The Photographers Suite

The Photographers Suite

Creating high-end premium photography websites that convert your website visitors into paying customers.

Our Scroll to a Sale website designs are ultra fast-loading, including daily back up, SEO, and maintenance.


UK PHOTOGRAPHERS - Learn how to Build a Photography Website that Gets RESULTS...

That's what I'll be teaching photographers in person at the "PhotoHubs" events taking place this September here in the UK. It's your chance to spend time with me working on your website, taking it from a static portfolio to a lead generating homepage.

The first event for the South of England is at Oxford Belfry on 10th & 11th September, and the second for Scotland and Northern England is at the Peebles Hydro Spa on 27th & 28th September.

There are some fantastic speakers and workshops, plus free opportunities to photograph a great Cosplay model or grab some mentoring, as well as trade exhibitors there too.

On my fantastic in-person website workshop you’ll learn how to....

✅ Create a high-end premium photography brand
✅ Appeal to your ideal client type
✅ Instantly connect with your visitors
✅ Build a website that is visually stunning and excites visitors
✅ Sell the benefits of your photography services
✅ Qualify every visitor on price, w**d out the freebie hunters
✅ Drive your visitors to take action on the homepage
✅ Increase your enquiries, convert enquiries into bookings
✅ Understand Google’s Helpful Content Algorithm for Ranking
✅ What Google is looking for on your homepage
✅ How to grow an impressive email list of future clients

and lots more...

Also anyone booking a Day Pass for just £12.50 will get a FREE bag of ‘Goodies’ worth up to £95 upon arrival on Day Two. Even a Pro-Master Camera Care Kit is included! It’s worth attending just for this.

As a speaker I can offer an exclusive extra discount off my in-person workshops. Places are limited, and this brings their price down to just £80, so don’t miss out on this valuable input. Just use the code PHOTOMENTORVIP when booking my sessions.

I hope to see you at one of these great days at least, whether you grab a Day Pass, join me at a workshop or just pop in to see the Trade’s latest stuff.

You can find out more about these days and my sessions plus reserve your place HERE

Professional Imagemaker August - September 2023 now available online - The Societies of Photographers | International Photography Organisation 05/09/2023

Do you want to give your photography website a bit of a boost?? 📸

This month my 4-page article has been featured in The Societies of Photographers Professional Imagemaker Magazine, in this article I share some of my 2023 tips for creating a more customer focused photography website.

💻 Remember your website isn't there just to show off your work, your website should be selling the benefits your photography brings to a client, showcasing your many happy customer testimonials and driving your visitors to take action.

If you don't drive your visitors to take action then its very unlikely that you'll ever see them again.

👉 You need to be at least collecting their email address, but ultimately getting them onto a consultation call or a direct booking if you have a lower cost to entry service likes of headshots etc.

Google loves websites with helpful informative content and so do your visitors too.

If your website is just a gallery of images and doesn't communicate and connect with your reader then its going to be a lot harder to convert them into paying customers.

Google is now looking for websites with helpful customer focused content, so you may find your rankings dropping if you aren't providing this on your homepage.

If you don't show up in the searches you won't be getting in front of your ideal clients.

You can read my article in Aug/Sept Professional Imagemaker Magazine, check out the link to The Societies website below.

I've also written a best selling book entitled "Help My Photography Website Needs MORE Customers" just search for it on Amazon, available in hardback, paperback and Kindle.

Professional Imagemaker August - September 2023 now available online - The Societies of Photographers | International Photography Organisation Professional Imagemaker August - September 2023 now available online - Blog


Why you need a "Call to Action" style Photography Website..... 🖥

Here's a great example of what I call a Scroll to a Sale Website. This website was created for Jennifer Sharp Kornoely- Branding and Commercial Photographer.

So what is a Scroll to a Sale Website???

It's a website that contains everything your visitor needs to know to help them make an informed decision and get in touch with you.

Your homepage is the most important page of your website!! This is where 90% of your traffic will land and exit, so it needs to communicate the right message and sell the benefits of your photography services. 📸

People are time hungry. Many visitors will click away from a website in 10 seconds or less if it doesn't appeal to them and create desire, this is called the bounce effect.

