. There are some fabulous places here and so far we’ve been to The World of CountryLife and Pennywell Farm both so we’ll set up for all-weather and all ages. Happy - but rainy holidays to you all 💜


Magic Sleep Fairy has been on the road, in the fuschia fairy-mobile! 🚗
Did you know you can book in a consultation to enlist my direct help? I offer telephone, video and home consultations - all over the world 🌍

To book, just complete the booking form so I can read a little about your case and experiences beforehand. Then, I will get in touch to discuss a convenient time/day! It’s as easy as that. Please read my testimonials on instagram too 🥰❤️


Baby Xavier is a happy, healthy 7 month old who sleeps 12 hours a night!
Xavier has not always been such a good sleeper, says Xavier’s mummy, Claire. He was waking up to 7 times a night before she got my book!

Read Claire’s lovely words below ❤️

Hi Alison, I just want to thank you for your fantastic sleep plan. I got the audiobook on a friend’s recommendation and we began the training around the same time as each other, and within about a week, both babies were sleeping so much better, and even fully through the night! I have gained back time to spend with my toddler, my patience and my memory. You truly are a magic sleep fairy! Thank you from the bottom of my heart x


The Magic Sleep Fairy is booking consultations for telephone, video and home visits.

I work with newborns, right up to under 10’s, covering all things from sleep issues, colic, reflux, removing the dummy, naps, cot to bed and everything in between as you raise your family. 👶

My consultations are not what you might expect 😉 I tell it like it is, I’m friendly and informal and I provide a safe environment to ask me anything, you can share your experiences and I will believe you, without judgement or dismissal. ♥️🧚‍♀️


📲 Consultation slots available for this week!!

Book in a private one-on-one telephone or video call with me this week. I specialise in infant reflux, allergies, colic and resolving obstacles and challenges that prevent sleeping through the night for babies over 12 weeks.

Please complete the form on and I’ll be in touch to book your appointment with me 😊🥰

More info and links in bio and on my website 🔗



Today is the last day to get a ticket to join me tomorrow as I discuss sleep, reflux, colic, allergies, feeding and everything in between, which will result in your baby sleeping through the night. For 12 weeks and over.

No cameras or sound needed, you are welcome to listen and write questions in the chatbox.

Everyone with a ticket for this webinar will receive the full recording, whether or not they have attended! xx

Photos from Alison Scott-Wright's post 18/05/2024

“FAIRYING”! 🧚‍♀️

In the words of Mr J Clarkson - I’ve been doing much FAIRYING of late.

My birthday is already seeming to be a distant memory, as I’ve since been so busy on home visits. I disappeared off to see an 11 month old for 4 days and then a 3 year old for 2 days - both in London. Following on with a trip to Totnes in Devon, to see a 6 month old for 3 days. After that, I went up to Leeds to see a 7 week old, and the Lake District to see an 11 week old!

All the visits have been hugely successful & wonderfully rewarding, but it’s also been a tiring time (especially with so much travel in between stays) and although I do have some wings, they sadly don’t get me airborne and I think The Magic Sleep Fairy really does need to be able to fly - anyone got a helicopter handy? 🚁



People often say there needs to be two of me, to visit more families and be in two places at once! 🤣 Well I have yet to crack the magic of cloning, but I have been recreated in the form of a lovely handmade cuddly doll!

More coming soon 👀✨


Tickets now available on 🧚‍♀️

✨Get ready to gain a deeper understanding of my ‘sleep training’ methods with Sleep Session: The Reassurance Sleep Technique, an online event✨

Sleep Session: The Reassurance Sleep Technique for babies 12 weeks and older

Date: Wednesday 15th May 2024

Time: 13:00 - 15:00 GMT

Location: Online

Join my Sleep Session to learn more about the Reassurance Sleep Technique specifically designed for babies 12 weeks and older.

✨Is this seminar right for you?✨

- Do you have a baby 3 months or over who is not sleeping through the night or taking daytime naps?

- Are you following the ‘Plan’ in my Baby Book, The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan, but sleep is still erratic?

- Are you considering implementing some form of ‘sleep training’?

If your answer is ‘yes’, this session is a must and will guide you through the process to facilitate change and result in much improved sleep and a well-rested, happy baby.

Photos from Alison Scott-Wright's post 30/04/2024

The Magic Sleep Fairy turns 60!!
I’ve had a little break from consultations to celebrate with family and friends. But now I’m back to work, off on a home visit and booking in calls with my lovely clients.

