Sylvie Dakini

Sylvie Dakini


Il workshop di Sylvie Dakini è rivolto a tutte noi donne che vogliamo conoscerci nella nostra pura essenza e portare alla luce quella parte di femminilità che a volte reprimiamo o non sappiamo come esprimere e aumentare quindi la fiducia in sè e nelle nostre capacità.

Insieme a lei impareremo come esprimere la naturale sensualità che ognuna ha dentro di sé, diventando così più spontaenee, soddisfatte, aperte e coraggiose nei confronti della vita.

Non importa quanti anni abbiamo o quanta esperienza abbiamo con il mondo della danza, ciò che conta è voler esplorare l'universo della bellezza attraverso

Scopri l'evento sul nostro sito (link in bio) e sulla nostra pagina FB : Tripura Sundari |Yoga e Ta**ra Bologna.

Se ti servono maggiori informazioni scrivi in DM, alla nostra mail [email protected] o scrivici al numero 3517607231

Non vediamo l'ora di ballare con te Sylvie Dakini e far sbocciare tutta la nostra sensualità ♡

Le iscrizioni sono aperte, contattaci per maggiori info!
Natarajasana ( #नटराजासन) sau Postura Dansatorului Celest
Este foarte indicată pentru femeile care dansează, generând un simţ dezvoltat al mişcării şi al echilibrului.
Este o postură derivată din dansul clasic indian Bharatnatyam, reprezentată de statuile din Templul lui Nataraj, în Chidambaram.
Realizând această postură sesizăm stare de bunăstare lăuntrică, bucurie, armonie, expansivitate la nivelul plexului solar, echilibru interior.
Sinonime: Utthita Ardha Dhanurasana
Aida Călin. (2019). Yoga pentru femeile care aspiră să fie sănătoase, armonioase, inteligente și fericite (a 3-a ediţie). Bucureşti, Editura Venusiana.

In imagine: Sylvie Dakini
cu Sylvie Dakini

💞Îți propun o călătorie prin 7 tărâmuri interioare magice. O călătorie care te va aduce mai aproape de tine însăți, pas cu pas, ajutându-te să accesezi și să fructifici acel potențial extraordinar pe care îl ai.

🌈Chakra Flow Dance este un dans nou și inedit în care vom aborda pe rând fiecare chakra, descoperind la fiecare nivel calități esențiale care te vor face să înflorești ca FEMEIE.

💢Ne vom folosi de mai multe stiluri de dans pentru a activa într-un mod specific și armonios fiecare dintre aceste nivele, aceasta conducând la o curgere firească și plăcută a energiilor în întreaga ta ființă
La festivalul altfel 𝐂𝐄 𝐕𝐑𝐄𝐀 𝐄𝐀 𝐃𝐄 𝐋𝐀 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄❓, 23-24 ianuarie, o veți cunoaște, de asemenea, și pe Sylvie Dakini, care m-a rugat să vă trimit un mesaj video din partea ei.

Înscrie-te la festival! Mai sunt doar câteva zile!
Atenție! Acest eveniment se adresează doar bărbaților!
💫Modulul de Twerk de 7 sedinte cu Sylvie Dakini incepe pe 3 nov., de la ora 21:00.
Rezervari la 📲0720.328.125 (L - V - 🕛 12 - 18)
📧[email protected]
Are you ready? 🙌
Detalii in link-ul de mai jos.
Multumim tuturor care ati participat azi la workshop-ul de Twerk! 🙏🙏🙏
Si multumim Sylvie Dakini pentru vizita! ❤ Te asteptam cu drag si nerabdare data viitoare cand mai vii in tara!
It was an awesome day today! 🎉🎉🎉😘
A fost super fun week-end-ul acesta la modulul de Twerk cu Sylvie Dakini
🔜La cererea voastra va mai fi un workshop de Twerk pe 13 sept., intre orele 16:30 - 18:30.

✔Tarif - 110 Lei
✔100 lei pentru cele care ati participat pe 4 sau 5 sept. 2020.