Don't let visitors bounce off your homepage, reel them in, tell them what they need to know then prompt them to take action.

Jennifer's website does just that. Not only does it sell the benefits of her branding photography and visually connect with potential clients, it also repeatedly directs visitors to get in touch and schedule a free branding consultation call using Jennifer's online diary.

👉 Your website should also include an About Page which focuses on you as a person. Let your visitors know who you are and see the real person behind the camera. I love Jennifer's about page, its very personal and authentic.

Remember people buy from people they like and trust, and people they feel connected to.

A website has many moving parts and they should all come together, these include your galleries, service pages and blog, but by far the most important aspect is your homepage.

The Photographers Suite specialises in Scroll to a Sale Websites purely for photographers. We create homepages that sell the benefits of what you do and build desire for your services.


👉Try this Quick Tip to Get Your Photography Website Ranking Better on Google...

How you word your website FAQs can ultimately determine how easily your website is found in the search engines.

Google has now started using FAQs from websites to answer people's questions.

Try it yourself.
Put a question into Google.

Quite often Google searches will show snippets of website FAQs that answer that particular question.


If I was searching for how much is a personal branding photography session, then Google would not direct me to your website FAQs if your FAQ just said "how much are your sessions?"

This because it doesn't explain what type of session it is, it could be a gym session, a physio session, a portrait session or a any other service that is sold by sessions.

Write your FAQs for the search engine, NOT for people who are actually on your homepage.

So in this case, your FAQ would say ‘how much is a personal branding photography shoot?’

There, Google can then see that information and direct people straight to it - which matches the question they're putting in their search engine.

Another example this time for a wedding photographer, instead of saying ‘how long is your coverage’ - you could word your FAQ as ‘how long does the average wedding photography coverage last?’

This is what people are typing into Google.

Come up with your idea and type it into Google.

Google will then show you similar suggestions and similar things that people are searching for, then you can word your FAQs to match.

And this will help your website show up more on Google.

Try putting FAQs on your website, and this is where Google will direct them if your answers relate to their questions.

Are you answering peoples search questions in your FAQs section?


My Photography Website BOOK is FREE on Kindle this Weekend!! 💻 Grab it NOW and start improving your photography website sales and ranking...

I've set my book up for a 5-Day FREE download on Amazon Kindle, it ends on Tuesday 25th so grab it now, and more importantly start putting things in action to give your website a real boost. 🚀

This information packed guide is filled with valuable top tips and advice to help you transform your website from a static photography portfolio into a lead generating machine.

This is really two books in one!!⭐

The first part of my book deep-dives into building a premium photography brand, covering everything from colour, fonts and styling, to developing a brand message that perfectly fits your ideal client. 📸

We also cover blogging in-depth, you'll learn how to write blogs that drive traffic to your website, build relationships with your readers, and convert visitors into enquiries.

All my photography business books are also available in paperback and hardback editions, if like me you prefer the real thing. Simply head over to Amazon and type in "Help!! My Photography Website Needs More Customers"

If you enjoy my book and you get a lot from it then please do leave me a review, it really does make a difference to us self-published authors.

Thank you and have a great weekend. 😎


Is Your Photography Website Giving Out the Right Message to Visitors? 💻

Your website needs to be much more than just a gallery of images, especially if you want to rank well on Google.

Google wants to see quality content not just pictures, and so do your website visitors.

Would you buy a new car from a website that only had photos of the cars, no descriptions, no information, no price and no mention about guarantees, customer testimonials and their 5 star service?

Well the same applies to your photography website, it needs to communicate and it needs to connect with your visitors.

Your homepage should sell the benefits of what you do for your clients, it should showcase your awesome testimonials and take people through process of working with you.

This week The Photographers Suite launched this fantastic website for Victoria Gibbs, which not only showcases her amazing work over multiple galleries, but more importantly has a very informative homepage which connects and communicates with her visitors and prompts them to get in touch.