A huge thank you for my lovely birthday card, it was so touching reading all your messages! 💕

If you would like to talk to me about your little ones sleep, reflux, allergies, removing the dummy, and everything in between - please do get in touch! 🧚‍♀️✨


Update from Otto’s mum a year after my visit 😍🥰❤️

‘Alison - here is our happy, healthy, bright and rested little Otto, exactly one year on from meeting you and being gifted with sleep 💤 Otto still continues to smash out 11 hour nights and long lunchtime naps 💪🏼 (teething aside!) We will forever be thankful ✨ 🧚‍♀️’

If you would like to know more about consultations, please head to my website or visit the links in bio ✨


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan review

“Alison’s book has been my lifeline. I cannot recommend it enough. Its practical, well thought out advice that has empowered me as a new mother. Of course, it needs to work for your family but in my personal experience, in the first weeks when days seem like a blur, having a routine was key for my mental health. I felt like I had tools.

I felt confident every time I put my baby to sleep on her cot as I knew I had a plan and tools. I never had to leave her cry and I did the whole thing while exclusively breastfeeding/bottle of expressed milk.

I cannot imagine having to do sleep training when she is 6 months, fully aware and putting her on a routine cold turkey. This routine and order is what she has known her whole life and she feels security because of it. Also, once they learn how to sleep, you can do contact naps in bed when you choose to, and they still after sleep in their cot perfectly well.

The best example I can give is what happened on Christmas eve. I told them I wanted to enjoy dinner etc and I would be there early so I could do the routine there. They were in disbelief, a 4 month baby that sleeps through the night and in a new environment? You are delusional. I was happy if she slept for a few hours to be honest. I went to my in laws house early, we did bath time there and she slept in a travel cot she had never slept in, in a new room, with her comfort blanket and she slept the whole night! 12hs!

Genuinely I cannot recommend this book enough, I have given it to all my friends. Of course, sleep is a changing thing, and things happen, they are babies not robots. But having a guide like this has made every hiccup manageable. In today’s world of information overload, were as a Mum you are judged constantly, I cannot be more grateful to Alison for making this new mum feel informed, empowered and confident.”


“Just loved seeing this on a plane !!! # # # hope you are a well :) # # ”

The Magic Sleep Fairy is still spreading her wings 🪽
I received this pic and text from a beautiful ex-client (now friend) whom I worked with 14 years ago!! She was on an Emirates flight back to the UK from South Africa, and found my podcast with the fabulous , available as a recommended listen on the in-flight entertainment.
I simply love the fact that I can still reach and help people who are whizzing across the sky whilst on their travels, and hugely grateful to Mother Tongue for so brilliantly promoting my podcast episode!


Sharing this beautiful photo and accompanying words from Otto’s mummy 🥰❤️🧚‍♀️

“Hi Alison, I hope you are well! I just wanted to tell you what a happy, content baby Otto has become 💙 People no longer say ‘oh what a serious baby he is!’ And instead, now *everyone* comments on how smiley he is - he absolutely beams at everyone!! Otto continues to sleep all the way through the night, his naps are great and we even managed to go away to Spain for a week where he slept soundly through the night in a travel cot, the same way he does back home! He is an actual dream baby - we cannot thank you enough for helping him reach this potential! # # #”

Did you know you can book a consultation with me?
Info is in my bio and on my website 💕📱


Casper’s Story 💜
Last week I visited this gorgeous little boy to help iron out why he wasn’t able to sleep easily, link nap cycles and he just couldn’t seem to feed comfortably.

He had been prescribed Aptamil LF (lactose free), but before my arrival and after a telephone consultation I had advised Mum to get some Neocate LCP.

Casper was drinking a 4 scoop Aptamil LF ratio to 2 scoop Neocate mix, but was struggling to drink more than 100ml and it easily would take over an hour to feed him.

I soon discovered that he had a degree of oral thrush (there will be a full post about thrush to follow for those interested) and this was preventing him from drinking comfortably, along with it being evident that he had a ‘tummy-ache’/digestive discomfort from the cow’s milk protein in the Aptamil LF.

I switched him straight to solely Neocate and changed up the way he was being his prescribed Omeprazole.
We needed to get the thrush treatment too, but sadly this took 48 hours to access from the GP, so I had to crack-on with implementing more positive sleep strategies even without the thrush meds and all the while, the little chap was struggling with a cold - hence his very red cheeks!

He was such a little trooper and evidently felt so much more comfortable just from the Neocate that he started to sleep more easily and by night 3 was down to a short wake up at 4:30am, but self-settled back to sleep within 20 minutes.

He’s already SO much improved and as the thrush meds kick in and the he gets better from the cold he will be even better - another Magic Sleep Fairy success - who is a now well rested, well fed, happy, content and little bubba. 👶🧚‍♀️🥰💜


📣To celebrate Mother’s Day weekend, I’m offering 10% off my upcoming sleep seminar - designed for 12 months plus! Use code MOTHER10 🌸


Join my Sleep Session to learn more about my fail-safe reassurance sleep training technique specifically designed for over 12 months old.