📲Inscrieri 0720.328.125 (L - V - 🕛 12 - 18)
Be bootylicious!♾
I love the rain dance if Sylvie ! . Absolutely mesmerising wet sensuality . The music tempo . Movements were perfect but very short video .
💃Sylvie Dakini va ofera un show live pe Instagram, pe contul ei, cu un dans indian (duminica 31 mai, la ora 19.30) pentru a sustine campania noastra de fundraising, de pe
Suntem intr-un impas in acest moment si avem nevoie de sprijinul vostru, pentru ca scoala noastra de dans sa isi continue activitatea.
Orice donatie sau share conteaza!

💃Sylvie este pasionata de mai multe genuri de dans, insa dansul indian are un loc aparte în inima ei. Stilul ei este o imbinare de Bollywood cu traditional.
O puteti vedea dansand live pe Instagram pe contul ei (), de data aceasta nu pe scena, ci acasa, pentru a ajuta scoala ei de dans preferata: EEDS.
Va asteptam cu drag, duminica aceasta (31 mai) de la 19:30!
EEDS a fost afectata de aceasta tranzitie la varianta online si pentru a continua impreuna calatoria in lumea fascinanta a dansului, apelam la sustinerea voastra.
✨Am creat o campanie pe unde puteti dona (miminul este 2 EUR). Targetul nostru care ne va ajuta sa ajungem pe linia de plutire este de 2000 EUR.
✨Orice suma este binevenita, sau un simplu share al linkului ⬇️
Ely Denysse Cristina Teodora Carmen Camy Iliescu si Sylvie Dakini va vor oferi in aceasta perioada, cateva surprize cadou pentru voi!
Stay tuned!
Multumim din suflet si speram sa ne revedem cu bine, in curand la sala! ❤️🙏
Good morning Sylvie... :)

Sylvie Dakini, with more than 12 years of professional dancing experience, offers shows, workshops,


I invite all women here to this free webinar, so we can rememeber together how magical we truly are. 🥰

Join me on 11th of October, between 18:00-19:00 CET.

All info and sign-up:


Do you know that feeling when every event in your life comes into place as if arranged by a mysterious force? Or when, with your simple presence or a single phrase, you spring light in the hearts of the people around you, even without knowing? These can be some of the effects of Godly Feminine Magic.

I’m Sylvie and I am looking forward to meet you and share with you some valuable insights on this topic, which is so dear to me. Experiencing this in my own life has helped me overpass many obstacles in my process of growth and truly enjoy the Game of Life.

We will learn some keys for activating a state of natural flow, which is essential for us women. We will also look into tools for enlivening our specific magnetism and amplifying our power of impact. These qualities are not an excuse for seduction, as we might think at first, but conditions for our inner light to shine through.

We will also make a short exercise of becoming aware of our feminine magic. The good news is that it we have it already in us. We just need to know where to look and how to set it free.

If all these speak to your heart, sign-up now to this webinar which will take place on Wednesday, 11th of October, between 18:00-19:00 CEST.

All info and sign-up:



Be it so that in this magical day you feel in your entire being the Spiritual Impetus and Godly Beauty that springs from Bala Tripura Sundari.


Entering Leo sign today - calling for courage, royalty, generosity, greatness.

Did you know the word courage comes derives from 'cor' - meaning HEART?


Bathed in Blue.
Blue is the color of intuition, high inspiration, spiritual perspective and inner peace. In healing processes, blue is used for cooling and calming, both the physical body as the consciousness. In the aura blue indicates serenity, contentment and spiritual development.
What does blue say to your heart?


In this video, I wanted to show another, more subtle side of pole dancing and of my feminine nature. A dynamic and sensual, yet gentle, delicate, sensitive, tender part.
What do you see?

I owe the creation of this video to the extremely talented Cristian Hallivuori, who also found this beautiful studio in Helsinki. Thank you again for your patience, the efforts and the heart that you put in this.
Studio: Studio Loiste

Music credits:
Music from (free for Creators!):
License code: 4M6BH9WQB8O8RYKI


May the light of the Summer Solstice bring more clarity in our consciousnness. ✨

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 21/06/2023

"YOGA is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." — The Bhagavad Gita

The love of my life that opened the gates to true fulfillment and meaning. Nothing of what I am now would have been possible without it.