Is your website communicating? Does it empathise with your visitor, sell the benefits of what you do and then prompt them to take action and book a call or session? This is what big brands and corporations do on their websites and as photographers that's exactly what we need to do.

If you're interested in a new "Scroll to a Sale" style website that helps you turn visitors into customers and improves your Google ranking then drop us a message.


Google LOVES Video on a Website...... 💻

And so do your website visitors!!

✅Video can communicate all the essential information your ideal clients need to know in a fraction of the time it would take them to read it.

✅Video can easily be consumed by your website visitors, even when they are on the move.

✅Video it can highlight all the benefits of your services in less than a minute, and with clever use of text overlays you can reinforce your message and create even more desire for what you do. (See example video below)

Your website video should never be about you, it should be ALL about your ideal clients.

Let them understand the process of working with you and clearly see the final outcome, whether that be beautiful wall art, handmade albums or attention grabbing product images in a company brochure.

In Google's recent whitepaper that covers what it's looking for in terms of a valuable content website, it touched on video, stating that video is a fantastic interactive medium that really helps and educates your website visitors.

The fantastic example of a "desire creating video" shown below comes a website we have recently designed and built for London based Lovelight Photography.

Stuart's awesome video shows the full customer journey from beginning to end. The fun filled photoshoot, the family proofing their amazing images and the final solution, beautiful wall art to treasure for years to come.

Have you thought about using video on your website homepage to communicate the benefits of your services to potential clients? Its a very powerful medium, especially when backed up with great copy too.

If you're looking to take your photography business to the next level or you're interest in a new photography website, then simply drop us a message.


How to Get MORE Traffic to Your Photography Website 🖥

If you want to take advantage of SEARCH INTENT, you need to understand what it's all about.

Search intent describes the intent of the person coming to your website.

There are two forms of search intent - direct search and indirect search.

Is when somebody is coming to your site because they're looking to purchase.

✔️ They've decided they know what they need, and want to make a purchase

✔️They're on the hunt for a solution

✔️They're on the hunt for a product or a service

Search intent, in my case for my own website, is somebody searching for photography mentoring, photography marketing services - they're using the keywords directly for what they're looking for.

For your own business. It might be somebody searching for wedding photographers London or headshot photography New York.

It's what the person is typing in, and sometimes followed by the geographical region.

This is the second type of search intent, and one where you need to focus on your blogs.

✔️ This is where people are in the searching phase

✔️ They're in the discovery phase

✔️ They're trying to find answers to a problem to help them improve or find a solution

So for example - with my own business, I focus on working with photographers who want to make more profitable and successful businesses.

So my homepage is focused on DIRECT SEARCH intent.

For example, I’ve use phrases like photography mentor, photography marketing, or photography mentors.

My INDIRECT SEARCH intent is what I create my blogs around - and this is people typing in how to price my photography, how to create a photography business plan, how to set up my LinkedIn photographers profile.

These are all people who potentially could be my clients, but they're not yet searching for photography, mentor, or photography marketing.

In your own business as a photographer, this might be a bride searching for country wedding venues in Wales - or it could be a mother searching for best outfits for a children's portrait session.

These are people thinking about a shoot, but they're not yet directly searching for a photographer.

So start answering their questions now - getting on their side, creating valuable content - then you can build relationships, and ultimately they'll come to you when they're ready for that purchase.

Start thinking about your website as a two pronged approach.

Direct search intent on your homepage, indirect search intent on your blog.

If you do this, you'll get more traffic and you'll also get more results. You'll build a strong email list and you'll build better relationships.

All our photography websites come with a built in blog allowing you to utilise both forms of search intent effectively on your website.


Do You Want to Sell MORE from Your Website?? 🖥

Is Your Photography Website Only Telling HALF the STORY??

As photographers its all to easy to get focused on selling our photography, but our photography sessions are only a tiny part of the customers journey.

If you want to create more desire and excitement for what you do you need to communicate and sell the FULL BENEFITS that your photography brings.

Most big brands do this on their websites and in their advertising.

Go to any car or motorbike website and you'll see lots of photographs of families unpacking their cars for a day out with the kids, or a small group of motorcyclists enjoying a run out together in the countryside.

