Gill Gough Therapy

Gill Gough Therapy

Gill Gough provides treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and Fibromyalgia but also helps sufferers of IBS and many other illnesses.


" Gill will say that she’s just done her job, but she not only gave me back my life, she gave my children back their mum and my husband back his wife, and so she’s made all our lives better. There’s no way I can ever thank her enough. If you’re wondering whether or not it’s for you, I’d urge you to contact Gill, because I’m convinced it’s the best move I ever made. "


" Thank you again so much for all your help. If someone told me I would be where I am today at my first session I wouldn't have believed them, occasionally when I stop and think about how far I've come in so little time it amazes me. "

Gill Gough, Mickel Therapist, effective treatment for ME, CFS, FMA and IBS Gill Gough Accredited in Mickel Therapy with clinics in Norwich and Great Yarmouth. Mickel Therapy is an innovative new treatment Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and Fibromyalgia but also helps sufferers of IBS and many other illnesses.