May you cherish in a profound way this science of union with God.

Happy International Yoga Day!


Entering the unknown...equipped with flowers and high heels. 😊


Follow the light and reach for your highest goal - Here and Now!

Photo credit:


...and the gratitude for his overwhelming answer. 🙏🏻❣

**raschool **rafinland **rafestival ***icsensualdance


The joy of offering yourself to God...

**raschool **rafinland **rafestival ***icsensualdance


I am excited to visit again Helsinki to hold the workshop
Dance Like Making Love - Sensual Dance during the Ta**ra Festival - Discover Sacred Eros this following weekend 18-19 November. 🤩 Join me there. 🤗

For more details check: .ja.ta**rakoulu.natha

**raschool ***icsensualdance **ra **rafestival **rakoulunatha


Once there came to the court of the Prince of Birkasha a dancer with her musicians. And she was admitted to the court, and she danced before the prince to the music the lute and the flute and the zither.

She danced the dance of flames, and the dance of swords and spears; she danced the dance of stars and the dance of space. And then she danced the dance of flowers in the wind.

After this she stood before the throne of the prince and bowed her body before him. And the prince bade her to come nearer, and he said unto her, “Beautiful woman, daughter of grace and delight, whence comes your art? And how is it that you command all the elements in your rhythms and your rhymes?”

And the dancer bowed again before the prince, and she answered, “Mighty and gracious Majesty, I know not the answer to your questionings. Only this I know: The philosopher’s soul dwells in his head, the poet’s soul is in the heart; the singer’s soul lingers about his throat, but the soul of the dancer abides in all her body.”
Khalil Gibran - The Dancer

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 02/10/2022

"The dancer of the future will be one whose body and soul have grown so harmoniously together that the natural language of that soul will have become the movement of the body." Isadora Duncan

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 01/10/2022

Enjoying myself while keeping a talk on Yoga & Health at in Oxford.

It's always beautiful to see new people at the Open Days.

Yoga is a system that offers us the tools to unite body, mind and spirit. The holistic view upon life gives us a great effectiveness in attaining a true state of health.

TRIBE | Serving Authentic Indian food (@tribe.oxford) • Instagram photos and videos 30/09/2022

I am looking forward to dancing next Saturday 8th October at the beautiful restaurant .oxford, after 7pm.

Book your table now! 🤩

TRIBE | Serving Authentic Indian food (@tribe.oxford) • Instagram photos and videos 302 Followers, 737 Following, 160 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from TRIBE | Serving Authentic Indian food (.oxford)


Only 2 weeks to go until this Ta**ra Festival in London with special guest ArtExtasia - my greatest inspiration of ta***ic art. 😍
It's an opportunity you cannot miss!❤

More details on Ta**rafestivaluk.


License to Kill the EGO! The power of fascination in action.
James Bond themed show for a charity event.

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 23/09/2022

I will be dancing again at the Mind Body Spirit Fair in Oxford this Saturday (24th) at Jurys Inn Hotel and Conference Venue. Any opportunity to dance is fulfilling for me and I get the chance to always learn something new and meet interesting people.

See you there!

Thank you for the pictures from the last shows, !

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 22/09/2022

Long time no see... About Last Summer. Adventures full of beauty and lessons. Spiritual practice, work, relaxation, study.

Pictures from wild beaches in Bulgaria, voluptuous Italy, sweet Romania.

Now it's time for the Equinox reset. It's time for spiritual harvest. Are you ready?

Photos from Visions From The Bards's post 20/08/2022

My brilliant best friend and her beloved...I cannot thank her enough for the inspiration she is in my life! ❣🔥
Shine bright, my dear! You have so much to offer to this world!

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 15/08/2022

My hometown is always full of surprises. ❤ I am very grateful for the beauty and the warmth of the heart with which she embraces me. ❤ Bucovina.