Brands spend a lot of time marketing the end results, because the product itself is just the first step.

A car is just a car, but then think of all the places your new car can take you in comfort and in style. The pleasure of the journey and the joy of driving your new vehicle as you pull up to a log cabin in the woods.

Its the same for us as photographers, we need to sell the joy, the emotion and the benefits our photography brings to the client AFTER the shoot is over.

If you're a portrait photographer and you only sell your session on your homepage, you're making the whole process of selling wall art and products harder.

From the moment someone lands on your homepage you need to communicate the end results. Show the wall art on your homepage, show people how amazing their homes would look with beautiful framed family portraits filling their walls.

Talk about the benefits wall art can bring. How it can turn your house into a home, bring a smile to your face even on the most miserable of days, make your children feel valued and loved, and create the wow factor for any visitors stepping into your home.

Remember people don't buy photographs they buy the benefits those photographs bring.

That can be an emotional benefit like of portraits, pets, bo***ir, weddings or in the case of headshots, branding, product, or commercial photography the benefit is a solution to a problem.

In this case you sell the brand visibility, the increased engagement, the higher product sales and lower returns due to true to life images, creating the perfect first impression, looking professional and welcoming to your followers and telling your brands story by standing out in the newsfeeds.

In this screenshot below which is taken from a recent website we designed for a US based pet photographer, the photographer is selling her pet photography wall art right there on her homepage within a couple of seconds of any potential client scrolling down her page.

She's creating desire for the end result and already getting her visitors thinking about owing a beautiful wall art and imaging it in their homes.

This is powerful, this is what big brands do, it works for them and it can work for you too.

Creating Helpful, Reliable, People-First Content | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers 06/07/2023

Your website shouldn't just be a gallery of pretty pictures, it needs to be both informative and drive your visitors to take action on your homepage, even more so now following Google's Helpful Content Algorithm Update last year.

Google themselves have admitted that keyword stuffed SEO will be penalised in the rankings going forward. Their focus is on helpful content written for people, NOT written for bots and search engines.

I urge you to checkout what Google is now looking for in regards to website content, you can see their guidelines in the link below.

This is also what most potential clients are looking for, so when you create content that fits with Google you're also helping your website visitors on a journey to becoming your next customer too.

At The Photographers Suite we help photographers to write their website content in a way that not only appeals to your visitors and creates desire, but also ticks the box for Google search.

You'll craft your content inside our Content Configurator, which give examples of how text should be written, top tips for creating eye catching headlines and subheadings and the importance of a repeated "Call to Action".

If you'd like to know more simply drop us a message and we'll send you a copy of our latest brochure.

Creating Helpful, Reliable, People-First Content | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers Google's ranking systems are designed to present helpful, reliable information that's created to benefit people. Learn how to evaluate your own content with the self-assessment questions.


Why EVERY PHOTOGRAPHER’S Website MUST Have a Purpose!!

Yesterday we launched another fantastic website for pet photographer Darren Wilkinson of “Dogs of the North” in Sunderland, England.

This awesome pet photography website is a perfect example of a site that has a purpose.

Firstly, as is the case with every website, your brand and your message must connect with your ideal client type, and Darren’s site does this perfectly. His branding is on-point and creates that premium feel, his colours also match with the outdoorsy nature of his photography niche.

Secondly and just as importantly this website has a purpose, in fact it has two purposes!!

The main purpose is to encourage visitors to book in for a free 30-minute pre-shoot consultation call. Darren wants to speak with interested prospects prior to booking a shoot, so he can find out exactly what they need and tailor their portrait experience perfectly for them.

Now not everyone is ready to book a consultation, but here we have this covered by offering visitors the choice of downloading a full colour information packed brochure. This brochure is aimed at creating excitement and desire for Darren’s services then encouraging the reader to take the next step.

Both of the actions, booking a call and downloading a brochure, add visitors to an email marketing list. This means they can be remarketed later and kept update with special VIP offers, blog top tips and helpful pet related advice.