Is this seminar right for you?
💤 Do you have a toddler (12 months or over) who is not sleeping through the night or taking daytime naps?
💤 Are you following ‘The Sensational Toddler Sleep Plan’, but sleep is still erratic?
💤 Did your little one sleep well at a younger age but it’s now gone ‘out the window’?
💤 Are you considering implementing some form of ‘sleep training’ ?

If your answer is ‘yes’, this session is a must and will guide you through the process to facilitate change and result in much improved sleep and a well-rested, happy child!


I drive across the UK in my pink fairy-mobile, visiting families with little ones suffering from sleep deprivation, reflux, allergies, and everything in between!
For international visits, unfortunately I leave the fairy-mobile behind, if only it had wings!! 🧚‍♀️😄

Photos from Alison Scott-Wright's post 17/02/2024


‘We are forever indebted to Alison for her brilliant help! At 3-4 months we had a baby whose sleep was worsening week by week, struggling with a bottle (so mum couldn’t get a break) and showing various signs of discomfort.

Alison quickly helped us understand he was suffering with reflux from a cow’s milk protein intolerance and worked with us over a course of a few weeks to make many positives changes - how we fed him, what we fed him, how we put him to sleep, medical help for anti reflux medication… upon implementing these changes we had a happy and thriving baby, with well-rested parents.

Alison’s magic has had a profoundly positive effect on our family: she is knowledgeable yet not pushy and is ALWAYS on your side with support and understanding. Thank you Magic Sleep Fairy! ❤️’

Photos from Alison Scott-Wright's post 13/02/2024

So much natural beauty here at Lake Bled, Slovenia - along with lots of pink! 💗
Not least my ‘pinked-up’ Magic Sleep Fairy-mobile which I took over to Turkey to get the VIP renovation and treatment, before heading back to UK.


Yesterday I took some time to reflect with huge sadness, and remember 06/02/2023 - it doesn’t feel like a whole year has passed, but the most harrowing truth of that statement is that so many people caught up in that horrendous deprem (and the ones that we might think are lucky to be alive) are continuing to suffer such awful hardships on the back of losing many family and friends.
Many are still living in tents, ‘container homes’ and suffering unimaginable conditions. It was a force of nature that occurred and is way beyond our control, but due to many ‘questionable’ building regulations, (and much more) - it became an overwhelming, human tragedy that could have been at least lessened, if the powers that be genuinely looked after their people. This is also reflective in the current truth of what was promised to those who suffered and what has been delivered or provided - and it’s not pretty 😳
I just wanted to write this and thank all of you who donated and helped me help some of those individuals & families who suffered such terrible loss.
I do still support a number of these families and always hope to do more, but at times - it feels overwhelming to me and in all honesty, I struggle to match the strength displayed by those I help. ❤️‍🩹❤️❤️‍🩹

‘Feels like yesterday’: Turkey grieves on first quake anniversary - AFP News

Some still search for loved ones a year after Turkey’s earthquake - Reuters


For those of you who are new here, Welcome!

My name is Alison Scott-Wright, but I’m often called The Magic Sleep Fairy. A name I was actually given from a client over 20 years ago, and it just stuck! 🧚‍♀️

I’m the proud author of two bestselling books; The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan – published in 2010, updated in 2021. With it’s recent sequel; The Sensational Toddler Sleep Plan published in 2021.

For over 25 years, I’ve worked hands-on with families, sharing my knowledge and expertise and most importantly bringing sleep to thousands of homes.

I continue to provide practical help, invaluable advice and much needed support to parents around the world through online consultations and hands-on home visits.

I am a mother, and a grandmother – known by my grandchildren as ‘Mops’ ❤️

My ethos is simple: No judgement, FED is best, and be kind.

Videos (show all)

How to use milk thickeners - This is how I use Magic Mix (can be found on @thefrenchpharmacy) with Alfamino formula and ...
Wishing you and your families all a very happy Christmas and New Year. Please enjoy my magical ‘Magic Sleep Fairy’ Chris...
A follow-up guide, helping parents to handle sleep issues in toddlers and children aged over twelve months.With clear an...
✨ 15 DAYS UNTIL THE SENSATIONAL TODDLER SLEEP PLANS RELEASE! ✨Currently available to pre-order on Amazon! Link in bio 🧡
ITS OFFICIAL!! The Sensational Toddler Sleep Plan is available for Pre-Order now.The book will be released on August 12t...
12 Days of Christmas (Magic Sleep Fairy)
So this is Evie drinking her bottle with her mummy this morning after a full 12 hours of sound sleep. Previously due to ...
And so for some fun......This is wonderful 'new-Dad' Brian demonstrating how easy it is to put on the baby sling! Hilari...