Victoria Walthamstow, London Videos

Videos by Victoria Walthamstow in London. Great pub on Hoe Street In Walthamstow, running loads of regular events and serving great beer!

Tonight at the William Morris Bar Pixie Presents Drag Queen Victoria Sponge's Spankety Spank Quiz night and cabaret! Free entry doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm please message pixie to book a table x

Other Victoria Walthamstow videos

Tonight at the William Morris Bar Pixie Presents Drag Queen Victoria Sponge's Spankety Spank Quiz night and cabaret! Free entry doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm please message pixie to book a table x

Event Link : The William Morris Weekender (June) Every Last Sunday of the month At The William Morris Bar

Pixie Presents Chanel No 5 live at the Victoria !

Another cracking night with CNN ... it's what Friday nights are for. Happy birthday to Verity and Dee too xx

CNN karaoke Fridays



Singalong club in full swing 😊😊

We love our regulars like Eddie