An effective website is a website that gets your visitors to take action, prompts them to contact you and also collects interested prospects email addresses. If your website isn’t pushing people to take action or helping you build a marketing email list then its not an effective website, its simply a gallery of pretty pictures.

If you’d like to find out how we can help you create the perfect lead generating photography website for as little as £599 bespoke design and build, then just £25 per month hosting, maintenance and back-up, simply drop us a message or comment below.

S14E10 | Turn your website into a high-ranking, conversion machine with Jeff Brown — The Pet Photographers Club 04/07/2023

Turn Your Photography Website into a High Ranking, Sales Conversion Machine 🤩💰

Whether you're a pet photographer or not, you'll find this recent podcast I guested on packed with valuable website growing content that will help you rank higher in Google searches and convert more of your homepage visitors into paying customers.

The majority of photographers have poor sales converting websites, with very low value content in the eyes of Google's recent algorithm updates.

In this interview I deep dive into some of the key changes you can easily make to your website homepage. Changes that will help boost your search engine rankings and make your services sound way more attractive to your visitors.

💻 You don't get much time to get your message across to potential clients, the average person will leave a website in under 10 seconds if it doesn't connect with them and spark their interest.

Everything in the podcast can be easily adapted for any niche of photography, from weddings to commercial, bo***ir to personal branding.

It's all about thinking beyond the photographs themselves and understanding the people are not only attracted to great branding they also buy the benefits your service offers not just the images alone.

If you want to find out more check out the interview link below.

👉 My best selling book "Help!! My Photography Website Needs MORE Customers" is a simple step by step guide to website optimisation and creating a premium photography brand.

Available on Amazon in hardback, paperback and Kindle edition, just search for the title and join the 1000s of photographers giving their websites a much needed overhaul.

S14E10 | Turn your website into a high-ranking, conversion machine with Jeff Brown — The Pet Photographers Club Jeff Brown started his photography career in the defence force which gave him many opportunities. One of which was photographing the queen which of course he used as part of his branding message on his website when he ran his own studio. Today he spends his time helping other photographers grow thei


Does Your Photography Website Connect & Communicate with Visitors?

Your photography website shouldn't just be a portfolio of images, it needs to connect with your customer from the second they land on your homepage.

Your customers are consumers NOT photographers, so you need to communicate the benefits your photography brings, creating desire for what you do and driving the visitor to take action.

Google loves websites that are helpful, informative and answer a buyer's questions, and so does your visitors because the chances are they may not understand the process to hiring a professional photographer.

It's also very important that your website creates the right first impression, brand is what builds a high perceived value in your services. If you don't look and feel premium then you'll struggle to charge a premium to your clients.

All The Photographers Suite website designs are built to create an outstanding first impression with your visitors and push them to take action and make that enquiry directly from the homepage.


Are You Using the WRONG Type of Customer Testimonials? 🤔
Changing your Testimonials can lead to MORE BOOKINGS.....

Tailor your website testimonials so that you can help clients overcome their buying fears, and connect with them more effectively - this will lead to more bookings, more purchases, and more inquiries.

When anybody is looking to buy a product or service, there's always something they're looking for or something that's holding them back.

The solution to this is to ask a past client to address that fear - this may be a part of your product or service that they found really helpful - then that will also help future clients understand the power of what you offer.


A testimonial that says "great photography service" really doesn't say anything at all.

But if you're a wedding photographer, and you know that many brides or couples you photograph are nervous about having their photograph taken, then ask a past client to talk about how you really put them at ease on their wedding day.

Talking about the problem will help to connect and sell your services to other couples because it addresses the fears that those couples have as well.

So think about what it is your clients want, what holds them back, and what are they looking for - and then ask your past clients to give you testimonials that relate to that.


You may have had a couple who came in for a portrait session but were worried about their children kicking off.

However, they absolutely love their wall art - it's a true reflection of their family and shows the fun and happiness they had together during that photo shoot.

Ask for that as a testimonial.

They can then talk about how they were initially a little bit apprehensive about bringing their two small children into the studio in case they wouldn't settle - but the photographer was fantastic - he took the time to interact and play with the children - we got some great photographs that truly represent our family's unique personality - the beautiful wall art is on display in our living room and is a constant reminder of that happy day.

