People Before Profit - Lurgan, Lurgan Videos

Videos by People Before Profit - Lurgan in Lurgan. Fighting for workers and eco-socialism.

Today our branch members took part in a protest-art session and solidarity demonstration organised by Lurgan IPSC.

6 months in to this genocide and the atrocities keep coming daily. Clearly we cannot wait for our political leaders to do the right thing - we must force their hand through persistent mass action.

Smash Zionism - Liberate Palestine.

Other People Before Profit - Lurgan videos

Today our branch members took part in a protest-art session and solidarity demonstration organised by Lurgan IPSC. 6 months in to this genocide and the atrocities keep coming daily. Clearly we cannot wait for our political leaders to do the right thing - we must force their hand through persistent mass action. Smash Zionism - Liberate Palestine.

A few months ago, PBP Lurgan activists and comrades from branches across the north brought our concerns regarding the pollution and destruction of Lough Neagh to one of the main culprits - Norman Emerson sand dredgers on the south shore. With Stormont now up and running, and the first speckles of blue-green algae sighted (much earlier than last year), we urgently need sharp scrutiny of both the ownership of Lough Neagh and the continued extractivist activities of the sand dredgers. We have no time to waste. The 5 sand dredgers of Lough Neagh extract over a million tonnes of sand from the lough bed each year, leaving scars up to 70ft deep and devastating the ecosystem. Each of these ecological pillagers pays a royalty to the absentee-landlord who owns the lough; the pampered, parasitic Earl Of Shaftesbury. Shaftesbury's ancestor, Arthur Chichester, butchered and pillaged their way across the north to claim our lough, and the ownership remains in his family to this day. We demand that all commercial sand dredging cease immediately, and is prohibited going forward. We must take the lough back from the greedy hands of the Earl of Shaftesbury and grant it legal protections under the Rights of Nature framework. If we want to enjoy Lough Neagh for generations to come, we must put an end to commercial sand dredging and prioritise the needs and wants of the many over the profits of the few. It's time to put the planet before profit.

People Before Profit members marched in a crowd of thousands through the centre of Dublin today at the Stand Together rally We are disgusted by the attempts of the far-right to scapegoat migrants for the horrendous situation inflicted on many working class people. There is enough wealth and enough space in Ireland for everyone. It is towards the landlords and vulture funds exploiting and profiting from the housing crisis that we should direct our ire. We need to defend marginalised communities from the cowards who are weaponising working class anger and misdirecting towards to those most vulnerable. Homes are for people, not for profit.

Direct action at Thales missile manufacturer in Belfast. Stop supplying an apartheid state!

Thanks to all who came down to hear Brian speak on building the Palestine solidarity movement while also building socialism for our community We sold twenty copies of our new pamphlet "From The River To The Sea - The Struggle For Palestinian Liberation" - if anyone would like a copy, get in touch. Freedom for Palestine, and through Palestine, freedom for us all.

Proud to stand on pickets with local workers as they demand a fair wage. Victory to the workers.

Boycott St Patrick's Day celebrations at the White House!

Some words from some of the speakers at Saturday's IPSC rally. Lurgan says no to Genocide Joe, just as we say no to ethnic cleansing and no to the apartheid state of Israel and all it's western backers.

Speaking at yesterdays IPSC rally about the shameful role played by the British government and the DUP in this horrendous situation. Not in our name!

Pádraig from our Lurgan branch bringing the destruction of Lough Neagh to the floor of People Before Profit's Annual General Meeting in Dublin ✊

To kick off our series of highlighting serial polluters, we’ve handed in a letter of concern at Mash Direct. They have been caught dumping in the River Enler on multiple occasions over the past decade and given inconsequential fines for doing it. We intend to shine a spotlight on the culprits who consistently damage our health and environment, in this case using our waterways as a private sewer. This can’t just be a cost of doing business, it damages nature and us all. Polluters should be the ones paying for the costs of their actions, not working people. Stop polluting now! We need a sustainable, equitable economy and this certainly ain’t it. It’s time to put Planet Before Profit 🌍 #StopPollution #COP28 #Ireland #Belfast #PeopleBeforeProfit

We got speaking to Vista Therm's shop steward Robert about the ongoing strike. The workers of Vista Therm have been on the road in recent weeks to Nenagh, to the location of the company's parent - Carey Glass. They've also been visiting major clients of the glass manufacturer - raising awareness of the reprehensible actions of the owner and management. Solidarity and support from People Before Profit Lurgan, keep up the good work ✊

Victory to the Vista Therm workers!

Visited the Vista Therm strike today at Silverwood Business Park to show our support and solidarity. The management of Vista Therm have undertaken a shameful campaign of union busting and worker intimidation - they have refused to negotiate with Unite, suspended a shop steward and are currently trying to evict the strikers from the front of the business park. Despite this, spirits are high on the picket! Music is pumping, workers are dancing and waving flags, and the food is absolutely delicious. Thanks to Eva for the soup and cake! These workers will not be cowed by crooked, greedy management, and PBP Lurgan stands in full support of their demands for an inflationary pay rise. Management need to meet with Unite and begin negotiations to meet these demands!

Hands off our SmartPasses! #PeopleBeforeProfit #Lurgan

Tory Austerity sniffing out its latest victim - pensioners. These folks have worked their whole lives, paying their taxes and N.I. and funding our public services. Now that it's time for them to retire, this crooked government wants to strip them of their right to free transport. People Before Profit say hands off our SmartPasses! If they so desperately lack funding for public services, they can quite easily find it in the 65 BILLION spent annually on 'defence'.