Back to Romania for this month. 🥰

I will be holding 3 twerking workshops and a few 1 to 1 dance sessions. Of course, I will also have holiday and visit my beautiful hometown, Suceava. ❤



This weekend I will be part of this retreat near Genova organised by as a teacher. I can't wait to explore the joy of life in the nature.


Why twerk?
How does it go with all the other styles I do and teach?

In August, I will be holding a 3 workshops of twerking in Bucharest, in collaboration with Ecstatic Expansion Dance School. (4th, 11th, 18th, between 19-21)

For those of you who never tried or don't know much about it, here is why I do it.
First of all, I started twerking classes after holding lots of dance events for women where I noticed (especially because they noticed) that many of them couldn't feel and move freely their pelvis, something that was felt like a blockage or a tension in that area and in their whole being in general.

So, by focusing more in this area I realised how liberating it can become, how many inhibitions are eliminated and tensions are released. For me, it is also an instrument to get in touch with the energy of the Earth. It brings aliveness and connection with the energy of life, of eros and it helps us become more playfull and spontaneous. I personally use twerking movement when I want to express intensity, ardour and joy.

Twerking is worth learning and used because:
- It has tonifying effects on the area of buttocks, and thighs, also amplifying the flexibility of the back, hips and the whole pelvis in general
- By having control on different parts of our body, being able to isolate one or another, we can have better control on our own experiences
- After you mastered a few movements, you can enjoy a certain effervescence that is brought to surface from the release of tensions. ---> We, women, tend to accumulate a lot of tensions and stress in the are of the buttocks
- It brings a boost of confidence and of magnetism
- It helps us overpass rigidity (of the mind as well), inhibitions, apathy.
- Of course, it can be very fun as well ;-)

Speaking also with different therapists confirmed that it is actually important and a necessity for women to do any form of sensual dancing, because of the way their bodies are structured (especially the hip line) and also for stress-relief. Here we can mention a few examples: belly dance, tribal dance, burlesque, twerking, exotic pole, strip plastic etc.

I hope to see you in August at the twerking workshops in Bucharest. 🤗


What can you do in a UK summer rainy day with a man that you have just met one day before in the uplifting Summer camp organised by Tara: Yoga ⅼ Ta**ra ⅼ Spirituality ? 🥰

Dance on one of my favourite songs from The Motans .

Thank you, Ion Jernovoi for your spontaneity and playfulness!

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 20/06/2022

Preparing for the Solstice that will reach a peak tomorrow morning. The energies of the Sun, of Fire, of Yang will shine bright, offering us the opportunity to reach and to bring to surface, or in better words to bring to LIGHT our greatest potentials. We can benefit from this impulse, becoming more courageous and free of our limitations. Let's make the most of it!
This year I will be celebrating with my dear friends, for the first time, at Stonehenge. 😍


Playing around with my new fire fans... 🔥💖😊


Beautiful weekend coming up!
🥰 Saturday 4th of June - between 2.30pm-4.30pm - FREE Workshop - Transfiguration. Seeing with the Heart at Tara Yoga Centre Oxford
🥰 Sunday 5th of June - between 12.30pm - 4.30pm - 3 dance performances at Cheltenham Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show

Hope to see you there!

Photo credit:


You can help yourself in self-transfiguration also through jewellery and make-up. By connecting to archetypical shapes, colours, gestures and attitudes you help awaken in you the Goddess. It's not about hiding behind all of that, but about revealing a deep authentic side of yourself that can be extremely complex and nuanced.

Still time to sign-up to join me for the free workshop about Transfiguration this Saturday, between 2.30-4.30 at Tara Yoga Centre.

Make-up and photo:


Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 29/05/2022

So excited for the upcoming dance shows next Sunday at the Cheltenham Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show. Indian fusion, Epic sensual dance...
Lots of interesting things you can explore at this fair a whole afternoon.
My performances will be between:
🥰 12.40-12.50
🥰 1.40-1.50
🥰 3.40-4.10

More info here:

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 28/05/2022

Photo shoots are so fun! Yes, sometimes I return home with some bruises and scratches, but they are worth it. ☺️

Thank you very much again to all the photgraphers I have worked with and that supported me so beautifully in creating many beautiful images that are an expression of my heart!