Can you see how that testimonial has answered so many questions potential clients may have?


Ask clients what they felt was good about your service, what fears they overcame, and how they really enjoyed the products and services that you offer.


Use these testimonials on the HOMEPAGE of your website.

Don't put them on a Testimonials page, put them on the homepage where everybody can see them. Are your testimonials overcoming fears and selling your benefits effectively?

All our Scroll to a Sale Photography Websites include multiple testimonials and call to actions buttons throughout your homepage to really help sell the benefits of your service and drive a visitor to take action.


How to improve your photography website results and build a premium looking photography brand...

Last week I guested on an Austin, Texas based podcast for Food Photographers worldwide called "The Savory Shot Podcast".

I had a fantastic conversation with the show host Mica, who is a keen foodie and photographer herself, and also a big fan of LinkedIn too, so we had a lot to talk about.

In this interview we cover a ton of great content including...
📸The power of audiobooks for learning on the move
📸Marketing yourself as a Photographer
📸Understanding your own niche offering
📸How to stand out in an oversaturated market
📸What makes a great photography website
📸The use of call to actions on your website
📸Common mistakes photographers make on their websites
📸Why your brand and brand message matters

And lots more, you can listen to my guest interview on Mica's show at the link below, hope you find it useful...


FIVE Things that Make an AWESOME Photography Website..... 📢

Photography websites have changed, and so have website visitors too, they hunger for information.

Portfolio style websites simply don't produce results because they fail to give your visitors the essential information they need and they fail to drive a visitor to take action.

🖥 For any website to be a SUCCESS it MUST produce enquiries. You need to be driving your visitors to take action right there on the home page.

Last week The Photographers Suite created another awesome batch of "Scroll to a Sale Websites" for 6 photographers around the world, in this video you'll see 5 elements your website should include if you want to generate MORE enquiries.

📷 1. A repeated Call to Action, this should be a button that allows visitors to book a session or schedule a call with you, repeated throughout the homepage.

📷 2. Testimonials - nothing builds trust better than real life testimonials, but DONT hide them away on a separate page, spread them out across your homepage.

📷 3. Sell the benefits of what you do. Don't talk about yourself, talk about the benefits your photography brings to your clients. Make your website all about them, speak their language and tell them what they want to hear.

📷 4. Qualify visitors with a Price. The most important piece of information you can give a visitor is a "Starting Price". This will help get rid of the freebie hunters, and mean you only receive enquiries from qualified leads. When you visit a website how frustrated do you get when you cant find a "Starting Price"?

📷 5. A Blog - Blogs are a great way to drive 1000's of visitors to your website for FREE by answering their buying questions.

If you'd like to find out more about our Scroll to a Sale Websites simply drop us a message and we'll send you a brochure.

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Videos (show all)

Why you need a "Call to Action" style Photography Website..... 🖥Here's a great example of what I call a Scroll to a Sale...
Why EVERY PHOTOGRAPHER’S Website MUST Have a Purpose!!Yesterday we launched another fantastic website for pet photograph...
Does Your Photography Website Connect & Communicate with Visitors?Your photography website shouldn't just be a portfolio...
FIVE Things that Make an AWESOME Photography Website..... 📢Photography websites have changed, and so have website visito...
Your Photography Website MUST Get Visitors to Take ACTION....Google loves websites with high-value content and so do you...
We've been a little bit quiet on our socials over the past few weeks, but in the background we've been creating some awe...
Another amazing "Scroll to a Sale" pet photographers website we are about to launch here at The Photographers' Suite. Sl...
Does your Photography Website create a premium first impression? Your website needs to firstly make a big impact on your...
How to Create a Website that Attracts Customers!!Your website not only needs to look visually stunning and have a premiu...
Your Photography Website is your shop window to the world, it's got to make an impact and create the right first impress...
Why You Should Have a SCROLL TO A SALE, Photography Website!Consumer online behaviour has changed so much over the years...
Another awesome website goes live from The Photographers Suite.A beautiful Scroll to a Sale design for pet photography s...



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