Proficient Plumbing & Heating, Lurgan Videos

Videos by Proficient Plumbing & Heating in Lurgan. All plumbing and Heating work carried out to a professional standard!

Another Radiator cleanse just ontime for the winter. This video demonstrates just how effective this technique is using the thermal imaging camera and #adey agitation device & magnacleanse unit. Look at the areas where radiator was heating and the blue dark spot where it wasn’t. Then watch carefully on it shifting. Now this customer is going to save money on Fuel consumption this winter.

Other Proficient Plumbing & Heating videos

Another Radiator cleanse just ontime for the winter. This video demonstrates just how effective this technique is using the thermal imaging camera and #adey agitation device & magnacleanse unit. Look at the areas where radiator was heating and the blue dark spot where it wasn’t. Then watch carefully on it shifting. Now this customer is going to save money on Fuel consumption this winter.