Flying is really about allowing your consciousness to set free outside the limitations of your body and mind. It is about knowing reality with the heart.

Seeing with the Heart. Transfiguration - Free workshop on 4th of June, 2.30-4.30pm at Tara Yoga Centre.

photo credit: Godliman


Yuhuuu!!🤩 On the 5th of June I have the pleasure to perform at beautiful Cheltenham Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Show. I invite you all (who live nearby) to enjoy a wonderful Sunday afternoon:

From the presentation of the show:
We're back at the Pittville Pump Room for our first show of the year
* Over fifty fantastic exhibitors: one on one readings, holistic therapists, retailers selling crystals, jewellery, arts and crafts, other spiritual and holistic goods
*Over 30 talks/workshops on spiritual and holistic issues, self- help and healthy living, movement, demonstration of mediumship
* Special guests: Lee Petulengro TV fortune teller, authors Amanda Hart and Denise Whichello, Laughter Yoga Guru, Joe H***e, Musician Cloudsong and dancer Sylvie Dakini.
* Fantastic regency building set in a beautiful park


See the potential of growth in everything. Follow that spark and let your heart be set on fire.

Photo credit: Darrell Godliman

Photos from Sylvie Dakini's post 20/05/2022

When you are full of transfiguration life smiles to you with generosity. To manifest this uplifting view upon life is an important notion on any spiritual path and in any system of true self-development.

Join me in the free workshop about Transfiguration on the 4th of June between 2.30-4.30pm at Tara Yoga Centre in Oxford.

Follow the link to sign-up:

Photo credit: Darrell Godliman


Back from a very regenerating holiday with fresh powers to continue doing what I love. I just needed to follow the call of nature, so I can reconnect to her inspiration, authenticity, generosity and so many other qualities...Time with myself, time to contemplate, time to just be. Nature is so generous with us!


About last night...🤫 In the after party of the Bridgerton Ball, my first immersive theatre experience made by
It was so beautiful to see so many women (especially) dressed up in exquisite gowns, feeling lovely, feminine and very fascinating. The whole experience required a lot of spontaneity and playfulness from us.

Life is a Game of Hide and Seek...❤️


🥳🤩😍Yeeey! I finally have it. My website is ready to be explored.

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Videos (show all)

What can you do in a UK summer rainy day with a man that you have just met one day before in the uplifting Summer camp o...
Playing around with my new fire fans... 🔥💖😊#sylviedakini #lovetodance #DanceYourHeart #wellbeingshow #cheltenham #mindbo...
Happy Women's Day, dear Wonders of Creation! ❣🌹A glimpse of the dance I made last night în the Tantric Sensual Dance Wor...
Let's let our charm and beauty come to surface through movement... a few opportunities are coming for that:- Tantric Sen...
The sensual flow is part of our feminine nature...Join us at the workshop Tantric Sensual Dance in Stockholm on the 7th ...
Improvising on Indian fusion dance and purely enjoying everything. 🥰#delhish #indianvibes #veganrestaurant #livedancesho...
Launch yourself courageously into the arms of God and there you will find the real happinnes...Then offer everything tha...
It's so beautiful when women dance together...😍Do you want that also? Please DM me to discuss different possibilities of...
Natacha Atlas - GafsaOne of my favourite oriental songs...there is something in it that touches my soul deeply...#sylvie...
A part of the spontaneous belly dance show I did at the Body Mind Spirit Fair in the last Saturday in Cowley area, Oxfor...
Birthday show - Part 2Music: Shaheen Fahmy - You Are Not Alone Anymore#epicmusic #dance2022 #sylviedakini #flyhigh2022 #...
Sensual playful improvisation




Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 10pm
Tuesday 9am - 10pm
Wednesday 9am - 10pm
Thursday 9am - 10pm
Friday 9am - 10pm
Saturday 9am - 10pm
Sunday 9am - 10pm

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